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本文(初中英语江苏省高邮市学年度第一学期第二阶段测试七年级英语试题含听力 人教版.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

初中英语江苏省高邮市学年度第一学期第二阶段测试七年级英语试题含听力 人教版.docx

1、初中英语江苏省高邮市学年度第一学期第二阶段测试七年级英语试题含听力 人教版2016-2017学年度第一学期第二阶段测试七年级英语试卷2016.12满分:140分考试时间:100分钟【提醒】请将答案填写在答题纸上一、听力部分(20)本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。( ) 1. Whats Lindas favourite sport?A B C( ) 2.What does the boy often do after school in spring?A B C( )

2、 3.What does Millie do at 7:30 today?A B C ( ) 4.How does the girls brother go to school? A B C ( ) 5.What time does her brother get up?A. At six. B. At seven. C. At eight.( ) 6. What does Millies mother do every day?A. Play computer games. B. Watch TV. C. Read books.( ) 7. How long does Sandy read

3、English every morning?A. For two hours. B. For an hour. C. For 30 minutes.( ) 8. Which subject does Simon like best?A. History. B. English. C. Chinese.( ) 9. When is the Open Day?A. 10th October. B. 11th October. C. 12th October.( ) 10. What does the man help the woman do?A. Clean the room. B. Clean

4、 the car. C. Wash the clothes.第二部分,听对话和短文回答问题:你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。( ) 11. Bob plays ping-pong with _ after school.A. Bill B. his classmates C. friends( ) 12. _ can play football. _ only watches volleyball on TV.A. Bill, Bob B

5、. Bob, Bill C. Bill, Bills classmate听一篇短文, 回答13-15题。KittyFrom 13 Agetwelve years oldHer favourite room 14 Her likes 15 and watching TV( ) 13. A. China B. America C. England( ) 14. A. bedroom B. living room C. dining room( ) 15. A. listening to music B. reading C. playing computer games 听下面一篇短文, 回答第1

6、6至20题,短文读两遍。( ) 16. When is Mothers Day?A. On the second Sunday of May. B. On the second Saturday of May.C. Always on May 12th.( ) 17. Who gets up earliest on Mothers Day?A. Mother. B. Father. C. The writer.( ) 18. What does the writer do on Mothers Day?A. He cooks breakfast for his mother. B. He do

7、es some cleaning for his mother.C. He wakes his mother up.( )19. What present(礼物) does the writer give his mother?A. A card with good wishes. B. A nice cooking book.C. A large bucket (束)of flowers.( ) 20. How does the writers mother feel on that day?A. Funny. B. Happy. C. Sad(伤心)二、 单项选择(从下列每题所给的选项中,

8、选择一个最佳答案。共15分,每题1分)在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。21. -Whose is _ red ball over there? - Its Cindys. She has _ red ball like this. A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the 22.-Would you like something to drink? -_,please. ASome oranges BAn apple CSome orange juice DAn apple pie23. Children should

9、nt watch TV. Atoo few Btoo much Cmore too Dtoo many24.-Hobo,what are you doing? -Im as a Monkey King Acelebrating Bdressing up C.1ooking Dexcited25. If you want to be healthier, you must eat _ fast food, I think. A.more B. much C.fewer D. less26.-Does Daniel _ after school ? -No, he doesnt.A. walk h

10、ome B. walk to home C. go to home on foot D. go home on feet27.-What does Mrs Li teach? -She is _ English teacher, and she teaches _ English very well. A. our , us B. us, us C. our, our D. us, our28. -Tony likes reading books. -But Betty enjoys _for things on the Internet Ato looking B1ook C1ooking

11、Dto look29. -_ is your mothers birthday?- Its on 1 August. A. Where B. When C. What D. Which30. Daniel is a very _ football player and he plays very _. A. good , good B. well, good C. good ,well D. well, well 31. -Its time -Im coming, mum. Afor breakfast B have breakfast Cfor I to have breakfast D f

12、or have breakfast32-_ do you watch TV every day? -For about half an hour. A. What time B. When C. How long D. How many33. Her birthday is _ July 6th. And my birthday is also _ that month.A. in; on B. in; at C. On; at D. on; in 34.-Is the door_now? Its so cold. -Sorry,I will keep the door_. Aopened;c

13、losed;close Copened;closed Dopen;closed35.- You look very cool today, Simon. -_A. Really? Thank you. B. Oh, I dont think so. C. No. I am not cool at all. D. The same to you. 三、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)阅读下面短文,从文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Do you often think of your parents? You may say, Of course

14、, I 36 . I 37 a gift(礼物) for my mother on Mothers Day and on Fathers Day I give my father 38 , too. But what about the other days of the year?In my family, my parents like 39 very much because my aunt and uncle come back from Beijing to see them. All the family members get together. They are very ha

15、ppy. In the evening, we eat moon cakes and watch the 40 .I have a friend. Her parents 41 in another city. One day, I go to see her, and we have a nice talk. Then she wants to 42 . So she dials(拨打) the number, but then she puts down the phone. 43 about 15 minutes, she dials the number again. Hi, Mom.

16、Later, I ask, Why do you dial the number 44 ? She smiles, My parents are old and 45 , so they cant get close to the telephone quickly. I always do so when I call them. I only want to give them 46 time to 47 the telephone.My friend is a good girl. She is always 48 about her parents. You also want to

17、be a 49 child, right? Please always remember to 50 your parents at any time, not just on some important days.36. A. will B. do C. wont D. dont 37. A. buy B. sell C. take D. do38. A. a cake B. a kiss C. some money D. a gift39. A. Halloween B. Chinese New Year C. Thanksgiving Day D. Mid-Autumn Festiva

18、l40. A. moon B. sun C.TV D. film41. A. live B. play C. travel D. eat42. A. make a call B. go fishing C. take a walk D. have a rest43. A. After B. When C. Before D. For44. A. a twice B. twice C. second D. the second45. A. slow B. fast C. healthy D. strong46. A. enough B. little C. any D. free47. A. m

19、ove(移动) B. bring C. take D. answer48. A. telling B. saying C. thinking D. waiting49. A. well B. clever C. bad D. good 50. A. call B. love C. want D. hear四、阅读理解阅读下列短文,选出最佳选项。(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)ALook at the two posters about Sunshine Theatre( 剧院 ) and Moonlight Theatre:Welcome to Sunshine Party!Time: 1

20、:30p.m.- 8:30p.m.,June 1st HappyPlace: Sunshine Theatre Childrens Activities: Singing, dancing, a magic(魔法) Dayshow and a fashion show Welcome to Moonlight Party!Happy Time: 2:30p.m.-10:30 p.m., June 1st Childrens Place: Moonlight Theatre Day Activities: 3 cartoon films and a fashion show ( ) 51.Bot

21、h the two theatres will celebrate _.A. Childrens Day B. Teachers Day C. Christmas Day D. Spring Festival( ) 52. In Sunshine Theatre, you cant _. A. watch a film B. watch a fashion show C. listen to music D. enjoy a magic show( ) 53. When does the celebration finish(结束) in Moonlight Theatre? A. 10:30

22、a.m. B. 10:30 p.m. C. 8:30p.m. D. 2:30p.m.BOctober 31st is HalloweenWhere does Halloween come from? The Celts think October 31st is the last day of their year and they think ghosts come back to Earth on this daySo people treat the ghosts and then lead(带领)them away by wearing strange costumesToday a

23、lot of people around the world celebrate this old festivalThey usually have parties, dress up and tell stories about ghostsChildren play games at Halloween partiesHere are some games for children:1.Ask your friends to bring a pumpkin lantern to the party. Give a present for the best one.2.Hide some

24、small pumpkins in the garden and play “Find the pumpkin”. 3.Get apples outPut lots of apples in the water and then try to get them out! But no hands ! 4.Tell ghost storiesSit around on the floor and share exciting ghost stories with yourfriends.54. What do children do at Halloween parties? A. They e

25、at a lot of apples. B. They tell stories about ghosts. C. They look for their friends. D.They play with ghosts.55.Which is RIGHT according to(根据) the passage? A. All people around the world like Halloween. B. October 31st is the 1ast day of a year. C. “Find the pumpkin” is one of the games for child

26、ren at Halloween parties. D. Children sit around on the floor and tell stories to ghosts. 56.What does the word“hide”mean in Chinese? A. 寻找 B. 选择 C. 种植 D.隐藏57. This passage is about_ A. when Halloween is and ghost stories B. when Halloween is and Halloween games C. where Halloween is from and ghost

27、storiesD. where Halloween is from and Halloween gamesCIt is winter. At seven oclock, the sun still doesnt go up. There is a frost(霜冻)and Fred is very cold. He wears very little.Fred rides his old bike along(沿着)Smith Street. He puts a newspaper on the path(小路)of each house. The last newspaper is for

28、old Mrs Grant. Because she is not healthy to come out for her newspaper, he has to take it to the door. But Mrs Grant has a dog. It always jumps out and bites (咬) him on the leg. Mrs Grant comes to the door. “Hello, Fred. I have something for you,” she says with a smile(微笑).“What is it?” Fred thinks

29、. “I make this just for you,” says Mrs Grant. “It will keep you warm. Try it on and see if (是否) it fits.”Mrs Grant gives a jumper (套头衫) to Fred. It is thick (厚) and warm, and it is black. Fred likes this colour very much! He puts the jumper on. “Thanks, Mrs Grant. It is great. See you tomorrow,” he

30、says, and rides home.58. How does Fred feel when he rides his bike along Smith Street? A. He feels very happy. B. He feels a little afraid. C. He feels very cold. D. He feels very hungry.59. From the story, we know . A. Fred is kind and helpful B. Mrs Grant doesnt know Fred C. Smith Street is a very long one D. Mrs Grant is too lazy to come out for her paper60. Before he g

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