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1、英语阅读与写作5模拟试题(一)Part 1 Translation (30%)Section ADirections: Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. (10%)1. Our youngest, a worldclass charmer, did little to develop his intellectual talents but always got by. Until Mrs. Stifter. 2. It is an expression of confidence by both teache

2、rs and parents that the students have the ability to learn the material presented to them.3. Many advertising campaigns from the 1930s through the 1950s extolled the healthy virtues of cigarettes.4. But it didnt take very long before they discovered that the most important thing was the ability to s

3、end mail around, which they had not anticipated at all.5. It is hard to escape the fact that in developed societies, despite progress, innovation and prosperity, there is something not quite right. Section BDirections: Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. (10%)1. 这些学生智力水平至少也算中等

4、,但最终都退学了,他们总结说自己太笨,学不下去了。2. 但是,我投入的时间和精力越多,万事就越和我过不去。3. 他还描述了这些公司在半个多世纪以来,一直合谋炮制假消息,同时混淆科学证据,散布这种论调。4. 比如说,人人都一致认为与家人共度更多时间是人们幸福的关键。5. 归根结底,全社会的幸福需要每个人都尽一份力。Section CDirections: Translate the following passage from English to Chinese. (5%) Many students I see at night could give expert testimony on

5、unemployment, chemical dependency, abusive relationships. In spite of these difficulties, they have decided to make education a priority. They are motivated by the desire for a better job or the need to hang on to the one theyve got. They have a healthy fear of failure.Section DDirections: Translate

6、 the following passage from Chinese to English. (5%) 如果我们承认遍及全球的因特网是本世纪后半叶最重要的技术创新之一的话,我们就必须赋予电子邮件人们通过网络相互联系的真实体现一席荣耀之地。人们互动的方式正在发生改变,而电子邮件既是改变的催化剂,又是改变的工具。Part 2 Reading Comprehension (20%)Section AFast reading (10%)Directions: Go over the passage quickly and answer the questions. Directions: Go ov

7、er the passage quickly and answer the questions. For questions 1-4, youre required to markY(for yes) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage.N(for no)if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage.NG(for NOT GIVEN)if the information is not given in the pa

8、ssage.For questions 5-10, youre required to complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. In February, I got engaged to a guy who I believe to be the most amazing man alive. I feel so lucky, and I am very much in love. I cannot wait to be married. Since I have been engaged, while

9、 I have gotten a lot of congratulatory wishes from friends, some older, more cynical people just wont let me be. I have heard the following comments, knocking me from my Im-getting-married-to-the-love-of-my-life pedestal: It will never last, You wont even make it to the altar, Marriage is so difficu

10、lt, Its so hard to make it work and my favorite, accompanied by an eye ro1l and a horribly sarcastic I tone, Good luck to you! I get lectures on the struggles that lie ahead, looks of sympathy, and speeches on how terrible my life will be in about 10 years when I wi11 apparently hate my husband. Can

11、t anyone just let me be happy? People love my fianc and no one has ever said that I am not ready. So why is this such a mistake? Why do some adults who have had bad experiences decide to kill my happiness with nasty remarks instead of just saying congratulations? Dont get me wrong, I have not allowe

12、d my happiness to overpower my common sense. I know all about the struggles of marriage. I know all about the heartache: that children can strain a marriage, that money issues can blow up, that a couple can lose their connection, that job stress can take a toll and that changing and growing older ca

13、n aid in the dissolution of what once was real love. I know its not always easy or fun, and that its not perfect forever. I saw this firsthand when my parents were divorced last year. I watched their once-perfect union fall apart amid unhappiness, pain, desperation, frustration, sadness and anger. M

14、arriage can be a beautiful journey, but it isnt for everyone. My mom and dad are much happier apart. I thought I wouldnt want to be married after living through that until I met the man of my dreams and he changed my mind. My fianc has incredible parents. They have been together since they were in h

15、igh school, more than 30 years, and they have five children, crazy work schedules, and the same issues as everyone else. But they are an exception because they are stil1 madly in love. Its a breath of fresh air to be with them. I see in them a love that is different and I think that I have that as w

16、ell. You never know where life will take you, but I think it is a dangerous assumption that a marriage can never work out, or that it isnt worth a try. It can last. My future in-laws are proof that a marriage can withstand the many potential catastrophes and last a lifetime. My relationship with my

17、fianc is not perfect, but it is fantastic. Being with him brings out a better and happier version of me. He makes me laugh harder than anyone else. We have a healthy and wonderful way of communicating. But most importantly, I love him without condition. And he loves me for who I am without judgment,

18、 without complaining about how messy I am or getting annoyed at how crazy and neurotic I can be. We always put each other first and always make time for each other no matter how busy our wor1d gets. He is as excited as I am to get married, and together we are confident in our compatibility and our a

19、bility to last forever. We have the example of his parents and mine, examples to learn from, what mistakes not to make, and how to create a stable foundation that will last beyond the present time. One day, I may look back with stale, wrinkled eyes and see a silly little girl who didnt know what she

20、 was talking about. One day my relationship may not be as wonderful as it is now. But I am not going to go into marriage waiting for everything to fall apart. Im not planning ahead for my divorce or imagining myself as a walking statistic. When I say I do, I am saying I promise to love forever, not

21、until this isnt perfect and I want out. I mean forever. When I was younger, I dreamed about getting married. I dressed up in my moms wedding dress and veil, put on ridiculous amounts of poorly-placed pink blush, carried a bouquet of fake flowers from the vase on the kitchen table and thought about h

22、ow wonderful it would be to do that for real. I know now that the dream I had of married life was a little too optimistic and hopeful to say the least. Now I have a gorgeous wedding dress of my own. Ill wear it proudly and say I do! and dance and eat cake that costs way too much money. I will enjoy

23、that one amazing day with all of my being. But I know that day will end, and once its over, Ill have to make plans for the future, and my husband and I will have to work hard to reach our mutual goals. And Ill try with everything I am to prove to everyone that we can make it work, to make the 6-year

24、-old version of me proud. So, for all of you divorced folk out there, or those of you unhappily married, or those who are just plain cynical, I am sorry that you arent crazy in love anymore. I am sorry if you never found someone who makes you catch your breath. But for now, let me have my fun, let m

25、e bask in the glory of ridiculous, consuming, delicious, beautiful, wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime love. You dont have to tell me what I already know. For now, just let me be happy.1. The author felt so lucky because she got engaged to a guy that she believed to be the most amazing man alive.【 】2. As

26、 the author got lectures on the struggles that lied ahead, looked of sympathy, and speeches on how terrible her life will be in about 10 years,so she loved her husband apparently 。【 】3. People like to kill happiness of others instead of congratulations.【 】4. The author has not allowed her happiness

27、to overpower her common sense.【 】5. She thought she wouldnt want to be married until _.6. The parents of authors fianc have the same issues as everyone else except _.7. Being with the man brings the author out _.8. When the author says I do, she means _, not until this isnt perfect and she wants out

28、. 9. The author will try with everything to prove to everyone that they can _.10. You dont have to tell the author what she already knows because _.Section BTask reading (10%)Directions: Read the article and fill out the following table (6 words at most for each blank). It made headlines several wee

29、ks ago: Researchers at Stanford Universitys SIQSS (Stanford Institute for the Quantitative Study of Society) conducted a national survey of Web users that led the researchers to the following conclusions:The more hours people use the Internet, the less time they spend with real human beings. . The I

30、nternet could be the ultimate isolating technology that reduces our participation in communities even more than television did. This is an early trend that, as a society, we really need to monitor carefully.The study was conducted at the end of last year and used information provided by 2,689 househ

31、olds that were enlisted by a random telephone survey and given a free Web TV and free Internet access. In an effort to fi1ter out contamination caused by the fact that the survey was itself Web-based, the final results were drawn only from among those participants who already had some form of Intern

32、et access at home or work prior to the survey.The study has all the normal trappings of objectivity and statistical validity, but to me, it appears the researchers interpretation of the results is rooted in a subt1e, but distinct anti-Web/anti-tech bias. This is especially disturbing in light of the wide play the survey got in the national media.Let me pick one glaring example: the

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