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1、希腊共产党纲领英文Programme of the KKEThe KKE was founded in 1918, as the mature product of the development of the labour movement in our country, and also under the impact of the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 in Russia. It is the conscious, organized, vanguard section of the working class and h

2、as as its strategic goal the overthrow of capitalism and the construction of socialism-communism.The many years of positive and negative experience of the international communist movement and the KKE have confirmed that the working class cannot fulfil its historic mission, unless it has its own robu

3、st, well-organized and theoretically equipped party, the communist party.The KKE is guided by the revolutionary worldview of Marxism-Leninism. It attempts to interpret the developments in a dialectical-materialist way, systematically following the new achievements in science and technology, to gener

4、alise the experience of the labour and peoples movement with the communist ideology as a foundation and with the need for the liberation of the working class from exploitation as its criterion. It fought against the reactionary theories, such as Greece being a poor relation, the inferiority of women

5、, the racist theories, nationalism and cosmopolitism of capital, obscurantism and intolerance. It struggles for a deeply humanist, scientifically substantiated peoples education. It has inspired radical intellectuals and artists with its ideology and struggles, it became a consistent and firm defend

6、er of the Greek peoples culture.From the time of its foundation, the KKE has been faithful to the principle of proletarian internationalism. It defended the socialist construction in the USSR, in the other countries of Europe, Asia and in Cuba. It participated in the Communist International. It expr

7、essed its solidarity with the struggles of the worlds working class, with the peoples who were fighting for their national liberation, for socialism. The KKE at critical and difficult periods in its struggle, received internationalist solidarity and support from the international communist and labou

8、r movement. It struggles for the regroupment of the International Communist Movement after the retreat and crisis it experienced and is still undergoing today, particularly after the victory of the counterrevolution in 1989-1991.From the time it was founded, KKE has stood by the youth of our country

9、. It has always concerned itself with their problems and their future. It continues to trust young generation and their abilities to contribute to the construction of the socialist future.Its entire historical course vindicates the need for its existence in Greek society. The KKE has never lost its

10、historical continuity. It fought against opportunism and liquidationism in its ranks and was able to draw conclusions from its 95 years of activity. It was able to maintain its revolutionary character in difficult conditions, while it never hesitated to recognize mistakes, deviations and to carry ou

11、t self-criticism openly in front of the people.The KKE over its 95-year history demonstrated a solid commitment to the fundamental principles of a revolutionary workers communist party: the recognition of the leading role of the working class in social development and of Marxist-Leninist ideology as

12、 revolutionary theory for revolutionary political activity. It never renounced the class struggle, the socialist revolution, the dictatorship of the proletariat.The KKE withstood the turbulence of the victory of counterrevolution in the Soviet Union and the other states of the socialist construction

13、 in Europe and Asia. This endurance is not accidental. It has been forged through historical blood ties with the working class and the poor farmers from the very first moment of its foundation.From 1918 onwards the KKE has given a political content to the workers struggles against the capitalist exp

14、loitation and paid the price with many deaths, tortures and persecutions. In the first decades of its existence, it faced state repression from every form of bourgeois power (parliamentary, dictatorial), persisting in organizing the working class with positive results for the peoples movement. It de

15、monstrated endurance in especially harsh conditions of illegality in various periods. It was at the forefront of the armed struggle against the occupation by the three powers (Germany, Italy and Bulgaria) through the Resistance of EAM-ELAS. On two occasions, in December of 1944 and in the three year

16、 struggle (1946-1949) of the Democratic Army of Greece (DSE), the labour movement, headed by the KKE, and the allied farmers movement came into armed conflict with the bourgeois power, which was supported by the direct imperialist military intervention of Great Britain initially and later the of USA

17、.Over its 95-year course it fought against the notion regarding the collaboration of the exploited with the exploiters, regarding the submission to the exploiters; it defended the gains of the working class and people.The deep historical roots of the KKE in the working class and people and its stabl

18、e dedication to the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism explain why in previous crises - especially in those of1968 and 1991- it managed to safeguard its continuity, despite the departure of a large section of its forces.The KKE has regrouped organizationally, ideologically and programmatical

19、ly over the entire new period in its history, based on the five intervening Congresses since the crisis of 1991. A product of this course is the present Programme which was adopted by the 19th Congress, which develops the overall strategy of the KKE for socialism and the basic duties of the class st

20、ruggle.The contemporary world and the position of Greece in the imperialist systemThe counterrevolutionary overthrows of the last 30 years do not change the character of our era. The current period of the major retreat of the international labour movement, is in historical terms a temporary one. We

21、live in the era of the necessity for the transition from capitalism to socialism, as the material pre-conditions are mature for the socialist organization of production and society. This flows from the maturation of the social character of labour and the sharpening of its contradiction with capitali

22、st ownership. This contradiction has brought the capitalist mode of production in full contradiction with contemporary social needs. The maturation of the material pre-conditions is not determined by the correlation of forces.The historical setback in the development of the class struggle is accompa

23、nied by the mass influx of cheap labour force into the international capitalist market (from Asia, Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe etc.), by the devaluation of labour power in the most advanced capitalist countries (OECD countries), as well as by the emergence of the generalized absolute desti

24、tution of the working class in these countries, by the intensification of capitals offensive at an international level.The tendency for important changes in the correlation of forces among the capitalist states became more apparent with the deep crisis of capital over-accumulation in 2008-2009 which

25、 in several capitalist economies has in reality not been overcome. This process occurs under the impact of the law of uneven capitalist development. This tendency concerns the higher levels of the imperialist pyramid as well.The USA remains the first economic power, but with a significant reduction

26、of its share in the Gross World Product. Until 2008, the Eurozone as a whole maintained the second position in the international capitalist market, a position which it lost after the crisis. China has already emerged as the second economic power, the BRICS alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China, Sou

27、th Africa) has been strengthened in the international capitalist unions, such as the IMF and the G20. The change in the correlation of forces among the capitalist states brings about changes in their alliances, as the inter-imperialist contradictions over the control and re-division of the territori

28、es and markets, zones of economic influence are sharpening, chiefly of the energy and natural resources, the transport routes of the commodities.The inter-imperialist contradictions, which in the past led to dozens of local, regional wars and to two World Wars, continue to lead to tough economic, po

29、litical and military confrontations, irrespective of the composition or recomposition, the changes in the structure and the framework of goals of the international imperialist unions, their so-called new architecture. In any case, war is the continuation of politics by other means, especially in the

30、 conditions of a deep crisis of capitals over-accumulation and important changes in the correlation of forces of the international imperialist system, in which the re-division of the markets rarely occurs without bloodshed.The periodical outbreak of the crises of over-accumulation tests the cohesion

31、 of the Eurozone, as a monetary union of the economies of member-states with deep unevenness in the development and structure of industrial production, in productivity as well as their position in the EU and international market.The tendency for the strengthening of the interdependence of the econom

32、ies of the states in the international imperialist system does not lead to a declineof the role of the bourgeois state, as many theoretical variations of globalization claim.In any case, the future of the EU and the Eurozone is not only determined by the imperialist plans, because the contradictions

33、 have their own dynamics. Whatever choice is made by the bourgeois management, it will come into conflict with the working class and peoples interests in all the member-states of the Eurozone.The crisis highlighted even more intensely the historical limits of the capitalist system. The contradictions are sharpening, as well a

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