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高一英语必修一导学案导学案 5 单元.docx

1、高一英语必修一导学案导学案 5 单元学习目标 1.深入理解课文,掌握课文中基础知识,培养快速阅读、整体理解的能力。2.自主学习,合作探究;根据每段大意总结,掌握文章篇章结构,达到对文章进行深层理解的目的。3.了解纳尔逊曼德拉的生平事迹,学习伟大人物的优秀品质,不断提高自身的品格修养;激情投入,体验学习的快乐。重点:每段大意总结 难点:长难句分析预习案使用说明和学法指导 1.在预习时,要把课文通读两遍,先(第一轮)通读教材,完成表层理解题,再(第二轮)勾画出文中的疑难点。2.完成时间30分钟。背景展现 Nelson Mandela and EliasNelson Mandelas biograp

2、hy is set out in the students book. Elias, who tells Nelson Mandelas story, had a life that was very common to many who helped nelson Mandela and fought for the cause. Everything that is mentioned in the story is true. The fact of Mandelas life and Elias life are accurate. Elias story is based on th

3、e life of a black man who supported the ANC and was sent to Robben Island and stayed there for 4 years. He then spent 20 years trying to get another job. He now takes his tourists round his former prison and he tells them how he suffered for his beliefs. After he left Robben Island he tried many tim

4、es to make a career for himself. Each time he successfully got a job, the secret police would tell his employers about his time in prison and he would lose the job. Eliass time in prison was also true. The political prisoners were allowed no privileges but prisoners that had not done illegal politic

5、al acts were allowed to study degree courses from South African universities. You can visit Robben Island, as it is now a museum and open to visitors. There are no prisoners there any more. 教材助读(二轮阅读)一 一轮阅读做题目学习建议:限时阅读,完成表层理解题。Read the passage and finish the following exercises.1. Decide whether the

6、 statements are True or False.(1) Elias met Nelson Mandela at school. ( )(2) Nelson Mandela was a black lawyer. ( )(3) Elias was unable to read or write because he was lazy. ( )(4) Elias was happy to blow up government buildings. ( )(5) Nelson Mandela believed that black people were being treated as

7、 well as white people in South Africa. ( )(6) Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people. ( )(7) The government were happy with Nelson Mandela and the ANC. ( )2. Please try to finish the time line of Elias life.1940:_1946:_1948:_1952:_1963:_二 二轮阅读找难点 学习建议:在文中找出下列单词、短语、重点句型及交

8、际用语,并进行填空和结合语境理解其含义。1. 单词 (1)lawyer n._ (2) guidance n. _ (3) legal adj. _ (4) fee n. _ (5) I became more _(有希望的) about my future. (6) stage n. _ (7) We chose to _ (袭击)the laws. (8) vote v. _ (9) violence n. _(10) equal adj. _2. 短语 (1) offer guidance to _ (2) 在方面很大方_ (3) be grateful for _ (4) begin

9、school_ (5) out of work _ (6) be hopeful about _ (7) the ANC Youth League_ (8) 触犯法律_ (9) as a matter of fact_ (10) blow up _ (11)被关进监狱_ (12) achieve ones dream of _3. 句型Happy to help because I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people equal.Equal作的成分是_探究案质疑探究探究点一:语篇探究1

10、.(1)Why did Elias visit Nelson Mandela?_(2) What did Mandela do to help black people?_2. (1) Why did Elias support Nelson Mandela?_ (2) What problems did the black people like Elias have at that time?_ (3) How did Elias support Mandela?_3. Please divide the passage into two parts and summarize the m

11、ain idea of each part.Part 1 (para.1-2) _Part 2 (para.3-5)_探究点二 重点句型与长难句1. The time when I first met nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life. The time 在句中是_;when引导的是_,when做到成分是_.2. Sadly I did not have it because I was not born there, and I worried about whether I would become out of w

12、ork. Whether 在句中引导的是_,作介词about的_.3. The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.(1) the last thirty years 在句中作_;see在句中作_,含义是_.(2) stage在句中是_;where引导的是_,where作的成分是_.(3) 翻译:_4.on

13、ly then did we decide to answer violence with violence.only then语法特点是:_拓展提升:(1) Only when the war was over was he able to return home.直到战争结束他才能够回到家里。(2) Only recently have I thought of them.直到最近我才想起他们。注意:Only some of the children seemed to have understood it.似乎只有一部分孩子明白。only 放于句首,修饰主语,句子不用倒装。即时练习1.

14、- What do you think of teaching, Bob? - I find it fun and challenging. It is a job_ you are doing something serious but interesting.A. where B. which C. when D. that2. Because of the financial crisis, days are gone _ local 5-star hotels charged 6,000yuan for one night.A. if B. when C. which D. since

15、3.随后几年,她在许多戏剧中扮演角色。(see)_课文回顾根据课文内容完成以下短文。Elias was a 1._in South Africa. He just received 2._education when he was young. So he had some 3._in his work. When he was at the age of 12, he met Mandela who offered4._on his 5._ problems. He was grateful for his 6._. During Elias time, life for blacks wa

16、s 7._. They had no rights to 8._ and were treated 9._. So when Mandela organized the ANC youth league to fight for the equal rights of the blacks, Elias 10._ it as soon as he could. At first they tried some 11._ ways to break the law but it was 12._. As a result, they had to 13._ to achieve their dr

17、eam of making black and white people 14._.能力提升请以“How to make a great person?”为题进行口头作文。要求:形成连贯短文;词数50-60左右。总结反刍回扣本节课的内容,从课文理解和长难句分析方面进行二次领会和记忆。课后学习指导牢记课文中的基础知识并背诵课文。 Period 2 Learning about language学习目标:1. 扎实掌握词汇与语法,提升自己的理解力,记忆力。2. 自主学习,合作探究;学会分析与总结的方法,并能学以致用。3. 激情投入,疯狂记忆,体验学习的快乐。重点:mean, devote 等等用法

18、;定语从句中关系副词的判断。难点:定语从句中关系副词的判断。高频词汇:mean, devote, found, offer, vote, answer, blow up, equal, lose heart, reward, escape预习案使用说明和学法指导 1. 借助词汇精粹与语法导学,理解例句并尝试总结知识结构,然后再根据预习检测进行自我检测。预习导学一词汇精粹 学习建议:根据所列例句,理解并尝试总结下列词汇的用法。1. mean v. 意味着;打算;有的目的(1)Waiting outside means wasting useful time. 在外面等就是浪费游泳的时间。(2)I

19、 mean to go tomorrow. 我想明天走。(3) The books are meant for the children to broaden their horizons. 这些书是为孩子们开阔视野而设计的。 adj. 吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的The man is very mean. He cant donate so much money. 这个人非常吝啬,他不可能捐那么多钱。means n. 方法;方式;途径Every possible means has been used to prevent the pollution to make human beings li

20、ve happily.为了让人类幸福地生活,每一种可行的方法都已经用来防治污染。2. devote vt. 投入,献身;专心于(1) He devoted himself to writing. 他专心于写作。(2) He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.他把一生都献给了造福人类的事业。devoted adj. 忠实的;深爱的;专用于的;献身于(1) His whole life has been devoted to studying the origin of cancer.他的一生都献给了对癌症起因的研究。(2) This

21、 magazine is devoted to science.这种杂志专门刊载科技文章。(3) Mrs. Jones had a very devoted husband.琼斯太太有一位非常忠实的丈夫。(4) To a devoted couple even water tastes sweet.人好水也甜。devotion n. 投入,专心;热爱,挚爱His devotion to the cause of education is well-known.他对教育事业的献身精神是众所周知的。3. found vt. (开始)建设;建立;缔造He found the first republ

22、ic in china in 1911 after many years fighting.经过多年的斗争,他于1911年在中国成立了第一个共和国。比较:I have found the lost book.我已经找到丢失的书了。4. offer v. (主动)给予,提供;提出(1) The young man offered the old man his own seat on the bus.= the young man offered his own seat to the old man on the bus.那个年轻人在公共汽车上将自己的座位让给了那个老人。(2) Johnson

23、 offered a new suggestion.约翰逊提出了一个新的建议。(3) He offered to drive us to the airport, but we preferred to walk there.他主动提出送我们去机场,但我们宁愿走路去。5. vote v. 投票;选举(1) They voted her their headmistress.他们选她为校长。(2)Vote for the man you can trust.选你能信赖的人。People voted against Henry.人们投票反对亨利。6. blow up 使充气;打气;爆炸(1) Th

24、ese plastic balls dont blow up easily.这些塑料球不好充气。(2)A chemical factory blew up in the north of England.英国北部的一座化工厂爆炸了。7. equal adj. 平等的(1) Twice three is equal to six. 三的两倍是六。(2) Not all men are equal in ability.并不是所有人的能力都是一样的。8. reward vt. 酬劳;奖赏 n. 奖金;奖赏;酬金He rewarded her with a gold watch for saving

25、 his son.他给她一块金表以酬谢她挽救了他的儿子。8. escape vi.&vt.逃离;逃脱(1) He managed to escape from the burning car.他终于从燃烧的汽车里逃了出来。(2) We were luckily to escape being punished (escape punishment).我们很幸运,没有受罚。(3) Gas is escaping from the pipe.煤气正从管中溢出。10. sentence vt. 判决;宣判The murder was sentenced to death.谋杀犯被判处死刑。三 语法聚

26、焦(定语从句)学习建议:根据所列例句,理解并尝试总结where,when,why引导的定语从句及介词+which/whom引导的定语从句的用法。1.关系副词where,when,why引导的定语从句。(1)I will never forget the day when(=on which) I joined the army.我永远也不会忘记我参军的那一天。(3) This is the house where (=in which) we used to live.这是我们过去住过的房子。(4) The reason why (=for which) he said that was quite clear.他为什么那么说的理由是十分清楚的。比较:(1)I shall never forget the days (that/which) we together last summer.我永远也忘不了去年夏天我们共同度过的那些日子。(

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