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1、新视野大学英语视听说2810Unit8II. Listening SkillsTo keep our children safe from those dangerous criminals, these tips might be helpful. First, children should be encouraged always to ask permission from their caregiver before they go anywhere .They should not only tell the care giver where they will be at all

2、 times, but also who will be looking after them. also, children should never walk or ride their bikes alone. Instead, they should travel in groups whenever possible. more importantly, children should be taught to stay away from strangers, though they may offer to show them a puppy or give them candy

3、.children should be taught to say “no” and run, scream, or fight if necessary. moreover,children should be told that no problem is too big or too small to ask grown-ups. in fact,it is never too late to ask for help ,and to keep asking until they get the help they need. last but not least ,we should

4、realize that many child-attack cases involve a family member or family friend, for example, a stepfather, sisters boyfriend, babysitter, neighbor, and so on. III. Listening InTask 1: Robbing the Left ShoeGirl: Yes, Id like to report a mugging.Police Officer: Okay. can you tell me exactly what happen

5、ed?Girl: well, I was walking home from work when this woman knocked me right off my right off my feet, seized my stuff, and ran off. I was so scared that I didnt go after her.Police Officer: Can you describe the woman for me?Girl: Yeah. He is quite tall, about six foot three.Police Officer: Wait. Yo

6、u said a woman robbed you.Girl: Well, Im not really sure.Hmm.You see, the person was wearing a white dress,a light red sweater over it ,and she or he was wearing a pair of basketball shoes.Police Officer: Hmm What else can you remember?Girl: Well, the personhad a beard.Police Officer: Ah. The “Beard

7、ed Woman” has struck Again!Girl: The “Bearded Woman”?Police Officer: Well, this “bearded Woman” is a man. He dresses up like a woman and, for some unknown reasons, likes to take the left shoe from his victims. Hes really harmless and usually returns the shoe to the crime scene a couple of days later

8、.Girl: Hey, he can keep my shoe, and Ill just take off my left shoe every time I walk through the park.1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5 F Task 2: SmugglingA young man comes up to the border on his bicycle. He has two large bags over his shoulders. The border guard stops him and says,” Whats in the bags?”“Sand,

9、” answers the young man.The guard is a bit suspicious and asks the young man to open the bags for inspection. The guard empties the bags, but finds nothing in them but sand. Then he has the sand analyzed, only to discover that there is noting but pure sand in the bags. So the young man is allowed to

10、 ride across the border with his sandbags.A week later, the same young man presents himself at the border with his bags. The guard asks,” What have you got?” “Sand,” says the young man.The guard does his thorough examination and discovers that the bags contain nothing but sand. He gives the sand bac

11、k to the young man who then rides across the border on his bicycle with the sandbags.This happens every week for three years. Finally, the young man no longer appears at the border crossing. Many months go by and the border guard meets the young man in an expensive cafe.“Hey,” says the guard,” for t

12、hree ears you were smuggling something through my crossing station. Its driving me crazy. Just between you and me, what were you smuggling?” The young man drinks his coffee and says, “Bicycles.” 1. B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C Task 3: Whos the Murderer?A passing police car heard loud screams and responded imme

13、diately. When the police arrived at the scene, hey found Petes dead body in his backyard, with man knife wounds and blood everywhere. The officer immediately went to question the three neighbors that had been outside in the past thirty minutes.Blake Smith had just finished painting his porch when th

14、e officer came. A young, polite man, Blake wiped his hands on his clean jeans before shaking hands, and said,” I really didnt see or hear anything,” he added apologetically. Nelson Brown had been in his garden, right next door to the victims yard. He said,” I was in and out of the house. Weeding.” H

15、is hands were dirty. Then he added,” Inside, I was repairing a chair, It all must have happened when I was indoors. Sorry.”Kenny Greens story seemed less believable.” I was on a ladder, washing my windows,” the middle-aged man admitted. The officer could see that Kennys yard overlooked the victims.

16、But Kenny claimed,” I never looked over into Petes yard, nor did I hear anything.”Now the officer believed that one of the guys was lying. Who was this man? 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.D IV. Speaking OutModel 1 Bye-bye, bully!Se-Jin: john, do you mind if I ask you something?John: No, what is it?Se-Jin: you se

17、em nervous. Is that big guy still bullying you?John: Yeah. Today he wanted me to give him some money. He even pushed me when I said no.Se-Jin: Thats terrible! You have to talk to a teacher about this.John: I thought about that, but Im afraid that everyone will think Im a coward.Se-Jin: your safety i

18、s more important than what other people think.John; But telling a teacher could make things worse. The big guy warned me not to .Se-Jin: Of course he did! He doesnt want to get into trouble. Look, if youre still worried, tell the teacher not to mention your name when she talks to him.John: Good idea

19、. But I think I can deal with him on my own. SAMPLE DIALOGA: Hi, can I talk to you for a minute?B: Sure, what is it?A: You look worried. Are you still being bullied by that big boy in you class?B: Yeah. Today he asked me to help him cheat in the final exam.A: Thats too bad! You have to talk with you

20、r parents about it.B:I thought about that, but Im afraid that other people will laugh at me if I turn to my parents for help.A: Dont be silly. Its more important to protect yourself.B: Maybe you are right. I should tell this to my parents, and they will give me some advice. Model 2 My house has been

21、 robbed!Operator: Colchester Police Station. Can I help you?Jane: I hope so. My house has been robbed.Operator: Where do you live?Jane: 2B Southbank Road.Operator: When did you discover the burglaryJane: When I got home from work. About five minutes ago.Operator: Was anything stolen?Jane: yes. All m

22、y jewelrys gone, and my computer too. And they wrote dirty words all over my walls.Operator: How did they get in ?Jane: They forced the back door.Operator: An officer will be round in about half an hour. Please dont touch anything.SAMPLE DIALOGA: Broadway Police Station. May I help you?B: I hope so.

23、 My house has been broken into.A: Where do you live?B: 43 Main Street.A: When did you find out about the break-in?B: When we got home from the theater. About two minutes ago.A: How did they break in?B: They forced open the back door.A: Was anything stolen?B: Yes. All my cash in the drawer, and my mo

24、bile phone too. And they broke all the glass.A: OK, an officer will come in about 20 minutes. Please dont leave fingerprints anywhere. Model 3 We should create harsher sentences for bootleggers.Jane: Its about time that the government got tough with bootleggers. Their fake liquors have already kille

25、d several people.Peter: Yeah, thats too high a price to pay. Its almost a rip-off. The bootleggers use industrial alcohol to cut costs and increase profits.Jane: Perhaps we should cut taxes on liquor. With lower taxes, bootlegging will decrease.Peter: But that can create a new problem. Thats not in

26、agreement with the WTO rules.Jane: I think through negotiation with other nations, perhaps we can cut taxes under the WTO framework.Peter: That may be tough. Perhaps a better solution is to create harsher sentences for bootleggers.Jane: I agree. Our country needs a special team to deal with this pro

27、blem. Then we can crack down on bootlegging.SAMPLE DIALOGA: Its time the government took stricter standards control on cosmetic products. The low quality cosmetics have caused various skin diseases among users.B: Yeah, the producers use harmful ingredients to lower costs and add profits.A: Perhaps t

28、axes on cosmetics should be cut. With lower taxes, low quality cosmetic products will be less profitable and decrease.B: But there is a new problem. Cutting taxes goes against the WTO rules.A: I think by negotiating with other countries we can reduce taxes.B: That may be hard. Maybe the best idea is

29、 to take stricter standards control on cosmetic products.A: I agree. We should have some regulations to keep a check on the production and marketing of cosmetic. V. Lets TalkTexas Police Arrest Oldest Bank RobberTexas police say they have arrested a 90-yeard-old man, Henry Robert, who is accused of

30、robbing a bank, probably making him the oldest bank robber in U.S. history.Police said Robert, who was not armed, asked a teller to put money into a large envelope with the word “robbery” written on it. A witness took down on the license number of his car, and he was arrested on a highway about 15 m

31、iles outside the city.If he is proved guilty, Robert will face from ten to twenty years in prison. He told police he needed the money, and he had a complaint against banks.Robert left a prison in Florida, where he was the oldest prisoner in the state, about a year ago. Before that, he served a three

32、-year sentence for a bank robbery in Florida in 1999.In a prison interview with a journalist, Robert said he had been a businessman in Texas but had fallen on hard times. He said he robbed his first bank when he was about 80 because he wanted to revenge against banks.“A bank that Id done business with had forced me into bankruptcy. I have never liked banks since,” he told the journalist.” I decided I would get even. And I ha

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