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1、word完整版人教版初三英语上册第八单元测试题含答案推荐文档I. 单项选择(10分)( )21. In America, its polite _ the gift at once when someone gives it to you.A. opening B. opens C. to open D. open( )22. Many people in China try to improve their English _ different ways.A. with B. of C. in D. by( )23. Tomorrow is Teachers Day. _ give our

2、 English teacher some flowers?A. Let B. Why dont C. How about D. Why not( )24. What else does your son like doing? Besides _ computer games, he likes chatting online.A. to play B. plays C. playing D. play( )25.Its Mothers Day today. I wouldnt give my mother flowers. Ill get her a pair of gloves_. Go

3、od idea.A. instead B. instead of C. as well D. too( )26. Mother said that she would give Tommy a piggy-bank(储蓄罐) _a toy car as his gift.A. not B. than C. rather than D. instead( )27. Its never too late _ learn. _. We should learn at any time in our life.A. to; I dont agree B. to; I agree C. for; I t

4、hink so D. for; I dont think so( )28. This skirt isnt right for her. Its _large _wear.A. so; that B. so; to C. too; to D. too; for( )29. When did your brother get a computer?On his _ birthday.A. twentieth B. twentith C. twentyth D. twenty ( )30. How about a handbag? Girls like handbags. I agree. _A.

5、 Thats expensive . B. Thats too boring.C. Thats not creative. D. Thats special. 完形填空(10分)Mothers Day was first celebrated in the USA. Its also a holiday in England, India and 31 countries. It is a day 32 mothers. On that day, many people 33 presents of love to their mothers.In China, people do the s

6、ame on the day for mothers. And in some cities, somebody sometimes asks for 34 to be broadcast on the radio for his or her mother only. This might 35 some money, but as it is said, “ 36 is invaluable(无价的).”Where did the idea for the holiday 37 ? We should thank Miss Anna Jarvis. She brought up the i

7、dea of having 38 . She lived in West Virginia. Her mother died on May 9th, 1905. She had a deep love 39 her mother. She wrote letters to some important people. In her letters she 40 that there should be a day for all mothers. Then Mothers Day was to be celebrated on the second Sunday in May in the U

8、SA in 1913.( )31. A. the other B. any other C. many other D. another( )32. A. thank B. thanks C. thanking D. to thank( )33. A. put B. send C. write D. post( )34. A. a gift B. a song C. some flowers D. some clothes( )35. A. spend B. pay C. cost D. take( )36. A. Love B. Friendship C. Money D. Time( )3

9、7. A. come from B. happen C. take place D. come true( )38. A. money B. such a day C. holidays D. mothers( )39. A. for B. with C. to D. from( )40. A. allowed B. let C. made D. suggested. 阅读理解(20分)AHi, everyone! Our teacher, Mrs. Li, will retire (退休) in three weeks. She said she and her husband were g

10、oing to travel around the world. What kind of present should we send her? And how much does it cost? Please write down your ideas on the following bulletin board(公告牌).Hugo: I think we should buy Mrs. Li some flowers, because flowers look very beautiful. And it will not cost too much.Li Wei: Hey, Hug

11、o! I dont agree with you. Flowers will wither(枯萎) soon. I think we should buy her a good dictionary, because a dictionary is more useful. How about spending RMB 150?Peter: As an English teacher, Mrs. Li has many dictionaries. Since she likes reading, I think we should get her some books. I think RMB

12、 200 is enough.Stella: How about a camera? There is a nice one on sale only for RMB 500.Ken: Shes got a good camera and RMB 500 is a lot of money for a gift! I dont think we should spend so much. What about a scarf? RMB100 should be enough.Xinyu: She has many scarves, Ken! Why dont we get her a phot

13、o album of our class? Then she can remember us. We wont spend more than RMB 100.Lisa: I agree with Xinyus idea. Its creative enough.Neal: Mrs. Li loves collecting pictures very much. Im sure she will be satisfied to get our photos. Sending her a picture of us is really a good idea.( )41. The student

14、s want to send Mrs. Li a present because _.A. her birthday is coming B. she teaches them wellC. she will retire D. she will travel around the world( )42. Li Wei suggests buying a _ present.A. beautiful B. useful C. cheap D. creative( )43. The underlined words “on sale” means _ in Chinese.A. 削价出售 B.

15、批发 C. 卖价为 D. 抢购( )44. Mrs. Li has a hobby of _.A. traveling the world B. collecting pictures C. taking pictures D. teaching English( )45. According to the passage, the students probably get _ for Mrs. Li.A. some flowers B. a dictionary C. a scarf D. a photo albumBWhen Miss. Minnix was thirteen, she

16、saw pictures of poor kids from Africa. When she saw the pictures, she thought that one day she would go to Africa to help these kids. She waited for a very long time before she grew up. And then she was able to go there for the first time in the summer of 2006. During her first visit to Africa, she

17、and some other people started a program for poor kids. The program helped them to go to school. In Africa, kids had to have a uniform and pay money to go to school. Some students did their homework by candle light on the dirty floor of their homes. Miss. Minnix sent pictures back to the USA, and Ame

18、rican families which wanted to help would send money to these kids.Miss Minnix said she wants to stay in Africa, because she fell in love with the people there. She would take pictures and videos to bring back to show the people in the United States from time to time, and got as much help as she cou

19、ld.根据短文内容,判断下面句子正(T)误(F)。( )46. Miss. Minnix fist saw pictures of kids from Africa in 2006.( )47. Miss. Minnix herself started a program for poor kids.( )48. When Miss. Minnix was thirteen, she was too poor to go to school.( )49. Families from the USA help those poor kids in Africa go to school.( )5

20、0. Miss. Minnix likes to stay in Africa and help the poor kids there. . 词汇(10分)A) 根据句意和首字母提示填空。51. Im going to give my brother a football as a birthday p_.52. With his help, I have made great p_ in my subjects.53. My grandma is n_ eighty years old, but she is very healthy.54. Tom likes coffee r_ tha

21、n tea.55. Could you hear me c_?B) 用所给词的适当形式填空。56. There are a lot of _ (mouse) in the house.57. My father made the _ (suggest) that I go there by bike.58. Many people in China have _ (person) computers at home.59. The little baby fell _ (sleep) soon after the music began to play.60. Who is the _ (wi

22、n) of the game?V. 根据要求完成句子(5分)61. Why dont you buy a birthday cake for your sister? (改为同义句) Why _ _ a birthday cake for your sister?62. Yesterday dad paid 300 yuan for the little dog. (对画线部分提问) _ _ did dad _ for the little dog?63. How about playing football? (改为同义句) _ _ play football?64. Thats borin

23、g, too. (改为否定句) That _ boring, _.65. Liu Ming is a lucky student. (改为感叹句) _ _ lucky student Liu Ming is!. 完成句子(5分)66. 星期天动身去加拿大怎么样? _ _ leaving for Canada on Sunday?67. 安娜对唱英语歌感兴趣。 Anna _ _ _ _ singing English songs.68. 安德鲁建议我们应该为2008年奥运会做点事情。 Andrew _ _ we _ do something for the 2008 Olympics.69. 会

24、议室空间足够大,能容纳200人。 The _ of the meeting is _ _ for 200 persons.70. 很多人不是把钱留给自己而是捐给了慈善机构。Many people give money to charity _ _ leave it to themselves. 从方框中选择适当的句子,补全对话。(10分)A: Hi, Wang Kai.B: Hi, Dawei. A: Aunt Lius birthday is coming. 71 B: 72 A: Scarf? No. Its not special enough, and Aunt Liu doesnt

25、like scarves. 73 B: Good idea. 74 But MP4 player is too expensive.A: I have a new one. 75 I can give it to Aunt Liu.B: Thatll be fine. Aunt Liu must be very glad to receive your present.A. Why dont we get her an MP4 player?B. Its a present from my father.C. Do you like scarf or MP4 player?D. What sh

26、ould we get for her?E. I know Aunt Liu likes popular songs.F. How about getting her a scarf?G. Should we get something for her?. 书面表达(10分)你认为什么样的礼物才有意义呢?请以“Birthday Gift”为题写篇短文,讲述你认为最有意义的一次送生日礼物的经历。80词左右。Birthday Gift_ 参考答案21-25 CCDCA 26-30 CBCAD31-35 CDBBC 36-40 AABAD41-45 CBABD 46-50 FFFTT51. pres

27、ent 52. progress 53. nearly 54. rather 55. clearly 56. mice 57. suggestion 58. personal 59. asleep 60. winner61. not buy 62. How much; pay 63. Why not64. isnt; either 65. What a66. What / How about 67. takes an interest in68. suggested that; should 69. room; big enough 70. rather than71-75 DFAEBOne

28、possible version:I dont think expensive presents are always needed. Sometimes, cheap presents can also make people happy. I have a best friend named Wang Yan. Her family is very poor. And her mother is ill in bed. So on her birthday, I sent her a special gift. I went to her house and helped her clean the rooms and looked after her mother. She was very happy. And I felt very happy too. This is really a special present, isnt it?

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