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重庆市南开中学届高三月考英语试题 Word版含答案.docx

1、重庆市南开中学届高三月考英语试题 Word版含答案重庆市南开中学高2016级高三7月月考英语试题本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分。考试时间120分钟。第卷(共三部分,满分115分)第一部分单项填空(共30小题l每小题1分,满分30分) 请从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。1. Karl, a real book lover, often brings home many books to read the library. A. in B. for C. by D. from2. visa change ma

2、de by China and the US will witness increase in economy, tourism and education. A. A; the B. The; C. A; D. The; an3. -Would you like to enjoy the ballet performance at the Grand Theatre with us? -Oh, sorry. I to see the film Interstellar by Christopher Nolan. A. arranged B. had arranged C. have arra

3、nged D. arrange4. It never occurred to me she could complete the task in such a short time. A. which B. that C. what D. if5. I had time to check what I had written in the exam, the bell rang. A. If B. Before C. Until D. Since6. - Silly me! I forget what my luggage looks like. - What do you think of

4、over there? A. the one B. it C. that D. this7. - Well, a mushroom soup, a vegetable salad, and anything , sir? - An apple pie, please. A. to follow B. follows C. followed D. following8. - Excuse me, where is the Hilton Hotel? - Go straight ahead and turn right, You miss it. Its a huge building. A. n

5、eednt B. cant C. mustnt D. wouldnt9. - Has your wife come back from Africa? -Yes, but she here for only one month before she went on another expedition to CubaA. has been B. was C. will be D. would be10. You may not control all the events happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.

6、A. which B. when C. that D. as11. Without your help, I such a breakthrough in this project. A. hadnt made B. didnt make C. wont have made D. wouldnt have made12. What _ day! My car broke down on the high way and I was late for work. A. a; the B. a; / C. the; / D. the; the13. - How messy it is! Kevin

7、, can I come in? - Oh, Im so sorry. The house . A. is being cleaned B. has been cleaned C. is cleaning D. was cleaned14. its role in social education, the Palace Museum is quitting its admission fee for special groups on certaindates. A. Fulfill B. Having fulfilled C. To fulfill D. Fulfilled15. As i

8、s reported, it is 115 years Peking University was founded. A. when B. before C. after D. since16. Hardly when I regretted saying it. A. had the word come out B. did the word come out C. the word had come out D. the word came out17. After seemed an endless wait, it was his turn to enter the personnel

9、 managers office.A. that B. it C. what D. there18. For some students, professional training might be the way to go since well-developed skills, , can be the difference between having a job and not. A. all other factors are equal B. all other factors to be equal C. all other factors being equal D. if

10、 all other factors being equal19. Youd better check the train schedule .we have to take a train to Chengdu. A. even if B. as if C. incase D. as long as20. The CEO of the company is a position many abilities are required to deal with all types of problems. A. which B. that C. when D. where21. by his

11、teachers made him regain the confidence in himself. A. Praised B. Being praised C. Praising D. Having praised22. Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent you respond to it. A. that B. whether C. how D. what23. - How do you find this kind of rice? - Pretty good, It more quickly than

12、 that kind. A. is cooking B. is cooked C. cooks D. is being cooked24. You fool! You for a house full of wonderful food, but you only wished for a cake. A. could wish B. could have wished C. can wish D. may wish25. He keeps himself. of the current events by reading three newspapers a day. A. informin

13、g B. to inform C. informed D. to be informed26. It is only when an NBA player has aged and been through many battles he learns an important lesson; there is no I in team. A. after B. before C. that D. what27. Before you quit your job, how your family would feel about your decision. A. consider B. co

14、nsidering C. to consider D. considered28. Evidence has been found through years of study childrens early sleeping problem is likely to continue when they grow up.A. why B. how C. whether D. that29. The reason Spielberg could not go to the Film Academy was his grades were too low. A. that; that B. wh

15、y; that C. why; because D. that; because30. - you interrupt now? Cant you see Im on the phone? - Sorry Sir, but its urgent. A. Must B. Should C. Can D. Would第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共l5小题I每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。 AEach spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in

16、 the ditches(沟渠)along the highway I travel daily to work.There is one particular blue flower that has always caught my eye. Ive noticed that it blooms only in themorning hours; the afternoon sun is too warm for it. Every day for approximately two weeks, I see those beautifulflowers.This spring, I st

17、arted a wildflower garden in our yard. I can look out of the kitchen window while doing thedishes and see the flowers. Ive often thought that those lovely blue flowers from the ditch would look great in thatbed alongside other wildflowers. Every day I drove past the flowers thinking, III stop on my

18、way home and digthem. Gee, I dont want to get my good clothes dirty.,. Whatever the reason, I never stopped to dig them. Myhusband even gave me a folding tool one year for my trunk to be used for that expressed purpose.One day on my way home from work, I was upset to see that the highway department

19、had removed the ditchesand the pretty blue flowers were gone. I thought to myself, Way to go, you waited too long. You should have doneit when you first saw them blooming this spring.A week ago we were shocked and sad to learn that my oldest sister-in-law has a serious brain disease. She is20 years

20、older than my husband and unfortunately, because of age and distance, we havent been as close as we allwould have liked. I couldnt help but see the connection between the pretty blue flowers and the relationshipbetween my husbands sister and us. I do believe that God has given us some time left to p

21、lant some wonderfulmemories that will bloom every year for us.And yes, if I see the blue flowers again, you can bet Ill stop and transplant them to my wildflower garden.31. Why does the writer want to start a wildflower garden in her yard? A. Because the flowers bloom only in the morning hours. B. B

22、ecause she can see the flowers every day for two weeks. C. Because the flowers can remind her of her oldest sister-in-law. D. Because she enjoys the way of life in company with the flowers.32. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage? A. The blue flowers in the ditches always draw my att

23、ention. B. We dont get on well with the sister-in-law in practice. C. I never stopped to dig the flowers for some reason. D. The sister-in-law lives far from us.33. According to the passage, the writer will . A. stop to find the flowers whenever she drives along the highway B. plant a variety of flo

24、wers in the garden in her yard in future C. get as wonderful memories with the sister-in-law as before D. get more close to the sister-in-law in the following days34. What is the theme of the story?A. Actions speak louder than words. B. No sweets without sweat.C. Time and tide wait for no man. D. Op

25、portunity belongs to whoever is prepared.B35. If Jack, a 12-year-old, is interested in adventure, what film may he see alone? A. Film directed by Gary Rydstrom B. Film directed by Ken Kwapis. C. Film directed by Tyler Perry. D. Films directed by Brad Peyton.36. What does the underlined phrase down-o

26、n-her-luck in Film Three mean? A. wealthy B. unlucky C. stubborn D. selfish37. In Film Four, we can infer that. A. audiences can also enjoy its 3D edition freely B. adventurer Sean is also a Greenpeace volunteer C. the kids may find it hard to catch its language D. Sean makes a fortune by discoverin

27、g the treasure38. What can we learn from the passage? A. Film Three lasts longest and release earliest of the films, B. Wesley Deeds fell in love with Lindsey at first sight. C. Film Two is mainly a film meant for adults only. D. Shawn develops a secret friendship with Arrietty. CAre you sometimes a

28、 little tired and sleepy in the early afternoon? Many people feel this way after lunch. They may think that eating lunch is the cause of the sleepiness. Or, in summer, they may think it is the heat. However, the real reason lies inside their bodies. At that time - about eight hours after you wake up

29、 - your body temperature goes down. This is what makes you slow down and feel sleepy. Scientists have tested sleep habits in experiments where there was no night or day. The people in these experiments almost always followed a similar sleeping pattern. They slept for one long period and then for one

30、 short period about eight hours later.In many parts of the world, people take naps in the middle of the day. This is especially true in warmerclimates, where the heat makes work difficult in the early afternoon. Researchers are now saying that naps are good for everyone in any climate. A daily nap g

31、ives one a more rested body and mind and therefore is good for health in general. In countries where naps are traditional, people often suffer less from problems such as heart disease.Many working people, unfortunately, have no time to take naps. Though doctors may advise taking naps,employers do no

32、t allow it! If you do have the chance, however, here are a few tips about making the most of your nap. Remember that the best time to take a nap is about eight hours after you get up. A short sleep too late in the day may only make you feel more tired and sleepy afterward, This can also happen if you sleep for too long. If you do no

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