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1、网络作文之英语作文网络成瘾英语作文网络成瘾【篇一:2011-2012翻译写作试题】 _ 一. 运用恰当的方法与技巧翻译下列句子(36%) 1. 翻译下列句子,并注明使用的方法。(1异化2归化3异化归化并用) 1). all you can do is to burn your boats and fight them in the hope that one day youll come out on top. 2). he was so fond of talking that his comrades nicknamed him “magpie(喜鹊)”. 3). first impres

2、sions are often lasting ones. indeed, if you play your cards right, you can enjoy the benefits of what sociologists call the halo(光环) effect. 2. 运用转换词性的方法翻译下列句子。 1). it is my conviction that though men may be no more wicked than they always have been, they seem less likely to be ashamed. 2). i am ve

3、ry sorry that the pressure of other occupations has prevented me from sending an earlier reply to your letter. 3). the combination of this oriental citys geography and the absence of import taxes has long made hong kong the ideal storehouse for transit goods to and from asia. 3. 运用增词法翻译下列句子。 1).in e

4、very city, we got into the street, shops, parks, theatres and restaurants. 2). britain suffered a considerable brain drain to the united states after world war ii. 3). reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; writing an exact man. 4. 运用正反译法翻译下列句子。 1). elliott was too clever not to see that

5、many of the persons who accepted his invitation did so only to get a free meal. 2). the thought of returning to native land never deserted him amid his tribulation. 3). there have always been more books than anyone could read. 二.根据提示, 改写下列句子。(9%) 1). those who support war to achieve their personal o

6、bjectives consider the security council to be weak. a. use war supporters. b. use a different word for considers. c. use a negative word, along with the opposite of weak. 2). there is general agreement among european leaders that total unification of european countries would strengthen the economic

7、stability of the entire region. a. use european leaders as the subject. b. use the adverb form of general. c. use the verb that is the root of agreement. 3). no one knows how many ceos suffer from alcoholism and drug abuse, but estimates run as high as 30%. a. begin with the percentage of ceos who.

8、b. for suffer from alcoholism,” substitute are_ (fill the blank with the word that means person who suffers from alcoholism in the plural form.) 三.将下列段落译成汉语。(20%) counterfeiting 1 in 2011, more than $500 billion worth of counterfeit(造假) goods were sold in countries throughout the world. european and

9、 american companies that produced highly sought-after branded products were most vulnerable to counterfeiting, with fakes plaguing almost every industry. one problem in combating counterfeiting was the demand for knockoffs(仿冒品). in the united states, china, and europe, sellers and consumers who trad

10、ed in outdoor street markets knowingly bought and sold fakes and had little reservation about doing so. using great britain as an illustration of the problem, experts estimated that 100 million fake luxury goods were sold in britain in 2010 and that one in eight adult britons had purchased a fake in

11、 the past year. the european union and the chinese government took a step toward combating piracy in 2010 with the signing of an agreement that would fine owners of outdoor markets in china if vendors were caught selling counterfeit goods. in addition, the agreement called for landlords to terminate

12、 the lease of any vendor caught selling counterfeit goods a second time. the chinese government convicted more than 5,500 individuals of intellectual property rights crimes in 2010. however, many piracy and counterfeiting experts believed the problem would not subside until the chinese government ad

13、opted a zero tolerance policy against fakes. 四. 阅读文章,用英文写出100-150字的内容摘要(35%) 在子女心理健康和毒品问题上家长起着关键作用 美国五分之一的年轻人表现出心理健康问题的迹象和征兆。可是我们往往注意不到这种前兆。据美国卫生局局长说,这些年轻人有半数还会产生吸毒问题。你知道如何从你孩子身上发现迹象, 如何帮助他们吗? 心理疾患和吸毒成瘾如果不加诊治,可能导致孩子学习成绩不好,行为不良,关系处理不善,甚至自杀。青少年中自杀身亡的人数,比死于癌症、心脏病、艾滋病、先天缺陷、中风、肺炎、流感和慢性肺病的总人数还多。专家说,不幸的是,这

14、些年轻人中的大多数都没有得到必要的专业人员的诊治。 滥用药品和心理疾患都是主要的大问题。然而,研究结果表明, 如果一个年轻人既有心理疾患又染上了毒瘾,那往往是先出现心理疾患。心理健康出现问题的年轻人,可能会试图用大麻等非法药品或酗酒来治疗自己,也称“自我药疗”。这样会很快导致对药物的依赖,私用非法药品或酗酒可能加重心理疾病,甚至可能对遵照医嘱所进行的药物治疗产生干扰。对某些年轻人来说,滥用药品可能引起像是心理疾患的新症状,如间歇性的情绪低落、发怒或产生幻觉。 家长在帮助发现并(或)解决孩子的心理健康和滥用药品问题中起着关键作用。研究结果表明,在事关人生的重大问题上,孩子们总把父母视为最好的信息

15、和知道来源。因此,对于孩子在学校出现问题、饮食起居改变、身体和外貌欠佳、难以应付日常决定和压力等征兆,家长一定要密切注意。 心理问题和吸毒成瘾都是不折不扣的疾病跟糖尿病、癌症、心脏病一样不折不扣。这就意味, 有好消息说,经过适当的治疗,大多数患有心理疾病和染上毒瘾的年轻人都能康复到头来改善了人际关系,增强了处事能力,改进了行为举止,以使生活过得更好。 如今,家长们可以从众多的有效治疗方案和支持服务中进行选择。针对年轻人的支持服务,可以帮助他们有效地对付常与心理疾患和吸毒成瘾形影相随的独孤和家庭破裂。作为家长, 你是对孩子进行全面照料、促使其康复的极其重要的伙伴。对你的孩子而言,补救方法是存在的

16、,康复是可能的。 答案: 一. (36%) 1. 翻译下列句子,并注明使用的方法。(1异化2归化3异化归化并用) 2 患有心理疾病的人需要医疗以及其他支持服务。1. 你只有破釜沉舟,跟他们一拚,或许有朝一日是会出头的。(归化) 2. 这家伙很喜欢饶舌,所以同事们给他起了“麻雀”的绰号。(归化) 3. 第一印象通常是一种持久的印象。的确,如果你表现得当,你就能有幸获得从社会学家所说的“光环效 应”给你带来的种种好处。(归化) 2. 运用转换词性的方法翻译下列句子. 1.我相信,人们虽然未必比以前还要不讲道德,但似乎要比以前更加不知羞耻。 2.我因为近来忙于各种事务,未能早些回信,深感抱歉。 3.

17、由于香港地理位置优越,加上免征各种进口税,这个东方城市长期以来成了 各种进出亚洲货物的理想中转储运基地。 3. 运用增词法翻译下列句子. 1. 每到一个城市,我们逛大街、进商店、游公园、上剧院、下饭馆。 2. 第二次世界大战以后,英国人才外流严重,许多精英都去了美国,这给英国造成了很大的损失。 3. 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,写作使人准确。 4.运用正反译法翻译下列句子. 1.艾略特是一个聪明人。他定能看得出许多接受他邀请的人只是为了来吃一顿不花钱的饭。 2. 在苦难中,归国的念头一直在心中萦绕。 3.谁都不可能读完天下所有的书籍。 二. paraphrase each of the fol

18、lowing statements. (.9%) 1. war supporters believe the un security councils not strong. 2. european leaders generally agree that if european countries would unify, there would be a more stable economy. 3. the estimated percentage of ceos who are alcoholics and abuse drugs is up to 30%. 三. 英译汉20% 假冒品

19、 2011年,价值逾五千亿美元的仿冒品开始在全球各个国家进行销售。欧美公司生产的都是在市场上炙手可热、人人争相购买的品牌产品,因此最容易成为假冒的受害者。假冒像瘟疫一样流行,几乎没有什么行业可以幸免。阻止打击仿冒品的一大障碍是对假名牌产品的需求。在美国、中国和欧洲等地区,摊贩和消费者在小摊上毫不顾忌地买卖仿冒奢侈品。以英国为例,专家估计仅在2010年,大约一亿件冒牌货在英国市场上出售,逾八分之一的英国成年人在过去一年中曾购买过这类产品。2010年,欧盟和中国政府联合签署了一个协议。约定一旦假货贩被抓住,则将对所在露天市场的所有者苛以重罚,同时对于那些被逮到的售假惯犯,协议还呼吁业主终止向其租赁

20、店面。这份协议标志着欧盟和中国在打击仿冒品问题上取得了重大进步。2005年,中国政府以侵犯知识产权罪将超过五千五百人定罪。然而,许多盗版和剽窃问题专家仍认为除非中国政府采取零容忍的极端严厉的打击政策,否则仿冒奢侈品的现象不会就这样减少。 四. 阅读文章,用英文写出100-150字的内容摘要(35%) this article is written to discuss parents role in helping children solve mental health and addiction problems that affect many children in the count

21、ry. the author approaches the issue by defining them as primary disorders interacting with each other which, if left untreated, can cause poor academic performance, behavior and relationship problems, or even suicide. he further lists the warning signs of the problems, and points out that parents pl

22、ay a critical role in helping identify and solve their childrens problems. the author concludes that with proper medical treatment and support services, most young people can recover from mental health and addiction disorders. 3【篇二:英语作文话题句子】 一 good health 2. on the individual level, his exercises im

23、prove his health and mood as well. 3. on the social level, the improvement in quality of life contributes vastly to a harmonious society. (意义) 二 产品对消费者、国家的伤害 1. on theconsumers are vastly hurt by these products, which might even be life-threatening. 2. onthe if low-quality products continue to sprea

24、d, they will damage the normal function of healthy market economy. 三 虚假宣传 their emergence dues to the negative effect of a growing market economy.false advertisement seems to be most convenient to attract clients and increase profit. 四 私家车1. the majority ofthe convenience brought by cars while 2. fo

25、rgetting their harmful impact in the atmosphere. 3. to improve and beautiful the environment/human being exploitation of our natural resources has caused destruction that is for beyond our imagination. 五教育 1. in the educational system in which new educational concepts are introduced. 2. only by new

26、teaching methods can we cultivate children into talents and elites who will meet the requirement of our society. 六、正直诚实 好处: 1. enable honest person to succeed in work and life. (获得成功) 2. to work honestly to attain ones life goal. (实现人生目标) 3. to enhance reputation of a country. 七 坚持(成功) 1. no accompl

27、ishment can be achieved in a short time, and successneeds efforts. 2. success is founded on the basis if patient pursuit + 定语从句 好处: 1.pushing the countrys development. 2. when equippedwith willingness, people to overcome any difficulty and conquer any challenge. 八 献爱心(灾区、世博) 好处、意义: 1. contributing m

28、oney and other necessities to people in need is a goal way to express human love. it reflects the sense of social responsibility. 2. it also expresses a feeling from deep with ones heart. 3. a harmonious society is based on a sound relationship. 九 文化交流 好处: 1. culture exchanges can enhance internatio

29、nal friendship. 2. people can acquire better understanding of each other. 3. can also greatly benefit the countries and stimulate their own social development and culture prosperity. 十 繁荣 thrive/boom/flourish/blossom 十一.人口问题,解决问题 1. the awareness of struggling for ones life is essential to the young

30、 man 2. parents indulge children in consumption with an objective outlook on money. 十二. 交通事故 traffic accidents have long been a problem and are becoming a severe problem 原因: 1. many drives are forced to drive days and nights. 2. a lot of people drives after drinking alcohol 十三. 工作就业前途,高薪,加班,技能,学历,自立

31、自强,创业 1. to display talent and capability 2. to be of real service to fellowmen and the country 3. to feel guilty in in front of parents and family supporters 4. to encounter discrimination on the basis of sex or height or evenbirthplace 5. to despise jobs of lower social status and less income 6. t

32、o avoid the possibility of working in the rural areas 7. to find (search/hunt) the right career 十四. 环境保护动植物保护保护森林水污染汽车尾气沙尘暴温室效应节约资源垃圾污染 1. the exhaustion of resources 2. populations from industrial production transform many clean rivers into undrinkable water. 3. the convenience brought by cars, their harmful impact on the atmosphere 4. garbage output, such as plastics and glass 5.

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