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1、有关寒假的英语作文十篇有关寒假的英语作文【十篇】1.有关寒假的英语作文On a day of winter vacation, the sun was shining and there were no clouds. I decided to cut a plate of fruit for my mother while basking in the sun on the balcony. Tangentially, my hand suddenly slipped, and the fruit knife in my hand fell into the anti-theft windo

2、w.”What can I do?” I was stunned. At this time, my mother came from behind and said, “just use a stick to catch it.” After that, I quickly brought a stick and teased it on the balcony. But when I was about to pick it up, it fell down again, which made me anxious!Dont adults often say that you cant e

3、at hot tofu in a hurry? So I began to meditate. Suddenly an idea jumped out of my mind. The fruit knife is made of iron. Wouldnt it be good to suck up the fruit knife with iron? So I took a suction iron and tied it to the rod. Soon, the fruit knife was sucked up by me. I cried happily.From this, I l

4、earned a truth: no matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as we are willing to use our brains, we will be able to overcome them.2.有关寒假的英语作文On the first day of winter vacation, I cooked a dish for my family, called ginger juice walnut mixed eggs. I had already cooked this dish at the food fes

5、tival. Now Im doing it again, hoping to make better progress.In the past, when making this dish, my mother had to be by my side. Now, I know the steps and key points of making eggs with ginger juice and walnuts. This time, Ill also try to be a chef.I skillfully prepared walnuts, native eggs, ginger

6、juice, yellow rice wine and brown sugar. Now Im going to start cooking delicious food! I first pour ginger juice into the pot, then add some yellow rice wine, cover the pot and cook over a low heat. After boiling, pour the ginger juice into a bowl and cool. Pour the ginger juice into a bowl and beat

7、 three more eggs. Add five tablespoons brown sugar and water. Put it into the pot and steam it into egg paste. Then add granular walnuts and steam it in the pot for a while. Its done!I invited the whole family to evaluate me. They all said well, and I felt very gratified.3.有关寒假的英语作文The final exam is

8、 finally over and a relaxed and happy winter vacation is coming. This is what I look forward to most.A few days ago, I made an appointment with Shuai Shuai to invite him and his sister to my house when I have winter vacation. Yesterday, they came. Im very happy to have two more playmates. At first,

9、we were very obedient. We did it according to our mothers requirements. We did our homework first and then went to play. Or watching TV, but before long, we didnt obey and didnt do our homework. The three of us played hide and seek. We hid in the quilt, behind the door and in the cabinet for a while

10、, making the house messy. My mother was very angry. While nagging, she cleaned the house and said we were too naughty. Seeing my mother working so hard, The three of US helped mom clean up the house and soon cleaned it up.After Shuai Shuai and her sister left, my home returned to its former tranquil

11、ity. I really want them to come to my house every day. Its a good day to be accompanied by friends!4.有关寒假的英语作文How time flies! The winter vacation will soon be over. Before the Chinese new year, I finish my winter vacation homework in advance, so I have a lot of time to do what I want to do.The schoo

12、l has arranged computer courses to let us increase our knowledge of computers. I am very happy to learn.On the third day of the new year, we went shopping and eating taro balls with our aunt and their family. It was very cold that day, but there were a lot of tourists going up the mountain. There wa

13、s a traffic jam on the road, so it was hard to reach the destination. We also went to the Taipei science and education museum. Where is it? There are many aspects of natural science to be introduced, one of which is the human organ model, which interests me most.This winter vacation gives me a lot o

14、f knowledge and happiness. I hope I can have a full winter vacation next time.5.有关寒假的英语作文For me, there are too few interesting things in winter vacation. My parents dont let me set off firecrackers, make a snowman or have a snowball fight. What I expect is to celebrate the Spring Festival, visit rel

15、atives, receive red envelopes and have a reunion dinner. I also watched New Years Eve, that is, playing cards with my father and sister. This is the fun after we watched the Spring Festival Gala.We will play until 2 oclock or 3 oclock or even 5 or 6 oclock. My father drinks beer, my sister and I dri

16、nk drinks and eat snacks. Sleep until 12 oclock the next day. This is not only for me, but also for the three of us! I will go skating and skiing before the Spring Festival.Although my winter vacation was ordinary and insignificant, safety, freedom and happiness took root, blossomed and fruited in m

17、y winter vacation. Become the dandelion in my memory. My winter vacation is up to me!6.有关寒假的英语作文Finally ushered in a beautiful winter vacation, but the air is too bad these days. The haze all over the sky makes people dont want to go out to play at all. They wander around boring at home every day. T

18、hey dont get up until nearly nine oclock in the morning. They get up and eat a bowl of instant noodles in a hurry, and then start to write their homework. After writing the big book, they write some reading, practice calligraphy, dictate the handouts of unit 1, and review the Mathematical Olympiad,

19、Its been swinging around all morning.After dinner is my rest time. Because I formed the habit of taking a nap at school, I also take a nap at home. After waking up, I usually watch some good-looking animation to add a little fun to my winter vacation. After dinner, I will go out for a walk with my f

20、ather, so that I can exercise and breathe the air.My winter vacation is basically arranged like this. Do you think its reasonable?7.有关寒假的英语作文Time flies like an arrow. In the twinkling of an eye, one month of winter vacation passed. In this summer vacation, I personally experienced many happy things,

21、 and I will stay in my memory forever.My family has a “back garden”. There are sweet potato leaves, osmanthus and amaranth in the garden. My mother and I have to water them every day. Every time we see them green, we will be happy and smile. My mother said that in this way, work and rest can be comb

22、ined, physical fitness can be enhanced and myopia can be prevented.What makes my mother grow vegetables? During the winter vacation, my uncle from my hometown sent some sweet potatoes. After a period of time, the sweet potatoes sprouted. My mother was reluctant to throw them away and planted them ca

23、sually in the flowerpot. Unexpectedly, a few days later, the sweet potatoes thrived. My mother had a whim and the flowerpot was full of vegetables from then on. Im so happy. We not only water them, but also chat with them every day!Every day during the winter vacation, its hard to see my mother do h

24、ousework every day. I think if I help my mother do some housework, my mother will be very happy and praise me. One day, I offered to do housework. My mother listened to me, touched my head, smiled and said, “doing housework seems very simple, isnt it?.” before she finished, I couldnt wait to interru

25、pt her and said, “whats difficult about doing housework? Its not mopping the floor and washing the dishes. Let me do these today!” Picked up the mop and pulled it up carefully.After a while, I found a problem: why do I leave footprints where I drag. And I almost slipped several times. Unwilling, I w

26、ent to the pool to pick up the bowl and wipe it. As a result, I broke the bowl and it was not clean! My mother came over, touched my head and said, “well, its not easy to do housework.” Suddenly, my face turned red. I was ashamed and couldnt say a word. After an hour, I thought carefully and felt th

27、at labor was the most glorious. I realized that labor has also brought me happiness, because my mother is very happy, my mother is happy, and I feel very happy.Recalling the life of winter vacation, Im really happy and want to laugh. You may ask me: will you forget the happy life in winter vacation?

28、 I will say without thinking, “no, I will never forget!”8.有关寒假的英语作文Winter vacation, I feel unforgettable. The most unforgettable thing is to make a snowman with my father and grandfather.At first, Dad took a shovel. I thought he was going to shovel off the snow. In fact, dad was going to make a snow

29、man! I was so excited that I hurried to help my father as his assistant. Dad wants to roll a medium-sized snowball. What have I done? How can the snowball roll? This is the first time Ive made a snowman. I have to ask my father. Dad said, “you first make a small ball, and then roll forward slowly. I

30、snt there always that kind of snowball in the cartoon? If it rolls bigger and bigger slowly, just do it!” I nodded. Sure enough, the ball is growing from small to large. Its so big!I held the rolled ball next to the “snow pile”. My father was making a pile of snow. It was so big! Grandpa, who was wa

31、tching, saw this funny scene and joined us.After a while, my hands were frozen cold, but I still held on. I thought that when the snowman was piled up later, my hands would be warm and I wouldnt feel cold.Its hard work that pays off. After the concerted efforts of the three of us, we finally perfect

32、ed our body. Next, there are still heads left. My father and I picked up the ball I just rolled and wanted to press it, but the snowball was empty and broken. Out of frustration, Grandpa said to be one. Dad made another ball with snow with his bare hands. Now its a round head! After pressing the head, its time to install eyes and nose. Grandma found two olives and said they were for eyes. Mom brought a carrot for nose. I said: The Snowman should have a mouth and a hat!Ha! A Mr. long nose is greeting

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