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1、变压器日常维护及常见故障排除方法中英变压器日常维护参考说明变压器安全和顺利的运行主要依靠定期和仔细的监测和维护工作。维护工作通常由操作人员执行。监测和维护必须在变压器断电和接地时进行。Safety operation of transformer depends on regular monitor and maintenance. Maintenance work is usually performed by the operator. Monitoring and maintenance must be carried out in the transformer outages and

2、 grounded.1、 变压器油箱和储油柜Tank and conservator11检查油温Check oil temperature对油温进行读数,然后记下来。判断油或绕组温度是否因变压器长期过负荷或不充分的冷却受到影响,并采取纠正措施。Record readings of oil temperature. Decide if oil or winding temperature is affect or not due to long time overload or insufficient cooling and take corrective actions. 1 2检查吸湿器C

3、heck breather为了确保储油柜不受潮,当上面一层蓝色材料厚度减少至大约7cm时,必须更换干燥剂(硅胶颗粒)。In order to ensure that the conservator is not exposed to moisture, dryer (silicon particles) should be changed when the thickness of above blue material is reduced to 7cm. 3检查油位Check oil level通过观察透明玻璃管或油位指示计检查储油柜或其它容器的油位。油位必须符合指示计上指示的温度。如果油

4、位太低,必须排除导致油损耗的故障,注入新的合格油,需使用的油牌号见油的检验证明和铭牌。Check oil level of conservator or other container by transparent glass or oil level indicator. Oil level should be according to the temperature indicated. If oil level is too low, failures should be found and fill new oil. The Type of oil needed see Oil Ins

5、pection Record and nameplate.1 4检查法兰连接和焊接是否漏油Check flange connection and welding for oil leakage所有的法兰、密封和焊接都须检查是否漏油。如果发现泄漏,必须及时再次拧紧螺钉,替换密封件或焊接进行弥补。焊接只能由有经验的焊工进行。必须遵守所有有关的事故预防规章,特别是油浸变的防火措施。All flanges, seals and weldings should be checked for oil leakage. If find leak, must tighten bolts again, chan

6、ge sealing gaskets or weld. Weld should be done by experienced weldor. Must comply with all relevant accident prevention regulations, especially fire preventions of oil immersed transformer.1 5检查油漆,清洁表面Check painting, clean surface如果及时修整(损坏的)面漆,那么不必进行整体的重新涂漆。操作指导:使用浸有溶剂的布或蒸汽喷射鼓风机清洁涂漆表面。必须完全清除泥浆、油和油脂

7、。轻轻磨旧漆,去掉将要脱落的部分。用金属丝刷子刷生锈的部分,直至发亮。然后去了锈的部分涂两层底漆,最后在底漆上涂上面漆。如果旧漆是极易损坏的且已不牢固粘敷在金属表面,必须通过人工打磨或借助于去漆器完全去掉这层旧漆。然后涂上完整的面漆。It is unnecessary to overall repaint the transformer if repair (damaged) finish timely. Operation guide: clean surface by using cloth immersed with solvent or steam injection blower.

8、Completely clear away mud, oil and grease. Gently worn old paint, and remove the shedding part. Using a wire brush to brush the rust part, until shiny. Paint two layers of primer on cleaned part and paint finish on primer. If the old paint is easily damaged and firmly stick on the metal surface, old

9、 paint should be completely removed by polish or special device and then paint finish. 1 6检查接地系统(保护接地) check earthing system (protective earthing)为了防止环流,变压器油箱和冷却系统必须通过一根足够截面的接地导线接地。检查接地螺栓是否拧紧,必要时再次拧紧。In order to avoid circular current, tank and cooling system must be earthing by a earth conductor wi

10、th enough section. Check earthing bolt and tighten it again if needed1 7取油样(用于油分析)oil sample (for analysis)采油样的目的是为了测量击穿电压和检查液体绝缘的化学和物理特性。变压器运行前、运行了很长时间或者为防止击穿应对油采油样。建议采油样最长间隔期5年。油样阀位于“顶部”或“中部”,采油样用于气体分析。油样阀位于“底部”,采油样用于其它分析。The aim of oil sample is to measure breakdown voltage and to check chemical

11、and physical characteristics of liquid insulation. Oil sample should be taken before transformer running, or running for a long time or in order to prevent breakdown. Proposed max. Interval of taking oil sample is 5 years. Oil sample from oil sample valve on top or middle part is used for gas analys

12、is; oil sample from oil sample valve on bottom is used for other analysis. 2 有载调压开关On load tap changer2 1读出电动驱动机构上的计数器显示的动作次数Read action times display on counter of motor drive mechanism转换开关的动作次数必须记录下来。Record action times of tap changer.22切换所有分接,以清洁选择器触头Switch all the taps to clean contacts of selec

13、tor如果调压开关一年内操作次数小于3000次或者不是在全分接范围内移动,变压器断电情况下应切换所有分接大约10次,以清洁触头。If operation times of tap changer is less than 3000 or not move in full range, all taps should be switched 10 times to clean contacts in case of transformer outage.23检查保护继电器Check protective relay检查有载调压开关的保护继电器,按下按钮进行试验。这时变压器断路器应跳闸。然后将按钮

14、逆时针方向旋转90度重新设置。Check protective relay of OLTC. Push the button to do the test. On this condition, transformer breaker should trip. And then, spin button counter-clockwise rotation 90 degrees to re-set.24检查外部轴系和法兰漏油Check external shafting and flanges for oil leakage退出联轴器、中心轴和与橡胶套筒连接的万向接头至所需位置。检查入口处轴承

15、是否漏油,去盖后检查内表面是否腐蚀。检查开关头部法兰和入口轴承是否漏油。Exit universal joint (connect to coupling, central shaft and rubber muff-joint) to necessary position. Check bearing on entrance for oil leakage and internal surface for corrosion after removing the cover. Check flanges on tap changer head and bearing on entrance

16、for oil leakage.25检查电动驱动机构check motor drive以下各项需检查:Following items should be checked: 外壳的防腐蚀涂层anti-corrosion coating of enclosure 门密封垫和锁Door sealing gasket and lock 清洁外壳通风孔Clean air vent in enclosure 加热(自动调温器在20操作),照明Heating (operate thermostat under 20), lighting 端子安装的紧密度Tightness of terminals inst

17、alled 就地的和远方的逐级控制Local and remote step by step control限位开关,电动的和机械的检查Check limit switch, electric and mechanical 触点排和位置指示计Contact row and position indicator 必要时,清洁电动驱动If necessary, clean motor drive 如果电动驱动是安装在振动强烈的地方,应检查所有的螺栓否拧紧,并再一次拧紧。If motor drive is installed on strong vibration place, all bolts

18、should be checked and tightened again.26有载调压开关检修On-load tap changer - repair有载调压开关的检修只能由有经验的人员或专业人员进行。Repair of on-load tap changer should be done only by skilled or professional staff3无励磁调压开关off-circuit tap changer注意:无励磁调压开关只能在断电的情况下操作。Note: The operation of off-circuit tap changer should be done o

19、nly under de-energized condition.31切换所有分接,以清洁开关触头Switch all the taps to clean contacts of selector铜触头浸于油中时,会失去光泽。这种锈蚀层可能会导致触头温度升高。所以无励磁调压开关一年至少一次切换所有分接头。以清洁触头(变压器断电时)。Copper contacts will be corroded in oil and corrosion layer may cause high temperature of contacts. So, all taps should be switched a

20、t least once a year to clean contacts (when the transformer is interruption of power supply.2检查联锁check interlock端部位置是机械固定的。当到达端部位置时,开关只能向反方向转动。The end position is mechanically fixed. When reach end position, the switch can only rotate in opposite direction. 4控制箱和端子箱Cable box and terminal box 检查控制箱的加

21、热和照明Check heating and lighting in control box对加热进行控制,使自动温度调节器至大约20。检查是否正确运行。必须检查橡胶密封件预防内部腐蚀。必须清洁控制箱的通气孔。控制箱内的继电器、电流接触器等必须进行检查,必要时进行替换。同时必须检查控制箱的照明情况。Control heating, and set automatic thermostat to 20. Check whether correct running. Must check rubber sealing gaskets to prevent internal corrosion. Mu

22、se clean air vent of control box. Check relay, and contactor in the control box and change it if needed. At the same time, check lighting in control box. 5套管Bushing 必须检查套管的油位Must check oil level of bushing 必须检查套管的密封和清洁瓷瓶部分。Must check bushing sealing and clean porcelain part.6电缆盒(油,空气,气体或物质浸渍绝缘)Cable

23、 Box (oil, air, gas or impregnated insulation电缆盒,包括安装架和电缆套筒,必须检查是否有泄漏。Check cable box, including erection fixture and cable bush for leakage.7电流互感器Current Transformer内置式电流互感器必须与测量仪器连接或予短接。必要时,清洁互感器接线端子。Built-in current transformer must be connected with measuring apparatus or short circuit. If neede

24、d, clean connector of current transformer.8监测设备Monitor Equipment81检查气体继电器Check gas relay报警和跳闸浮子是机械动作。断路器闭合时检查报警状况(气体报警)。如果报警浮子动作,报警信号必须到达控制室,但是断路器必须没有跳闸。如果跳闸浮子动作,断路器必须跳闸且发电机必须被断电。检查控制室内的信号。Alarm and trip float is mechanical movement. Check alarm (gas alarm) when breaker is closed. If alarm float wor

25、ks, alarm signal must reach control room and breaker must be no trip. If trip float works, breaker must be tripped and the generator must be interrupted. Check signals in control room.82检查有载调压开关继电器Check on-load tap changer检查保护设备,运行情况应与相关规定的相同。有栽调压开关的保护设备运行时,检查断路跳闸、发电机断电和控制室的信号输入状况。有栽调压开关的保护继电器一动作,变压

26、器必须被切断。保护继电器仅作报警信号的布置是不允许的。Protective device and running condition should be same to relative rules. When protective device of OLTC is running, check trip, generator outage and signal input in control room. Once protective relay of OLTC works, the transformer must be cut off. The arrangement of prot

27、ective relay only as alarm signal is not allowed.83检查远方温度计Check remote thermometer记下温度设定值并注明油或绕组温度是否测量过。如果不确定是否测量过,可用(水银)温度计(温度计座中)测量油面温度,然后两个温度进行对比。必要时必须再次校准温度计。Record set value of temperature and indicate whether oil or winding temperature measured. If not sure whether temperature measured, thermo

28、meter (mercury) (in thermometer pocket) can be used to measure top oil temperature and two values are compared. If necessary, re-calibrate thermometer.8.4检查温度监测器Check temperature monitor记下温度值。触头是否动作可听声音。请参阅“可调的温度监测器”。Record temperature value. Listen to check if contacts work. See Adjustable temperat

29、ure monitor85检查信号温度计Check signal thermometer检查信号温度计是否正确运行。Check signal thermometer is running correctly.86检查油位监视器Check oil level monitor操作信号触点可检查油位监视器是否正确运行。Operate signal contact to check if oil level monitor work correctly.87压力释放阀Pressure relief valve发送跳闸信号给断路器的触点必须检查运行状况。检查之后,必须将触点设置至运行位置。Check t

30、he contact of sending trip signal to breaker. After check, set contact to running position.变压器常见故障原因及处理表Transformer General Fault Diagnosis Reference Table序号NO. 项目Items故障现象Faults Phenomenon可能的原因Possible Reasons补救措施Measures of Remediation 1变压器油温Oil Temperature变压器油温升过高Oil temperature rise is too high-

31、油位计指示异常Oil level indicator indicate abnormally-冷却系统工作不正常。Cooling system work abnormally-变压器过载Transformer overload-变压器室通风差。Ventilation of transformer room is not well.-变压器内部有短路或局部过热现象There is short circuit or local overheating phenomenon in the transformer interior.-检查温度计,将此温度计与其它温度计对比。Check the ther

32、mometer and compares to others.-是否切断风扇或者关闭冷却设备阀门。Whether cut fans or close the valves of cooling equipment.-检查冷却设备控制装置。Check the control device of cooling equipment.-变压器减载检查。Check transformer deloading-改善变压器室通风条件。Improve the ventilation of transformer room.-取油样化验进行判断。Analysis of oil sample for judging.2变压器绕组油温Winding Temperature变压器绕组温升过高Winding temperature rise

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