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2、如2011年高考广东卷就出现了这种情形。如果还是按照传统的“先题后文法”去做,就会特别吃力。因此先“少”后“多”是做是做信息匹配题的总体步骤。 “先题后文法”阅读理解非常常用的一种方法,它指的是在做阅读理解题时,先读题目,然后带着问题去读文章,遇上相关信息画上记号,最后再通过分析和比较得出答案。对于信息匹配题来说,“先题后文”指的就是先读匹配对象,然后带着匹配对象中的关键信息阅读前面的信息材料,最后确定答案。这种方法的好处就在于,它可以提高阅读的针对性,从而提高答题速度和答题的准确性。(二)锁定关键信息:抓实词正确锁定关键信息是做好信息匹配题的重要一步。如何才能迅速地锁定关键信息呢?有一个总原

3、则:抓住实词!从词性来说,包括:名词、动词、形容词、数词;从具体内容来说,包括:人名、地名、书名、产品名、电影名、行为、特征、数量、日期等。可以参照5w1h(who, what, when, where, which, how)等因素来进行锁定。不同文体的关键信息也不一样,如招聘广告:年龄、学历、经历等;产品宣传广告:产品的特点、优势、价格等;培训班招生广告:课程、时间、地点、教师、学费、入学条件和联系方式等;剧院介绍:位置、联系电话、上演剧目、时间和票价等;比如有一篇信息匹配题是这样的,题目先给出几段招聘广告,然后给出几个求职者的工作简历和求职意向进行信息匹配。其中有一个求职者的情况如下:L

4、ynne Nagata. Lynne, aged 65, once worked in a kindergarten. She is now a housewife, helping her daughter with her housework on weekdays. She is looking for a part-time job.同学们读了此信息后,可大致了解Lynne Nagata的基本情况:65岁,曾在幼儿园工作,现为家庭主妇,周日为自己的女儿做家务,求兼职工作。然后同学们带着这些信息去阅读相关广告,初扫一眼,初步对比之后,发现下面这两个广告比较接近:Teacher Neede

5、d: Tommys Kindergarten needs 2 teachers / trainers to help with classes from 9 a.m to 3 p.m. Applicants should have appropriate licenses. For more information visit Tommys Kindergarten in Leicester Square No. 56.Part-time work available: We are looking for retired adults who would like to work part-

6、time at the weekend. Responsibilities include answering the telephones and giving customers information. For more information contact us by calling 345-674132.前面的第一则广告中有一个信息很关键,那就是Kindergarten。这个广告初看好像很适合Lynne Nagata,但继续往后面看,就不合适了,因为它要求从早上9点工作到下午3点,且要求具有相应的资格证,这些似乎与Lynne Nagata的信息不很吻合。然后我们再看后面的第二则广告

7、,这里面有好两个关键信息:一是“retried(退休)”与“65岁”很吻合;二是“周末兼职”与“周日帮女儿帮家务”也很吻合,因为只需周日做家务就意味着周末有空。显然答案只能是第二则广告了。(三)匹配技巧、寻找同义、相同的词或词组。如2011年高考广东卷中的第46题里出现了 a cat-and-mouse game一词,而F选项里也出现了这同一词组,因此毫无疑问,这一相同的关键信息决定了两个内容是相匹配的。、寻找近义词或词组。如joined by=linked by;、留意数字(包括时间)。数字的位置是最容易找的,如果问题提及过,用寻找关键字的方法就能找到答案。注意,数字有时候也可用英语表达出来

8、。(四)读懂省略文字信息匹配题通常涉及的是应用文,而应用文类文体的语言都比较简洁和精炼,有时甚至还会出现一些省略句,考生做题时若能具备这方面的一些知识和能力,并能根据上下文对有所省略的句子作出准确理解,则可大大提高得分率。如招聘广告中经常用到的Typist Needed就是一个典型的省略句,为A typist is needed之省略,其意为“招聘打字员”。又如下面是某人与一个渔夫朋友的对话,其中用的均为省略句,你看看能否读懂:A:Going?B:Been. A:Big?B:Small.以上四个句子均为省略句,若补充完整则为:A:Are you going fishing?B:No. I ha

9、ve been fishing.A:Have you caught any big fish?B:No. I only caught some small fish.像这样的省略假若同学们不能作出正确理解,其后的题目自然就无法答出了。(五)学会“认”生词信息匹配题中有时会出现生词,尤其是一些广告类应用文,通常会出现一些考生不认识的人名、地名、书名、电影名、产品名、网站名等,这些生词如果从句子结构上分析能够确定是属于实词,就只需要标识出来,然后在下文阅读中如果检索到相同的词,一般就可以确认它们是匹配的信息。也就是说,并不需要学生完全读懂该生词的具体中文意思,只需要及时“认得出”就可以了。在具体操


11、热播的国外影视作品的海报及提示性文字:A. When it come to the essential story line, the movie is all about a bird traveling several thousand miles for the purpose of setting up a rare bird family.B. Cracks explores the evil force developed within a closed society, the single-minded violence of the mob mentality, and th

12、e seductive charm of the heroine.C. Eleven years after Sidney Prescott tangled with a mad killer, the Scream series has been exhumed. It was fun and breezy in 1996. In 2011, its about as fresh as the whiff.D. Soul surfer portrays the comeback spirit and faith of shark attack survivor and champion su

13、rfer Bethany Hamilton.E. Although it is a better fantasy than a comedy, this movie never fully embraces either side of the dramatic types and ends up a bastard of mixed blood.F. This movie is a richer and more compelling thriller involving a cat-and-mouse game than the average roller coaster ride in

14、to tension and misery. And it also has a “clean” ending.以下是这些影视作品的背景简介或故事梗概。请将相关背景简介或故事梗概与影视作品的海报及提示性文字匹配起来。46. Having spent most of her life in the worlds of Finland and toughened herself with half her teen years harsh training as a killer, she decides that she is ready to enter society. Her first

15、mission is to kill Marissa, her mothers killer. The plan goes much as expected, except the “Marissa” is an imposter. Hanna becomes the prey in a cat-and-mouse game with the real Marissa, causing tension and misery.47. Blu is a domesticated macaw from the jungles of South America. If Linda, his owner

16、, brings him to Rio, the bird can mate the last female blue macaw and re-start the species. Blus encounter with his bride-to-be, Jewel, doesnt go well, but the two arent given much time to get to know each other before a gang of bird-hunters spirits them away. Now its up to Blu and Jewel to escape t

17、he criminals.48. Perhaps surprisingly, it works reasonably well until the jokes get in the way, testifying to how durable fantasy clichs are. Yet, considering the talent involved on both sides of the camera, audiences may be expecting more. Even though it emerges from an uncrowded genre in which the

18、 competition is sparse, Your Highness is forgettable and it likely wont take long before it is forgotten.49. The film begins with the heroine at age 13, already a champion surfer who has been winning trophies since she was 9. On an idyllic Hawaii day, she is practicing for next competition when a sh

19、ark strikes, biting off her left arm. She makes a quick physical recovery and is back on her surfboard after several weeks, but her spiritual recovery is more complicated as she struggle to believe she can and should keep surfing. She goes out their and shows the world she can be a beacon for human

20、soul.50. The Ghost Face Killer has chosen this year to emerge from the winter long sleep, and his targets appear to be Sidney and those few remaining family members. Scream 4 offers little more than a group of familiar characters wandering around a horror movie setting and uttering self-referential

21、one-liners as the body count mounts. The story is thin and belabored more an excuse to encounter old friends and revel in new gore than tha “revision” promised by the promotional material.2008年广东高考英语信息匹配信息匹配 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。以下是为留英学生编写的系列留学指南的简介:A. The nu

22、mber-one guide to what to study in the UKThis two-volume guide features up-to-date and in-depth information about UK course options and institutions. It also includes course charts, teaching and research ratings, and advice on choosing your course.B. The A to Z of where to study in the UKA reference

23、 directory of UK institutions belonging to the British Councils Education Counselling Service. Includes easy-to-use comparative data on everything from accommodation to courses and fees.C. The essential online guide to UK educationThis site gives you instant access to a wide range of information on

24、studying and living in the UK, including hotlinks to the British Councils Virtual Campus and institutions own web sites.D. The practical guide to making the most of your UK experienceThis fully updated book features the latest information about study opportunities, traveling to the UK, arranging acc

25、ommodation, working in the UK, financial and legal matters, and student life.E. New guide to choosing the right UK courseEvery year, The Times newspaper compiles a league table of all the UKs ninety-seven universities. This is published as The Good University Guide, which features over fifty tables

26、ranking universities by degree subject.F. The magazine that shows why so many international students choose to study in the UKIf youve enjoyed reading this magazine and want to keep up with the latest UK student news and views, place your order now for issues 3 and 4.以下是留英指南图书或杂志的封面,请匹配封面与其对应的简介:【答案

27、与解析】1. F。关键词是issue。第一幅图最上面的Issue 2, 2008与F段材料中的place your order now for issues 3 and 4相吻合。2. E。关键词是times。第二幅图中的THE TIMES与E段材料中的Every year, The Times newspaper compiles相吻合。3. C。关键词是studying and living in the UK。第三幅图中的文字Studying and living in the United Kingdom与C段材料中的a wide range of information on stu

28、dying and living in the UK相吻合。4. B。关键词是directory。第四幅图中的Directory of British Universities与B段材料中的A reference directory of UK institutions相吻合。5. A。关键词是volume。请注意第五幅图中的Volume 1与A段材料中的This two-volume guide features,其他几段材料中均没有出现volume一词。信息匹配专项训练 (1)The people below are all looking for a hotel in Scotland

29、for their holidays. After the description of these people, there is information about six Scotland hotels A-F. Decide which hotel would be most suitable for the people mentioned in questions 1-5 and then mark the correct letter(A-F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra paragraph about one hotel

30、which you dont need to use. 1Two women friends who want to do several all-day hikes in the mountains during the spring. They like a place with traditional decorations and superb views 2A woman with two children aged six and ten, who will spend July in Scotland. The children are interested in animals

31、 and plants and the mother enjoys fashions. 3A handicapped lawyer who must use a wheelchair but drives her own car. She enjoys concerts, museums, fine architecture and swimming. She will spend the first two weeks of October in Scotland. 4A writer, a teacher and their one-year-old daughter. They want

32、 to be in a quiet place during August. They enjoy good food, and like to take long walks(the baby rides in a back-pack). 5An old couple, aged 65 and 68. They love mountain scenery and still take easy walks by the lakeside when they can. They hope to enjoy fresh air and some relaxing activities. AEdinburgh. Post House A popular base for visitors to Edinburgh, this fine hotel stands next to the zoological Gardens within easy reach of the many famous sig

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