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1、山西省学年高一下学期第三次月考英语试题高一年级第二学期第三次月考英语试题考试时间:100分钟 总分:120分 第I卷(选择题共95分)第一节 单项选择(共15 小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1. The sisters decided to hold a family party to their parents silver-marriage.A. celebrate B. memorize C. congratulate D. welcome2. We should follow the in a foreign country we are visiting.A. habit B. cu

2、stoms C. tradition D. things3. Sir, you are not allowed to enter the building if you dont get our managers . A. permission B. connection C. instruction D. introduction4. The photos on the wall my mother of those happy old days when a large family lived together.A. inform B. approve C. remind D. rete

3、ll 5. My aunt is good at bargaining and she always buys things at a _.A. discount B. cost C. price D. benefit 6. -Youre quite a free person now, I think.- , I have tons of things to do.A. On the contrary B. On average C. On the other hand D. On condition7. As we all know, no one is perfect, and ever

4、yone has his own .A. mistakes B. weakness C. limit D. belief 8. My parents have promised to come to see me before I for Paris. A. have left B. leave C. left D. will leave9. I hadnt seen him for 10 years but I him at first sight. A. realized B. spotted C. watched D. observed 10. Neither the teacher n

5、or the students are with the result of the exam. A. content B. contented C. satisfying D. contenting11. The teacher raised his voice _ all the students could hear him clearly.A. in case B. so thatC. even though D. so as to12.-Did you tell Jane that the college had allowed her to work on a part-time

6、work and study program this term?-Oh, no, I forget. I _ her now.A. will call B. will be callingC. call D. am to call13. The _ on his face told me that he was angry.A. impression B. sight C. appearance D. expression14. Kathy _ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.A. picked up B.

7、 took upC. make up D. turned up15 .If you have no idea about how to pronounce the word correctly, you may_ the dictionary.A. refer to B. deal with C. bring about D. look up第二节 完形填空(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并标在答题卡的相应位置。Mrs. Jones was over eighty, but she still

8、 drove her old car like a woman half her age. She loved driving very fast, and was proud of the fact 16 she had never, in her thirty-five years of driving, been punished 17 a driving offence (犯规,犯法). Then one day she nearly 18 her record. A police car 19 her, and the policemen in it saw her 20 a red

9、 light without stopping. Of course, she was stopped. It seemed 21 that she would be punished. 22 Mrs. Jones came up to the judge, he looked at her seriously and said that she was 23 old to drive a car, and that the 24 why she had not stopped at the red 25 was most probably that her eyes had become w

10、eak 26 old age, so that she had simply not seen it. When the judge(法官) had finished what he was 27 , Mrs. Jones opened the big handbag she was 28 and took out her sewing. Without saying a word, she 29 a needle(针) with a very small eye, and threaded(穿线) it at her first attempt. When she had 30 done t

11、his, she took the thread out of the needle again and handed both the needle and the thread to the judge, saying, “Now it is your turn. I suppose you drive a car, and that you are quite sure about your own eyesight.”The judge took the needle and tried to thread it. After half a dozen tries, he had st

12、ill not succeeded. The case (案例) against Mrs. Jones was dismissed(撤除), and her record remained unbroken. 16. A. which B. when C. that D. this 17. A. about B. on C. to D. for 18. A. kept B. won C. missed D. lost 19. A. watched B. after C. followed D. ran after 20. A. pass B. go C. run D. rush 21. A.

13、sure B. indeed C. certain D. perhaps 22. A. Before B. While C. Until D. When 23. A. so B. very C. too D. quite 24. A. cause B. reason C. matter D. trouble 25. A. light B. lamp C. sign D. one 26. A. with B. because C. for D. of 27. A. speaking B. saying C. talking D. telling 28. A. holding B. getting

14、 C. carrying D. bringing 29. A. took B. brought C. picked D. chose 30. A. almost B. hardly C. successfully D. successful 第三节 阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2.5分,满分50分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并标在答题卡的相应位置。A Jack is a twenty-year-old young man. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he found work in

15、a shop. Usually he works until ten oclock in the evening. He is very tired when he gets home. After a quick supper he goes to bed and soon falls asleep. His grandma who lives downstairs is satisfied with (满意) him.One day, on his way home, he met Mary. They were both happy. He asked the girl to his h

16、ouse, she agreed happily. He bought some fruit and drinks for her. And they talked about their school, teachers, classmates and their future (未来). They talked for a long time.“Have a look at your watch, please,” said the girl. “What time is it now?”“Sorry, something is wrong with my watch,” said Jac

17、k. “Wheres yours?”“I left it at home.”Jack thought for a moment and found a way. He began to stamp his foot on the floor, “Bang! Bang! Bang!”The sound woke his grandma up. The old woman shouted downstairs, “Its twelve oclock in the night, Jack. Why are you still jumping upstairs?”31. Jack was _ when

18、 he finished middle schoolA. sixteenB. eighteenC. twentyD. fifteen32. The old woman is satisfied with Jack because _.A. hes her grandsonB. hes clever C. he can keep quiet D. he gets home on time33. From the story, we can know that Mary is Jacks _.A. classmate B. colleague (同事) C. aunt D. wife34. The

19、 word “stamp” in the story means _ in Chinese.A. 盖印 B. 跺 C. 贴邮票 D. 承认35. Jack stamped his foot on the floor in order (为了) _.A. to wake his grandma upB. to make his grandma angryC. that his grandma was going to tell him the timeD. that his grandma was going to buy him a watchB Mr. and Mrs. Turner liv

20、e outside a small town. They have a big farm and they are always busy working on it. Their son, Peter, studied at a middle school. The young man studied hard and did well in his lessons. It made them happy.Last month Peter finished middle school and passed the entrance examination (升学考试). Mrs. Turne

21、r was very happy and told the farmers about it.Yesterday morning the woman went to the town to buy something for her son. On the bus she told one of her friends how clever and able her son was. She spoke very loudly. All the people in the bus began to listen to her. “Which university (大学) will your

22、son study in?” a woman next to her asked.“In the most famous university in our country!” Mrs. Turner said happily.“The most famous university?”“Oxford University (牛津).” Most of the passengers (乘客) looked at her carefully. Some of them said to her, “Congratulations!” A woman said, “Im sure hell know

23、Fred Smith.”“Whos Fred Smith?”“Hes my son.”“Does he study in the university, too?”“No, ”said the woman. “He is one of the professors.”36. The story happened in _. A. America B. France C. Germany D. England37. Mr. and Mrs. Turner were happy because _. A. their son did well in his lessons B. they have

24、 a big farm C. they have a good harvest D. their son studied at a middle school38. Mrs. Turner wanted everyone to know _. A. her son finished middle school B. her son was handsome C. her son was going to study in a university D. her son was very friendly to others39. Mrs. Turner spoke so loudly in t

25、he bus that _. A. her friend could hear her B. all the people could hear her C. she hoped to make all the people happy D. she hoped they would say congratulations to her40. Which of the following is true? _. A. The woman wasnt interested in Mrs. Turners words B. Mrs. Turner knew nothing about the fa

26、mous university C. The woman wanted to stop Mrs. Turner from showing off (炫耀) D. The woman next to Mrs. Turner wanted to show off her son, too C“Cool” is a word with many meanings. Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changed, the word has had

27、many different meanings.“Cool” can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything. When you see a famous car in the street, maybe you will say “Its cool.”You may think, “Hes so cool,” when you see your favourite footballer.We all maximize (扩大) the meaning of “cool”. You can use it instea

28、d of many words such as “new” or “surprising”. Heres an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used. A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall (瀑布) they had visited. On one students paper was just the one sentence, “Its so cool”. Maybe he thought it was the best way

29、 to show what he saw and felt.But the story also shows a scarcity (缺乏) of words. Without “cool”, some people have no words to show the same meaning. So it is quite important to keep some credibility (可信性). Can you think of many other words that make your life as colourful as the word “cool”? I can.

30、And I think they are also very cool.41. We know that the word “cool” has _. A. only one meaning B. no meanings C. many different meanings D. the same meaning42. In the passage, the word “express” means“_”. A. see B. show C. know D. feel 43. If you are _ something, you may say, “Its cool.” A. interested in B. angry about C. afraid of D. unhappy with 44. The writer takes an example to show he is _ the way the word is used. A. pleased with B. strange to C. worried about D. careful with 45. In the passage, the writer suggests (暗示) that the word “cool

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