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1、警务英语阅读与翻译词汇汇总 愿你每天都有英语的陪伴,相知相恋。 13涉外二区的小白兔考试重点单元Unit1常用警务词汇之网络安全 Police Terms for Cyber Security1 cybersecurity 网络安全 2 cyberrealm 网络领域 3 cyberintrusion 网络入侵4 website defacement 篡改网页5denial of service attacks 关于拒绝访问的攻击6 stateactors 国家行为体7hacker 黑客8organized crime groups有组织的犯罪团伙9pilfer data 剽窃资料10defe

2、nse contractors 国防承包商11critical infrastructure 重要的基础设施12undercover operations 卧底13authorized surveillance techniques 授权的监控技术14disrupt/breach/compromise 破坏毁坏15 lawenforcement agencies 执法机构16adversary 敌手17station FBI agencies overseas 在海外派驻FBI驻地机构18espionage 间谍活动19information transition 信息变革20number o

3、ne priority 重中之重21wirelessnetworks 无线网络22 abuse ones position for personal gain以权谋私23 responsibility 职责 任务24 intelligence-driven 信息驱动的25 obedience to 遵守26 mastermind 策划者操纵者27 website visits 网页访问量28 anonymity 匿名者29 encryption 加密30 obscure online identity 隐藏网络身份31snoop 窥听 跟踪32 online transactions 网络交易

4、33 software protocols 软件协议34jumble data 弄乱资料35 fallprey to sth 成为攻击对象3 6confidentiality 机密性37online fraud and counterfeiting/forgery 网络诈骗和伪造38 electronic communication network 电子通信网络39 identity theft 身份盗窃40 phishing 网络钓鱼41malicious code 恶意代码42 spam 垃圾邮件43fraudulent behaviors 诈骗行为44non-cash means of

5、payment 非现金支付手段45file-sharing 文件共享的46carry out a major crackdown against 开展对某一事件的打击47perpetrate a crime 犯罪48 resilienceof cyberspace 网络空间的恢复49social media fraud 社交媒体诈骗50apprehend 逮捕拘留51 combatcybercrime 打击网络犯罪52 underlyinginfrastructure 潜在的基础设施53 sophisticated cybercrime actors 错综复杂的网络犯罪团体54 be subj

6、ect to 易遭受55 be susceptible to 易受影响的56 accessible 可使用的 可进入的57 cyber hazards 网络危险58 vulnerability 脆弱性59 publication of illegal content online 网上传播非法信息60 denial of service attack 禁止访问攻击61 bankaccount 银行账号62 creditcard 信用卡Unit2 Police Terms 警务英语词汇之人质救援Hostage Rescue1. Hostage Rescue Team 人质救援小组2. a cou

7、nterterrorism unit 反恐部队3. a highly trained group of special agents 训练有素的特工4. a tactical response to terrorism 对恐怖主义的战术性反应5. to fast-rope out of helicopters 从直升机速降6. to parachute with full mission equipment 全副武装跳伞7. close-quarter tactics 近身格斗8. to perform special agent duties 执行特工任务9. an integral par

8、t 不可或缺的一部分10. grueling selection 残酷的选拔11. to be roused well before dawn破晓前起床12. physical fitness test 体能测试13. an HRT operator 人质救援队成员14. unforgiving circumstances恶劣环境15. to be sleep-deprived and physically-drained 睡眠不足,体力不支16. zero feedback 零反馈17. a contingency plan 应急预案18. intensive training 集训19.

9、to mimic real-world missions 模拟真实任务19. breacher 破门手20. medics 医护人员21. to be on the cutting edge of 前沿22. to think on ones feet思维敏捷23. to carry heavy gear全副武装24. a triggering device 引爆装置25. to detonate the bombs 引爆炸弹26. training scenarios 训练情景模拟27. aerial photos 航拍照片28. the staging area 集结待命区域29. per

10、sonality trait 人格品质30. high-risk mission 高危任务31.rigorous selection process 严格的选拔程序32. initial briefing 行动前部署会33. topographical map 地形图34. intelligence analyst 情报分析专家35. FBIs Critical Incident Response Group 联邦调查局危机事件反应小组36. local sheriffs department当地警察局37. to establish a perimeter 扫清外围地区38. to addr

11、ess problems 解决问题39. to launch assaults 发动进攻40. to obtain evidence 收集证据41.SCUBA 潜水呼吸器42.marksmen 神枪手 release of the hostage人质安全释放44.crisis negotiator 危机谈判专家45. technical and tactical assistance 技战术协助46. to break sb. down 情绪崩溃47. credible threat 确认后的威胁48. live fire 实弹49. incident commander(IC)

12、 应急事故指挥官51. siege 包围,围困52. rounds of ammunition 弹药53. snipers 狙击手54. in full gear 全副武装55. night vision goggles 夜视仪56. to walk with stealth 秘密潜行57. to be in place 到位58. battering-ram 撞门锤59. SWAT team 特警队60. caliber of person 人员水准Unit6 Policing Terms 毒品词汇大搜罗Common Drugs 常见毒品opium鸦片 heroin 海洛因morphine

13、吗啡MDMA 摇头丸marijuana大麻cocaine 可卡因e.g. Marijuana is so common in the U.S. that many want to decriminalize it.抽大麻在美国相当普遍,以致很多人想把吸食大麻去罪化。Related Words 相关词汇l Drug smuggling 走私毒品l Drug trafficking cartel 贩毒集团 Drug lord 毒枭 Drug dealer 毒贩l Drug addiction 吸毒上瘾 Drug addict 吸毒上瘾的人l Drug rehabilitation 戒毒 Anti-

14、drug campaign 扫毒行动 Anti-narcotics police 缉毒警 Narcotics control bureau 禁毒局Unit7 Police Terms Transnational Organized Crime 跨国有组织犯罪(1)1.dire implication 可怕的启示2.public safety公共安全3.democratic institutions 民主制度4.criminal networks犯罪网络5.diversifying多元化6.explosive and destabilizing effects爆炸性失稳效应7.rule of l

15、aw法治 susceptible to易受影响9.corrupt officials 腐败官员10.turn a blind eye to视而不见11.insinuate oneself into巧妙进入 bribery直接贿赂 for office 竞选公职14.infiltration /penetration渗透 alliances with 与结盟16.exacerbating corruption腐败恶化17.underming governance破坏国家统治 press出版自由19.transparency透明性

16、20.piracy海盗21.ransom赎金22.illicit revenue非法收入23.government instability政府不稳定petitiveness竞争力25.subversion颠覆26.exploitation操控27.distortion扭曲28.emerging market新兴的市场29.foreign direct investment外商直接投资30.disruption of the global supply chain全球供应链中断31.state-owned entities国有企业32.gain influence over获得影响33.key

17、commodities主要商品34.aluminum铝35.transportation sector交通行业36.Financial well-being 财政保障37.Illicit drugs非法毒品38.Impunity 免除惩罚39.Consolidate ones market share 巩固其市场份额40.Western Hemisphere 西半球41.Drug trafficking 贩毒42.Drug producers 毒品生产者43.Distribution network 分销网络Unit7 Police Terms Transnational Organized

18、Crime 跨国有组织犯罪(2)1.In violation of 违反,侵害2.Clandestine 秘密的,保密的3.Fraudulent documents 伪造文件4.Evasion of border control 逃避边防检查5.Procure illegal entry 获取非法入境6.Fugitive 逃亡者7.Economic migrant 经济移民8.Sovereignty of nations国家主权9.Threat assessments威胁评估10.UN Office on Drugs and Crime(UNODC) 联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室11.Illic

19、it proceeds 非法收益12.Trafficking in persons/TIP人口贩卖13.Compelled service强迫劳动14.Involuntary servitude不情愿地奴役15.Debt bondage债奴16.Forced labor强迫劳动17.Sexual/labor exploitation性/劳动剥削18.Trafficking victim非法交易的受害者19.Physically and emotionally abused身体和精神的虐待20.Crossing of borders跨越边境21.Traffickers人贩子22.illicit

20、arm dealers非法武器走私分子23.drug trafficker毒贩24.documented/unrecorded备有证明文件的/未记录的25.licit/illicit markets合法/非法的市场26.fuel the violence加剧暴力27.undermine the society破坏社会28.intercept拦截,窃听29.theft of Intellectual property窃取智力成果30.intrusions into 侵入31.manufacturing process制造过程32.customs seizure海关扣押33.domestic va

21、lue国内价值34.Intellectural Property Right(IPR)知识产权35.account for(在数量、比例上)占 financial system 国际金融体系37.stock market 股票市场38.e-currency 电子货币 card 信用卡 fraud 网络诈骗41.defraud 骗取42.secret service 情报机关43.electronic crimes task force 电子犯罪任务组44.anonymous online criminal 匿名网络罪犯45.N

22、ational Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force 国家网络调查联合任务组46.focal point 汇聚点47.imperil/undermine confidence/faith 危及/破坏 信心/信仰 devices 移动设备49.trail 痕迹 evidence 数字式证据Unit8 Police Terms Border Control Cooperation警英词汇之边境控制合作1、to combat the DTOs 打击贩毒组织2、DTOsDrug Trafficking Organizations

23、 贩毒组织3、border control 边境控制4、sovereign nations 主权国家5、cross-border trade 跨境贸易6、cross-border flow of goods and people 跨境货物/人员流动7、to set bilateral policies 制定双边政策8、pilot projects 试点项目9、cargo pre-clearance 货物预检10、to appropriate funds 拨款11、be mutually beneficial to 对双方都有益12、to disrupt transnational crimin

24、al organizations 打击跨国犯罪组织13、to open investigations 开展调查14、monetary proceeds of drug sales 贩毒收益15、DHSDepartment of Homeland Security 国土安全部16、CBPCustoms and Border Protection 美国海关与边防局17、to enhance inbound/outbound screening procedures 加强入/出境检查18、to scan license plates 查看车牌19、FYFiscal Year 财政年度20、be su

25、bjected to. 经历、遭受21、to hold a hearing 举行听证会22、border inspections 边检23、community engagement 社区参与度24、drug smuggling 毒品走私25、money laundering 洗钱26、conspiracy 共谋犯罪27、an anonymous tip line 匿名举报热线28、tailored prevention measures 有针对性的措施29、the Interior Department 内政部30、social cohesion 社会凝聚力31、hign crime area

26、s 犯罪高发区32、to launch a program 开展项目33、to improve citizen-police collaboration 加强警民合作34、policy makers 政策制定者35、a top priority 重中之重36、rule of law 法治37、to safeguard lawful trade. 保护合法贸易38、action plans.行动计划39. Physical line 物理界线40.soveign country 主权国家41. Polygraph 测谎42. Automated license plate readers (LP

27、Rs) 自动车牌扫描器43. Non -Intrusive Inspection System(NII)非侵入式检查系统 44. CIS- Citizen and Immigration Services 公民移民服务局45. TSA- Transportation Security Administration 交通安全管理局46. Models for replication 仿效样板47. Vulnerability 脆弱性48. Executive Steering Committee 执行指导委员会49. USAID- US Agency for International Deve

28、lopment 美国国际开发署50. ICE- Immigraiton and Customs Enforcement 美国移民与海关执法署 Unit9 Police TermsCombating Terrorism Financing 警英词汇之打击恐怖主义融资1.Combating the financing of terrorism (CFT) measures打击恐怖主义融资2. terrorism financing恐怖主义融资活动3. Fund-raising筹集资金4. storing and concealing funds储存和藏匿资金5. transferring fund

29、s转移资金6. carry out specific terrorist attacks实施具体恐怖袭击7. unwittingly or knowingly知情或不知情8. logistical support后勤保障9. Financial transactions金融交易10. the freezing of assets冻结资产11. track terrorist funds movements追踪恐怖主义资金流向12. court rulings法院判决13. procedural safeguards程序保障14. in the long run从长远看15. laws or r

30、egulations法律法规16. private and public sector公私领域17. stakeholders利益相关方18. is proportionate to与相一致19. international standards国际标准20. Proportional measures相应的措施21.Targeted financial sanctions金融制裁专项行动1. shared understanding共识2. common agenda共同议事日程3. well-functioning, transparent and corruption-free economies运作良好,透明和无腐败经济4. antimoney laundering (AML)反洗钱5. legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks法律、监管与机构框架6. institutional capacity机构能力7. real-time intelligence实时情报8. documentary evidence书证9. financial intelligence unit personnel金融情报部门人员10. criminal investigators刑事侦查

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