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1、高中英语人教课标版必修15册教材知识点大全新课标高中英语人教课标版必修15册教材知识点大全第一章 动词第一节 不及物动词一)不及物动词1. As the rocket rose slowly into the air we began to feel the pull of the earth (B3U4天文) In the distance, they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls(B3U5加拿大)The chair began to rise. (B2U4生物) We hope the nu

2、mber of panda will soon rise. (B2U4生物) The sun is just rising over Gombe National Park in East Africa. (B4U1妇女)Rise to any challenge(B5U3未来)The water in the wells rose and fell(B1U4地震)2. A new situation arises. (2-3电脑) The problem arose. (U1B5科学家)He is supposed to clarify any problems that may arise

3、 over the Internet. (B5U2-英国)3. In the country some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world still remain.(B3U5加拿大)It remained when the rest has been destroyed. (B2U1古迹) The part of ancient walls remain as good as before. (B2U1古迹) What happened to the city remained a mystery. (B2U1古迹) /

4、The building remained part of a royal palace and prison combined. (B5U2-英国)Huge questions remain to be answered (B3U4天文) The tower had remained standing for one thousand years. 4. She has argued for them to be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements. (B4U1妇女)Putting natural

5、 waste from animals in their fields, they argue, makes the soil richer in minerals and so more fertile. (B4U2农业)5. I wonder why the universe exists. (B3U4天文)6. Sherlock Holmes looked up at the stars and whispered, “What do you think of?” (B4U3幽默) 7. My mind wanders. (2-3电脑)8. Im hoping to find work.

6、 As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident. (B3U3 百万英镑)9. Dr Yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice that could feed more people. (B4U2农业) 10. I wonder how long the universe has lasted and how vast the sky is. (B4U3幽默)11. This is how the story goes. (B5U4新闻)12.

7、 He realized that the men had been lying. (B5U4新闻)The cellar lay under the church. (B5U2-英国)13. “You write good front page stories,” she noted. (B5U4新闻)He sighed. “yes, ” he added(接着说), “and I would miss my dumplings and fatty pork.(B3U2饮食)14. He has struggled for the past five decades to help farme

8、rs. (B4U2农业)15. Write a short reply to the letter. (B2U1古迹) 16. Chaplin produced, directed, and wrote the movies he starred in. (B4U3幽默)17. Jane helped people understand how much they behave like humans. The prisoners behaved badly because they were being treated like animals. (B4U1妇女)18. He took th

9、e friendly bank-note to the bank and cashed. (B3U3 百万英镑)19. It seemed as if the dust would multiply and become a new planet. (B3U4天文)20. They would starve if food was difficult to find.(B3U1节庆)21. talk too much (B5U4新闻)22. That night as the train was speeding along the St Lawrence River(B3U5加拿大)二)不及

10、物动词短语名词1. Put forward a suggestion(U1B5科学家)2. John Snow looked into the source of the water for these two streets. (U1B5科学家)3. He believed in the second theory(U1B5科学家)He believed in three principles. (1-5英雄)4. take up a new career(U1B5科学家)take up the prize(B5U3未来)take up your place at university(B5

11、U3未来)take up a new job(B5U3未来)5. She died of cholera after drinking the water. (U1B5科学家)He died for his ideas. (1-5英雄) He died from a piece of falling furniture. (B1U4地震)6. The UK consists of 4 countries.(B5U2-英国)7. All the calculations led to the same conclusion. (U1B5科学家)8. The equipment will add

12、to the quality of life. (B5U3未来)9. His career came to an end when he became ill. (U1B5科学家)The past can come to life(U5B4乐园)The government came very close to a disaster. (B5U2-英国)10. Contribute to the community(U1B5科学家)11. Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well. (B5U2-英国)12.

13、 He belongs to a trade union. (B2U1古迹) The earth belongs to the living. (B2U1古迹) I found the person to whom it belonged. (B2U1古迹) The computer company belonged to Wang An. (1-5英雄)13. Clean bandage will not stick to the skin./ The clothes are stuck to the burn. -Could you stick to the point, please?s

14、tick to your promise(B5U5急救)They can be tied to the tables or stuck to them so they wont easily move around. (B1U4地震) Make a special time for practicing and stick to it. (B2U5音乐) You will be fine as long as you stick to the rules(B2U5音乐) 14. At last he came to himself. (2-3电脑) Come to power(1-5英雄) L

15、ook up to the sky(B2U1古迹) What she said doesnt relate to the facts. (B2U2奥运)The words are related to each other in meaning. (B2U2奥运)15. dance outside to the music of a band(B3U1节庆)He explained to me that the force of gravity would change three times on our journey (B3U4天文) Organic farming also refer

16、s to crops growing with natural rather than chemical fertilizers. (B4U2农业)16. The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. He had looked forward to meeting her all day. We think that long ago people looked forward to the

17、celebrations. (B3U1节庆)He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular. (B3U2饮食)Im looking forward to my first assignment as a reporter. (B5U4新闻)17. If you look around the British countryside, you will find evidence of all these invaders. (B5U2-英国)18. What does t

18、he robot look like? (2-3电脑) look on the waiters face (B3U3 百万英镑)He is looking at them over his left shoulder. (B3U3 百万英镑)They looked out of the windows at the wild scenery. (B3U5加拿大)They went up the tall CN Tower, and looked across the lake. (B3U5加拿大)They sat in a caf looking over the broad St Lawre

19、nce River. (B3U5加拿大)19. The cultural relics are well looked after. (B2U1古迹) Animals have to look after themselves. (B2U4生物) Looking after the forest helps with wildlife protection. (B2U4生物)20. suffered from “time lag” (B5U3未来)21. The next day Pingyu was leaving London for Windsor Castle. (B5U2-英国) T

20、hey were not leaving for Montreal until later, so they went on a tour of the city. (B3U5加拿大)the waiter leaves for the kitchen. (B3U3 百万英镑)22. He heard about the plan. (B5U2-英国)23. prepare for a flight into space(U5B4乐园)An outline will prepare you to write a better story. (B1U4地震) 24. Fall in love(B1

21、U1朋友) They fell in love. (B3U1节庆)Live in peace(B1U1朋友) The large city lay in ruins. (B1U4地震) The building had fallen in ruins(B1U4地震) Fill in the form(2-3电脑) fill in the forms(B4U1妇女)25. We had to change from our trousers into shorts. (B1U3游记) Look into the report. (B2U1古迹) Look into the sky at nigh

22、t and try to find out the names of some of the stars. (B3U5加拿大)26. It happened long before humans came into being. (B2U4生物) bump into someone else (B4U3幽默) knock into someone (B4U3幽默)27. Deal with information(2-3电脑) Deal with polluted water(U1B5科学家)They came up with a name for their band. (B2U5音乐) S

23、tay with what is true in your heart(B2U5音乐) Communicate with each other(2-3电脑) (B1U1朋友) (B1U2英语) People found it hard to do with the ruins. (B1U4地震) I am getting along well with a boy in my class. (B1U1朋友) Do you get on well with your classmates(1-5英雄) I wanted my shoes to go with this dress. (B3U1节

24、庆)Get together with your friends.(B3U5加拿大)All the houses shone with bright lights. (B3U5加拿大)28. Ask for help from sb(B2U2奥运) ask for a good salary for the job (B3U3 百万英镑)He asked for the way to the theatre. (B2U5音乐) People can find hope for a brighter future even after a bad earthquake. (B1U4地震) Let

25、s hope for greater success(2-3电脑) Search for a new world(B5U3未来)29. Feel sorry for(B1U1朋友) The Milu deer is being well cared for in the center. (B2U4生物) It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies by following some simple rules for keeping babies clean

26、and healthy. (B4U1妇女)Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of fields. (B4U2农业) hope for the best (B4U3幽默) I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance. (B3U3 百万英镑)30. He closed his restaurant and set out for the library.

27、 (B3U2饮食) Li Fang set off for home. (B3U1节庆)31. In American, McDonalds does not allow Unions to operate in its restaurants and these are people who speak up for the workers. (B3U2饮食)32. She decided to apply for some money. (B2U4生物) She decided to apply for some money. As a result, a special butterfl

28、y became protected. (B2U4生物) The companies applied to be allowed to hunt some of the elephants for a fee. (B2U4生物)33. Put up our tents. (B1U3游记) Put up shelters for the homeless(B1U4地震) Pick up the apple (B2U2奥运) pick up gold (B4U3幽默) Set up a company (1-5英雄) Blow up buildings(1-5英雄) Make up a story

29、(B1U4地震) Make up new moves(2-3电脑) Clean it up(B2U4生物) I had to pack up my things very quickly. (B1U1朋友) Hang up the phone(B2U5音乐) 34. Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people, with everyone clapping? (B2U5音乐)I used to dream of being famous. (B2U5音乐) dream about(B1U3游记) Realize

30、our dream of making all races equal(1-5英雄) The cousins dreamed of French restaurants and red maple leaves. (B3U5加拿大)35. They thought little of the events. (B1U4地震) Think highly of(B2U1古迹) They thought very highly of our design. (B2U5音乐)36. This made me feel good about myself. (1-5英雄) If you are care

31、ful, you dont need to worry about losing them. (B2U1古迹)37. The Russian didnt care about the Amber room. (B2U1古迹) She doesnt care about details. (B1U3游记)He cares less about himself. (B2U1古迹) He cares little about spending the money on himself or leading a comfortable life. (B4U2农业) He also doesnt car

32、e about being famous. (B4U2农业)38. Go on a picnic(B1U1朋友) Instead, organic farmers insist on changing crops every two or three years. (B4U2农业) Work on the dictionary(B1U2英语) He began to work on an engine in 1918. (1-5英雄) Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved. (B3U4天文)39. You can concentrate on photography later on. (B5U4新闻)stay concentrated40. They compete against each other for the honor of winning. (B2U2奥运) He will compete with other athletes from foreign countr

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