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1、智慧树知到医学英语词汇学章节测试完整答案 2020智慧树知到医学英语词汇学章节测试完整答案 智慧树知到医学英语词汇学章节测试答案 第一章 1、The symbol of medicine is called _. A:the rod of Aaron B:the Rod of Asclepius C:the Rod of Jesse D:the Rod of Iron 正确答案:the Rod of Asclepius 2、The first bone of the spine is known as _. A:Atlas B:Axis C:Sacrum D:Coccyx 正确答案:Atlas

2、 3、The heel cord, i.e. the largest and strongest tendon in the human body, is called _. A:Patella tendon B:Deltoid tendon C:Achilles tendon D:Trapezius tendon 正确答案:Achilles tendon 4、A 18-year-old man has an exaggerated sense of self-importance and always believes that he is better than others. This

3、man may be diagnosed with having a(n) _. A:Oedipus complex B:Cain complex C:Electra complex D:Narcissistic personality disorder 正确答案:Narcissistic personality disorder 5、A senior woman always repeats statements and questions over and over, not realizing that she has asked the question before. She ten

4、ds to forget conversations, appointments or events. This woman may be diagnosed with _. A:Parkinson”s disease B:Alzheimer”s disease C:Down”s syndrome D:Crohn”s disease 正确答案:Alzheimer”s disease 6、A boy always feels tired. Blood test shows that he is not iron deficient, but his MCV(平均红细胞体积)is very low

5、. The name of this condition derives from the Greek Thalassa sea. What may be the possible diagnosis of him? A:Aplastic anemia B:Syphilis C:Mediterranean anemia D:Cataract 正确答案:Mediterranean anemia 7、In the brain, there is a region involved in memory forming, organizing, and storing, which is called

6、 the _ because it has a shape of a seahorse. A:Pineal gland B:Pituitary gland C:Thalamus D:Hippocampus 正确答案:Hippocampus 8、A newborn baby is with reddish purple marks on the face, which is caused by a localized area of abnormal blood vessels. This condition is called _. A:Butterfly disease B:Acne C:P

7、ort-wine stain D:Pimple 正确答案:Port-wine stain 第二章 1、Which of the following word parts is a combining form? A:hyper- B:ot/o- C:-iatrics D:penta- 正确答案:ot/o- 2、Which of the following words is spelled correctly ? A:enterogastritis B:enterogastroitis C:gastroenteritis D:gastrenteritis 正确答案:gastroenteritis

8、 3、The correct pronunciation of“pt” in the word“gastroptosis” and“ptosis” is _. A:t and t B:pt and pt C:t and pt D:pt and t 正确答案:pt and t 4、Words ending with _are stressed on the next to last syllable. A:-tomy B:-oma C:-ectomy D:-rrhea 正确答案:-oma 5、The word“rhinoplasty” is pronounced_. A:“rainu,pl&ae

9、lig;sti B:rai”nuplæsti C:rainuplæs”ti D:,rainu”plæsti 正确答案:“rainu,plæsti 第三章 1、fibrous adhesion A:纤维组织 B:纤维结构 C:纤维固定 D:纤维性粘连 正确答案:D 2、afferent neurons A:传入神经元 B:传出神经元 C:传入神经递质 D:传出神经递质 正确答案:A 3、 回顾性研究 A:a prospective study B:a retrospective study C:an extrovert study D:an int

10、rovert study 正确答案:A 4、小脑下静脉 A:inferior veins of cerebrum B:Superior veins of cerebrum C:inferior veins of cerebellum D:superior veins of cerebellum 正确答案:C 5、glaucoma A:灰发病 B:青光眼 C:紫癜病 D:发绀 正确答案:B 第四章 1、Cardiopathy means _. A:heart failure B:heart disease C:brain disease D:skeletal disease 正确答案:B 2、T

11、he suffix“-centesis” in the word arthrocentesis means _. A:destruction of B:puncture of C:pertaining to D:originating in 正确答案:B 3、The suffix“-malacia” in the word chondromalacia means _. A:flowing B:hardening C:softening D:producing 正确答案:C 4、Downward displacement of the stomach is termed _. A:gastri

12、tis B:gastroptosis C:mammoplasia D:sternoschisis 正确答案:B 5、Which of the following physicians specializes in treating patients with diseases of the liver? A:hepatologist B:hematologist C:nephrologist D:rheumatologist 正确答案:hepatologist 6、_ means surgical repair of an organ. A:phag/o- B:-plasm C:-plasty

13、 D:-pathy 正确答案:C 7、A record of electric wave occurring in the brain is called _. A:electroencephogram B:electromyogram C:electrocardiogram D:electroencephalogram 正确答案:electroencephalogram 8、Which of the following suffixes does not mean“pertaining to”? A:-ic B:-al C:-ar D:-our 正确答案:-our 9、The suffix“

14、-megaly” in the word hepatosplenomegaly means _. A:swelling B:softening C:hardening D:enlargement 正确答案:enlargement 10、The instrument for viewing is -scope whereas the instrument for cutting is_. A:-tome B:-scopy C:-meter D:-graph 正确答案:-tome 第五章 1、Surgical reconstruction or cosmetic alteration of the

15、 nose is termed_. A:rhinopexy B:rhinoplasty C:rhinotomy D:rhinoscopy 正确答案:rhinoplasty 2、A faster than normal respiratory rate of breathing is termed _. A:dyspnea B:apnea C:tachypnea D:bradypnea 正确答案:tachypnea 3、Hemoptysis is a term describing_. A:a bloody nose B:bleeding from the gums C:a clot in a

16、pulmonary artery D:coughing up blood from the lungs 正确答案:coughing up blood from the lungs 4、A bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes is termed_, which is a sign that oxygen in the blood is dangerously diminished (as in carbon monoxide poisoning). A:cyanosis B:cyanide C:albinism D:eryt

17、hematosus 正确答案:cyanosis 5、_is an instrument for measuring the vital capacity of the lungs. A:pneumograph B:spirograph C:spirometer D:spirometry 正确答案:spirometer 6、A special procedure to examine the blood vessels of the lungs by X-ray is called A:a lung scan B:bronchoscopy C:thoracocentesis D:pulmonar

18、y angiography 正确答案:pulmonary angiography 第六章 1、aorta A:capn/o B:aort/o C:spir/o D:ventricul/o 正确答案:aort/o 2、heart A:coron/o B:ton/o C:chrom/o D:cardi/o 正确答案:cardi/o 3、artery A:arteri/o B:cephal/o C:cerebr/o D:encephal/o 正确答案: 4、vein A:phon/o B:dent/o C:astr/o D:ven/o 正确答案: 5、blood A:plasm/o B:ser/o

19、C:hem/o D:femor/o 正确答案:angi/o 6、atrium A:atri/o B:melan/o C:chrom/o D:erythr/o 正确答案: 7、blood vessle A:duoden/o B:col/o C:angi/o D:jejun/o 正确答案:angi/o 8、valve A:hepat/o B:valvul/o C:ren/o D:adren/o 正确答案:valvul/o 9、inflammation A:-itis B:-ase C:-lysis D:-ide 正确答案:-itis 10、incision A:-tomy B:-stomy C:-

20、ectomy D:-scopy 正确答案:-tomy 第七章 1、medullar oblongata A:脑干 B:海马 C:延髓 D:杏仁体 正确答案:延髓 2、somatic nervous system A:肠神经系统 B:躯体神经系统 C:自主神经系统 D:网状神经系统 正确答案:躯体神经系统 3、脑皮层运动区 A:cerebellar motor cortex B:trabecular motor cortex C:limbic motor cortex D:cerebral motor cortex 正确答案:cerebral motor cortex 4、顶叶 A:fronta

21、l lobe B:parietal lobe C:occipital lobe D:temporal lobe 正确答案:occipital lobe 5、基底神经节 A:the basal ganglia B:the basal microglia C:the oligodendrocyte D:the glial cells 正确答案:the basal ganglia 第八章 1、An enzyme that digests starch into disaccharides and it is usually secreted by salivary glands and by the

22、 pancreas is _ A:amylase B:pepsin C:lipase D:trypsin 正确答案:amylase 2、The term gastrectomy refers to the excision or removal of _ A:liver B:gallbladder C:stomach D:pancreas 正确答案:stomach 3、Which of the following word parts indicates the first part of a small intestine? A:col/o B:ile/o C:duoden/o D:jeju

23、n/o 正确答案:duoden/o 4、gastroenteritis is an inflammation on _(parts of the body). A:stomach and liver B:entrance of the stomach C:pylorus and cardia D:bottom stomach & small intestines 正确答案:bottom stomach & small intestines 5、Gastrojejunostomy describes a procedure that_ A:surgically creates a

24、n artificial opening between the stomach and jejunum B:surgically creates an opening between the intestines and the abdominal wall C:surgically creates a passageway between the gallbladder duct to the intestine D:surgically removes gallstones through an opening in the abdomen. 正确答案:surgically create

25、s an artificial opening between the stomach and jejunum 第九章 1、_ is a hormone secreted by the thymus that can stimulate the immunological activity of lymphoid tissue. A:Thymine B:Somatotropin C:Adrenalin D:Thymosin 正确答案:Thymosin 2、The term“phagocytosis” means_ A:the process by which a cell, such as a

26、 white blood cell, is produced B:a cell that can ingest microorganisms, other cells, and foreign particles C:the process by which a cell, such as a white blood cell, ingests microorganisms, other cells, and foreign particles D:the death of a phagocyte 正确答案:the process by which a cell, such as a whit

27、e blood cell, ingests microorganisms, other cells, and foreign particles 3、The movement of a microorganism or cell in response to a chemical stimulus is termed _. A:chemokine B:chemotaxis C:cytokine D:chemotherapy 正确答案:chemotaxis 4、The word part“-phylaxis” denotes_. A:protection B:allergy C:preventi

28、on D:diagnosis 正确答案:protection 5、Grafts used for transplantation from a different species are _. A:autografts B:isografts C:homografts D:heterografts 正确答案:heterografts 第十章 1、Inflammation of joints is termed as _. A:arthrodesis B:arthroplasty C:arthritic D:arthritis 正确答案:arthritis 2、A sheet or band o

29、f fibrous tissue which lies deep to the skin or forms an investment for muscles and various organs of the body is _. A:facies B:face C:facet D:fascia 正确答案:fascia 3、Pick out the one which aids cartilaginous activity and thus promote the growth of new cartilage. A:chondroblast B:synchondrosis C:perich

30、ondrium D:chondroma 正确答案:chondroblast 4、The medical apparatus used to invest patella is _. A:patellar B:patellapexy C:patellectomy D:patellometer 正确答案:patellometer 5、Which of the following combining forms means“bone”? A:ren/o- B:myel/o- C:oste/o- D:gastr/o- 正确答案:oste/o- 6、The stem“chondro- ”in the word chondritis means_ . A:tendon B:cartilage C:joint D:rib

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