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1、高中语法专题系列之冠词代词介词知识点一(知识点名称)解题技巧什么情况下可能是填介词?我们首先必须知道两点:(1)介词必须要接宾语,其宾语可以是名词、代词、动名词,或者what从句;(2)名词、代词或动名词在句中通常作主语、动词的宾语、介词的宾语。因此,我们在解答语法填空时,若空格后是名词、代词或动名词时,且他们不是在句中作主语,也不是在动词后作宾语时,这个格空就很可能是填介词。主要考点1. 表示时间介词有 at, in, on 表示时间点和时间段 by不迟于,到时为止 after在之后 before在之前 for表示一段时间 during 在期间 within在期间,不超过 since自从th

2、roughout贯穿期间 until/till直到 fromto 从到 between在之间over在期间,过完一段时间 2. 表示方位的介词有 into进入 out of从出来 (a)round围饶着或在的各处 along沿着 towards向或朝着 to到或向from从 up沿而上 off从离开或下来 at朝着或向着 for到去 down沿而下at在某一点或在(某物)旁 in在某一范围内 on在某物的表面上 between在(两者)之间above在的上头或高出 below在下面或低于 among在(多者)之中 around在周围inside在的里面 outside在的外面 before在之

3、前 behind在的后面 over在的上方或上面 under在的下面或下方; beside/by在的旁边 near在的附近 beyond在的那一边,远于,超过(某事物的范围) across在的对面或那一边 against靠着 across从一边到另一边 by/past从某人或某物的旁边经过 over从某人或某物的上空经过 through从某事物的里面经过。3. 表示原因的介词有 because of, owing to, due to, for, with, at(常放在表示情感变化后的动词、形容词或名词后表示原因,相当于“听到或看到”)等。4. 表示方式、方法或手段的介词有by乘、坐、骑(接

4、交通工具), 靠、通过 in用(某种语言或材料,如墨水等)with用(具体的工具),和一起; through通过(实践或书本)等5. 表示“除外”的介词有 except, besides, but, except for等。6. 表示“数量”的介词有 about(大约), around(大约), over(超过)等 表示“关于”的介词有on, about等; 表示“所属”“部分与整体关系”的介词有of 表示(增加/减少,相差,高出等的)程度的介词有by以及as(当作,作为),like(像一样)等。7. 能接复合宾语的介词有 with和without8. 短语中的介词“动词+介词”短语, loo

5、k after, care for,congratulations on等;“动词+副词+介词”短语,catch up with, get on with, work hard at, do well in等;“动词+名词+介词” take are of, take notice of等;“名词+介词”, effect on等。9. 易误用作其它词类的介词 1)against 相反;反对;违反;撞着,碰着; 倚靠 ,argue against be against have an objection against = disagree to/with appose object to 45%

6、 of the students have an objection against the rule.45% of the students are against the rule.His desk is against the wall. The professor is leaning against the wall. 2)without 没有、不、无、 在范围以外:without fear 无畏without his reach 超出他所及的范围without expression 毫无表情without hesitation 毫不迟疑Without air, water and

7、sunlight there would be no living things. We cant study and work well without healthy body.以下为详细说明:1.表示时间的介词(1)表示年、月、日、时刻等用:in,on,at; at:用于表示时刻、时间的某一点。 on:用于星期、某日、某一天的上午、下午(指具体的某一天时,一律用on) in:用于表示周、月、季节、年,泛指上午、下午、 晚上。(2)表示期限等用:by,until,till; by:在前(时间),截至(到)。 until,(till):直到为止(时间)。 (3)表示时间的前、后用:befor

8、e,after; before:在之前, after:在之后,(4)表示期间等用:during,for,through; for:达之久(表示过了多长时间),可以和一般现在时、过去时、将来时连用,但是多数情况下常和完成时连用。 during:在期间。 through:一直(从开始到结束)。(5)表示时间的起点等用:since,from; from:从起(时间)。 since:自从以来(表示从以前某时一直到现在仍在继续)。(6)表示时间的经过用:in,within。 in:后(未来时间)。 within在范围之内。2.表示场所、方向的介词 表场所的介词有:at,in,on,under,by,ne

9、ar,between等; 表方向的介词有:in,into,out,of,along,across,through等。 (1)at,in: at:在某地点(表较小的场所)。 in在某地(表示场所较大)。(2)on,under,over,above,below on:在上面,有接触面。 above:在上方。 over:在正上方(中间有悬浮),是under的反义词 under:在下面。 below:在下方(不一定是正下方)。(3)near,by: near:近的,不远的(是far的反义词)。 by:在旁边,比near的距离要远。 (4)between,among,around: between:在两

10、者之间。 among:在三者或三者以上的之中。 around:环绕,在周围,在的四周。(5)in front of,behind: in front of:在前面。 behind:在的后边。(6)in,into,out of: in:在之内。如: into:进入(通常用于表示动作的动词之后,如:come,go,walk,jump,run等)。 out of和into一样,表示一定的运动方向。(7)along,across,through: along:沿着。 across:横过(平面物体)。如:acrross the road. through:通过,贯通(穿过森林、沙漠,透过窗户)。(8)t

11、o,for,from: to:到达地点(目的地)或方向。 for:表示目的,为。 from:从地点起。3.介词的其它用法(1)表示手段和材料的介词用with,in,by: with:使用工具。 in:表示用什么材料(如墨水、铅笔等)或用什么语言,也可表示衣着、声音。 by:通过方法、手段。(2)of,from: of:的。 from:来自(某地)。(3)without,like,as: without:没有;是with的反义词。 like:像一样。 as:作为。(4)against,about: against:反对,靠着。 about:关于,各处,四周。询问某人、某物如何或提出建议。4.常见

12、的介词短语(1)动词+介词:talk about,talk to,look at,listen to,take care of,look for等,(2)形容词+介词: 形容词+about: careful about小心anxious about担心 形容词+at:good at擅长angry at对事发愁surprised at对惊奇 形容词+for:ready for为准备好sorry for后悔late for迟到 形容词+from:different form与不同safe from安全 形容词+in:successful in在成功interested in对感兴趣 形容词+of:

13、worthy of值得proud of骄傲certain of确信afraid of害怕 形容词+to:similar to相似equal to等于contrary to与相反indifferent to对不在乎 形容词+with:satisfied with对满意busy with忙于friendly with与友好(3)名词+介词: 名词+for:need for/of 需要excuse for 借口pity for 怜悯 名词+in:difficulty in困难progress in进步pride in骄傲于 名词+of: cause of原因care of注意example of例子

14、way of的方法habit of成习惯 名词+to:answer to 作答attention to 注意key to答案 名词+with:talk with 与交谈business with 做生意(4)副词+介词:instead of 替代away from 离开according to 根据ahead of 在前面(5)固定搭配:at the moment此刻at last最后,终于at the latest最迟at once立刻at the bottom of在底部at the risk of冒险by chance偶然,碰巧by turns轮流by name of名字叫by acci

15、dent偶然by far得多,最for ever永远by surprise出其不意by way of经由for a change改变一下for anything无论如何for the present暂时in time及时in need of需要in fact事实上in turn依次on business出差on fire着火out of control失去控制out of breath上气不接下气to ones taste合胃口to ones benefit对有益知识点二(知识点名称)冠词(一)考纲要求 考纲规定,冠词考查基本用法,包括定冠词与不定冠词,不定冠词a与an的区别;不用冠词的情况;

16、习语中的冠词;特指与泛指等。(二)命题导向冠词规则的灵活运用是高考命题的一个热点,几乎每年高考题的单项选择或完形填空都有涉及冠词的题目,不定冠词和定冠词的一些特殊用法,习惯用法及不用冠词的情况是高考重点考查的知识点。(三)基本用法 当代语法把冠词分为不定冠词、定冠词和零冠词(即不用冠词)三种。冠词是一种虚词,起限定作用,是最主要最典型的限定词,放在名词(或名词化的形容词分词)前面,说明其所指的人或物。 1、定冠词的基本用法: 表示上文提到过的人或事物。如:I have bought a book. The book is very useful. 用于说话人与听话人心中都有数的人或事物。如:C

17、lose the window, please. 用于表示世界上独一无二的事物前。如:the sun, the moon, the earth, the world等。 用于表示方位的名词之前。如:the east, the right. 用于序数词或形容词的最高级之前。如:the first, the tallest. 用于形容词之前,使其名词化。如:the sick, the wounded. 用于由普通名词构成的专有名词之前。如:the United States, the United Nation. 用于江河、海洋、海峡、山脉、群岛、建筑物等的名词之前。如:the Changjian

18、g River, the East Lake. 用于复数姓氏之前,表示“夫妇”或“全家”。如:The Smiths 用于乐器的名词前。如:play the piano; play the violin.发明物。如:The compass was invented in China. 年代名词前。如:He lived in the countryside in the 1970s. 固定词组中。如:in the morning(afternoon, evening), on the other hand , at the same time2、不定冠词的基本用法: 泛指一个。如:There is

19、 a book on the table. 指人或事物的某一种类。如:His father is a driver. Longjing is a wonderful tea. 指某一个人或事物,但不具体说明。如:My sister was saved by a PLA man in the fire. 用于某一些表示重量、长度、时间等单位前,表示“每一”。如:We have meals three times a day.(我们一天吃三餐。) 表示同样的。如:They are of an age.(他们是同岁。) 表数量,相当于one,但语意较弱。如:There is a pen and tw

20、o books on the desk. 使抽象名词具体化。如:The little girl is a help to her mother. (a hand译帮手) 固定搭配。如:as a matter of fact , in a hurry, in a word 3、不用冠词的情况: 表示总称的复数名词之前。如:Children love cartoons.(儿童喜欢卡通影片。) 不含普通名词的专有名词前。如:We are studying English. 名词前有指示代词、物主代词、不定代词或名词所有格修饰时。如:I like this picture; I do not have

21、 any money; As time went on, Einsteins theory proved to be correct. 季节、月份、星期等名词前,一般不用冠词。如:She likes spring most. 呼语前不用冠词。如:What shall I do next, Mother? 三餐饭前不用冠词。如:What did you have for lunch? 节假日前不用冠词。如:People give gifts to each other on Christmas Day. 球类和棋类运动的名称前不用冠词。如:She is fond of playing baske

22、tball. 在一些成对出现的短语中不用冠词。如:arm in arm(手挽手); hand in hand(手牵手); side by side(肩对肩); day and day(日日夜夜); young and old(老老少少); from door to door(挨门挨户); from beginning to end(从头到尾); from morning till night(从早到晚)等。1.Young people should learn how to care others and how to respect all living things. A) with B)

23、 for C) by D) of 2. Today some newly-produced mobile phones can take pictures a camera.A) as B)for C)like D)of3. The 16th Asian Games mascots, XiYangyang, have the same colors the five Olympic rings.A) of B) in C) like D) as4. Mr. Green arrived in Shanghai _ the morning _ May 1 by air.A. onof B. ato

24、f C. inon D. onin5. We were told that the story happened the evening of National Day.A) in B)to C)on D)at6. Clowns (小丑)attracted the attention of the crowd _ wearing colourful clothes. A. by B. with C. on D. at.7. Pansys composition is very good a few spelling mistakes. A) except B) except for C) ex

25、cept that D) besides8. Nowadays some old famous buildings are not familiar _ the new citizens of Shanghai.A) with B) on C) for D) to9. Nothing could prevent the sick boy _visiting the World Expo in Shanghai.A) in B)by C)with D)from10. We were told that the story happened the evening of National Day.

26、A) in B)to C)on D)at11. In the kitchen alone, plastic is made floors, bowls, etc, and even tables and chairs are made plastic.A. forinto B. intoof C. intofrom D. tofrom12. A: When did it begin to snow? B: It started _ the night. A. during B. by C. from D. at13. The 2010 World Expo was held _ May 1 t

27、o October 31. A. at B. from C. on D. in14. Your composition is pretty good _ some spelling mistakes. A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for15. Marys voice sounds quite different _ the phone. A. in B. from C. on D. with 16. I have got two tickets _Jolins concert tonight. Would you like to go th

28、ere with me .)to )with )of ) for17. Bill looked_ but could see nothing unusual.(head)18. It was not a good explanation, but it satisfied Eddie _ the time being.A) on B) at C) for D) with19. A big earthquake happened in Chile (智利) _ February , 2010. A) by B) on C) with D) in20. Mr. Li cant attend the meeting tomorrow. His secretary will go to the meeting _ him.A) instead of B) as well as C) with D) except for21. To meet the needs of people from different countries, that book was published _

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