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1、中考英语情态动词练习情态动词【考点】单项选择:考察情态动词的意思;完形填空:考查情态动词的意思;【考点解读】一、 can的考点1. can表示请求、允许、能力,could是其过去分词,同时could也是比较委婉的用法;2. 在一般疑问句中,用could来提问表示温婉语气时,答案无论肯定还是否定,用can或cant来回答。二、 must的考点1. must既可表推测“一定,准是”,又可表命令、建议“必须”;2. 与must相关对两种否定表达mustnt与neednt。三、 must与have to对区别1. must强调说话者的主观意愿,译为“必须”;2. have to强调客观上的必要性,译为

2、“不得不”。【中考真题再现】一、 单项选择A组 2019 全国中考题组1. (2019 北京) _ I hand in the report today? No, you neednt.A. Can B. Must C. Shall D. Could2. (2019 上海) _ I park my car here for a while? No, you mustnt. Do you see the sign “NO PARKING”?A. Would B. May C. Must D. Should3. (2019 重庆) May I take the dog with me, sir?

3、_. Pets are not allowed to enter the hall.A. Yes, you may B. No, you mustnt C. Yes, you can D. No, you cant 4. (2019 河南) I didnt care what people think. Well, you _. Youre not alone in this world.A. can B. may C. must D. will5. (2019福建) Mum, may I go swimming now? Yes, dear, but remember that you _

4、go with your dad?A. may B. can C. must6. (2019 天津) when you are travelling, bring a map because it _ help you.A. cant B. must C. used to D. may7. (2019 哈尔滨) Must I prepare for the trip today? No, you _ prepare for it today. You can do it tomorrow.A. need B. must C. may D. will8. (2019 兰州) Will Jim f

5、ly to Taiwan for a holiday? He _ try. In fact, it depends on how much the journey costs.A. may B. has to C. need D. must9. (2019 长春) Is the man in the car John? No, it _ be him. He went to Xian on business yesterday.A. cant B. must C. mustnt D. could10. (2019 云南) I saw Susan in the library just now.

6、 No, it _ be here. She went to Shanghai this morning.A. must B. cant C. may D. needntB组 成都历年中考真题1. (2019 成都) This pair of glasses _ be Tonys. Hes the only one who wears glasses.A. must B. might C. cant2. (2019 锦江区一诊) What was Stonehenge used for? Nobody knows. It _ a burial place.A. must be B. might

7、 be C. can be3. (2019 青羊区一诊) Look, our math teacher Mrs. Liu is talking with my father on the playground. It _ be her because she has gone to Shenzhen.A. cant B. mustnt C. should4. (2019 武侯区一诊) The man over there must be our Chinese teacher, Mr. Wang? No, it _ be him. He went to Beijing for a meetin

8、g yesterday.A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt5. (2019 天府新区一诊) Look at the man under the tree. Is he Mr. White? No, he _ be Mr. White. He has gone to New York.A. may B. cant C. must6. (2019 锦江区二诊) Must I finish making the plan today? No, you neednt. You _ make it tomorrow.A. can B. must C. should7. (2019 武

9、侯区二诊) Look here. Lilys grandmother is coming. It _ be her. She has gone to her hometown to visit her family members and relatives.A. might B. must C. cant8. (2019 金牛区二诊) The red jacket _ be Toms. He doesnt like red at all.A. might B. must C. cant9. (2019 高新区二诊) Finally, they came back. They _ be hun

10、gry after such a long walk at Jincheng Park. A. cant B. must C. neednt10. (2019 成外直升考试) Must I finish my work within today? No, you _ hand in your work tomorrow.A. can B. need C. should二、 完形填空A Elephants are so popular in Thailand that they are regarded as the symbol of Thailand.Elephant are _1_ ani

11、mals. They can play soccer or music. They can also draw very well. People say that “an elephant never _2_.” Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost. They can also remember places with food and water. This helps them to live.They live in families of _3_. An elephant family keeps only it

12、s daughters, mothers, grandmothers and its great grandmothers. They stay together for fifty, sixty or even a hundred years. The older animals look after the young ones carefully. The mothers _4_ their daughters and set a good example. So their daughters can learn how to look after their children in

13、the same way.But elephants are in great danger. People cut down many trees, so elephants are losing their homes. People also kill elephants for their ivory. Today, there are only about 3,000 elephants. We _5_ save the trees and not buy thing made of ivory.( ) 1. A. heavy B. friendly C. clever( ) 2.

14、A. remember B. forgets C. rests( ) 3. A. females B. males C. the old( ) 4. A. teach B. learn C. praise( ) 5. A. may B. must C. canB Tumbling (翻跟头) time! I called out. My group of _6_ lined up before the sea of blue mats (垫子). Megan stepped quietly into the back of the line. The other children had _7

15、_ the tumbling moves months ago. But Megan was still working on them. It simply took her a little longer to learn them. One day before class, Megans father asked to talk to me. Im _8_ taking Megan out of class, he said. Why? I asked. He said, She isnt catching on like the other kids are. I dont want

16、 her to hold them back. I could see his sad expression as he said this. Megans eyes were looking down as if she wanted to disappear. I think youre making a _9_, I said. Megan needs this class, possibly more than the other children need it. I, myself, didnt start out as a seven-time national champion

17、. I started out as an eight-year-old girl, just like Megan. When I look at Megan, I _10_ myself. She works hard. Sir, your daughter _11_ never win a competition or even compete, but I promise you that if she keeps trying and believing in herself, her self respect will be more _12_ than any gold meda

18、l. I believe in Megan. I believe that she can achieve anything she sets out to do. _13_ I said these words, Megan looked up at me. Her eyes were filled with tears, and she was smiling like a bud (花蕾) flowering into bloom. Her father hugged me and said in a very low voice, Thank you. Thank you so muc

19、h. He turned to Megan and said, Honey, its time for your class. Megan _14_ did learn many skills in her own time. More importantly, she never again stood at the back of the line. From that day forward, whenever I asked the children to line up for tumbling, Megan ran to stand in the _15_. ( ) 6. A. f

20、riends B. parents C. children( ) 7. A. made B. chosen C. mastered( ) 8. A. trying B. imagining C. considering( ) 9. A. difference B. mistake C. promise( )( ) 11. A. can B. may C. must( ) 12. A. special B. interesting C. important( ) 13. A. As B. Though C. Once( ) 14. A. totally B. simply C. finally(

21、 ) 15. A. front B. middle C. back三、 阅读理解A. 判断正误Apples iTV in the FutureApple is famous for popular high-tech devices (设备) like the iPad and iPhone. But if there is going to be an Apple TV, do you want it in your home? According to a new report, Apple has been testing for their TV setiTV.The report s

22、ays that the company has been doing different test. Tim Cook, Apples CEO, says that Apple has a great interest in the television area. “When I come into my living room and turn on the TV, I feel like I have returned to 20 to 30 years ago,” he says.There are rumors (传闻) that Apple will finally put iT

23、V on the market. However, it isnt still clear when Apple will make this happen.After the publication (出版) of Steve Jobs biography (自传), the rumors of iTV increased. In the book, Steve said that he had solved the problem of televisions. It was reported that Apple was in talks with companies in the US

24、 about how iTV might work.( ) 1. Apple has put iTV on the market now.( ) 2. Apple hasnt taken a great interest in the TV area until now.( ) 3. According to Jobs biography, he had no idea how iTV might work.( ) 4. Tim Cook is Apples CEO.( ) 5. Apple has been testing for their new TV setiTV.B. 根据短文内容,

25、选择正确答案 Just as its important to keep your body healthy, its important to keep your mind healthy. Listed here are just a few simple methods you can try to help you have a sharp mind. Reading is a fantastic way you can exercise your mind. You can read a variety of materials. Through this way you can k

26、eep the various areas of your brain operating. For example, to activate your brains visual (视觉的) and learning areas, read a book thats full of amazing pictures and knowledgeable information. All in all, you should change things up so you avoid getting bored. A good book can help you see a bigger wor

27、ld and be a better you. If youre a competitive person, take up a sport. The thinking involved (涉及) in playing the game will help keep your brain sharp. Team sports are one of the perfect ways to be healthy because the fun is so addictive that youll never want to miss a game. Nowadays, with the devel

28、opment of high technology, some teenagers like playing computer games online. After playing online games, most of them feel bored with study, life or everything. As you can see, we should take a sport to keep the mind healthy instead of playing online games. If you want to be a real healthy person,

29、you have to keep both your body and mind healthy.( ) 6. How many ways are listed in the passage to keep your mind healthy?A. One B. Two C. Three( ) 7. The examples in paragraph 2 are given to _.A. show the advantages of readingB. encourage us to read all different kinds of reading materials.C. show

30、that reading can exercise our brain.( ) 8. Why do we need to read different kinds of materials?A. Because different people have different hobbies.B. Because we can exercise different areas of the brain.C. Because different people enjoy different books.( ) 9. Which is the best choice for a comparative person t

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