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1、全国公共英语等级考试一级真题及答案文字版2022年9月全国公共英语等级考试一级真题及答案(文字版)第一节单项填空阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处选项并在答题卡I上将该项涂黑。例:0Bob and I made_agreement last MondayAaBanCany答案:B26We dont like the_there because it IS toohot in summerAwindBwinterCweather27Mary does not like to talk with her parents,but I enjoy_with mineAta

2、lkingBto talkCtalk28You must show your receipt_you want toget your ba9AifBtillCthough29You should_playing computer gamesItS bad for your eyesAkeep upBgive upClook up30Dont worryOur friendswill come to help_AourselvesBoursCUS31I usually go back home by busItS much_than going by trainAcheapBcheaperCch

3、eapest32Look!Alice is_a red dressAhavingBwearingCdressing33We looked everywhere for the money but_finditAcouldntBwouldntCshouldnt34The smile on her face shows that she is pleased_0urworkAforBbyCwith35Jane isn”t in the office atthe moment, but she will be back_Ain a minute Bonce upon a time Cfrom now

4、 on36We told Mary to come back_shecouldAas well as Bas soon as Cas much as37He has lived in thatvillage_ he moved out of the cityAsinceB beforeCwhen38Would you mind _ thewindow? It”s getting a little cold in hereAcloseBto closeCclosing39She_South America atthe age of 15 and has never returnedAleaves

5、Bhas leftCleft40Would you like another cup of tea?_AYes, I willBYes, pleaseCYes, I do答案:A41Anews Bidea Cplan42AWhile BSince CUntil43Anever Bsometimes Calso44Agrow Bfall Cseem45Aand Bbut Cbesides 46Aparent Bparents Cparents”47Asetting up B making up Cgiving up48Awhat Bwhy Chow49Aanswered Bsuggested C

6、said50AAll BAny CSome第三局部阅读理解 第一节词语配伍 从右栏所给选项中选出与左栏各项意义相符的选项,并在答题卡I上将该项涂黑。例:OPeople go there to buythings答案G51It is water with land allaround Alake52It is water running acrossland Bknife53It is a big garden open toall people Cmatch54People use it to cut Dfiver55People use it to makefire EparkFplateG

7、market其次节短文理解1阅读下面短文,从A(Right)、B(Wrong)、C(DoesntSay)三个推断中选择一个正确选项,并在答题卡l上将该项涂黑。Mark Twain was a famous American writerHe wrote many famous stories and they arestilltold in many countries todayMark Twain alwaysliked to tell funny storiesHe also liked to listentofunny stories and to play jokes(开玩笑) on

8、 his friendsOne day, one of his friends didn”t havemoney and asked Mark Twain to pay forhis train ticket“But I don”t have enough money tobuy both your ticket and mine, “Mark Twain saidThe friend did not know what to doHewas very sad“We can do this, “said Twain“We canget on thetrain first and when th

9、e conductor(售票员)comes totake the tickets, you can hide( 隐藏) under my seat“Later, however, on the train, when theconductor came to take the tickets, Mark Twain gavehim two tickets-one forhimself and one for his friendThen Mark Twain said, “My friend here isavery strange manWhen he travels on a train,

10、 he does not like to sit on theseatHe likes to lie onthe floor under the seat“Everybody on the train then looked at thepoor man under the seat and started to laugh56Mark Twain was good attelling stories and playing jokesARightBWrongCDoesn”t Say57Mark Twain didn”t haveenough money for two ticketsARig

11、htBWrongCDoesn”t Say58Mark Twain”s friend likedto stay under the seat while travelingARightBWrongCDoesn”t Say59Mark Twain”s friend was sadwhen the people on the train started to laughARightBWrongCDoesn”t Say60Mark Twain”s friend paidback the money to him laterARightBWrongCDoesn”t Say第三节短文理解2阅读以下短文,从

12、A、B、C三个选项中选择一个正确答案,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。请依据下面短文答复第61一65题:Scott was hoping to see many interestingthings when he visited Hong Kong with his friendAliAfter they checked in thehotel, they began to discuss what they wanted to do firstScott had alot ofinformation booklets(小册子) with himto help them decide“What I”

13、d like to do is to go toKowloon and visit the shops, “said Ali“I”ve been lookingforward to buying a watch whilewe are here“Yes, “agreed Scott“I”dlike to do some shopping as wellThings are very cheap hereButmaybe weshould leave that until laterThere are so many other things to doTo beginwith, I”d lik

14、eto take a boat trip round the harbor(港口) and look at all the ships“That”s a good idea, “said Ali“Or we could take the railway to the top of the hillI”ve al-ways wanted to do that“Me, too, “agreed Scott“But maybe it would be better to leave that until the evening so thatwe can see,the sunset over th

15、eharbor“Suddenly(突然)Ali looked at his watch“My goodness!“ he cried out“It”s 12 o”clockalready and we haven”t doneanything at all“61Scott and All were talkingabout_Awhere they may get moreinformationBwhich hotel they will stayatCwhat they should do first62What do we know about Ali?AHe suggested going

16、 shopping firstBHe had a lot of informationbookletsCHe did not want to see theships63What did Scott want to dofirst?ATo take the railway to thetop of the hillBTo take a boat trip to seethe shipsCTo visit the shops round theharbor64Scott suggested that theygo up the hill in the evening because_Athey

17、could see the sunsetBit would be coolCthere would be fewer people65From the text we know thatAli and Scott_Awanted to do different thingsBdidn”t decide what to dofirstCspent the whole day discussing请依据下面短文答复第6670题:Dear Students,I am happy that you are now in AmericaIam happy that you have made new f

18、riends fromaround the worldAll of youare growing every dayLike many people, you decided to come toAmericaYou are learning a new language and anew culture(文化)It takes a lot of time and hard workYouare doing great!WelcomeAnd thank you!I”d like to give you some simple advice(忠告)1 ) Learn to speak upAsk

19、 for help whenyou need itMost Americans are friendly and helpful2 )Don”t be afraid ofmaking mistakesYou cannot learn without making mistakes3 )Get out and meet people4)Don”t forget your dreams(幻想)Work hard for the things that are importantto you5 ) You are going through manydifficulties nowBut remem

20、ber that these difficulties will makeyou stronger for the future6) Smile !You came from many different parts of theworld to this classI am very glad to be your teacherI wish each of you well in thefuture Your teacher, MrCharles Kaspar 66What makes the teacherhappy? AThe students have made newfriends

21、 in AmericaBThe students have madefriends with himCThe students have taken hisadvice67What do we know about thestudents from the letter?AThey are from different countriesBIt is difficult for them tocome to AmericaCIt takes them a long time todecide what to learn in America68What does the word“it“ (L

22、ine 5)refer to?AComing to AmericaBLearning a new language andcultureCDoing great in America69Which of the following isthe teacher”s advice?ATry not to make anymistakesBBe friendly and helpful to AmericansCDon”t be afraid ofdifficulties70Why does the teacher writethis letter?ATo help his students lea

23、rn EnglishBTo make his students workharderCTo give his students someadvice第四局部写作 第一节改写句子 下面是关于Tom住宾馆的三对句子。每对句子中,第一句是原句,其次句是对第一句的改写。要求依据原句和其次句中已经给出的局部用一至五个单词补全其次句。把补出的局部写在答题卡2上各题的序号后。留意不能转变原句的意思。71Tom came to stay at thehotel three days agoIt has been three days_ Tom came tostay at the hotel72The hot

24、el”s service is so good that Tom feels at homeThe hotel”s good service_Tom feel at home73Tom is going to leave thehotel in three daysTom is going to stay for another threedays_ he leaves其次节书面表达74情景:你叔叔的美国朋友Howell先生正在中国旅游。任务:请你用英语给Howell先生写一封50个词左右的电子邮件。内容包括:自我介绍;约他见面;见面的目的。电子邮件写在答题卡2上该题的序号后。请用下面格式。D

25、ear MrHowell参考答案及精析第一局部听力理解125略 其次局部英语学问运用 第一节单项填空26C【精析】句意:我们不喜爱这儿的天气,由于夏天太热了。此题考察的是词汇学问,wind是风的意思,winter的意思为冬天,weather是天气的意思。依据句意,我们不喜爱的是天气。故C正确。【学问拓展】描述气候状况的有两个词:weather和climate,两者有微小的差异。weather指的是某一刻的天气状况,不稳定;而climate指的是一段时期内大气的气候状况,较稳定。27A【精析】句意:玛丽不喜爱和她的父母交谈,但是我喜爱和我的父母交谈。此题考察的是动词enjoy的用法。enjoy是

26、“喜爱,享受”的意思,后面跟动名词doin9作宾语。故A正确。【学问拓展】后面接动名词作宾语的动词还有:like,dislike,hate,finish,remember,forget等等。28A【精析】句意:假如你想拿到你的包,就必需出示发票。此题考察的是连词的用法。if表假设,till表时间,thou曲表转折,故A正确。【学问拓展】if做“假如”讲时,引导时间状语从句,主句假如是一般将来时,从句须用一般现在时代替将来时。例如:Ifit doesnt rain to-morrow,we will go to Beihai Park假如明天不下雨,我们就去北海公园。29B【精析】句意:你应当放

27、弃玩电脑嬉戏,这对你的眼睛不好。此题考察的是词组的用法,keepup作“追逐”讲;give up是放弃的意思;look up是查找的意思。依据句意,故B正确。【学问拓展】9ive up和give in的区分。两者后面都接动名词作宾语。9ive up是“放弃干某事”,give in则是“投降,屈服”的意思。30C【精析】句意:不要担忧,我们的朋友会过来帮我们的。此题考察的是人称代词we的宾格形式,应为US,故C正确。【学问拓展】动词和介词后跟人称代词,要用人称代词的宾格形式。2022年9月全国英语等级考试真题及答案(文字版)36B【精析】句意:我们通知玛丽尽快赶回来。此题考察的是词组的用法。as

28、 well as意为“和一样”,as soon as的意思是“尽可能快地”,asmuch as是“和一样多;尽可能”。依据句意,B正确。【学问拓展】词组as soon as也有两种用法。第一种用法是表达“一就”。例如:l will callyou as soon as I get home我一到家就给你打电话。其次种用法是“尽可能”,例如:l willfinish the work as soon as I could我会尽快完成工作。37A【精析】句意:自从他离开城市以后,他就始终住在那个村子里。此题考察的是现在完成时的用法,故A正确。【学问拓展】现在完成时态表示一个过去发生的动作在过去已经完成,但对现在产生影响或结果。同时并强调这一影响或结果。构成是havehas+动词过去分词。现在完成时还有未完成用法(持续性用法),表示一个过去发生的动作并未在过去完成,而是始终持续到现在,并且有可能连续下去(也可能到此完毕)。如:Have you waited long?你等了很久吗?We have been busy this aftemoon今日下午我们始终很忙。It has stayed hot this we

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