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1、新外研版高中英语必修三第一单元测评附答案及详尽解析第一单元测评(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。M:This picnic may need to be moved inside.W:Yeah, the weather is not cooperating this time around as it did last year.1.W

2、hat does the woman mean?A.The weather was bad this time last year.B.The picnic is being spoiled by the weather.C.People are not cooperating as well as last year.答案BM:I cant seem to make much of an impression while doing presentations.Any suggestions?W:Try speaking just half the normal speed.2.What d

3、oes the woman advise the man to do?A.Just give half the information needed.B.Speak slower than he usually does.C.Speak more loudly than he usually does.答案BM:How did Jenson do this year? Did he get a scholarship this year?W:It was just his math courses that let him down and didnt measure up.3.What do

4、es the woman mean?A.He would have got a scholarship if his math grades had been better.B.It was just his math figures that didnt add up.C.His grades were all too poor to get a scholarship.答案AM:Whoops.was that your foot I just stepped on?W:That hurts.Is “whoops” all you have to say about it?4.What do

5、es the woman imply?A.The man should apologize.B.The man should pay for the accident.C.The man should accompany her to the hospital.答案AM:Is there a washroom near the classroom?W:There is, but lucky for you, it has a big“out of order” sign on it.5.What does the woman mean?A.The sign is not on it.B.The

6、 washroom is far.C.He may not be able to use it.答案C第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。M:Good morning, Washington Grade School, this is Chris.How may I help you?W:Good morning, this is

7、Alice Smith.Im calling for my daughter, Judy.Shes not feeling well today.M:Im sorry to hear that.I hope its not too bad.W:No, no,she has a little fever and a cough.Nothing too serious.M:Well, I hope she feels better soon.W:Thank you.Do you think I could get her homework for today?M:Is there any spec

8、ific class?W:Im especially concerned about math and science.M:OK, is it alright for me to give your e-mail address to the teachers? They can then send the homework along later today.W:That would be great.6.Why is Alice calling?A.She is asking for some information about the school.B.Judy is not going

9、 to school today.C.Judy is seriously ill.答案B7.What classes are mentioned?A.Math and history.B.Science and chemistry.C.Math and science.答案C8.What do we learn about the homework?A.Its too difficult for Judy.B.It will be emailed to Alice.C.It will be kept by her teacher.答案B听第 7 段材料,回答第 9 至 11 题。M:OK.I

10、have the contract ready for you to sign,Ms Gold.W:Fine.Before I sign it,can you review the agreement with me?M:Sure.The contract states that you will provide Shale Corporation with the rights to drill for oil on your land for the next five months.In exchange,you will receive $1,000 per day.If we fin

11、d enough oil to continue drilling for longer,we can extend the contract for two more months from the date of our discovery.W:You also said that if you find the extra oil,I will receive $1,200 per day if I agree to extend the contract.Right?M:I dont remember the exact number that we discussed.Wasnt i

12、t $1,100 per day?W:I want $1,200 per day for the additional drilling,or I wont sign it at all!9.What is in the womans land?A.Oil.B.Gold.C.Gas.答案A10.How much will the woman receive for the first five months?A.$1,000 per day.B.$1,100 per day.C.$1,200 per day.答案A11.What are the speakers doing?A.Buying

13、something.B.Talking about land.C.Signing a contract.答案C听第 8 段材料,回答第 12 至 14 题。W:Your painting is fantastic,Roger!M:Im happy you like it.Its for a competition.Heres the form.W:Right.OK, here are the questions.Your hands are dirty.M:Thats because Im painting! What are the questions? Heres a pen.W:What

14、s your name?M:Oh, thats difficult .Roger!W:Ha, ha.Whats your surname?M:Im not sure .W:Very funny! OK, surnameTailor.M:Yes, thats it!W:Next question, please.Are you married or single?M:Single.Im sure about that!W:Whats your address?M:72 London Road.W:And what are your hobbies?M:Hmmm.painting, going w

15、indsurfing and watching TV.W:.OK, last question.Whats your telephone number?M:0343 897 6514W:0343 897 6514Got it.Wheres an envelope?M:Over there.12.What is Roger doing now?A.Painting. B.Writing. C.Watching TV.答案A13.What is the phone number of Roger?A.0344 897 6518.B.0443 897 6514.C.0343 897 6514.答案C

16、14.What are they talking about?A.Exhibiting some paintings.B.Selling a house.C.Filling out a form.答案C听第 9 段材料,回答第 15 至 17 题。M:How long have you been having this pain?W:It started in June.So for more than five months now.My stomach hurts after some meals, but not always.M:You should have come earlier

17、.Lets get to the bottom of this.Have you changed your eating habits during this period?W:No, not really.Well, thats not true.Im eating the same foods, but less.You know, the pain seems to come and go.M:How strong is the pain exactly? On a scale of one to ten, how would you describe the intensity of

18、the pain?W:Well, Id say the pain is about a two on a scale of one to ten.Like I say, its not really bad.It just keeps coming back.M:How long does the pain last when you get it?W:It comes and goes.Sometimes, I hardly feel anything.Other times, it can last up to half an hour or more.M:Is there a type

19、of food that seems to cause stronger pain than other ?W:Hmmm .heavy foods like steak usually bring it on.Ive been trying to avoid those.M:Does the pain travel to any other parts of your bodychest, shoulder or back? Or does it remain around the stomach area?W:No, it just hurts here.M:What about if I

20、touch here? Does it hurt there?W:Ouch! Yes, it hurts there.What do you think it is doctor?M:Im not sure.I think we should take some X-rays to find out if youve broken anything.W:Will that be expensive?M:I dont think so.Your insurance should cover routine X-rays.15.Whats wrong with the woman?A.She ha

21、s a headache.B.She has a stomachache.C.She has a toothache.答案B16.How long has the woman been suffering from the pain?A.Four days.B.Less than eight weeks.C.More than five months.答案C17.Which of the following is true about her pain?A.It hurts seriously.B.It occurs once in a while.C.It never stops.答案B听第

22、 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。W:Well, every day for me is different.I mean to say that some days I speak to clients for hours and hours, and try to convince them that our ideas are the best.A lot of my time is spent on research.Well, we have to deal with all the viewing and readership figures.We make up our

23、 own surveys to discover what a cross section of people think.We dont just look at what people think, but because what really counts is:What sells the goods?The simple fact is that if we dont show a rise in sales we lose a customer.The part I really enjoy is the creativity.Its funny really.I get ide

24、as in the most peculiar places.The best idea I ever got was one time when I was sitting in the bath.I jumped out and wrote it down immediately.We also do what we call brainstorming.That is:pooling and sharing our ideas.And we get the best ideas this way.That is as a result of teamwork.I mean, alrigh

25、t, we depend on everybody being creative, and this often happens best when youre working alone.But without a good team, no campaign has a hope of succeeding.A good agency is, in fact, a team of individuals who work well alone, but also together.Hmmm, the drawbacks.Now, the biggest drawback of my wor

26、k is that you stand or fall by your results.If you cant think of new ideas, or you make an expensive mistake then you get fired.And youre out of a job.Thats always worrying, I can tell you.18.What profession does the woman work in?A.Marketing. B.Advertising. C.Teaching.答案A19.What does the woman real

27、ly enjoy?A.Creativity. B.Variety. C.Teamwork.答案A20.What is the woman worrying about?A.No chance of promotion.B.Long working hours.C.Being fired.答案C第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文;从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。APeople who often eat nuts appear to live longer, according to the latest stud

28、y of its kind.The findings, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, suggested the greatest benefit was in those eating them on their daily diet.Eating nuts was linked to a healthier lifestyle including being less likely to smoke or be overweight and more likely to exercise.The British Hear

29、t Foundation said more research was needed to prove the link. “While this is an interesting link, we need further research to make sure if its the nuts that protect heart health, or other sides of peoples lifestyle.”The study followed nearly 120,000 people for 30 years.The more regularly people ate

30、nuts, the less likely they were to die during the study.People eating nuts once a week were 11% less likely to have died during the study than those who never ate nuts.Lead researcher Dr.Charles Fuchs, from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Brigham and Womens Hospital, said, “The most obvious ben

31、efit was a decrease of 29% in deaths from heart disease, but we also saw a significant reduction11%in the danger of dying from cancer.”They suggest nuts are lowering cholesterol(胆固醇),and insulin resistance(胰岛素抗性).Nuts contain unsaturated fat(不饱和脂肪),protein(蛋白质) and several kinds of vitamins and minerals and they can take the place of snacks like chocolate bars, cakes and biscuits.Victoria Taylor, senior expert at the British Heart Foundation, said, “This study shows a close connection between regularly eating a small handful of nuts and a lower

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