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1、奥运英语竞赛问答大学组奥运英语竞赛问答(大学组)奥运英语竞赛问答 (大学组)Olympic Knowledge Q & A Collegial suit1、Who created the Olympic Games? 谁创立了奥运会?The ancient Greeks. 古希腊人。2、What was one of the prizes for winning an Olympic competition?赢得奥运竞赛将获得一样什么奖品?A wreath. 花冠.3、What would happen to a married woman who tried to participate t

2、he ancient-Olympic Games? 已婚妇女试图参加古代奥运会将会发生什么结果?She could be thrown off a cliff. 她将被扔下悬崖。4、What did male athletes wear during ancient Olympic competition?古代奥运竞赛男运动员穿什么?Nothing. 裸体.5、When were the first Olympic Games held? 第一届奥运会是什么时候举办的?In 776 BC. 公元前776年.6、Which rule did the ancient Greeks strictly

3、 adhere to? 古希腊人严格坚持什么规则?Barring women from competing and halting wars during the Games. 禁止妇女比赛及奥运会期间停止战争.7、How many centuries are the ancient Olympic Games known to have existed for?古代奥运会持续了多少个世纪?12centuries. 12个世纪.8、When were the ancient Olympic Games abolished? 古代奥运会何时废除?393AD. 公元393年.9、What insp

4、ired the idea for the Modern Olympic Games? 什么激发了现代奥运会的想法?The discovery of the ruins at Olympia.奥林匹亚废墟的发现.10、Where is the origin of the Modern Olympic Games? 现代奥运会的发袢地在何处?Olympia, Greece. 希腊奥林匹亚.11、Who is the creator of the Modern Olympic Games? 现代奥运会的创始人是谁?The French educator Baron Pierre de Couber

5、tin. 现代奥运会的创始人是顾拜旦,曾任国际奥委会第二任主席.12、Who is the father of the Modern Olympic Games? 谁被称为“奥运会之父”?Baron Pierre de Coubertin. 法国人顾拜旦.13、When was the International Olympic Committee founded?国际奥委会是何时诞生的?The International Olympic Committee was founded on June 23 1894.国际奥委会诞生于1894年6月23日。14、What does IOC stan

6、d for? IOC代表什么?International Olympic Committee. 国际奥委会。15、Who chooses the city where the Olympic Games of Greek antiquity?谁选择奥运会举办的城市?International Olympic Committee. 国际奥委会16、Who was inspired to revive the Olympic Games of Greek antiquity?谁得到灵感使古希腊奥运会复苏?The French educator Baron Pierre de Coubertin.

7、法国人顾拜旦。17、Where is the International Olympic Committee located? 国际奥委会音响效果设在何处?Lausanne, Switzerland. 国际奥委会总部设在有世界“花园城市”之称的瑞士洛桑。18、What kind of organization is the International Olympic Committee?国际奥委会是个怎样的组织?The International Olympic Committee is an international non-governmental non Profit organiza

8、tion and the Creator of the Olympic Movement.国际奥委会,是一具有法律地位和永久继承权的法人团体,是以不营利为目的的组织。19、Who is the first president of the International Olympic Committee?国际奥委会第一任主席是谁?Demetrius Vikelas. 国际奥委会第一任主席是希腊诗人维凯拉斯。20、What is the goal of the Olympic Movement? 奥林匹克运动的宗旨是什么?The goal of the Olympic Movement is to

9、 contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth. Through sport practice without discrimination or any kindling a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play. 奥林匹克运动的宗旨是:以友谊、团结和公平竞赛的精神,促进青年之间的相互理解,从而有助于建立一个更加美好的和平的世界。21、What is the Olympic motto? 奥林匹克的格言是什么?“Faster, Higher,

10、Stronger”. 更快,更高,更强。22、Who presented the Olympic motto? 谁提出奥林匹克运动的格言?Henri Didon.奥林匹克运动的格言“更快、更高、更强”是顾拜旦的一位老朋友亨利-马丁岬叶1895年提出的。23、Where is the Olympic flame from? 奥运会圣火源至哪里?Olympic,Greece. 希腊奥林匹亚。24、Where were the first Modern Olympic Games held? 第一届现代奥运会在哪里举办?Athens, Greece. 希腊雅典。25、When were the fi

11、rst Modern Olympic Games held? 第一届现代奥运会何时举办的?1896. 1896年。26、How often are the Modern Olympic Games held? 现代奥运会每隔几年举办一次?Once every four years. 每隔4年。27、What are the colors of the five Olympic rings? 奥运五环的颜色是什么?Black, blue, green red and yellow. 黑、蓝、绿、红和黄。28、What do the Olympic rings symbolize? 奥运五环象征什

12、么?Unity between Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia, and Europe.非洲、美洲、亚洲、大洋洲和欧洲的大团结。29、How many athletes were there at the first Modern Olympic Games in 1896? 1896年第一届现代奥运会有多少运动员参加?241. 241名。30、How many countries did the athletes at the first Modern Olympic Games in 1896 come from? 1896年第一届现代奥运会有多

13、少个国家参加?14. 14个31、How many kinds of sports did the competitions take place in Athens in 1896?1896年雅典奥运会有多少个运动项目?9. 9个.32、What sports did the competitions take place at the first Modern Olympic Games in 1896? 1896年雅典奥运会运动项目包括哪些?Athletics, cycling, fencing, gymnastics, weightlifting, wrestling, swimmin

14、g tennis and shooting. 田径、自行车、击剑、体操、击重、摔跤、游泳、网球、射击。33、How many events were there at the first Modern Olympic Games in 1896?1896年第一届奥运会有多少个项目?43 43个。34、What were the winners rewarded with at the first Modern Olympic Games in Athens in1896? How about the runners-up?1896年第一届现代奥运会的冠军奖品是什么?亚军和季军呢?An oliv

15、e wreath and silver medal a bronze medal and laurel wreath. 橄榄花冠和银制奖牌。35、When were gold, silver and bronze medals awarded? 何时用金银铜牌颁奖?After 1904. 1904年以后。36、Which Olympic Games were the first to boast the presence of national delegation?哪届奥运会第一次欢迎五大洲的选手参与?The Stockholm Olympic Games in 1912. 1912年斯德哥

16、尔摩奥运会。37、Was Pierre de Coubertin himself in favor of the participation of women at the Olympic Games? 顾拜 旦是否赞成妇女参赛?No, he was not. 不赞成。38、In which Olympic Games did women participate first? 哪届奥运会有妇女第一次参加?At the Paris Games in 1900. 1900年巴黎奥运会。39、What were the two important occasions for women at the

17、 Olympic Summer Games?妇女参加夏季奥运会的两个重大事件是什么?The first appearance of women swimmers at the 1912 Games in Stockholm, and the first female athletes competes at the Amsterdam Games in 1928. 一是女游泳运动员第一次出现在斯特哥尔摩奥运会上;二是1928年阿姆斯特丹奥运会上第一次有女田径运动员参加。40、When was the first Olympic Winter Games held? 第一届冬奥会何时举行?192

18、4. 1924年。41、How many athletes were there in the first Olympic Winter Games?多少运动员参加了第一届冬奥会?258 athletes. 258名。42、How many countries did the athletes at the first Olympic Winter Games come from?多少个国家参加了第届冬奥会?16 countries. 16个。43、How many sports were on the programmed in Chamonix in 1924?1924年夏蒙尼冬奥会有多少

19、个项目?分别是什么?6. 6个。44、How many athletes participated the Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City of USA in 2002? 多少名运动员参加了2002年美国盐湖城冬奥会?2399. 2399名。45、How many times (include those not celebrated) have the Olympic Summer Games been held till today? 迄今为止夏季奥运会举办了多少届?27. 27届。46、How many times tines have th

20、e Winter Games been held till today?迄今为止举办了多少届冬奥会?19. 19届。47、When and where were the Modern Olympic Games first held in Asian continent?现代奥运会首次在亚洲举办是何时何地?Tokyo, Japan in 1964. 1964年日本东京。48、Have the Modern Olympic Games been held on every continent till today? 迄今为止,奥运会在每个洲都举办过了吗?No, they have not bee

21、n held in Africa. 没有在非洲举办过。49、What brings the Modern Olympic Games within reach? 什么使奥运会触手可及?Technology (television and satellites, etc.) 科技(电视,卫星等)。50、What is the Olympic Charter? 奥林匹克宪章是什么?It is a document containing all the rules of the International Olympic Committee.是一个包含国际奥委员会所有规章的文件。51、Is ther

22、e age limit for competing at the Olympic Games? 参加奥运会有年龄限制吗?No, there is no age limit except for those that may be imposed by individual international Federations for health reasons. 没有年龄限制。52、What are the official languages of the International Olympic Committee?国际奥委会的官方语言是什么?French and English. 法语

23、和英语。53、How many National Olympic Committee are there now? 现在国际奥委会有多少成员?202. 202个。54、How many presidents has the International Olympic Committee had till today?迄今为止国际奥委会有多少个主席? 8个。55、Who is the current president of the International Olympic Committee?谁是现任国际奥委会主席? Jacques Rogge. 罗格。56、What is the role

24、 of Olympic Museum? 奥林匹克博物馆的角色是什么?It is to act as a window on the institution and to encourage external contacts, at a regional and international level. 是公共机构的窗口,并鼓励地区及国际交流。57、Which important god did the Olympic Games honor?奥运会是纪念哪个重要的神?Zeus. 宙斯。58、Did the Olympic Games involve religion polities and

25、 athletics except entertainment?除了娱乐之外,奥运会是否还含有宗教和政治成人?Yes, they did. 是的。59、Do women now compete in weightlifting? 现代妇女能参加举重比赛吗?Yes, they do. 能。60、Have women competed at the Olympic Games since the second Modern Olympic Games? 从第二届现代奥运会以后,妇女参与了奥运会吗?Yes, they have. 是的。61、In which city were the first

26、Olympic Winter Games held?哪个城市举办了第一届冬奥会?Chamonix, France. 法国夏蒙尼。62、What two events does the biathlon combine? 冬奥会滑雪射击包括哪两项?Cross-country skiing and shooting. 越野滑雪和射击。63、Why was the International Olympic Committee initially reluctant to create the Olympic Winters? 国际奥委会为什么最初难创办冬奥会?Most countries are

27、too warm to host the Winter Games. 因为很多国家太暖和而不能举办冬奥会。64、Which speed skater won gold medals at the 1988,1992and 1994Olympic Winter Games?哪个速滑运动员获得了1998、1992、1994的冬奥金牌?Bonnie Blair. Bonnie Blair. 邦妮布莱尔65、Since the War began, how many times have the Olympic Summer Games been cancelled?由于战争原因,取消了多少届夏奥会?

28、3 times. 3届66、What happened for the first time at the 1900 Olympic Games? 1900年奥运会发生了什么?Women were allowed to compete. 妇女第一次允许参赛。67、Who won 4 gold medals as a member of the 1936 US track team?谁作为1936年美国田径队成员获得了4枚金牌?Rafer Johnson. 68、Who was the first gymnast to score a perfect 10 in Olympic Games?谁是

29、第一个获得体操满分的运动员?Nadia Comaneci.69、Which sports made its debut at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Summer Games?2000年悉尼奥运会哪个新项目第一次列入?Trampoline tumbling. 蹦床70、Which city will the Olympic Summer Games of 2004 return to? 2004夏季奥运会将会在哪个城市?Athens, Greece. 雅典。71、How many people can be inn the pool in water polo? 水球运

30、动有多少个运动员?14.14个。72、What country did curling come from? 冰上溜石源于哪个国家?Scotland. 苏格兰。73、Which year was equestrian sport at the Olympic Games? 哪一年开始举办马术项目?1912. 1912年。74、When and where was the first Paralympics held? 第一届残奥会在何时何地举办?Rome in 1960. 1960年罗马。75、What kind of people competes at the Paralympics? 哪些人能参加残奥会?Physically disabled. 残疾人。76、What is the scale that synchronized swimmers are graded on?花样游泳选手是用什么分值来评判的?010.010分。77、Who were the only people allowed to compete in biathlon until 1992?

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