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1、书作文之英文写作文书英文写作文书【篇一:英文法律文书写作选词、用词】 英文法律文书写作选词、用词 相同概念,相同用词 应保证使用同一单词表述同一概念,避免使用不同的单词表述同一概念。如在叙述某一辆轿车时,不要既用“the car”,又用“the vehicle”来表述,否则会引起不必要的误解,例如: even though the defendant commented that while in probation he had abetted two minors in petty larceny, this admission of illegality is not relevant

2、to the present case. 本句缺陷在于“commented”与“admission”实际表述有些微差别,应将“commented”改为“admitted”。 参考译文即便被告承认在缓刑期间他曾教唆两名未成年人盗窃,但对该不法行为的承认与目前案件无关。 顺手牵羊叫 shoplifting, 抢劫是 robbery, 武装抢劫 armed robbery, 强奸是 rape, 偷窃的小case是 petty theft,大case是 larceny, 更大案件 grand larceny, 半夜闯空门则是 burglary. 走私毒品 drug trafficking, 重伤害 s

3、erious assault, 殴打 assault and battery, 纵火 arson. 像这些字都常在警匪片中出现。 律师的不同称谓 一般来说,attorney指某一特定案件中代理一方应诉的律师。 例句1attorney schwartz moved for a new trial. 施瓦兹律师请求法院再审此案。 例句2the attorney for the defense objected to the question. 被告律师反对这个问题。 lawyer是社会对律师的泛称。 例句several hundred lawyers attended last years aba

4、 convention. 几百名律师参加了去年全美律师协会的会议。 二者联系unless a contrary meaning is plainly indicated “attorney” is synonymous with lawyer or attorney at law. 另一个极为重要的律师称谓是esquire (esq.),它在律师的名片和法院的文件中被广泛采用。in the united states, the title is commonly given in courtesy to lawyers and is often used in the superscripti

5、on of letters instead of mr. or ms., for example william clinton, esq. . historically in the uk, barristers-at-law used this title, while solicitor used the term “gentleman”. in the u.s., where the roles of counsel and attorney were combined, the term esquire was adopted. 注:solicitor barrister区别 sol

6、icitor英事务律师 an attorney who advises clients on legal matters, represents clients in certain lower courts, and prepares cases for barristers to present in the higher courts. barrister英出庭律师a counsel admitted to plead at the bar and undertake the public trial of causes in an english superior court. 区别一

7、:分工不同。 solicitors generally handle office work, whereas barristers plead cases in court. however, there is some overlap. solicitors may appear as legal counsel in the lower courts, and barristers often prepare trial briefs 上诉状 and other written documents. 区别二:数量不同。there are more solicitors than barr

8、isters because most legal work is done outside the courtroom. 联系:barristers depend on solicitors to provide them with trial work because they are not allowed to accept workon their own. the solicitor meets prospective clients, hears the clients problems, gives legal advice, drafts letters and docume

9、nts, negotiates on the clients behalf, and prepares the clients case for trial. when a court appearance appears inevitable, the solicitor retains 聘请 a barrister on the clients behalf. the solicitor instructs the barrister on how the client wishes to proceed in court. the solicitor serves as an inter

10、mediary agent between the barrister and his client, negotiating fees and preparing the case for trial. e.g. i.e.用法 法律英语中的for example也可用e.g.例如表示;that is也可用i.e.也就是表示: 例句1 the 15(a)(6) motion向法庭提的动议 succeeded, i.e., the case was dismissed被驳回. 例句2 a contract may take many forms, e.g., a written letter o

11、r a mere oral promise. 注意:正式的英语法律文书不提倡使用e.g.和i.e.,所以上面的例句最好改成: 例句1 the 15(a)(6) motion succeeded, that is, the case was dismissed. 例句2 a contract may take many forms, such as a written letter or a mere oral promise. plaintiff, defendant, appellant and respondent用法 如果是泛指,应用冠词引领且第一个字母不用大写,如:the plaint

12、iff, a defendant, the appellant或a respondent。 如果是特指,则不用冠词且第一个字母要大写,如:plaintiff, defendant, appellant或respondent。 appellant有时也被称为 plaintiff in error,respondent有时被称为 defendant in error。 the fact of the matter or the fact that 请注意下列紫色单词,其表达方式略显赘述,应尽量避免使用。如: 例句1 the fact of the matter is that the plaint

13、iff did not raise this claim until she learned of the defendants affluence富有。 此句应改为: the plaintiff did not raise this claim until she learned of the defendants affluence. 例句2 this failure was caused by the fact that the machine was inadequately designed. 此句应改为: this failure was caused by the machine

14、s inadequate design. percent or percentage用法 percent百分比常和具体数字一起使用,percentage比率一般不和具体数字一起使用,请看例句: 例句1 the attorney gets a percentage for every recovery获偿 obtained for his clients. 例句2 the attorney gets 30 percent of every recovery obtained for his clients. 请记住:法律英语使用percent而不是per cent,per 和cent不能分开。

15、abhorrence of or abhorrence for 当表示憎恨或厌恶时请使用abhorrence of 而不要使用abhorrence for。 abhorrence of terrorism cannot justify flouting international law. 对恐怖活动的憎恶不能使藐视国际法的行为合法化。 this, that, or said said上述、此、该是陈旧的法律用语,现代法律英语大多采用this、that来代替。如:said contract violates the public policy of the forum state法院地国 an

16、d is therefore unenforceable。 尽管不乏在文书中出现said,但目前法律英语主张plain english,因而said大多用that或this来替代。 古英语的慎用 古英语词汇在现代英语中所剩不多,但在法律英语中却常有出现。虽然古词语在现代英语中已不再广泛使用了,但法学家们却对它们情有独钟。因此,以下这些古词语就常常出现在各种法律文件中。 legal english-plain english said -this, that aforesaid-previous forthwith-immediately henceforth-from now on herei

17、n-in this document hereinafter-after this thenceforth-after thereafter-after that, accordingly theretofore-up to that time hitherto-before whence-from what place, source whereby-through, in accordance whilst-during 虽然上述左栏中的古词语可以使法律公文更加简练、庄重,给法律语言增加很强的文体特色,但不可避免在一定程度上脱离了大众。为此以美语为代表的法律语言倾向于运用简单明了的常用词汇

18、,即简明的常用语言(plain english)来表达法律意思,如右栏所示。 if-then结构的使用 复杂的长句可以通过某些连词来表达逻辑关系。以if-then结构为例: 较差 未使用if-then结构: enlargement. when by these rules or by a notice given thereunder or by order of court an act is required or allowed to be done within a specified time, the court for cause shown may at any time in

19、 its discretion (1) with or without motion or notice order the period enlarged if request therefore is made before the expiration of the period originally prescribed or as extended by a previous order, or (2) upon motion made after the expiration of the specified period permit the act to be done whe

20、re the failure to act was the result of excusable neglect. -改编自美国联邦民事诉讼法federal rules of civil procedure, rule 6(b) 较好 使用if-then结构修改后: extending a time period. this rule applies to acts that may or must be done within a certain time when that time is specified by: 1. the federal rules or 2. a notice

21、 issued under the federal rules or 3. a court order. if a party wishes to extend the time period, the party must show cause to the court to do so. the court may then, at its discretion, extend the time under two different sets of circumstances:1. if the request is made before the time period expires

22、, then the court may extend the original time period (or a previously extended time period) with or without motion or notice. 2. if the request is made after the time period expires, then the court may extend the original time period, but only if failure to act was the result of excusable neglect an

23、d if a motion is made. 相关术语提示 enlargement-等于extending a time period时效延展 apply to-适用于 within a certain time-在特定时间之内 specified by-由?规定、列明 court order-法院命令 show cause-表明原因、出具理由 at its discretion-由法院自由裁定 two different sets of circumstances-两类不同情况 expire-到期、终止 original time period-原时效期 previously extende

24、d time period-已延展过的时效期 motion-向法庭提出的动议、请求 failure to act-不作为、未行动 excusable neglect-可恕过失、非己过失、引诱过失 as to, regarding or concerning用法 as to可以作介词使用,其后跟宾语,例如: 例句1 as to the adjective: when in doubt strike it out. 关于形容词,当有疑问就不要使用。 例句2 as to jury trials, the american system compares with few others in the

25、world. 对于陪审团审理制世界很少有其它系统可以和美国的相比。 但是as to在法律文书中很少使用,尤其是在文中已经使用过一次as to时,更应避免再次重复使用,此时应考虑使用regarding或concerning替换,如: 例句3 as to its admissibility in jury trials, hearsay evidence may enjoy several exceptions. 对于在陪审团审判中的可采纳性,传来证据有几项例外。 此句中的as to就可改为: 例句4 regarding its admissibility in jury trials, hear

26、say evidence may enjoy several exceptions. 法律文书写作中人称的选用 首先在文书中禁用”i”, “we”等词提及自己。在论及当事人时,应使用“petitioner”, “respondent”, “appellant”,或用其姓名,而不要使用”my client”或“we”等词。 其次,避免使用体现个人观点的句子,如”it is my opinion?”, “i feel?”, “it is our belief that?”。相反应对内容作客观陈述,如可用第三人称表述为”defendant rebutted?”, “petitioner conten

27、ds?”。 在表述个人见解时,不要使用过于谨慎的不确定性言语,如”it appears that?”, “it seems likely that?”等。这样会使陈述的内容含糊,尤其是在诉状中,希望说服他人的情况下更显得缺乏说服力。 请看例句对比: 较差 now that i have reviewed the facts, it appears that my client has failed to establish undue influence andmisrepresentation. 较好 the evidence shows that the petitioner has fa

28、iled to establish undue influence and misrepresentation. 当然,律师与当事人在业务往来的函件中,可以不必受上述限制。因为该信件可以看成是私人信函,更适合用第一人称表述。 复杂句间注意逻辑过渡 句与句之间应承上启下,应该尽量明确它们之间的内在逻辑关系,否则容易造成文章晦涩难懂。下句中紫色部分由于使用了过渡结构,保证了上下文意思紧密连接: in response to your request on january 12, 2006, we are sending you copies of the pleadings and some ad

29、ditional documents. 注解:copy of the pleadings起诉状副本 此外,准确使用过渡结构还可以避免让读者阅读了整个句子后还要自己重新归纳句子的要点。请看下面一段文字: 较差 since the instant action arose in beijing (the buyer and seller are located respectively in america and japan, but the alleged breach occurred in beijing), the initial issue to be resolved is to d

30、etermine the applicable law governing the contract which does not include a choice-of-law term. 较好 the issue in this case is what applicable law will govern a contract including no choice-of-law term, if the cause of action arose in a third state. in this case, the suit was brought in beijing of chi

31、na. the buyer and seller are located respectively in america and japan, but the alleged breach occurred in beijing. 参考译文 由于目前的诉讼发生在北京(买方与卖方所在地分别位于美国和日本,但违约的诉因发生在北京),因此需要解决的问题是双方在合同中没能指定所适用的法律时,应援引何种准据法。 语病: 句子不完整 遗漏了从句的必要成分 错误例句 the procedures established by the legislature for perfecting a petition for a writ of mandamus were in compliance wit

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