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1、10重要的提醒和忠告中小学专业辅导机构 电话:25429085姓名 学校 年级 月 日 家长签名重要的提醒和忠告教诲、告诫约翰,向她道歉。 John, apologize to her.John, apologize to her. (约翰,向她道歉。)Im really sorry. (真对不起。) 约翰,你听我说! John, you listen to me!John, you listen to me! (约翰,你听我说!)I dont want to. (我不想听。) 危险,别淘气。 Watch out! Dont play with that thing.Mom, watch! (

2、妈妈,你看!)Watch out! Dont play with that thing. (危险,别淘气。) 自己的事情自己做。Do it yourself.Can you fix my bicycle? (能帮我修一下自行车吗?)Do it yourself. (自己修。)Do it by yourself.Do it for yourself. 你别半途而废。 You should finish what you start.Im going to give up. (我想放弃了。)You should finish what you start. (你别半途而废。)Dont leave

3、things half done. *也可用half done来表示“半途而废”。 我认输了。 Im ready to throw in the towel. *这是一句拳击用语,用来比喻“认输”。You failed the exam again. (你又没考上。)Im ready to throw in the towel. (我认输了。) 这是你(应尽)的责任。 Its your duty (to do that). *duty “(法律、道德上的)义务,应尽的责任”。Its up to you to do that. (这是你应该做的。)Its your responsibility.

4、 (这是你分内的工作。)要善待他人。 Be good to others.Do unto others as you would have done to you.*正式的说法。You should treat others kindly.Do unto others. 你要再三小心。You cant be too careful. *直译“再小心也不为过”。You cant be too careful. (你要再三小心。)Thats true. (那是当然。)Its best to be as safe as possible.(Its) better safe than sorry. (

5、保得安全总比后悔好。) 三思而后行。 Make up your mind after thinking it over carefully. *make up ones mind 常用词组,表示decide(下决心)。带有“仔细考虑之后再下决定”的语感。Make your decision after you give it a lot of thought.Think it over carefully before you decide. 我全靠你了。 Im counting on you. *这句表示“我全仗你了,你好好干”。Im relying on you. 你终究会明白的。 You

6、ll see.I dont think shes mean. (我没觉得她有什么恶意。)Youll see. (你终究会明白的。)Youll find out soon enough.Time will tell. (时间会证明一切。) 冷静下来好好想想。Calm down and think carefully. *calm down “冷静”、“镇静”。Calm down and think carefully. (冷静下来好好想想。)I cant! (我做不到。)Calm down and think about it clearly. 这是最重要的事情。Thats the most i

7、mportant thing.We need to know whos buying our products. (我们需要弄清楚谁买了我们的商品。)Thats the most important thing. (这是最重要的事情。)Thats the name of the game. 人要有自知之明。 Dont bite off more than you can chew. *bite off more than one can chew 直译是“咬下了自己嚼不了的东西”,常用来表示“接受自己力所不及的工作”、“接受超过自己能力的事情”。Dont attempt more than y

8、ou are capable of. 这事做起来没有太大价值。 There isnt much merit in doing so.There is no reason to do so.I dont see the point (of doing that). 你还得再加把劲儿。What you need is a little more effort. *effort “努力”、“尽力”。You should put a little more effort into it. (你应该再加一把劲儿。)You should try a little harder. (你应该再努力一点儿。)

9、有点自尊心吧! Respect yourself. 我希望你事事要积极。I hope youll be more positive overall. *positive “积极的”。I dont think I can do it. (我觉得我做不了。)I hope youll be more positive overall. (我希望你事事要积极。)I hope youll be more positive in every way.I wish youd be more positive.You should be more optimistic. (希望你能乐观点儿。) *optimi

10、stic “积极的”、“乐天派的”。 你说得容易。 Thats easy for you to say.If you practice hard, youll get a gold medal. (如果你刻苦练习,一定能够得金牌。)Thats easy for you to say. (你说得容易。) 你发什么牢骚? Theres no reason for complaints. *complaint “不满”、“抱怨”、“诉苦”。There is no reason to complain.There is nothing to complain about. 你脸上都写着呢呀! Its

11、written all over your face.Did you pass the exam? (考试都通过了?)How did you know? (你怎么知道的?)Its written all over your face. (你脸上都写着呢呀!)Its obvious. (明显地能看出来。) *obvious “一眼就能看出来的,明显的”。I can see it in your eyes. *你的眼睛告诉了我。 我当然会生气了。Its natural for me to get angry. *Its natural “当然(自然)会”。Why shouldnt I

12、 be angry?I have a right to be upset!My reaction is completely appropriate. (我这样的反应是自然的。) *appropriate “与目的、条件等相称的,适合的,恰当的”。 我是根据我的经验才这样说的。 Im telling you this from my experience.Are you sure about it? (确实是这样吗?)Im telling you this from my experience. (我是根据我的经验才这样说的。)Let me offer you some advice. Fro

13、m my experience. (我给你一个建议,据我的经验来看) 没其他不同的看法吗? Cant you think of it differently?Cant you look at it another way?Cant you think of it in a different way? 好好想想。 Just think of it!Just fancy. *有点过时的表达方式。Just imagine. (想像一下。) 不要轻信。 Dont trust it. *“不要轻率地相信对方的话,别轻信”。The newspapers say that the yen will go

14、up soon. (报纸上说,日元马上就会升值。)Dont trust it. (别轻信!)Be cautious. (请慎重。)Be careful. (要多加小心。)Trust it. (请相信。) 我是个容易上当的人。Im so gullible. *gullible “易受骗的,轻信的,太老实的”。 别小看他。 Dont underestimate him. *underestimate “过于轻视”、“小看”。We dont need to worry about him. (我们不必担心他。)Dont underestimate him. (别小看他的能力。)You shouldn

15、t underestimate his abilities. (你不该小看他的能力。)He is better than you think. (他比你想像的要好。) 那是最重要的呀! Thats the name of the game. 我不能对你特殊。I cant make any exceptions for you. *exception “除去”、“除外”。We cant give you any special treatment.I cant make an exception for you. 动动脑子。 Use your head!I dont know how to do

16、 it. (我不知道怎么做。)Use your head! You can do it. (动动脑子,你能做到的。) 自作自受。 You asked for it! *直译是“那是你追求的”。常用短语“自作自受,活该”。My boss scolded me today. (今天被老板训斥了一顿。)You asked for it! You didnt finish your report on time again. (自作自受,你又没有按时交报告。) 如果批评得对,你就接受吧。 If the shoe fits, wear it. *直译是“如果鞋合适,你就穿上它”,表示“如果认为别人批评得

17、有道理,就该接受”。My boss criticized my sloppy personal appearance. (我的老板批评我穿得邋遢。)Well, if the shoe fits, wear it. (如果批评得对,你就接受吧。)提醒我得提醒一句。 Let me give you a piece of advice.I want to buy this car. (我真想买这辆汽车。)Let me give you a piece of advice. (我得提醒你一句。)Let me tell you something.I think you should know. 小心!

18、 Watch out! *用于有险情时,“危险!”、“留神!”、“小心!”。Watch out! (小心!)Thanks! You saved my life. (谢谢你救了我一条命。)Look out!Be careful!Heads up!Youd better be careful!Please be careful! (请多加小心!)You should be careful! (你得多加小心!)You should watch out! (你得留神!) 注意脚下。Watch your step! *用于提醒地滑,看不清楚楼梯等场合。常用于公共告示。Watch your step! (

19、注意脚下。)Oh, yeah? Why? (噢?是吗?为什么?)Mind your step.Be careful where you walk.Look where youre going. 抓紧我。Hold on to me tight.Dont let go! (别松手!)Hold me tightly. 要提防着点儿他! Watch out for him!Watch out for him! (要提防着点儿他!)Why? (为什么?)Be careful of him.Keep your eye on him. 这里有点儿蹊跷。 Theres a little catch. *“小心

20、有陷阱,圈套”。That sounds easy. (好像很简单。)Well, theres a little catch. (可是,有点蹊跷。)Theres something to it.Its not as easy as it sounds. (并不像听起来的那么容易。)三思而后行。 Think twice before you do it. 轻拿轻放。/动作轻点儿。 Easy does it. *表示“要小心谨慎地处理”易碎品或贵重物。Easy does it, doesnt drop the TV. (动作轻点儿,小心别把电视掉下来。)Dont worry. I wont. (放心

21、吧,掉不下来。)Gently.Be careful. (小心啊!) 手下留情。 Please go easy on me. *出自于新手和没有实力的人的口中。 也可用于体育运动go easy on. 常用于命令句, 表示“对要手软”、 “对人或东西要珍惜”、 “对要留有余地”。Its my first time, please go easy on me. (我这是第一次,请手下留情。)Alright, Ill try. (知道了,我会的。)别操之过急。 Lets not jump the gun. *gun为“手枪”,而jump the gun是固定词组,表示比赛枪响前就跑出去的意思。即“抢

22、跑”、“抢先”之意。I think Ive got the job. Lets celebrate! (我想我已经找到了工作。我们来庆祝一下吧!)Lets not jump the gun. (为之过早了吧。)Lets not be too hasty.Lets not rush into things.Dont count your chickens before they are hatched. *“别在小鸡孵出之前就数鸡”,常用于口语中。 不要做得太过火。 Lets not go overboard. *go overboard “做过了”、“超限度”。I bought four do

23、zen eggs. (我买了四打鸡蛋。)Lets not go overboard. (别太离谱呀!)Lets not go too far.Lets not be extreme. 我们看情况再说。Lets wait and see how things go. *用于各种情况。Lets wait and see. 别这么快下结论。 Dont jump to conclusions! *jump to conclusions直译是“随便下结论”,即“过早地下结论”、“贸然断定”。So, I think shes pregnant. (所以,我想她已经怀孕了。)Dont jump to con

24、clusions! (别这么快地下结论。)Dont prejudge it! (别凭想像判断。)Dont make assumptions! (不能主观臆断。)Dont get the wrong idea. (不要抱有那种错误想法。) 别那么自私。Dont be selfish. *selfish “任性的,自私的,利己的”。Dont be self-centered.Dont be egotistical. 你的工作表现总是不稳定。Your work is always inconsistent. *inconsistent “不一致的”、“不稳定的”、“反复无常的”。Your work

25、is always erratic.Your work is always patchy.Your work is always uneven. 你不该随便乱花钱。You shouldnt spend money foolishly.You should try to be thriftier. (你该试着再节约些。)You shouldnt spend your money like water.You shouldnt waste your money. (你不该那么浪费钱。) 你的态度太恶劣了。You have an attitude problem.You have an attitu

26、de problem. (你的态度太恶劣了。)Who are you to say that? (你不是在说你自己吧。)I dont like your attitude.You have a bad attitude.You need to readjust your attitude. 别那么没有礼貌。 Dont be so naughty. *naughty “不听话,顽皮的,淘气的”。Dont do such naughty things.Dont be so bad.Behave yourself! (有点礼貌!) 请安静! Hold it down!Be quiet! *用于一般情

27、况下。Keep it down!Keep it quiet!Silence!*用于学校老师对学生。Turn it down! *对看电视或听收音机的人说的。turn down是“关小电视、收音机等的声音”。 嘘!(安静!) Hush!Shh. 太吵了。 Its too noisy.Its too loud. 别丢人现眼了! Dont make a fool of yourself.Im going to dance. (我想去跳舞。)Dont make a fool of yourself. (别丢人现眼了!)Dont play the fool.Dont make an ass out of

28、 yourself.Stop acting like a fool. 分清场合。 Think about where you are.You should consider where you are. 你也不看看你多大了。 Act your age. *一般用在父母等上年纪的人教育年轻人时。“做和自己年龄相符的举止、行为”。How do you like my new red skirt? (你觉得我这条新的红裙子怎么样?)Act your age. (你也不看看你多大了。)You should act your age. *比较温和的说法。Behave in accordance with

29、 what is expected of your age!You should behave more maturely. (你该表现得更成熟些。)You shouldnt act like a child. (别像个孩子似的。) 你想得也太天真了。Your view is too optimistic. *optimistic “乐观的”,“乐天派的”。 你的想法太不现实了。You should get your head out of the clouds. *直译是“你应该把你的脑袋从云中伸出来”,即“你的想法太不实际了,回到现实中吧”。You should get your head

30、 out of the clouds. (你的想法太离谱了。)Maybe youre right. I should try to be more down-to-earth. (也许你是对的。我该更现实点儿。)You arent being realistic.You should be more logical. *logical “符合逻辑的”、“道理上讲得通的”。 别再重复这种愚蠢的错误了。Dont make such stupid mistakes again! *make a mistake 惯用语, “出错”。Dont make such stupid mistakes again! (不要重复这种愚蠢的错误。)I wont, I wont. (不会了,不会了。)You should be more careful! (你应该多加小心。)Dont make dumb mistakes again! 别那么自命不凡。 Dont be stuck-up. *stuck-up “骄傲自满”、“自高自大”。Dont be so pompous. *pompous “装模作样的”、“自负的”、“华而不实的”。Dont be suc

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