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1、小学六年级英语毕业综合复习模拟卷小学六年级英语毕业综合复习模拟卷六年级英语毕业模拟测试卷学校: 姓名:听力部分(40分)一、听音,选词。每小题听两遍。(10分)( )1、A、door B、ball C、dog D、floor( )2、A、ele*en B、se*en C、Helen D、e*en( )3、A、best B、lest C、west D、next( )4、A、watch B、wish C、with D、wash( )5、A、back B、bank C、black D、flat( )6、A、want B、water C、wait D、one( )7、A、orange B、fridge

2、 C、*illage D、bridge( )8、A、teacher B、picture C、T-shirt D、feature( )9、A、goat B、coat C、boat D、goes( )10、A、see B、seal C、saw D、seat二、听音,判断。对的打(),错的打(),每小题听两遍。(5分)1、2、 3、 4、 5、 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听音,标号,连线。一共听两遍。(10分)( ) I are listening to me.( ) My brother is going to cook for my family. ( ) You is goi

3、ng to ha*e a rest. ( ) My mother am going to do my homework. ( ) My father is going to take us to the park. 四、听问句或听小短文选答语。(8分)( ) 1、A、Its green. B、Theyre purple. C、Its dark.( ) 2、A、Shes Nancys sister. B、The girl in the car. C、The girl in a blue dress. ( ) 3、A、Its 3312869. B、Its 3312896. C、Its 331298

4、6.( ) 4、A、Tom was in Mikes home. B、Tom is in the cinema. C、Tom was at home. ( ) 5、A、These are Johns babys pants. B、These baby pants are Joans.C、These are Johns pants. ( )6、A、Li Ming is drawing a map of China. B、Li Ming draws a map of China. C、Li Ming is drawing a map of Chinese. ( )7、A、Tom want to d

5、raw a picture, too. B、Tom want to see a picture, too. C、Tom want to draw two pictures. ( )8、A、Lin Fang is drawing a bus. B、Lin Fang is drawing a box. C、Lin Fang is taking a picture.五、听音,把有关信息补充完整。(5分)Date:Age:Address:Telephone number:E-mail address:笔试部分(80分)七、词汇。(12分)A、认读单词或短语,找出相应的图画,把编号写在括号里。(一共10

6、分,每小题1分)A、umbrella B、salesperson C、snowy D、flight E、 bedroomF、headache G、chicken H、watermelon I、math book J 、water the flowers ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) B、选出与划线部分同类并能替换这一部分的词或短语,把编号写在括号里。替换后句子必须通顺合理。(5分,每小题1分)( )1、Rose plays basketball *ery well.A、football B、piano C、chess D、computer ga

7、mes( )2、Joan is wearing a new coat.A、socks B、glo*es C、jacket D、goat( )3、Is Kate English?A、England B、Australia C 、Chinese D、Canada( )4、My fa*ourite food is beef.A、ducks B、tomatoes C、mutton D、juice( )5、Its a sunny day. Lets go hiking together.A、snowy B、fine C、rainy D、raining八、单项选择。选出答案,把编号写在括号里。(共23分,

8、每小题1分)( ) 1、- Where is the bird? - It is _ the tree. A、in B、on C、up D、at ( ) 2、-How much _ the socks? - Let me _. Se*enty-four yuan.A、are; see B、is; see C、are; ha*e a look D、is; ha*e a look( ) 3、-Its cold now. _ I _ my coat? - Yes, please.A、Am; put on B、May; put on C、Am; take off D、Can; take off( )

9、4、-Can you _ Chinese, Mr. Smith?- Yes, but just a little.A、 talk B、speak C、 tell D、say( ) 5、-Excuse me, is this _ school? - No, _ is next to the post office. A、 your; our B、yours; ours C、yours; our D、 your; ours( ) 6、-Hello! _ is that?- is Amy speaking.A、Who; It B、What; This C、Who; This D、Is; That(

10、) 7、-I ha*e many strawberries. - Are they sweet sour?A、or B、and C、either D、with( ) 8、Mike _ a small bedroom, but his parents _ a big one. A、ha*e; has B、ha*e; ha*e C、has; ha*e D、has; has ( ) 9、That is _ American national flag. There _ fifty stars on it. A、 a , is B、an , are C、an , is D、a , are ( ) 10

11、、- I want some grapes. - OK. _A、Here it is B、Gi*e you, please. C、Here you are. D、Ha*e it, please( )11、-May I take a with you? A、door B、picture C、bus D、book ( )12、Dont forget to turn the TV before you go to bed.A.、off B、to C、on D、and( )13、There are students in our school.A、many B、much C、lot D、little(

12、 )14、Please back to your seat.A、goes B、going C、go D、to go( )15、 a big cake it is! A、What B、How C、Which D、Where ( )16、A: does he get up e*ery morning? B: He up at six thirty. A、When; gets B、When; get C、What; gets D、When; got ( )17、His birthday is on . A、December the fourth B、December the four C、Decem

13、ber the forty D、December the fourteen( )18、My first letter is in “black”, not in “back”. My second letter is in “tell”, not in “tall”. My third letter is in “fi*e”, not in “gi*e”. My last letter is in “ten”, not in “pen”. The word is .A、lea*e B、left C、key D、tent( )19、 is she going to tomorrow? A、Whe

14、n B、How C、Where D、What ( )20、In Australia, dri*ers dri*e on the side of the road.A、right B、left C、e*ery D、middle( )21、What day is the middle day of a week? A、Saturday B、Wednesday C、Sunday D、Tuesday ( )22、Im from China. Our lucky number is . A、four B、three C、six D、se*en ( )23、 your teeth before you g

15、o to bed.A、Brush B、Clean C、Push D、Pull九、完成小短文或句子。(21分)A、选词完成短文。(5分,每空1分)A、shorter B、going C、are D、friends E、youngF、were G、younger H、go I、friend J、olderMike and John are good _.Mike is 164cm tall. He is 4cm _ than John, and thinner. John is 14. Mike is only 12. Mike is . Usually they do homework toge

16、ther on Sundays. Last they went hiking and fishing. They happy. Next weekend, they are to the zoo.B、选句完成对话。(7分,每空1分) A、See you then. B、There is something wrong. C、How about Sunday afternoon? D、Id lo*e to. E、This is Allen speaking! F、Can you gi*e me a hand? G、That is Allen. H、This is Mike. I、Thank yo

17、u.Allen: Hello!Mike: Hello. . May I speak to Allen, please?Allen: _.Mike: Hi, Allen. How are you?Allen: Fine, thanks. How are you?Mike: Im fine. . Allen, I need some help. _Allen: Sure. _Mike: There is something wrong with my computer. Can you mend (修理)it?Allen: Certainly, but not today. _Mike: OK.

18、Thanks a lot. _C、请根据上下文在横线上填上所缺的单词。(9分,每空1分)1、A monkeys tail is than a raadfdsits tail.2、Where does the rain come from? It comes from the _.3、In se*eral days ,you can see the .4、-Do you know what letter is a kind of drink? -It is .5、I is the letter.6、 your hands before meals.7、-What season is it in

19、March in Beijing? -Its spring. What season is it in Sydney? -Its . 8、In the Festi*al, we can eat the dumping.9、She designs cars. She is an .十、阅读理解。(20分)A、阅读短文,并根据短文意思判断所给的句子是否相符,相符的写“T”,否则写“F”。(共10分,每小题2分)( M: Mum S: Sam )Its Sunday. Sam and his mother are at home.M: Sam. Its time for lunch. Come an

20、d clean your hands first.S: OK. Mum. Whats for lunch?M: Cant you see? They are all on the table.S: Oh, chicken, fish and rice! I like them *ery much. Hm They are so delicious! Mum, youre great!M: Thanks, and ha*e some *egetables. Here you are.S: Thank you, Mum. I know *egetables are good for health.

21、M: Youre right.S: Mum, may I ha*e some grapes after lunch?M: Sure.( ) 1、On Sunday Sam and his mother dont ha*e lunch at home.( ) 2、 There are some cakes, eggs and *egetables on the table.( ) 3、 They dont like *egetables.( ) 4、 They think *egetables are good for health.( ) 5、 Sam would like to ha*e s

22、ome grapes after lunch.B、阅读短文,并根据短文内容选择正确的答案,把编号写在左边的括号里。(共10分,14每小题2分,5-8每小题1分)The USA is smaller than Russia, Canada and China. Washington DC is its capital. But it is a quiet city. New York is the biggest city in America and its one of the biggest cities in the world. It is in the east of the USA

23、 and at the mouth of the Hudson Ri*er. A large part of the city is on Manhattan Island ( 岛),a big island in the ri*er. New York has a larger population than Washington DC. In New York we can see the famous statue, the statue of Liberty.( ) 1、 The USA is the _ largest country in the world. A、second B

24、、third C、fourth ( ) 2、Washington DC has a _ population than New York. A、larger B、smaller C、more ( ) 3、A large part of New York is on _. A、 an islandB、the sea C、the lake ( ) 4、New York is one of the _ cities in the world. A、quietest B、 biggestC、oldest ( ) 5、 is the capital city of Russia. A、Washingto

25、n B、Singapore C、Moscow ( ) 6、 will ser*e as the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.A、Fuhua B、Fuwa C、Friendlies( )7、The national flag of Canada is red and . A、white B、black C、green ( )8、The panda li*es in China. It li*e in mountains or bamboo forests. It can climb trees. It eats bamboo. The baby panda it called a . A、cute B、cub C、pouch 十一、小作文。(5分)每位同学都有自己的理想,长大以后想成为一名科学家、宇航员、老师等,请以My Dream为题,写一篇小作文。1、书写整洁,规范,条理清晰,意思明确,标点正确;2、可适当发挥想象;3、字数不少于50个单词。 网络搜集整理,仅供参考

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