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1、Music教案1Music教案人教版英语必修二unit 5 music 重难点teaching aims:1、sum up the main idea of each paragraph.2、understand the details about the passage.3、use the important words and expressions from warming up and reading4、use the attributive clause led by “prep. + which / whom ”.5、make suggestions6、talk about pre

2、ference7、write a letter for advice8、talk about music: forming a band9、make suggestions and talk about preference properly重点词汇:break up dream of form stick to be honest play jokes/a joke on match extrapretend重点句型:定语从句 介词+引导词语法:定语从句【词组识记】1.roll over 翻身, 打滚roll up 卷起roll down 滚下来2.dream of / about (doi

3、ng) sth 梦见, 梦想 a concert 在音乐会上 honest with sb. 对诚实 be honest about sth. be honest in doing sth. 4.form the habit of 养成的习惯 in the form of 以的形式 in form 在形式上 5.passers-by 路人(复数)6.earn extra money 赚外快6.give sb. a chance to do 给某人做某事的机会 jokes/a joke on sb. 捉弄 play tricks/a trick on sb. laug

4、h at / make fun of 嘲笑;取笑 8.base on 以.为基础, 基于.be based on9.make music 做音乐10.break up 破裂;拆散;停止; (战争等)爆发 break in/into 闯进 break off 中断;停止 break down 坏掉,发生故障; (身体)垮掉 11.hit sb. on / in the + 身体部位 击中某人的 chance/accident 偶然,意外地13e across 偶然遇见14.sort out 分类 confident of/about/in 对有信心16.give/put on

5、 a performace = perform 演出,表演 共17页,当前第1页123456789101112131415161717.go wrong 出了毛病18.since then 从那时起19e up with 提出20.stick to do=insist on doing 坚持做某事21.above of all 首先,最重要的是 first of all 第一 musical instrument 演奏乐器23.attract ones attention/interest 吸引某人的注意力/兴趣【核心单词用法例析】1. list v.&n. 列表;名单,目录he

6、 listed all the things he wanted to buy. 他把想买的东西列成一张清单。his name was taken off the list because of his frequent absence. 他由于经常旷工而被除名。注:a shopping list 购物单; a black list 黑名单; draw up a list 制作表格;put ones name on the list把某人的名字列入名单 ; make a list of .把列成单2. pretend v. 假装,佯装;后面可接不定式或从句,构成pretend to do st

7、h或pretend that 结构。he pretends to be ill. 他假装病了。the students pretended to be reading when the teacher came in. 当老师走进来时,学生们假装正在看书。 we pretended that nothing had happened. 我们假装什么事也没发生。注:pretend 还可用作形容词:pretend cakes假糕点;pretend toys假玩具【原句回放】do you sing karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like. (

8、page34, line5)【点拨】v.假装,可接动词不定式或从句作宾语。1. he pretended that he was working hard. 他假装在努力工作。2. he pretended to be reading a book when his mother came back. 当他妈妈回来时,他假装正在看书。 vi.&vt. (常指孩子在游戏中)假扮,后接不定式或从句。lets pretend to be soldiers. 我们来假扮军人吧。【拓展】pretend to do 假装做pretend that 假装pretend as if /though+从句 假装

9、(好像)随时练she pretended _ me when i passed by.a. and not read b. not seeingc. not to see d. not to be seeing【解析】当我经过的时候她假装没看见我。【答案】d3. form v.&n. 组成,形成;形状,形式,表格he formed a band with some friends from school. 他和学校里一些朋友组成了一支乐队。a plan formed in my head. 一个计划在我的头脑中形成。help in the form of will be very welcom

10、e. 以钱的方式资助将会非常受欢迎。please fill in this form in ink. 请用墨水填写这张表格。【原句回放】but how do people form a band?(page34, line8)共17页,当前第2页1234567891011121314151617【点拨】vt. 形成,组成,养成 如:with the help of our pe teacher, we form a basketball team.在体育老师的帮助下我们组成了一支篮球队。as a result, he forms the habit of hunting on weekends

11、.结果,他养成了周末去打猎的习惯。the band is formed of one girl and two boys. =the band is made up of one girl and twoboys.这个乐队是由一个女孩和两个男孩组成的。n. 表格,形式,形态ice, snow and steam are different forms of water 冰,雪,蒸汽是水的不同形式。please fill the form. 请填表格。in the form of 以形式in form 形式上,情况良好【拓展】form the habit of 养成的习惯take the for

12、m of 采取样的形式随时练1. the children were _ small groups, going from door to door to collect old clothes.a. formed from b. formed into c. made into d. made from2. they are different _.a. in the form b. in a form c. in form d. in forms【解析】1. a项构成错误;c项意为“被制成”,d项意为“由制成”。根据句意可知,此处表示“被组成”。2. 根据句意“他们在形式上是不同的”。【答

13、案】1. b 2. c4. extra 有三种词性adj. 额外的,分外的,外加的,附加的the perform is going to be a lot of extra work . 这次演出将有很多额外的工作。adv. 额外,另外;特别,格外the rate for a room is $30, but breakfast is extra. 一个房间收费30美元,早餐另付。n. 额外的事物,额外的钱piano class is an optional extra at our school. 我们学校钢琴课是选修的,要另外收费。5. lively adj. 活泼的,有生机的he has

14、 a strange way making his classes lively and interesting. 他有一种奇怪的方法使得他的课堂生动有趣。he has a lively and enquiring mind. 他有一个思维活跃、善于探索的头脑。注:1) 区分: living adj. 活着的,健在的,现行的;alive adj. 活着的(作表语,后置定语和补语);live adj. 活的(指动物),直播的 v. 居住,生活2)类似的以-ly结尾的形容词还有:lovely(可爱的)friendly(友好的)motherly慈母般的daily(日常的)monthly(每月的)6.

15、 sort n. 种类,类别;v. 整理,把分类,把安排妥当-what sort of music do you like? 你喜欢哪一类音乐? -oh, all sorts. 噢,哪一类都喜欢。the cupboards need sorting out. 柜厨需要整理了。if youre going to the bus station, can you sort out the tickets for tomorrow? 你要去火车站的话,能不能把明天的车票买好?7. afterwards adv. 以后,后来afterwards she was very sorry for what

16、she did. 后来他很后悔他所做的。lets buy some meat first and buy vegetables afterwards. 让我们先买点肉,然后买蔬菜。注:后缀-wards,表示“朝方向”,类似的单词还有:towards(朝,向),forwards(向前),backwards(向后),eastwards(向东), westwards(向西),southwards(向南),northwards(向北),upwards(向上),downwards(向下)。共17页,当前第3页12345678910111213141516178. share v.&n.v. 共用,共享,

17、分享i share a room with seven other students. 我和另外七位学生合住一个房间。seeing my little daughter share her chocolate with the other kids, i was very happy. 看到女儿和其他的小朋友一起分吃巧克力,我很高兴。would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group? 你愿意把你的经验与组里其余的人分享吗?n. 一份,份额,股份they divided the money into equal

18、shares. 我们把钱分成等额的几份。the shares have gone up three points since yesterday. 自从昨天以来,这些股份上升了三个点。真题:let harry play with your toys as well, clare - you must learn to _. (nmet XX)a. support b. care c. spare d. share解析:答案:d. share “共用,共享,分享”。其他答案与题意不符。9. honour v.&n.v. “尊敬,给以荣誉,以为荣”the young should honour t

19、he aged. 年轻人应该尊敬长者。he was honoured as a hero. 他被授予英雄称号。n. “尊敬,崇敬”(不可数名词);“荣幸,光荣”(可数名词)。the students should show their honour to their teachers. 学生应该尊敬老师。it was a great honour to be invited here today. 今天承蒙邀请到此,深感荣幸。注:do sb. an honour/ do sb. the honour of doing sth.使增光,赏光,给带来荣誉; in honour of sb. /in

20、 sbs honour 为向表示敬意10. match【原句回放】guess which music matches which picture. (warming up)【点拨】 v. (1) 与相配(=go with)(2) 在方面与匹敌;势均力敌n. 比赛;火柴;相配物1. we must find carpets that will match the curtains. 我们必须找到可以和这些窗帘搭配的地毯。 2. no one can match him in singing. 在唱歌方面没有人能和他相匹敌。3. there is going to be a football ma

21、tch this friday. 本周五将有一场足球赛。【拓展】match,fit与suitmatch指色调、形状、性质等相搭配。fit指大小合适,引申为“吻合”。suit指合乎需要、口味、条件、地位,以及颜色、款式等与某人的皮肤、气质、身材或身份相称。随时练the color of the skirt may _, but i am afraid it may not _my blouse.a. fit; match b. match; match c. suit; suit d. suit; match【解析】本题考察match的用法。前一个空所填词表示颜色适合某人,应用suit。后一空是

22、说与衬衣相配。【答案】 d11. extra【原句回放】they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay. (page 34, line 12)【点拨】extra adj. 额外的;外加的;特别的;另外的adv. 额外地,特别地,除外n.额外的东西;另收费的事物共17页,当前第4页12345678910111213141516171. i dont have any extra time. 我没有多余的时间。2. the box is extra heavy. 这个箱子特别重。3. they charge extra for win

23、e. 他们另收酒钱。4. her school fees are $ 300 a term; music and dancing are extras. 她的学费是每学期300美元,音乐和舞蹈课另收费。 随时练 his regular school fees are $60 a term; music and dancing are_.a. extras b. cheap c. good d. expensive【解析】正常的要收60美元一学期,音乐和舞蹈除外。extra作名词。【答案】a【词组句型用法精解】1. hear about 听说-have you heard about the i

24、ncident? 你听说了这件事吗?-no, i have never heard about it. 我没有听说过。2. dream of 梦想,幻想, + sth./ doing sth.he dreamed of a better future. 他梦想一个更美好的未来。when she was young, she dreamed of being a teacher. 她年轻的时候曾梦想当一名教师。【原句回放】 have you ever dreamt of being in front of thousands of people at a concert.(page 34, li

25、ne 2)【点拨】dream of doing sth. 意为“幻想;梦想;想象”。i dream of visiting the mars one day. 我梦想着有一天能够参观火星。he never dreamed of becoming a famous football player.他从来都没梦想过成为一名著名的足球运动员。【拓展】(1) dream vt. 意为“做梦;梦见”,可以接名词,代词或宾语从句。may you dream a happy dream tonight! 祝你今晚做个好梦。i dreamt (that) i could fly. 我梦想着我能够飞。(2) d

26、ream n. 意为“梦”,可接同位语从句说明梦的内容。i have a recurrent dream that ive turned into an elephant.我经常有这样一个梦我变成了一头大象。my dream has come true. 我的梦想成真了。随时练his dream _ beijing has_.a. of visiting; come trueb. of visiting; been come truec. to visit; come true d. to visit; been true【解析】dream 后常接of /about doing,而不接不定式,

27、另外come true 意为“实现”为不及物动词用法。【答案】a3. be honest with 对说老实话,对坦诚thank you for being so honest with me. 感谢你对我这么坦诚。i shall be quite honest with you. 我将和你完全坦诚相待。注:be honest (in) doing sth.在做某事方面诚实;to be honest =to tell youthe truth = be quite honest about it老实说(插入语)【点拨】be honest with sb. 对坦诚,诚恳be honest abo

28、ut sth. 如实说/做某事be honest in ( doing ) sth. 在某方面诚实如:i shall be honest with you. 我应该对你坦诚。he is honest in doing business. 他在做生意方面很诚实。【拓展】be angry with sb. 对某人生气be pleased with sb. 对某人满意be satisfied with sb. 对某人满意随时练children should always be _with their parents and teacher.共17页,当前第5页12345678910111213141

29、51617a. angry b. pleased c. honest d. satisfied【解析】根据拓展a.b.d三项不合题意。【答案】c4. play jokes on 跟开玩笑though old, they often play jokes on each other. 尽管上了年纪,但他们还经常相互开玩笑。he always likes to play jokes on me because we are close friends. 他总是爱拿我开玩笑,因为我们是很好的朋友。注:play tricks on sb. = play a trick on sb.捉弄某人; laug

30、h at sb. 嘲笑某人; make fun of sb. 取笑某人原句回放】the musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as (page34, line 16)【点拨】 play jokes/a joke on.开 的玩笑,戏弄no one likes to be played jokes on by others. 没有人愿意被别人戏弄。joke vi. 开玩笑i was only joking. 我只是开玩笑啊。for / as a joke 只是为了开玩笑in joke 闹着玩的make fun of. 取笑 laug

31、h at 嘲笑play a trick/tricks on sb. 捉弄某人have a joke with sb. 与某人说笑话make a joke about sb/ sth. 拿某人或某事开玩笑随时练daisy cant stand that her classmates often _ her.a. keep up with b. come up with c. look on d. play jokes on【解析】黛西不能忍受的是同学们的戏弄。故选d。【答案】d真题:he likes to play a trick on others, but sometimes _a. he plays a trick b. he plays a trick on c.

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