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人教新课标高中英语Book 2 Unit 4 滚动练习 有答案.docx

1、人教新课标高中英语Book 2 Unit 4 滚动练习 有答案人教新课标高中英语Book 2 Unit 4 滚动练习 (有答案)滚动练习(一)单词拓展1_ n保护_ v保护_ adj.保护的,防护的_n保护人2_vi. & vt.减少;(使)变小或变少_(vt.& vi.) 增加3_ n损失;遗失;丧失_v遗失,丢失_ n输家;失败者_adj.遗失的,失去的4_vt. & vi.打猎;猎取;搜寻_ n猎人5_vi.回答;响应;作出反应_ n回答;反应;回应6. _ n.危险;危及,危害 v._;受到危害的,濒危的 adj._7_ vt.包含;容纳;容忍_n容器8_adj.强大的;有力的_ ad

2、v.有力地_n. 力量;权利9_ vt.影响;感动;侵袭_ n喜爱;感情_ n影响10_ vt.鉴赏;感激;意识到_ n鉴赏;欣赏;感激11_ vi.成功 vt.接替;继任_ n成功_ adj.成功的;赚钱的;_ adv.成功地;12_ vt.雇用;利用(时间、精力等) _n雇用;利用_ n雇主_ n雇员;雇工13_ n. & vt.损害;危害_adj.有害的_ adj.无害的14_vt. & vi.咬;叮;刺痛_ (过去式)_ (过去分词)15_ vt.检查;视察_ n检阅;视察_ n检查员;督察员16_adj.凶猛的;猛烈的_ adv.猛烈地_ n猛烈17._(adj.) 远的;远处的_(

3、n.)距离;远方18. _ adj.安全的;可靠的_ n安全短语互译1灭亡;逐渐消失_ 2和平地;安详地;和睦地_3在危险中,垂危_ 4如释重负_5突然笑起来_ 6保护不受(危害) _7pay attention to _ 8come into being _9according to _ 10do harm to _11without mercy _ 12respond to _单词拼写1This hat will give p_ against the hot sun.2 My wallet c_ two hundred yuan and my passport was lost when

4、 I was shopping.3. Mrs. Browns dog b_ the mailman when he was delivering newspapers yesterday afternoon.4Both bees and butterflies belong to i_.5Whats the d_ between Beijing and shanghai?6Scientists claim they have _(成功)in finding a cure for cancer.7Well go _(打猎) tomorrow.8We greatly _(感谢,感激) your t

5、imely help.9She turned her a_to new problems.10The dog looks f_ . Youd better keep away from it.每日翻译1. 互联网是怎样产生的? 2. 学生人数减少到500人。3. 根据你所说的,我肯定你说谎了。4.过度捕杀极大地影响了野生动物的数量。5.我不明白她为什么突然大笑起来。滚动练习(二)用所给词的正确形式填空。1. He suffered a gradual l_( lose) of memory.2. _ (protect) policies should be carried out to sav

6、e the _ (danger) animals.3. He opened the _ (dust) book and coughed_ (fierce)4. Thank you for your _ (appreciate).5. He looked shocked; then burst into _ (laugh)6. The little girl _(bite) by the dog.7. If you want to _, you should learn from your father, who is a _businessman. (success) 补充完整下面短文We s

7、hould (1)_ ( 关注) the problem of the protection of wildlife, because at present they are (2)_ ( 濒临灭绝) or (3)_ ( 处于危险之中) On one hand, people (4)_(捕杀) animals for food or for the thick furs. On the other hand, people can not (5)_ ( 与相处好) wildlife which they think are fierce and may attack them to death

8、, which will endanger the wildlife. In order to (6)_ the wildlife (7)_ (保护 不 至 于 灭 绝 ), it is necessary to set up wildlife reserves. (8)_ ( 只 要 ) the above measures are effective, the species will develop gradually and safely.每日翻译1.你的公司雇用了多少人?2. 他成功地得到了那份工作。3.一些野生动物正处于危险中,因此有必要保护它们。4.许多旧习俗都在日渐消失(die

9、 out)。5.昨天一些政府领导视察了我们学校。滚动练习(三) 重点句型1.After a while she saw some zebra with black and white lines going beneath their stomachs. 过了一会儿她看到了一些斑马,他们身上有从上一直延伸到腹部的黑白相间的条纹。划线部分为with的复合结构。(1)地板又湿又脏,我们只好待在外面。(With+名词/代词+形容词,表示_ )_(2)他习惯开窗睡觉。(同上)_(3)饭后,我们都回家去了。(With+名词/代词+副词,表示_ )_(4)这个男孩低头站在那儿。(同上)_(5)昨个天我碰到

10、一个抱着婴儿的妇女。(With+名词/代词+介词短词,表示_ )_(6)小男孩跑进来了,手里拿着一个苹果。(同上)_(7)很多妇女在大笑,我感到心烦。(With+名词/代词+现在分词, 表示_;强调 _)_(8)由于得到许多人的帮助,最终我成功了。(同上)_(9)孩子们完成作业后开始看电视。(With+名词/代词+过去分词, 表示_;强调 _)_(10)钥匙丢了,她进不了房间。(同上)_(11)有很多工作要去做,我不能出去玩。(With+名词/代词+不定式, 表示_; )_(12)由于有些问题要讨论,他们将举行一个会议。(同上) that(1)so形容词或副词that 表示如此以致于

11、.这件外套太贵了我买不起。_(2)so that 表示“以便.,为了.”,引导目的状语从句;so that表示“以便,为了时=in order to do sth.这个小男孩节省每一分钱为了给妈妈买一份母亲节礼物。_我提高了声音,以便让大家都能听到我的话。_(3) so that 表示“结果.,以致于.”,引导结果状语从句时.他们很兴奋结果忘记了会议。_3.Its a pity (that). 很可惜.;真遗憾.(1)他没有接受这份工作很可惜。_(2)很可惜,我们没有足够的时间去参观所有的地方。_4.No rain forest, no animals and no drugs.No., no

12、. 没有.就没有.(1) 不劳无获。_(2)无火不起烟。(谚语:事出有因)_5.英语中的感叹句可以由what或how引导。What + (a/an)+adj. + n. +主语+谓语! How +adj.(adv.) +主语+谓语!(1)这是一个多么有趣的故事呀!_(2)她唱得多好呀!_每日翻译:1. 因为房子空空的,杰克感到很孤独。(with)2.她没有把时间计划好,所以没按时完成家庭作业。3.她没有参加婚礼真可惜。4.老师站在旁边,她觉得有点不自然(uneasy)。(with的复合结构)5.报纸的大标题引起他的注意。滚动练习(四)根据所给的中文或首字母填写单词。1. This new bo

13、ok c_ all the information you need.2. Most children r_ well to individual attention in class.3. He suffered a gradual l_( lose) of memory.4. Make sure you i_ the goods before signing for them.5. You could _(利用) your spare time better. 6. The dog lived wild and had become very f_ .7. The number of ne

14、w students _ (减少) from 210 to 160. 8. Most people were _ (感动,影响) by his speech.9. I would _ (感激) it if you paid in cash. 10. Although smoking a_ peoples health,China has the largest number of people who are smoking.根据括号中的提示完成下列句子(1)_ (如释重负)she went home,thinking she was able to live a better life fr

15、om then on.(2)_(使他大为欣慰的是),the difficulties were overcome.(3)Eating too much sweets _(对.有危害) your teeth.(4)During the World War II,many Jews were killed _.(残忍地,无情地)(5)The children always _(留心;注意) everything that the teacher says.(6)If we team up with each other, we will _(成功克服困难) the difficulties.(7)

16、_(我将感激不尽) if you could offer me a lift.(8)_ (被深深地感动) the story of Congfei, I am determined to be a volunteer worker.每日翻译:1.你收到我的信了吗?2.如果你能帮助我,我将不胜感激。3.每位参赛者应该注意以下要求。4.吸烟将有害于你的健康。5.我们应该保护环境免受污染。滚动练习(五)语法专练现在进行时的被动语态(Revision)用括号内单词的适当形式填空1.The conference _(hold) in Hong Kong.2.The new film, directed

17、by Jackie Chan, is to _(show) next month.3.The computer _(use) for three years.4.The window is dirty. I know. It _(clean) for weeks.现在进行时的被动语态:表示“某人/事此时此刻正在被”, 主语是动作的承受者, 表示说话时或现阶段某个被动的动作正在进行。谓语动词的形式为“is/are/am+being+过去分词”。1. 肯定形式:am/is/arebeing过去分词The house is being painted. 房子正在被粉刷。2.否定形式: am/is/a

18、renotbeing过去分词The trees are not being watered.3.疑问形式:Am/Is/Are主语being过去分词?Am I being watched over?4.特殊疑问句的形式: 把特殊疑问词放在一般疑问句前面。How many bridges are being built in the village?改写句子:主动句:The workers are discussing the problem at the meeting.被动句:_ 被动句的否定式:_ 被动句的一般疑问句:_ 对被动句划线部分提问:_用被动语态改写下列句子1One of the

19、best students is writing the report._2They are collecting money for local charities.(一般疑问句)_3He is not singing a folk song._4The bridge is under repair/construction._5A basketball match is being held on the playground.(对划线部分提问)_用括号内单词的适当形式填空1.The report _(print) there.I will hand it to you in ten minutes.2.There is no doubt that we _(punish) if we break the law.3.My bike _(repair) last week.4.A painting exhibition _(hold) at the art museum next week.5.How many new words _(learn) by the students by the end of this semester?6.The river _(pollute) bad

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