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本文(江苏省徐州市丰县城区学校联考八年级英语试题Word解析版.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、江苏省徐州市丰县城区学校联考八年级英语试题Word解析版江苏省徐州市2016年丰县城区学校3月联考八年级英语试题及解析一、单项选择题-Do your parents have the same hobby?-No. My father likes playing _ chess while my mother enjoys playing _ piano. A. /; the B. /; / C. the; / D. the; the【答案】A【解析】句意:你的父母有相同的爱好吗?没有,我的父亲喜欢下象棋而我的妈妈喜欢弹钢琴。在球类运动和棋类活动时不加冠词,乐器类前要加定冠词the。依据题意,

2、故选A。2-Have you returned the book to the library _?-Yes. I have _ returned it. A. yet; yet B. already; already C. already; yet D. yet; already【答案】D【解析】句意:你已经把书还给图书馆了吗?是的,我已经还了。yet还,用于疑问句和否定句,放在句子末尾;already已经,用于肯定句。依据题意,故选D。3There _ be a shoe factory, but now it has turned into a new flat. A. used to

3、B. use to C. is used to D. is use to【答案】A【解析】句意:这里过去有一个鞋厂,但是现在变成了一个新公寓。used to do sth.为固定搭配,意思是过去常常做某事。依据题意,故选A。4-Where are you going for your holiday? -Well, we _ yet. A. havent decided B. hadnt decided C. dont decide D. didnt decide【答案】A【解析】句意:你打算去哪度假?我们还没有决定呢。yet还,现在完成时态的标志词,所以本句要用现在完成时;现在完成时态的结构

4、为have/has+动词的过去分词。又因为句子主语为we,所以要用have。依据题意,故选A。5-Mr. White lives in the small house_, he never feels _. A. lonely; alone B. alone; lonely C. alone; alone D. lonely; lonely【答案】B【解析】句意:怀特先生独自一人住在一间小房子里,但是他从没感到过寂寞。alone形容词,独自的;副词,独自地。lonely形容词,孤独的,寂寞的,带有一定的感情色彩。live动词,居住,要有副词修饰,所以第一空填alone;第二空表示内心的孤独与寂

5、寞,所以要用lonely。依据题意,故选B。6-You cant drive _ high speed on the country road. Its so dangerous. -Thank you, I wont. A. in B. on C. to D. at【答案】D【解析】句意:在乡村道路上你不能开得这么快。那太危险了。谢谢你。我不会。at high speed为固定词组,意思是高速。依据题意,故选D。7-_, when will you go to Nanjing, Tom? -Next Friday. A. On the way B. In a way C. By the wa

6、y D. For the way【答案】C【解析】句意:汤姆,顺便问一下,你什么时候去南京?下周五。A.On the way在途中;B.In a way在某种程度上;C.By the way顺便问一下;D.For the way错误词组。依据题意,故选C。8-Its nice for us to have _ spaces and pretty gardens. -I think so. A. opened B. open C. opening D. to open【答案】B【解析】句意:对我们来说拥有开阔的空间和漂亮的公园是很美好的。我认为是这样。space名词,空间,要由形容词修饰;ope

7、n本身就是动词和形容词。依据题意,故选B。9-We love to go to the country in spring as the flowers smell so_. -Yes, I think so. A. well B. nice C. wonderfully D. nicely【答案】B【解析】句意:我们喜欢在春天的时候去乡村,因为那里的鲜花闻起来是如此的香。是的,我认为是这样。smell闻起来,系动词,后面接形容词作表语。A.well副词,好。形容词,健康的;B.nice形容词,好的;C.wonderfully副词,精彩地;D.nicely副词,好地。依据题意,故选B。10-H

8、ave you ever _ Guangzhou? -No, but I _ there some day. A. gone to; went B. been to; will go C. visited; went D. been in; have been【答案】B【解析】句意:你曾经去过广州吗?没有。但是总有一天我会去的。have been to意思是去过;have gone to意思是去了;have been in意思是在某地。又因为some day为一般将来时态的标志词,将来时的结构为will+动词的原形。依据题意,故选B。11-_ have you played football,

9、 Tom? -_ I was in Grade Five. A. How often; for B. How soon, When C. How long; Since D. How many; After【答案】C【解析】句意:汤姆,你踢足球多长时间了?自从上五年级以来就开始学了。How often指多长时间一次,表示频率,用于一般现在时;How soon指多久之后,用于将来时;How long指的是多长时间,用于现在完成时;How many多少。由题意可知,本句为现在完成时,所以要用How long;又因为现在完成时可以同for+一段时间或since+一般过去时态的句子来连用。依据题意,故

10、选C。12The view from the mountains was so enjoyable that the travelers _. A. couldnt stop taking photos B. couldnt stop to take photos C. cant stop taking photos D. cant stop to take photos【答案】A【解析】句意:从山上看的风景如此令人愉快以至于游客们都禁不住拍起了照片。cant stop doing sth.为固定词组,意思是情不自禁地做某事;由was可知,本句为一般过去时态,所以要用can的过去式形式,即co

11、uld。依据题意,故选A。13China has been famous _ the Great Wall since a long time ago. A. of B. for C. as D. because【答案】B【解析】句意:自从很长一段时间以来中国就以长城而著名。be famous for为固定词组,意思是因而著名;be famous as也是固定词组,意思是作为而出名。依据题意,故选B。14-My brother has been a member of the Reading Club _. -Yes, he is crazy about it. A. two years ag

12、o B. since last year C. last year D. in 2015【答案】B【解析】由句子时态可知,本句为现在完成时态,常与since+过去的时间点或过去时态的句子连用。依据题意,故选B。15-May I speak to David, please? -Im afraid not. He _out. He _ in about 10 minutes. A. goes; comes back B. gone; came back C. will go; will come back D. has; gone; will come back【答案】D【解析】句意:我可以和大

13、卫讲话吗?恐怕不能。他出去了。他会在十分钟后回来。结合语境可知下文前一句描述的是现在已经完成的动作,故用现在完成时态;下一句中in+一段时间表示多久以后,常用在一般将来时中。依据题意。故选D。16-You look lovely in your new hat, Millie. When _ you _ it? - Two days ago. A. did; buy B. do; buy C. have; bought D. had; bought【答案】A【解析】由回答Two days ago.可知,本句为一般过去时态,所以问句也要用过去时态;在一般过去时的疑问句中,要借助于助动词did。依

14、据题意,故选A。17-When did you get _? -I have been married _ my wife for ten years. A. marry; with B. married; to C. marry; to D. married; with【答案】B【解析】句意:你什么时候结的婚?我同我妻子结婚10年了。get married为固定搭配,意思是结婚,表示结婚的状态;be married to sb.也是一个固定词组,意思是同某人结婚,依据题意,故选B。18-Have you finished your homework? -_ Just half of it.

15、A. Not at all. B. Not likely C. Not a bit D. Not yet【答案】D【解析】句意:你完成了你的作业了吗?还没有,刚做了一半。根据句意,可知完成了一部分还没有全部完成。A.Not at all.一点也不;B. Not likely不大可能;C.Not a bit一点也不;D.Not yet还没有。依据题意,故选D。19-Be quick. The meeting _ for five minutes. -OK. Im coming. A. began B. has begun C. has on D. has been on【答案】D【解析】句意:快

16、点儿。这个会议开始5分钟了。好的,我就来。根据时间状语for five minutes.可知,会议开始五分钟了,要用现在完成时;现在完成时的结构为have/has+动词的过去分词形式,所以舍去A;begin为瞬间动词,不能与一段时间连用,故要转化为be on的形式,又因为本句主语为The meeting,所以要用has。依据题意,故选D。20-I am going to Hong Kong for a holiday this weekend. -Really? _. A. Youre welcome B. Its nothing C. Have fun D. Be back soon【答案】

17、C【解析】句意:这个周末我打算去香港度假。真的吗?祝你玩得高兴。Youre welcome不用谢,用来回答别人的道谢;Its nothing没什么事;have fun 玩得开心;be back soon快点回来。对方要去旅行,我们要表示祝福。依据题意,故选C。二、完形填空Good morning, everyone! Welcome to the new Sea Life Center at Plymouth. The Sea Life Center is a really 21 place. There are so many things to 22 and everything is n

18、ice. It costs3.70 for grown-ups, 2 for children and 23 for over sixties and school groups. Its open from 9: 00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. every day 24 25th and 26th of December. Special attractions 25 hourly feeding times for all the different animals and fish, and shows in the Sea Life theatre. 26 is always

19、 there to answer questions about what youve seen. 27 you are in a group of six or more people, we 28 give you a specially guided tour of the center. But you 29 to arrange this at the information desk when you 30 . The latest attraction is a big 31 tunnel(隧道) you can walk through. All around you, you

20、 will see fish swimmingsometimes even over your head, you certainly have the 32 view of the undersea world. Children love it and its really 33 for grown-ups, too. When you get 34 , there is a relaxed family dining room serving food. Thats all. For 35 information, phone 01743-564219. Have a good time

21、! Thank you.( ) 21.A. excited B. excitement C. exciting D. excite( )22. A. see B. look C. play D. take( ) 23.A. little B. few C. less D. fewer( )24. A. except B. in C. at D. of( ) 25,A. include B. give C. provide D. offer( ) 26.A. Someone B. Anyone C. Everyone D. No one( ) 27,A. When B. If C. Becaus

22、e D. Until( ) 28.A. can B. must C. should D. have to( ) 29.A. decide B. like C. hope D. need( )30A. return B. arrive C. leave D. travel( )31. A. metal B. water C. glass D. stone( )32. A. clearest B. funniest C. most relaxing D. most frightening( )33. A. amazed B. surprising C. surprised D. amazing(

23、) 34.A. tired B. bored C. thirsty D. hungry( ) 35.A. some B. more C. much D. most【答案】【21】C 【22】A 【23】C 【24】A 【25】A【26】A 【27】B 【28】A 【29】D 【30】B【31】C 【32】A 【33】D 【34】D 【35】D【解析】【文章大意】本文主要讲述的是参观海洋生物中心的情况,主要包括时间、票价以及这个中心的特色风景。第21题:句意:这个海洋生物中心确实是一个让人兴奋的地方。place名词,地方,要有形容词修饰。A.excited形容词,兴奋的,适用于主语为人的情况;B


25、xcept。依据题意,故选A。第25题:句意:特别的景点包括每小时喂所有动物和鱼类,还有海洋生物中心的表演。A.include动词,包括;B.give动词,给;C.provide动词,提供; D.offer动词,提供。依据题意,故选A。第26题:句意:总是有人在那来回答你所看到的问题。这里是一个肯定句,依据题意,故选A。第27题:句意:如果你是一个六个或者六个以上的小组,我们会给你提供一个特殊的导游。A.When当.时候;B.If如果;C.Because因为;D.Until直到。依据题意,故选B。第28题:句意:如果你是六个或六个以上的小组,我们会给你提供一个本中心的特殊导游。A.can能,会

26、;B.must必须;C.should应该;D.have to不得不。依据题意,故选A。第29题:句意:但是当你到的时候,你需要在咨询台预约一下。A.decide决定;B.like喜欢;C.hope希望;D.need需要。依据题意,故选D。第30题:句意:但是当你到的时候,你需要在咨询台预约一下。A.return返回;B.arrive到达;C.leave离开;D.travel旅行。依据题意,故选B。第31题:句意:最新的吸引人的地方是要走过一个玻璃隧道。A.metal金属;B.water水;C.glass玻璃;D.stone石头。依据题意。故选C。第32题:句意:你肯定会把海底世界看得最清楚。A

27、.clearest最清楚;B.funniest最可笑;C.most relaxing最放松的;D.most frightening最害怕的。依据题意,故选A。第33题:句意:孩子们喜欢它,并且对成年人来说也是非常让人兴奋的。A.amazed兴奋的,适用于主语是人的情况;B.surprising使人吃惊的,适用于主语是物的情况;C.surprised吃惊的,适用于主语是人的情况;D.amazing兴奋的,适用于主语是人的情况。本句主语为人,所以要舍去B和C。依据题意,故选D。第34题:依据下句there is a relaxed family dining room serving food.可

28、知,上句应表示饿了的意思。依据题意,故选D。第35题:句意:要想了解更多的信息,打电话01743-564219。更多的单词是more。依据题意,故选B。三、阅读理解A) Welcome to this short tour of London. In this square we are standing in the middle of London. Opposite is the National Gallery, a museum with lots of famous paintings. Go along the red street to Buckingham Palace. T

29、he queen lives here.Turn left and go to the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. Opposite you can see the London Eye. It takes you 135 metres above the River Thames. You can see most of London on a clear day.When you are tired, the best way to see London is by boat. You can get the boat near Big Ben. A

30、s you go along the river, the London Eye is on your right.Get off the boat at Tower Bridge. There you can see the Tower of London which is the citys oldest palace with a nine-hundred-year history.Take the boat back along the river. Get off the boat and go past the station and walk along the street. Opposite is the old fruit and vegetable market. They dont sell fruit and vegetables now. There are stores and restaurants, and lots of street musicians. Tu

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