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1、English Pronunciation practice 英语语音练习,国际音标,一、元音练习,单元音,1 he hi:2 fee fi:3 bee bi:4 feel fi:l 5 tree tri:6 knee ni:7 teacher ti:t,例句:Can you see the green leaves of each tree in the field.,常见字母及字母组合:e,ea,eee:me he ee:sweet sheep see greenea:meat sea teach clean,1 fill fil2 bill bil 3 sit sit 4 pig pi

2、5 big bi 6 fish fi7 picture pikt,单元音,例句:What is it?It is a ticket.,常见字母及字母组合:i,e,y,ey,ayi:pig fish sit shipe:begin behindy:happy busyey:monkey moneyay:Sunday Friday,1 for f:2 more m:3 door d:4 floor fl:5 forty f:ti 6 short:t 7 sport sp:t,单元音,例句:I am paul.I am four.I am tall.Give me a call.,常见的字母及字母组

3、合:a,aw,al,or,oora:wateraw:draw strawberryal:ball wallor:horse fork shortoor:floor door,1 hot ht 2 lot lt 3 not nt 4 lost lst 5 want wnt 6 wash w 7 fox fks,单元音,例句:Tom is got a lot of dots on his pocket.He will use a lot of hot water to wash off the dots.,常见的字母及字母组合:o,ao:fox coffee dog shop doctora:wa

4、tch,单元音,1 her h:2 bird b:d 3 Earth:4 turn t:n 5 shirt:t 6 skirt sk:t 7 thirty:ti 8 first fst,例句:The nurse saw a turtle on her purple curtain.,常见的字母及字母组合:er,ir,ur,ear,orer:her serve termir:bird girl firstur:nurse purpleear:early learnor:word world,1 farmer fm2 doctor dkt 3 actor kt 4 teacher ti:t 5 s

5、peaker spi:k 6 player plei7 dinner din,单元音,例句:Ted has an egg and some bread.,常见的字母及字母组合:ure,er,ar,or,a,eure:pictureer:teacher dinnerar:sugaror:doctora:panda about above,1 two tu:2 shoe u:3 food fu:d 4 blue blu:5 room ru:m 6 tooth tu:7 true tru:8 fool fu l,单元音,例句:How do you do!Bring your stool!Go to

6、school!,常见的字母及字母组合:o,oo,uio:do who whose oo:food moon tooui:fruit juiceu:ruler rude,1 look luk 2 good ud 3 foot fut 4 book buk 5 put put 6 pull pul 7 push pu 8 full fl,单元音,例句:Green wood,Mike Cook.Please have a look!I have a good book.,常见的字母及字母组合:o,oo,uo:woman wolfoo:look good booku:full bullet,1 car

7、 k:2 fast f:st 3 class kl:s 4 last l:st 5 glass l:s 6 plant pl:nt 7 farm fm8 farmer fm,单元音,例句:It is too far to see the shark.It is too dark to see the shark.Oh!The sharks teeth are sharp.,常见的字母及字母组合:a,ar,au,eara:grass class fatherar:car garden armau:laugh auntear:heart,1 run rn 2 fun fn3 funny fni 4

8、 jump dmp 5 cover kv 6 yummy jmi 7 touch tt,单元音,例句:Hurry up!Hurry up!A duck cuts a bug in the mud!,常见的字母及字母组合:o,u,oo,ouo:run love moneyu:sun bus supperou:touch country,1 fat ft2 bag b 3 hand hnd 4 and nd 5 hat ht 6 bad bd 7 back bk 8 happy hpi,单元音,例句:Cat!Cat!Catch that fat cat.,常见的字母及字母组合:aa:apple b

9、ag bad has map,1 fell fel2 bed bed 3 sell sel 4 desk desk5 head hed 6 lesson lesn 7 better bet,单元音,常见的字母及字母组合:e,eae:egg pen desk pet ea:bread head breakfast,1 say sei 2 may mei 3 way wei 4 cake keik 5 late leit6 gate eit 7 fail fel,双元音,1 eye 2 my 3 fly 4 try 5 high 6 night7 bike8 light,双元音,1 boy2 to

10、y3 joy 4 voice5 choice,双元音,1 go 2 boat 3 cold4 know5 home6 low 7 show8 coat,双元音,1 out2 town3 house4 count5 sound6 loud7 mouse,双元音,1 ear2 beer3 deer4 idea5 near6 here,双元音,1 pear2 where3 there4 bear5 chair6 air7 fair8 care,双元音,1 sure2 poor3 tour,双元音,二、辅音练习,辅音,pig pgpaper,part,poor,piece,park,pair,pain

11、,party,pencil,pass,big bgboy,better,best,be,become,bus,break,belong,below,辅音,tea ttable,take,taxi,taste,tell,ten,do dudesk,diary,danger,date,day,decide,辅音,key kkind,keep,key,kick,kill,gap gpgo,give,get,grow,good,ground,guide,guess,辅音,fast fstfish,five,find,flower,floor,follow,vast vstvery,view,villa

12、ge,visit,辅音,sea ssit,seven,sellsend,set,sixsecret,zoo zuzoo,zero,zone,辅音,thought tthree,throw,tooth,teeth,south,north,month,mouth,though than,there,mother,father,辅音,sheep pshe,ship,show,usually,visual,辅音,how,house,home,horse,hold,help,hear,heavy,led ledruler,leave,left,last,reply,law,辅音,ring rred re

13、drun,rest,read,real,ready,ride,right,road,rose,辅音,map mpmeasure moon,mirrormistake,mind,million,nap npnose,nice,need,next,noteneither,name nature,nation,辅音,anger,angrymonkey,donkey,outgoing,year jyellow,yummy,year,your yesterday,work wk,辅音,chair techange,chair,chat,china,chicken,kitchen,jeep dporang

14、e,age,辅音,nature,train,tree,street,dress,driver,drink,draw,dream,dry,语音的基本常识,1、音节的划分 一个单词的音标中有几个元音就有几个音节。2、重读音节 任何双音节或多音节单词的音标中,有重读音节和非重读音节,哪一个音节重读,该音节的左上方或该音节的元音上方标有重读符号。3、浊化音 以sp_,st_,sk_开头的单词中,清辅音/p/t/k/分别要发浊辅音/b/d/g/。/tr/浊化成/dr/:struggle4、定冠词the的读音e.g.the mane.g.the old man,5、不完全爆破 爆破音p b t d k g 后面紧跟另一个爆破音时,前面的那个爆破音只在口腔内形成阻碍,而不能完全读出。、连读7、意群的停顿 对于一个较长的句子,可以根据意思和结构将其分成几群,一个意群须一口气说完。,读好音标 学好英语,

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