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1、考研英语词汇anchor的词义解析2020考研英语词汇:anchor的词义解析考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面为你精心准备了“2020考研英语词汇:anchor的词义解析”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取的考试资讯!2020考研英语词汇:anchor的词义解析anchor是什么意思可数名词:1. 可以依靠的人或事物,靠山,后盾2. 锚,锚固装置(用缆链等连接着的金属设备,用以将船舶固定于海底或将气球固定在地面上)3.=anchorman, anchorwoman【美】(尤指无线电或电视采访的)主持人动词:抛锚,用锚固装置固定(某物)词形变化名称anchorage时态anchored,

2、anchoring,anchors英语解释secure a vessel with an anchorfix firmly and stablya mechanical device that prevents a vessel from movinga central cohesive source of support and stabilitya television reporter who coordinates a broadcast to which several correspondents contribute例句The anchor was instantly dropp

3、ed, and the chain ran rattling through the port-hole锚立刻抛下去了,铁链哗啦啦一阵响声过去。He remained gloomy, anchoring himself to his desk.他一直郁郁不欢,老坐在书桌旁一动也不动。But indeed which could not be calld either anchor or cleed however, it was the best I could make of its kind-其实,根本不像锚或搭钩,可我已尽我所能,做成那个样子。Xury said it was a lyo

4、n, and it might be so for ought I know but poor Xury cryed to me to weigh the anchor and row away佐立说是头狮子,我想也可能是的。可怜的佐立向我高声呼叫,要我起锚把船划走。So I came to an anchor for I had made me a kind of an anchor with a piece of a broken cleek, which I got out of the ship.于是,我就下了锚-我用从船上取下来的一只破铁钩做了锚。Interests are anch

5、ors, and I believe they will bring peace and even happiness in the end. &mdash&mdashA.C.Benson兴趣是依靠,我相信它最终会带来和平,甚至幸福。&mdash&mdash本森Ten minutes afterwards, the sails were furled, and they cast anchor about a hundred fathoms from the little harbor十分钟以后,水手收起帆,在离小港口外五百尺的地方抛下锚。Thomas squatted on the forw

6、ard deck, whistling tunelessly, polishing the bronze spool of the anchor winch托马斯蹲在前甲板上擦起锚绞车的黄铜轴,边擦边胡乱吹着口哨。If any ship or aircraft from abroad, for reasons beyond control, is forced to anchor or to land elsewhere than at a frontier port in China如果国外的船舶或航空器由于不可控制的原因被迫停靠在中华人民共和国非国境口岸处,The vessel tax o

7、f anchorage is 5,000 dollars per year.这艘船的停泊税一年是五千美元相似短语to anchor抛锚,停泊be at anchorv. 抛锚,停泊着at anchor抛锚,停泊come to an anchorv. 抛锚come to anchor抛锚,停泊anchor bill锚爪尖部anchor clamp拉线夹anchor escapement锚式擒纵机构,锚形擒纵机anchor palm锚齿,锚掌anchor plate地基板,锚板,锚定板,系定板相似单词anchorn.C1. 可以依靠的人或事物,靠山,后盾2. 锚,锚固装置(用缆链等连接着的金属设备

8、,用以将船舶固定于海底或将气球固定在地面上)3.=anchorman, anchorwomaanchor bill锚式擒纵叉爪anchor gate锚柱门anchor groundn. 泊定地anchor holdn. 锚力,挂锚处所,安全egg and anchorphr. 卵箭饰2020考研英语词汇:ancestor的中文翻译ancestor的意思名词1.祖宗,祖先2.动物品种的原型,被继承人英语解释someone from whom you are descended (but usually more remote than a grandparent)例句There, shop af

9、ter shop, meant to lure the tourist,provided colorful commentaries on the culture of my ancestors.在那里,商店一家挨着一家,装潢得光艳夺目,以吸引游客,对我祖先的文化做出了绚丽的阐释。On the evening of the 30th, we had to make sacrifices to the ancestors, stay up all night, wrap dumplings, over and over, all night.年三十晚上,祭祖、守岁、包饺子,得折腾一宿。Their

10、 ancestors had branched out from Haiti, overrunning Cuba, Jamaica, and the Bahamas他们的祖先从海地繁衍分枝,发展到古巴、牙买加和巴哈马群岛。Any of three extant species of canine. The gray, or timber, wolf (Canis lupus) is the ancestor of all domestic dogs.犬科,野生犬形食肉动物。灰狼(Canis lupus,即林狼)是最著名的种,是所有家犬的祖先。Mostly from the south, our

11、 ancestors had characters of the southerners - they were flexible, open-minded, and adventurous.我们的祖先多来自南方,他们深具南方人的特性:机灵、开放和敢于冒险。China rose: a Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis) having mostly red, pink, or white flowers. It is an ancestor of many cultivated hybrid roses.月季花:产于中国的蔷薇科植物(月季花),花朵大多为红色、粉红色或白色

12、.是许多被栽培的杂种蔷薇的原种.a relative descended from a common ancestor, such as a grandparent, by two or more steps in a diverging line.具有同一长辈如(祖父或祖母)的亲戚,有家庭分支上与这个长辈相隔两辈或多辈.According to ancestors, the Long-Leg Kingdom was related to walking on stilts.根据古人的注释,可知长股国与踩跷有关。ancestral: Of, relating to, or evolved fr

13、om an ancestor or ancestors.祖先的:与祖先有关的,祖宗传下的。Jou-chia said peevishly, Oh, so you Fangs have ancestors, while we just dropped from the sky and have none!柔嘉撒娇道:“算你们方家有祖宗,我们是天上掉下来的,没有祖宗!相似短语ancestor node【计】 祖先节点common ancestor共同祖先ancestor worship敬奉祖先,祭祖assize of mort dancestor【法】 请求继承土地回复之诉相似单词ancestor

14、n.1.祖宗,祖先2.动物品种的原型,被继承人2020考研英语词汇:analytic的翻译解析analytic是什么意思副词1.解析的,分析的;分解的;善于分析的2.【语】分析型的3.【逻】逻辑上必然的词形变化副词analytically英语解释using or subjected to a methodology using algebra and calculusof a proposition that is necessarily true independent of fact or experienceusing or skilled in using analysis (i.e.

15、, separating a whole-intellectual or substantial-into its elemental parts or basicprinciples)expressing a grammatical category by using two or more words rather than inflection相似短语analytic control分析控制analytic grammar解析文法,分析文法analytic instrument分析仪器analytic mechanics分比力学analytic model分析模型,分析性模型analytic program分析程序analytic relationship解析关系analytic sequence分析序列analytic signal解析信号,分析信号analytic technique分析技术,解析技术相似单词analytica.1.解析的,分析的;分解的;善于分析的2.【语】分析型的3.【逻】逻辑上必然的analytic(al)a.分析的;分解的nucleo analytic【医】 白细胞核分析的chemico analytic【医】 化学分析的

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