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1、广西桂林市学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题扫描版含答案桂林i|f 2017-2018学年度上学期期末质就检测高二年级英语(考试用时120分餅.满分15()分)注畫事项:1.答题前柠牛务必将n己的条形码粘贴在答越卡上。2.)出每小题答案后用劭笔把哥题卡上対应JKU的答秦标号涂黑 如需改动川橡 皮擦干净后何选涂其他答案标号 不能答在本试卷I否则无效第I卷第一部分听力(换两节满分30分)第一节(共5小麻邯小题1.5分满分7.5分)听下面5段对话 毎刃对话不右一个小题从題中所给的AJLC7个选项中选HJftft选项. 并标在试卷的相应代芳 听完毎段対话丿二 你都有10秒仲的时间来回答右关小题利阅读卜-小

2、题,得段对话仅渎一遍1.U heir is thr nian Mudent ani?A In a drawer.B.In a book.C.On thr (irsk.2.W ImI did llx* woman do vel nhy?A. Visitrl a parkB. igilel Aunt Alice.G Piled Aunl Jane.3How will the woman get hotnr?A. Bv subwayB.Bv taxi.QBy bus.4.What time i* it maul pnUiahly now?A. 1:30.D.2:00.C2:3O5.W hat arc

3、 thr nprakers tuauily talking alxiiit?A An intenttiu|c expenenerB.A man.C.A bnnk.節二节(共15小题;毎小题15分,满分22.5分)听卜M5段对话或独门 毎段对话或独白厉有几个小臥从题屮所给的、B、C三个选项中选出最隹选项并你衣试卷的相应位雪。听毎段对话或独门飢你将冇时何阅读各个小题,毎小昭5 秒钟;听完后各小旳给出5秒钟的作答时间 毎段对话或独门读两遍。听第6孜材料网暮第6、7題6 U hrn will thr man slop working there?A Thr day after tomomm. IL N

4、ext Friday. C. In three monllib7. Why is I he man kving tlirrr?A To reduce stress.B To rrt civr further rtlucalionC To find morr stiliable work侖二英话试恳第|页(矣H页)Dow rvikli咯(:.Al a prtfk-U 2L(L 4.匕丁 CuUahte 听第打St材料讨答第兽至M越8.乐 hy 柿尸 |时 wvrin 屈 lu 咚 lu DaiYid?A. Io h*uri Eoiim* tilwHil himH In rnllfrl mlrmH

5、iiin4i for mrcarx-h.C T i tn IL ml (hi* yhnl pftfWi9 hut Joes lilt* man lisrMh do om llie fillernet?A. U hItItbe rmi氐. B, l ilrn tn muisicl(X * I lure air jiiokI pmljmJjli. thr 叫歼wL叮呂?A, Al htmir. B. At ?MKhonL.听幫R廠材料国零第H歪第13 111.Elu许 ikkJ 怜 tin1 ioEiiaii iMJMi fA- 20. 11 12.12.Ho* nidiiv jicniiiirr

6、 hnHhurn ih wimiiiii fiilhrr have?A, I. 艮 113.话 lial 烈 the reliUhii1审 hip hrl 輩 rrn 1 .nidji unil I hrL Autil ntid niece- 11 Cla城mates 呀第9段*Hh回寥第I斗至第门九14.ft hi did ihr iwn do lh也 amiqg?Ah isit凸d ih 巳 woman s Iwuf.Br CnJkd the wKimbtn howfir,C I knry s hiM眦15.H did 1 kun set the hou /A. 11 unrle it t

7、o himB- He bwurt itCr HU friemls pun tt it l和 hjm.I 氐 ff iidt clffitn die hmMe hinne?h Two silling mom&. li. N 芹曰代Iihi m. frtml of il.17. W hut dflt* I hr wipmsn in tb flndl?V ”111 llinj恬 a party,.B Shue JI po lo the party .C- 9h* wuvlw to viii H491jy hmu#侨第仞鞍村料窗答第卅星第2O;高二芙语试卷蒂2帀(*lt )第二部分阅读理解(共两节満分

8、3()分)第一节(共3篇.10小题毎小聽2分满分20分)阅读下列短文.从毎题所绐的四个述项(A.BXtlD)中逸出蝕住选项并在答题卡将该项涂黒If you urv lking for a dy trip with |Im* family Kctf 4 lirt of fHlivaln and fain happening within a rFaonablr drive from ChaHoUuHopscotch Music Festivalhere: Downtown !Uleigh( various pUcr)When: Todax urdavHighlights This music f

9、estival (ealurcs prrlrinance by more than 175 national and international liatnlb playing in 15 different places all within walking dktance Music gynr” will inMude rw?k. hip-hop. hM、mehil. dance,討=4“1 folk and rvrnlhing in betweenAdvnizion: S 10 $ 30Details: wwu.hopscotrhmu*iFlatwoods FestivalW here:

10、 451 Peach Tree Tmm1, BrnnrttWhrm 10 am. Satunlav5 pm Sunday iligliliglits: This annual fr4tivul 9 which i* in il* 15 vpst fpfltutvh Giniilv fun ind and h!* rides. Thrrv will al&o be musical eiHertainmcnt and a grand parade with car. tracton hmrHr-dniunvehicles flonts, Fann equipment and moreAdmiBsi

11、cm: On Saturday, free; on Sunday* $ 5 for agM 13 and under.Details: 919-548-5192; www.viHNC Mountain State Fairhere: 1301 卜mining Bridge Hoad. HHchrrWhen: ariou limes todayScp6IliydiligliU: In crlcbrution M tlw |wplc. agriculture ait arxi tradition* that makr Mir rrgion great. the fuir offer* perfor

12、mances and even a man who can ch artwork with u saw.咯iuu: S 7; $ 3 for kids 6_12 and wierslArluils: 828-687-1414; wwr.nwnintainfair.org21.Which of the following can replace the underlined won! genres in the text?A typrn B. artivitir* C. letsxww D pnigram22.Huw van you know thr dHuih about Flatwoods

13、henlival? By surGng I he B By dialing I hr hh加 me nunilMT: 828-687-1414.C Bv diuling Where can viMlom xe n pe)felt her life sn borini; vile summer day. Skr tund oi watchinp I , 世乂直 Ml h灯hwiks 川id hr fripnil wrrr 协 PLiiliuih Hhr wnntrd 和mielhi叩 difhn pt to + ydi

14、i dull 1. Ynu ff fna niii平 |o iiinw lh lawn/(iiurlrrli Vrm hl dini kiUtW how Ln llu it J Jrir Jiid. Bbilk氣 il ltd 卩 lh“l 4rtd Rand hr wnn11 havr 山 worn dbiul it jvrr the v*t*vkviKl,1,n| ihutiht fol whilf 科nH then rlmdril r kt pive ri h Iry itT all, whu was hw and卅odd ktirp 4iii 阿 lu*r. J*诲Ife那 knew

15、Kok Id 町刖1 niiwr (rum watrhmg hrr iliid.Jtie checked the gas to nmkr sur it wa full, and pul on her gardening, glmes Io pTUtecl her kaiids.和护肝1 tmni the kii-ht*n windiwr rrally did know huvr to mow the lnwnr She wa*、吧ryiirrhik inHirul llir flijwrfs Hikd trrrx,弭 hni 梟卜才 firiilifd. hh K口 胃侃h!U hul 冃hr

16、; wa m hg brnhrwjghl hri Mjene ice Wa and aicL Ycpli sure did li 皑|讪 jub. Mrill Lv ven -urpi,iw?tl.trr lluil 1阳 I)jid ramc home dibd said to Jessie s itkhd, Y iHl *Bdii I have tu ihe Jpi ring hi lii il 讪 i Stiluniav, It lwkj yuH. Thank *.I tliitiii t niuw it. did.%g. uyr little girl i% gnmir up! * D

17、ail luld Jes-ie what a preal job dlr had done*It wait fun. and I will do it again next week said*IW m41ibcr nmd iiMir cMnir* bl arid 酣krd Jrnir if Hit wanlvd V 卅 hh Lwn 4Aiid nwk叙 monEy. 5ufp! said Jcsfiir. jesic bean mowing hh lawn. Twq othr nei妙bo馆 陳ked 0, then nrwHh* cr |hree, J卩曲iwhs rw屮 irwiinp

18、c lawns for ihrm all arnl nwkiinjt aomr 叫hp wn三 th* Linger hurwl!I wr tv rm、hhjOt、叮 laiifwd to hviwlf24fc J&ir hIiI h mow the b悯ii when he IpIi iw 5+uiEimer 胡吕头A ftadl R nenou G Liwsafe D. Iwired25, How did Caihri fed whrn hr kurn Jessie had mowed tbr lawn/A. IFu 止 B. Angn C* Relaxed D Urr也L26- Wlwl

19、 rloeu thf- trxl mainly Irll u?A+ Nenghbon should learn to help nn h otbe*rII. Mowing lh lawn in h g-Mxl way hi iiiukr money、IL kmp omrlhinp hplpfui cin mike peupb hippyD- Children Rhmild halp ibdr pftrent al on ?ariy gr.C(Hr d irtaJi iouild H corm -Til 虽of n bullellL iin (hr lrrL lit 沁I ibert Gt se

20、veral “小 niid. watrhrd ihr butterfly. Suddenly u 枇nail opemnie oppeami. and lhe hutlerfly mad i馆 grept rfEort i( hnw 远 budv diTi ugh that liltb- Imlr Pm ii if 咨rmrd 忙屮 hi皿i轉 any pngrrg 1【npprii叩I an if il had 艸刚户口 心 far as d could and it wmiM gn no further.Sa the iruui decided la help ihp huftprfl”

21、Hr cut off ihp remairiin bit ljT the cocoon sn that the hullrny uld c iirikr mJ I ni.ih. Hut M hh -nrprisr, ihr biitierfl pM ft hejny Ixly arid *mall wiogH-霁hn i chrm* ciiil ii! llir eucotm.离二萎活试卷箒4頁(聽if後)Thr man(xntinued Io watch the buUcrfl JxxauNr he expected that the body would pt)u Rmnllrr at a

22、ny moment and thr wings would be-ofne largrr ami be able to fly. But neither happened! in lacl, thr butterfly xprnl the resl of its lifr crawling( ) around with a heavy body and Miutll wing. Itwas never able to fly.The niuft wu in his kindnew* but he did nol understand the nature rolrn. Before thr b

23、utterfly came out of lhe cocoon, fluid( JL体)from its body must be forred into its wings, and then it would be rvaly for flynig. It muM havr a lunl Mniggle Io gel through thr nnudl opening to grt il* freedom (rom the cocoon.Son)eimrH slmgxk are exactly what wc nrrd in our life If God ulloMni u? to gv

24、 tlinMiph oulifrwithout nny ilifTicultip it would make u% fail. Wr not be as Mrong as we xnikl have been; w*couhl fM-ver (lv.27. What wa* the butterfly doing at thr begiiming of the slory?A.It wa* tning to niakr a cocoon for il?*rlf.B.It 爪rb Mniggling to get out of its rocoon(J It hum flying among t

25、hr tw* in tho fowl.D It whs crawling around quietly on the gruuncl.2& liy li(l lhe man cut 4T I hr rrnuming Ml of the comm?A To take the butterfly home.B To help the liuttcrfl) cnir- out racily.C To kill thr butterfly.I). To s(o| the buttrrllj ing bigger.29 W you think of thr nian?A Pdticnl but

26、 cru R Can*lul and wiw.C Kind but unwise D Brave ani funny.30. Wlmt is the bent title for the story?A. Thr ijrsson of the Cocoon B The Joy of Helping Each OtherC T!ir Ijove for the Cocoon 0. The Kxpt-cUlion for the BultArfly第二节(共5小題;毎小眩2分.満分10分)帳槪炬文内容从更文看的选项中选出能填人空门处的卅什选项并4容题卡I将该项涂煞选项中有两项为多余选项,Are y

27、ou planning Io take a course in a foreign univrwity? Here urr ywnc lip* i* studying abrotxi!Learn about the countryBefore you go alinmd inakn sure that youve knouti i谯 cullurr custom* and tnulilion- _31一 Knot her imporUinl thing is to find out about the laws of the land. Hus way you II know exactly

28、how vou should liehacHuple 丹 h非 htn 打 tumplctcd Mudie5 Fehi that cHitiir)! . Uda 讣吐、暫ciII gpt Irur information ahctul the univmsilY,.33(hir iif I hr thiriH llmjl uall Liul、h间p yim yuur 町m JjiimmI h drvdupiaj jewd cmmiinirilion gkilib. Lt hlp ym?也记 ppnyimai imn inwh unM E-utTirnkiiiiiik1- iih eIh* 1小创 1的屮1and iellov HuSLnGw whit to do in rroublr“ir/ fc草衬(1 muki- Ihal mki km叫 *hw1 m 打松 wb-h 単仰 in Inublc. !hi* ibi川h nfthe ChiiLa EvntMi注、ii llie city yin/iir itkh ing In, mi-liiiJirig H沖 plimiriL iiLiitlher. 33A

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