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1、新概念英语第二册笔记第76课Lesson 76 April Fools Day 愚人节【Text】To end our special news bulletin, said the voice of the television announcer, were going over to the macaroni fields of Calabria. Macaroni has been grown in this area for over six hundred years. Two of the leading growers, Giuseppe Moldova and Riccard

2、o Brabante, tell me that they have been expecting a splendid crop this year and harvesting has begun earlier than usual. Here you can see two workers who, between them, have just finished cutting three cartloads of golden brown macaroni stalks. The whole village has been working day and night gather

3、ing and threshing this years crop before the September rains. On the right, you can see Mrs. Brabante herself. She has been helping her husband for thirty years now. Mrs. Brabante is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed. This last scene shows you what will happen a

4、t the end of the harvest: the famous Calabrian macaroni-eating competition! Signor Fratelli, the present champion, has won it every year since 1991. And that ends our special bulletin for today, Thursday, April lst. Were now going back to the studio.【课文翻译】“作为我们专题新闻节目的结尾,”电视广播员说,“我们现在到克拉布利亚的通心粉田里。通心粉

5、在这个地区已经种植了600多年了。两个主要种植者,朱塞 皮.莫尔道瓦和里卡多.布拉班特告诉我,他们一直期待着今年获得一个大丰收,收割工作比往年开始要早些。这里您可以看到两个工人,他们协力割下了3车金黄 色的通心粉秸。全村的人都日夜奋战,要赶在9月的雨季之前把今年的庄稼收获上来,打完场。在屏幕的右侧,您可以看到布拉班特太太本人,她已经帮了她的丈夫 30年了。布拉班特太太现在正和负责通心粉加工的当地加工厂的经理交谈。这最后一个镜头向您展示了收获之后将发生的事情:著名的克拉布利亚人吃通心粉大 赛!目前的冠军弗拉特里先生,自1991年以来,年年获胜。今天 - 4月1日,星期四-的专题新闻节目到此结束。

6、现在我们回到电视演播室。” New words and expressions 生词和短语【生词讲解】1. fool 1) n 傻子,愚人,呆子eg: Dont be a fool! 不要说傻话,别做傻事!eg: He is no fool. 他可不是呆子。eg: You fool! 你可真傻!2) adj (美)愚蠢的,傻的 (foolish)a fool idea 愚蠢的念头be fool enough to do sth 笨到做eg: She was fool enough to believe that. 她笨到相信那件事情。make a fool of 愚弄,嘲笑eg: Dont m

7、ake a fool of poor people. 不要嘲笑穷人。fools errand 徒劳,白跑一场 errand n 差事,使命fools paradise (实际是荒唐无聊) 自以为非常幸福,有意义的处境,空想3) v 愚弄,骗,骗取eg: He has fooled a lot of people into believing that he is an honest statesman. 他骗许多人相信他是一位诚实的政治家。fool about / fool around 闲荡,闲游2. bulletin 1) n (政府机关的)公报,告示,公告2) n 新闻快报bulleti

8、n board (美)布告牌a news bulletin 新闻简报3. announcer n 广播员,播音员announce 1) v 发表,宣布,告知announce new economic policies 发布新的经济方案eg: The news was announced to the pubulic on TV. 这个新闻在电视上对公众播出。eg: Please announce to your class that there will be no school tomorrow. 请通知你的同学明天不上课。2)v 显示,预告eg: A warm sunshine annou

9、nces the coming of spring. 温暖的阳光显示春天就要来了。A warm sunshine announces that spring is coming . announcement n 发表,公布;告知,宣告eg: Id like to make an important announcement. 我要发表一项重要声明。eg: The official announcement of the cause of the accident appeared in the newspaper.关于事故原因的官方公告登在报纸上。4. macaroni n 通心粉,空心面条s

10、paghetti n 意大利面条 5. leading 1) adj 主要的,最重要的the leading topics 主语话题play a leading part 扮演主角play a leading role in sth. 在某事中起主要作用。2) adj 领导的,卓越的,一流的leading politicians 卓越的政治家3) adj 先导的,带头的a leading horse 带头的马leading article 社论,评论 (相当于 editorial )leading light 重要人物,有权者6. grower n 种植的人grow 1) v 成长,长大eg:

11、 Children grow rapidly. 小孩长得很快。eg: He has grown 10 centimetres taller in a year. 他一年长高了10cm.2) v (数目,数量)增大,增加eg: The population of this city is growing every year. 这个城市的人口每年都在增长。eg: Our anxieties grew as our son grew. 随着儿子的长大,我们忧虑的事情也增多了。3) v (逐渐)变得,变成状态eg: It was growing dark. 天黑了。eg: He has grown

12、rich. 他变得富有了。eg: He has grown excited. 他变得兴奋起来。grow on (事情对某人有)越来越大的影响,越来越被喜爱 (不能使用不动形式)eg: The drinking habit grow on me. 我染上饮酒的习惯。eg: I didnt like rock music at first, but it has grown on me. 起初我不喜欢摇滚乐,后来我渐渐喜欢上它了。grow up 成长eg Grow up ! 别孩子气了!grower 1) n 栽培者a vegetable grower 蔬菜栽培者2 n 成长得的植物(常和adj连

13、用)a fast/ quick grower 早熟的植物growing adj 成长的growing pains 成长期神经痛;青春期苦恼grown adj 长成的,大人的a grown man 一个大人7. splendid 1) adj (风景,建筑)壮丽的,华丽的,壮观的a splendid sunset 壮丽的落日a splendid cathedral 庄严的大教堂eg: The view was just splendid. 风景极为壮观,极为壮丽。2) adj 太好的,真了不起的eg: Weve had a splendid time . 我们玩的非常开心。eg: Thats a

14、 splendid idea. 真是个了不起的主意。splendidly adv 华丽地,壮观地,豪华地splendor n 光彩,光辉 (相当于brilliance)the splendor of a sunset 夕阳的光辉the splendor of the palace 宫殿的富丽堂皇8. stalk 1) n 茎,叶柄,花梗cherry stalks 樱桃的梗stern stalk 花茎petal n 花瓣leaf n 叶子root n 根2) v 大踏步地走,昂首阔步地走eg: He stalked out in anger. 他愤怒地迈开大步走出去。9. gather 1) v

15、 收成,摘取,收集eg: She gathered flowers from the garden. 她从花园里面采花。a farmer gathering in the crop 正在收割的农民 (gather in 收割)a boy gathering his toy up 正在收拾玩具的男孩子2) v 获知,推测为eg: I gathered from her remarks that she isnt satisfied with her job. 我从她的言谈中推测她对工作不满意。gathering n 聚集,集会,集合10. thresh v (把谷物)脱粒threshing ma

16、chine 脱粒机11. process 1) n 过程,经过,(自然的)作用the process of the development 发展(育)的过程eg: Do you know what chemical processes are involved when food is digested? 你知道食物消化的时候会引起什么化学作用吗?2) n 制法,程序,处置a new process to refine crude oil 提炼原油的新方法a process of making cake 做蛋糕的程序be in the process of 在进行中间;在之中eg: The b

17、uilding is in the process of being restored 这栋大楼在重建过程中3) v 加工;处理procession n 行列a funeral procession 送葬的行列a procession of floats 花车的行列12. present 1) adj 目前的,现今的the present President 现任总统at the present moment 在此刻in the present case 在目前这种情况下eg: Something must be done about the present situation. 关于目前的情

18、形必须采取措施。2) adj 出席的,在场的(反义词 absent)eg: A lot of students were present at the meeting. 许多学生参加了这个会议。eg: Who else present on that occasion? 当时还有谁在场呢?eg: All the girls present turned to him. 所以在场的女孩子都向他求助。( turn to sb 向求教,请教,求助)3) adj 留存的,浮现的eg: The touching scene is still present to my mind. 那感人的场面仍旧历历在

19、目。present company 在座各位4) n 礼物Chrisitmas presents 圣诞礼物5) n 现在at present = now 现在6) v 赠送;上演(读音不同)present special programs 上演特别的节目13. champion n (竞赛的)优胜者,锦标保持人,冠军 (champ)eg: If our team defeats yours, well be the champions. 要是我们队打败你们队,那我们就是冠军了。the worlds heavy weight champion 世界重量级冠军runner-up = second

20、place 亚军third place 季军championship n 冠军身份,冠军称号;锦标赛(常用复数)14. studio 1) n 工作室,画室2) n 电影制片厂3) n 录音室;播音室;灌唱片室studio apartment (美)单房公寓 efficiency apartment【课文讲解】1. To end our special news bulletin, said the voice of the television announcer, were going over to the macaroni fields of Calabria. end v 使结束,终

21、结eg: The road ends here. 这条路就到这儿了。eg: The decided to end their relationship. 他们决定终止他们的关系。eg: They ended the play with a song. 他们以一首歌结束这场戏。announcer n (电视,电台) 播音员anchorman n (电视等) 新闻综合报道员,主播;主持人go over to +地点 1) 往去eg: He went over to an old woman and helped her into the bus.他朝一位老太太走去帮她上了公共汽车。2) 越过go

22、over a fence 越过栅栏3) (详细地)调查,检查,视察eg: I went over the figures twice, but reached the same total. 我把数字检查了2遍,但是得出相同的总和。eg: You should go over a house before buying it. 在买房子之前你应该好好地检查一下。4) 反复,温习eg: She went over the lines time and again. 她反复练习这个台词。2. Macaroni has been grown in this area for over six hun

23、dred years. has been grown (现在完成时的被动语态,表示过去的动作对现在的影响。)3. Two of the leading growers, Giuseppe Mpldova and Riccardo Brabante, tell me that they have been expecting a splendid crop this year and harvesting has begun earlier than usual. Two of the leading growers 2个主要种植者 (句子当中做主语)have been expecting 一直

24、期待着(现在完成进行时,have been doing 表示一直在做某事)a splendid crop 大丰收harvesting n 收割,收获(相当于harvest)a good / fair harvest 丰收an abundant harvest 丰收 a bad / poor harvest 歉收harvest v 收割harvester n 收获者,收割者than usual 比平常usual adj 平常的eg: This morning she got up earlier than usual. 今天早晨她比平时起的早一些。usually adv 平常eg: She us

25、ually gets up at six oclock. 她通常6点起床。4. The whole village has been working day and night gathering and threshing this years crop before the September rains.the whole village 全村人has been working 一直在工作着(现在完成进行时)gathering / threshing 都是现在分词,是现在分词短语作状语,September rains 九月的雨季rains n 雨季drizzle n 蒙蒙细雨shower

26、 n 骤雨squall n 狂风暴雨thundershower n 雷阵雨downpour n 倾盆大雨5. On the right, you can see Mrs. Brabante herself. She has been helping her husband for thirty years now. has been helping 一直在帮助(has been doing 一直做)6. Mrs. Brabante is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed. 定语从句:

27、where the crop processed 通心粉所加工的工厂。Where引导定语从句修饰factorymanager n 经理a sales manager 销售经理 general manager 总经理 director n 主任,主管,总监eg: Mr. Jones is the director of several companies. Jones先生是几家公司的主任。headmaster/ principal n 中小学校长eg: Who is the headmaster of this school?谁是这个学校的校长?president/ chancellor n 大

28、专院校校长section chief 科长,处长7. This last scene shows you what will happen at the end of the harvest: the famous Calabrian macaroni-eating competition!the last scene 最后一个镜头Calabria n 地名:卡拉布里亚Calabrian n 卡拉布里亚人what will happen at the end of the harvest 由what引导的宾语从句,告诉你将会发生什么事情8. Signor Fratelli, the prese

29、nt champion, has won it every year since 1991. has won 现在完成时,自从1991年每次都赢 9. And that ends our special bulletin for today,Thursday, April 1st. Were now going back to the studio.special bulletin 专题节目special 1) adj 特别的,特殊的special treatment 特殊对待a special correspondent 特派员 special talent 卓越的才能2) adj 专门的,

30、特殊的 (反义词 general)a special hospital 专科医院make a special study of American literature 专攻美国文学3) adj 特别做的,专用的,临时的a special tool for digging holes 挖坑的专用工具a special train 临时(特别)列车4) n 特别节目Todays Special 本日特价品6. the present champion7. earlier than usual8. golden brown macaroni stalks9. the whole village +单数10. day and night【关键词组摘录】1. special news 2. television announcer 3. leading growers4. splendid crop5. three cartloads of【Key Structures】 现在完成时: 构成: have/has doneeg The have seen the film many times. 这部电影他们已经看过好多次了。含义:强调过去动作对现在的影响,或者说过去的做作一直延续到现在,还可能继续延续下去。(强点时间段的概念)现在完成进行时 构

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