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1、11八年级上英语第一次月考测试题武陵中学八年级上学期英语第一次月考(时间:120分钟 满分:150分) 听力部分(30分)I.听力测试。(共20小题,30分)第一节:情景反应。1. A. Yes, I am B. Im sorry to hear that C. Yes. This is David.2. A. She is better now. B. She likes dancing. C. She is tall and pretty.3. A. Yes, I will. B. Thank you. C. No, I wont.4. A. She is beautiful. B. Ho

2、w about you? C. Nice to meet you!5. A. Well meet at 9:00. B. What about the park? C. How about Mary?6. A. Im sorry to hear that. B. Thats OK. C. It doesnt matter.第二节:对话理解。7 . A. Study for the test. B. Go to play table tennis. C. Go to visit her friends.8. A. She needs a small house. B. She needs a b

3、eautiful house. C. She needs a big house. 9. A. His bike is broken on his way to school. B. The traffic is too heavy. C. he gets up late in the morning.10. A. She drives her car. B. She takes a bus. C. She rides her bike.11. A. A nurse. B. A doctor. C. A worker.12. A: At a school. B. At a bus stop.

4、C. At a restaurant.第三节:短文理解。13. Liangliang was_ years old. A. 5 B. 4 C. 314. Liangliang lived_.A. in a big city B. in the countryside C. in a small town15. His mother was_.A. a teacher B. a nurse C. a worker16. The boy said to his mother “_”A. I love you B. Im sorry C. How are you17. Mr. Black worke

5、d_ in a restaurant.A. for ten years B. for ten months C. for ten days18. After Mr. Black saw the doctor, he decided to_.A. open a hotel B. open a shop C. open a hospital19. Mr. Black gave the man some_.A. medicine B. money C. food20. After the man took Mr. Blacks medicine_.A. he got better B. he got

6、 well C. he got worse 笔试部分(120分). 单项选择( 20分) 1. Look! We have _ milk. Really? Then we have to buy some more for tomorrows breakfast.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 2.Be quiet! I have _ to tell all of you.A. anything important B. important anythingC. something important D. important something 3

7、.My father took me to try paragliding, I was very _.A. excited B. exciting C. excitement D. excite 4.I went to beaches _ vacation.A. at B. in C. with D. on 5.There is _, so vegetables grow _.A. water enough; fast enough B. enough water; enough fastC. water enough; enough fast D. enough water; fast e

8、nough 6.It was Sunday, we decided _ in the mountain.A. to go camp B. to go camping C. going camping D. going camp 7.We had to stay at home _ rain last Saturday.A. because B. because of C. but D. although 8. _ hours do you sleep every night? Nine hours.A. How much B. How far C. How many D. How often

9、9.Our English teacher wants us _ English hard.A. study B. to study C. studies D. studying 10.Mr. Li enjoyed _ around the lake. A. walk B.walks C.running 11.Dont read in the sun. Its not good _ your eyes.A. to B. with C. on D. for12.Its good to learn English by _ English programs.A. watch B. watches

10、C. watching D. to watch13.Im so tired that I can _ walk.A. always B. hardly C. usually D. sometimes14._ theyre twins, they dont look the same.A. Though B. When C. Because D. If15.Susan is _ at English than Lucy.A. good B. better C. well D. best16._ is your schoolbag, the yellow one or the blue one?A

11、. Which B. What C. Where D. How17.Its easy _ me _ English. I like it.A. for; to learn B. for; learning C. of; to learn D. of; learning18.The students all stopped _ when the teacher came in.A. to talk B. talking C. listening to D. to listen to19.My father makes me _ my homework all day.A. does B. did

12、 C. to do D. do20.Zhao Lanlans parents _ teachers.A. are all B. are both C. all are D. both are.完形填空( 15分)Mr. White works in a middle school. He 1 English. He is friendly to his 2 and they also like him. He spends 3 time on his work. He often does some reading and writing. When hes 4 , he is also ve

13、ry busy with his work, so he cant help his wife to do any 5 . His wife is always angry with him. Its Saturday. Their daughter Kate is 6 her homework in her bedroom. Mrs. White finds her 7 is out. She hopes her daughter will say shes 8 than her husband. She gives an apple to Kate and asks, “ 9 is cle

14、verer, your father or I?”Can you guess what the girls 10 is?”“Im the cleverest in my family!” Kate says without thinking. 1.A. teaches B. watches C. studies D. reads 2.A. friends B. students C. workers D. drivers 3.A. many B. little C. much D. any 4.A. at work B. in bed C. in the classroom D. at hom

15、e 5.A. housework B. homework C. schoolwork D. lessons 6.A. making B. doing C. looking D. finding 7.A. mother B. brother C. husband D. teacher 8.A. good B. best C. better D. bad 9.A. Whose B. What C. Why D. Who 10.A. answer B. play C. sing D. Think、阅读理解(30分)AOne of Toms feet is bigger than the other

16、one. He cant find the right shoes for his feet in many shops. His friend, Dick, says to him, “Why dont you go to a shoemaker(鞋匠)? A good shoemaker can make you the right shoes. ” So Tom goes to the shoemaker near his home. Very soon the shoemaker makes him a pair of shoes. Tom looks at the shoes and

17、 is not happy. He says to the shoemaker. “Youre not a good shoemaker! I want you to make me one shoe bigger than the other, but you made me one shoe smaller than the other!”根据短文判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。( )1.Toms foot are different in size.( )2.Dick made a pair of shoes for Tom.( )3.Tom is unhappy when he lo

18、oks at the shoes.( )4.The shoemaker doesnt make Tom the right shoes.( )5.Tom is really clever.B Mr. and Mrs. Wilson lived in a big city, and one summer they went to the country for their holiday. They enjoyed it very much, because it was a quiet, clean place. One day they went for a walk early in th

19、e morning and saw an old man. He lived on a farm, and he was sitting alone in the warm sun in front of his house. Mr. Wilson asked him, “Do you like living in a quiet place?” The old man said, “Yes, I do.” Mr. Wilson said, “What are good things about it?” The old man answered, “Well, everybody knows

20、 everybody. People often come and see me, and I often go to see them. And there are lots of children here.” Mr. Wilson said, “Thats interesting. And what are the bad(坏的) things?” The old man thought for a minute and said, “Well, the same thing, really.”根据短文选择正确选项。6.Where did Mr. and Mrs. Wilson live

21、? A. In the city B. In the country C. In the mountain D. Next to the old man7.Why did they like the country? A. Because it was far. B. Because they had a farm in the country. C. Because it was quiet and clean. D. Because they had an old friend there. 8.Was the old man their uncle? A.Ye s, he was. B.

22、 No, he wasnt. C. He sat happily. D. He was over seventy.9.What did the old man think were the good things about the country? A. Everybody knew each other. B. Everybody didnt know each other. C. It was quiet and clean. D. It was warm.10.Did the old man think the good things and bad things in the cou

23、ntry were the same? A.Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. I dont know. D. Yes, they were. CGrace and I are good friends. We get on very well with each other, though sometimes we fight. I remember last year we didnt talk with each other for a long time before Mid-Autumn Day. But when we met each other t

24、hat day, we became good friends again.We both study well. We like talking about problems in our studies. We also like making up(编)stories. We made up one in English last month. It was called“Magic Sunflower Club.”I think this is a wonderful name.Do you want to know more about us? Grace is tall and a

25、ctive. She does better in P.E. than me. She is good at music. She plays the piano so well that sometime birds come to listen to her.Im shorter and quieter than Grace. I know a lot about science. I often have some new ideas. Im good at math and art. Our teacher says my drawing is getting better and b

26、etter.If we dont know something very well, we help each other. So we never have any problems.11. Whats the meaning of the underlined phrase“get on”in the passage?. A.相处 B. 进展 C. 帮助 D.进步12. Last year they became good friends again_after they didnt talk with each other for a long time. A.on Mid-Autumn

27、 Day B. the day before Mid-Autumn DayC. the day after Mid-Autumn Day D.two days before Mid-Autumn Day13. From the passage, we can learn that“Magic Sunflower Club”is a _in English. A. book B. city C. story D . club14. Grace_. A. does badly in her studies B. has a wonderful name D. is short and quiet

28、D. is good at playing the piano15. Which of the following is true? A. The writer never fights with Grace. B. When Grace has problems in her studies , she asks the teacher. C. The writer is not as tall as Grace. D. The teacher doesnt think the writer is improving (提高)in her drawing、补全对话。(5分) 在框中选择正确的

29、句子补全对话。其中有两项是多余的。 A: Jack, 1_?B: I went to Beijing on vacation.A: 2_?B: It was sunny.A:3_?B: Yes, I went with my family.A:4_?B: Of course. We visited the Great Wall, Tianan Men Square and the Palace Museum. We took many nice photos.A:5_?B: For two weeks.A. Did you go with your friends?B. Did you do

30、anything special there?C. How long did you stay there?D. How was the weather there? E. Did you go with anyone?F. How was the food?G. Where did you go on vacation?.、任务型阅读。(8分) Mr. Smith is a _1_ man. Every morning he goes to the park to exercise. He has good eating habits. He eats fruit and vegetables eve

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