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1、安徽省郎溪县高一自主招生英语试题含答案郎溪县 2018 年高中自主招生统一考试英语试卷t know for sure.一. 单项选择 ( 每小题 1 分, 共 15 分)1. The accident be caused by a dog running across the road, but we donA.might B. should C. will D. must2. I was playing on the playground when basketball hit me on head. Luckily enough,I wasn t hurt.5.We may face al

2、l kinds of difficulties in the future, but we should be confident enough to any challenge.A.take on B. get on C. put on D. try on6.Why did she get so mad? It was only a joke.A.hopeless B. careless C. harmless D. helpless7. I hear you have to do some cleaning every day. Right. It s one of the in my f

3、amily.A.orders B. rules C. plans D. lists8.Your red coat looks so good. It stood out clearly the snow.A.across B. over C. through D. against9. It s a long story, but you can hdalyr find new words in it. Good! it will be too hard for children.10.Travel Frog is created by a Japanese game studio has be

4、come a hit in China.A.who B. / C. which D. what11.The warmer the weather is, the faster the flu will .D. carryD. was promisingA. spread B. catch C. raise12.Lucy is not coming to your birthday party tonight. But she !A. promises B. promised C. will promise13.To be honest, I was so surprised that he h

5、er invitation face to face.A. turned down B. turned on C. turned off D. turned into14. Shall I give you a ride as you look so tired? Thank you. A. It mys d uty. B. Don t mention it. C. Do as you like. D. It couldn t be better.15. Frank, did you find our old school yesterday? Yes, but with the police

6、s help, for it has changed over these years.A. hardly B. partly C. completely D. never二完形填空 ,选择一个最佳答案, 使短文意思完整。(每小题 1.5 分,共 30分)(A)Once, a lazy rabbit named Monu lived in a forest. He never did 16 work at home. Hewalked and hopped ( 跳跃 ) slowly. He never reached anywhere in time 17 he was slow andla

7、zy. His parents always 18 him, “Son, your laziness will make you suffer one day. Please change this bad habit.”But Monu never paid attention to their 19 . He did not change his bad habit of laziness.One day Monu was 20 under a big tree. Some other rabbits were playing nearby. Justthen another rabbit

8、, named Sonu, saw a wolf coming down the path. He went to the other rabbits and said, “Friends, let us run away. The wolf is coming here. He will 21 us up.”All the rabbits heard him and 22 . Sonu tried to wake up Monu, but he said, “Oh ! The wolf is still 23 from here. Let me sleep 24 longer. ” Sonu

9、 went away. Soon the wolf came to the spot. Monu could not run away in time. The wolf jumped upon him and killed him. So Monu lost his 25 because of his laziness.16. A.someB.anyC. manyD.much17. A.becauseB.soC. butD.and18. A. punishedB.askedC. warnedD.loved19. A.ideaB.planC. actionD.advice20. A. shou

10、tingB.cryingC. restingD.jumping21. A.dressB.eatC. liftD.put22. A.ran offB.took offC. turned offD.fell off23. A.differentB. oppositeC. freeD.far24. A.littleB.fewC. a littleD.a few25. A.wayB.lifeC. dreamD.mind(B)In August last year, my parents and I visited our relatives in Princeton Junction, New Jer

11、sey. Every day I enjoyed walking a circular( 环形的 ) way starting from their house. One evening I decided to change from my 26 way I was looking forward to a longer walk, confident that I would be able to find my way back.My walk took me far away from the living area and into a beautiful place with fi

12、elds on 27 sides of the road. With the sun beginning to set, it was really a wonderful sight. After about thirty minutes, I noticed that I was not going back in the direction I had come in fact I seemed to be moving further away. I searched my pocket for the mobile phone to get help, but it wasn , I

13、 t th2e8r e it at home.However, I remained 29 . Although there weren t any people about, there was some traffic and I was sure that someone would stop and 30 me in the right direction. As each car or truck came, I stopped and waved, 31 no one seemed to feel any sympathy( 同情 ) for me. About forty min

14、utes, I was beginning to feel 32 . There was nobody about and itwas dark around me.When I just 33 all hope, a black SUV stopped. A mother and daughter wanted to know how they could help. I told them I was lost and gave them my address. The mother pointed to a turning a little further down the road a

15、nd told me I was pretty close to home.I had been walking for about five minutes when I heard a car drive up behind me and stop. It was the mother and daughter again. They realized that they had not given me the correct 34 . They offered to drive me home, and I was so thankful for their help. During

16、our conversation I got the sense that the teenage daughter was going to a school party and would arrive late. I will 35 remember their act of kindness.26. A. properB. regularC. generalD. similar27. A. allB. eachC. bothD. either28. A. lostB. leftC. forgotD. sent29. A. silentB. crazyC. awakeD. calm30.

17、 A. pointB. remindC. askD. follow31. A. soB. andC. butD. though32. A. happyB. excitedC. nervousD. hopeless33. A. give inB. give upC. give offD. give away34. A. decisionB. roadC. directionD. address35. A. alwaysB. neverC. hardlyD. sometimes三阅读短文,从各题所给的选项中,选择最佳选项。 (每小题 2分,共 30 分)(A)Star Cruises(乘船旅行 )

18、 offer exciting new choices to escape the winter coldAfter its Golden Sea Route( 路线) journey to Japan this summer, Superstar Virago will start new winter routes from November 30, 2017 to February 28, 2018 for customers. This is the time to escape from the cold weather in Shanghai.The new routes will

19、 have seven popular destinations( 目的地 ) across the East Pacific Ocean. It provides many kinds of winter travel choices.As a leader in the Asia-Pacific cruise market, Star Cruises has always been developing great experiences for their guests. The four winter routes will show beautiful scenery from Os

20、aka and Okinawa, Japan to Manila and Laoag in the Philippines.To cater to customers nee ds for popular destinations and their different holiday plans, the four new routes are aimed at helping guests find new and exciting locations and allow them to enjoy an unforgettable holiday.36.From the advertis

21、ement, we can see is the name of the cruise to Japan.A. Golden Sea B. Superstar Virago C. East Pacific D. Asia Pacific37.There are popular destinations according to the new routes.A. four B. six C. seven D. eight38.The customers on the cruise trip can do the following EXCEPT .A. enjoy an unforgettab

22、le holiday.B.see beautiful scenery along the routeC.escape the cold winter days in the cruise ship across the East Pacific Ocean39.The underlined phrase “ mcaetaenr sto _” .A. meet B. know C. provide D. recognize40.If you want to know more about such kind of service, you can .A. visi

23、t the office iDEALShanghaiB.make a phone call to iDEALShanghaiC.write a letter to iDEALShanghaiD.scan the QR code to visit the website at iDEALS(B)When we think of the Internet and children together, it comes to our mind that the Internet does lead to kids m any problems, such as sleep problems, har

24、med eyesight and so on. Recent research has shown that there are more dangers from the Internet.Protection of the personal information is important, especially while using social media likeFacebook. Children sometimes don kt now what should not be shared online. Some websites make use of their innoc

25、ence ( 天真无邪 ) and trust, and put them into dangerous situations. Maybe it would be too hard for parents to follow children actsiv ities on the Internet closely for every child has a right to privacy (隐私) , but it is necessary to talk with children about not showing personal information on the Intern

26、et.The more a child grows, the less he talks to his parents. A child could be bullied ( 欺凌 ) atschool and afraid to tell his parents, which will do harm to a child desv elopment. Now, with social websites growing so fast, such problems will be aggravated. It could be bad words sent by text messages

27、and emails or personal photos posted on social websites. Whether a childexperiences bullies or not, parents should not hurry to control the childparents should kindly talk to the child and ask questions about how to wisely stand up to( bullies.Children may also expose( 使暴露 ) their families to online

28、 risks by downloading malware, a computer program stealing personal information like passwords, parents bank accou账n户t( ) and so on. This program installs(安装 ) itself in the computer while children are visiting dangerous sites. So parents should keep in mind that children can t be too careful when t

29、hey are surfing theInternet!The Internet can expose dangers to kids, but it can also open doors of wonder for children. The best way is to protect against Internet dangers in parents educating children and building up comfortable communication with trust and understanding so that they are willing to

30、 talk about what is going on in their lives.41.Why is it difficult for parents to follow children s activities on the Internet?A. Because each child could be bullied.B.Because each child is innocent.C.Because each child has a right to privacy.D.Because each child wants to expose their families onlin

31、e.42.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?A. It s t necessary to protect personal information online.B.It s better to stop children from using social websites.C.It s necessary to follow children s activities closely on the Internet.D.It s easy for children to expose their families to online risks43.The word aggravated in Paragraph 3 probably means ”“A. solved B. worse C. improved D. prevented44.According to passage, the writer probably agrees that .A. parents should e

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