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1、英语国家概况习题Unit One The CountryI. Multiple choice.1. The “backbone of England” refers to _. A. the Welsh Massif B. the Pennines C. the Middle Valley D. the English Midlands2. The highest mountain in England is _.A. the Pennines B. Ben Nevis C. the Highland of Scotland D. Northern Ireland3. The largest

2、river is _ and the second largest but the most important one is _.A. the Thames River, the Severn RiverB. the Severn River, the Tees RiverC. the Exe River, the Thames RiverD. the Severn River, the Thames River4. Of the following, _ is the largest, most populous and generally speaking the richest sec

3、tion A. England B. ScotlandC. Wales D. Northern Ireland5. The government of the Church of Scotland is_.A. Episcopal B. PresbyterianC. the lord commissioner D. Anglican6. Among the Lake Poets, _ was the most famous one.A. William Wordsworth B. Samuel Coleridge C. Robert Southey D. William Shakespeare

4、7. Big Ben is in _.A. London B. Birmingham C. Glasgow D. Liverpool8. The nickname of Britain is _.A. Uncle Sam B. John Bull C. Father Christmas D. Oliver Twist9. The best-known character of the British people is their _.A. conservativeness B. exclusiveness C. self-importance D. irony10. By the Act o

5、f Union of _ Scotland and the kingdom of England and Wales were constitutionally joined as the Kingdom of Britain.A. 1707 B. 1921 C. 1801 D. 193611. The longest river in Britain is _.A. Severn B. Clyde C. Bann D. Thames12. The proportion of the English in the whole population is _ or so.A. 60% B. 80

6、% C. 70% D. 30%II. Fill in the blanks with proper words.1. The national anthem of UK is _.2. The largest lake in Britain is _, which is located in Northern Ireland.3. The national flag of UK is composed of three flags and it is called _.4. Usually the husband of Queen gets the title “Prince of _.”5.

7、 The second largest but the most important river in Britain is _ and London is situated on it.6. The full title of the U.K. is the United Kingdom of _ _ and _ _.7. The largest part of U.K. is _.8. Belfast Lough and Lough Neagh lie in _ _.9. The U.K. lies to the _ of France.10. Westminster, the area

8、of central government administration is situated in the _ End.III. True or false.1. Now in England, the top leader of the Church of England is Pope.2. The Capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.3. During Easter Day, people will eat eggs and chicks.4. Britain now is a member of European Union and Euros are

9、 the currency used across Britain. 5. Loch Ness is a lake located in Southern England and it is famous for its scenery and the monster.6. Afternoon tea became popular in Queen Victorias time, and it is usually between nine and twelve in the morning. 7. Great Britain is the largest island in British

10、Isles and it is composed of fours parts including England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.8. The most important airport in Britain is Heathrow Airport in London.9. The Celtic language was a spoken language and it is still heard in parts of Scotland.10. English is the only language spoken in Br

11、itain.IV. Vocabulary1. Angles 2. Westminster Abbey 3. Germanic tribes 4. Great Britain 5. Husbandry 6. Maritime 7. Stonehenge 8. Territory 9. The Commonwealth10. TopographyV. Explain the following terms.1. The Buckingham Palace2. The Stonehenge3. British Commonwealth4. The Union Jack 5. British Isle

12、s6. God Save the QueenVI. Answer the following questions briefly. 1. What is the position of modern Britain in the world?2. What are the differences among the British Isles, the United Kingdom, Great Britain, and England?3. Why do English people like to talk about the weather? What are the contribut

13、ing factors?Unit Two The PeopleI. Fill in the blanks with proper words. 1. The UK has a _ and _society where its people have diverse origins in every continent of the world. 2. The Angles, Saxons, and Jutes were _ people from Europe and arrived in England between 5th and 7th centuries. 3. The _ cens

14、us, conducted under the order of William the Great, provides the earliest reasonable estimate of Englands population. 4. _ is the official language of the United Kingdom. 5. The Irish, Welsh and Scottish Gaelic have developed from the _ language. 6. Traditionally, the British class system was divide

15、d into upper, middle, and working class. II. Vocabulary1. Ethnic diversity 4. Nomans7. Domesday Book10. Old Stone Age2. Celtic language 5. Anglo-Saxons8. Potato Famine 3. Britishness6. Germanic people9. Black DeathIII. Explain the following terms.1. Potato Famine2. Domesday Book3. Indo-European lang

16、uage familyIV. Answer the following questions briefly. 1. What patterns settlement and immigration has the UK demonstrated in history?2. What are the key elements in “Britishness” that the citizens of the UK share?3. What consequences will be brought by the decline of the British identity?4. What is

17、 the official language in UK? And what are the minor languages spoken in the country?5. How are people in the UK divided into different classes? What are some of the main features in the division?6. What do you think are the English characters? What do you think contribute to them?Unit 3 History (1)

18、 (Early Britain before 1066)I. Multiple choice.1. _invaders conquered what is now called England in the first century A.D. A. The Roman B. The Norman C. The Angles D. The American2. Julius Caesar invaded Britain in _.A. 55 BC B. 100 BC C.410 AD D. 55 AD3. _is believed to have been a Roman-Briton war

19、rior who fought against foreign attackers between 400 and 600 AD. A. King Arthur B. Alfred C. William D. Canute 4. The first “King of the English” was _.A. Alfred the Great B. Egbert C. Bede D. Ethelred5. The three great Germanic tribes: the Anglos, the _ and the Jutes which invaded Britain form the

20、 basis of the modern British people.A. Saxons B. Scots C. Welsh D. Wessex6. The head of the church in Anglo-Saxon times was _.A. the King of Denmark and Norway B. the king of EnglandC. Julius Caesar D. the Archbishop of Canterbury7. The _ invaded England in the earliest time.A. Danes B. Iberians C.

21、Romans D. Celts8. The Vikings who invaded England at the turn of the 8th century came from _.A. Norway B. Denmark C. France D. both A and B9. British recorded histroy begins with _.A. the Roman invasion B. the Norman Conquest C. the Viking and Danish invsion D. the Anglo-Saxons invasion10. Edward wa

22、s known as the “_” because of his reputation for saintliness.A. Confessor B. Conqueror C. Protector D. Unready11. Norman Conquest began in _.A. 1016 B. 1066 C. 1035 D. 145812. The Battle of Hastings took place in _.A. 1606 B. 1042 C. 1066 D. 1458II. Fill in the blanks with proper words.1. The proper

23、ty record in the time of William the Conqueror is known as the _.2. The word “English” means “the language belonging to the _”.3. The ancestors of the English are _, while the Scots, Welsh and Irish the Celts.4. About 122 AD, in order to keep back the Picts and Scots, the _ built Hadrians Wall.5. _

24、was considered the first national hero and was called the “father of the British Navy”.6. In 1086 William had his official to make a general survey of the land, known as _ Book.7. The Battle of _ paved the way for the Norman Conquest to England.8. Along with the Normans came the _ language.III. True

25、 or false.1. In the early history of England, there were many legendary heroes and one of them was King Arthur.2. The Hadrians Wall and the Antonine Wall were the two great walls built by the Romans along the northern border of England to prevent the Picts in Scotland from invading England. The pict

26、s were said to have painted faces”.3. The Norman Conquest was in effect a French conquest and the imposition upon England of ruling French aristocracy. In consequence, Norman-French of the conquerors replaced English as an authoritative language in England. English became a lower-class language.IV.

27、Vocabulary1. Stonehenge4. Alfred the Great7. The Battle of Hastings10. Edward the Confessor2. Hadrians wall 5. Christianity 8. Normand Conquest3. Heptarchy6. Julius Caeser9. William the ConquerorV. Explain the following terms.1. Norman Conquest2. William the Conqueror3. Stonehenge4. Silbury Hill5. J

28、ulius Caesar6. Hadrians Wall7. King Arthur8. St. Augustine of CaterburyVI. Answer the following questions briefly. 1. What are the Roman influences on England?2. What are the Anglo-Saxon influences on England?3. What were the influences of Norman Conquest on Britain?4. “British history has been a hi

29、story of invasion”. Do you agree or disagree to this point of view? Why?Unit 3 History (2) (Medieval Britain 1066-1485)I. Multiple choice.1. In history _ was nicknamed “King of Lackland”.A. John B. Henry I C. Henry II D. Jame I2. The founder of the English legal system and the Common Law was_.A. Hen

30、ry I B. Henry II C. Henry III D. Henry VIII3. The Peasants Uprising in 1381 was led by _.A. Henry Turner B. Watt Tyler C. Richard D. William I4. The Wars of Roses was so called because _.A. it was fought during the seasons of rosesB. the fighting two sides both used the rose as their badgeC. it was fought over dispute of a roseD. none of the above5. The Great Charter was signed by _ in 1215.A. King Henry II B. King Richard C. Kin

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