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1、英语四级真题2014年12月英语四级真题【短对话听力原文】1. M: Take a look at this catalogue. Maybe we can find somegifts for Jeans new house.W: Ok, but remember we cant afford a lot.Q: What does the woman mean?2. W: I am getting absolutely nowhere with these statistics.M: How about my going through them with you? Q: What does

2、 the man mean?3. M: We are ready to start the recording, arent we? Lets begin on Page 55. W: Sorry. I am afraid I cant begin right now. I forgot to bring my scripts. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?4. W: Remember? Carls wedding is June 26.W: Oh, thanks for reminding me. I thought it wasnt

3、to be until sometime in July.Q: What are the speakers talking about?5. M: Please excuse me for not attending the meeting yesterday. I am afraid I forgot to check the schedule. W: Thats all right. We have to hold the weekly meeting as scheduled and everything went well.Q:What do we learn from the con

4、versation?6. W: Ive just put our lunch in the oven and it wont be ready for at least half an hour. M: Mmm . it smells marvelous, but what can I have right now? Q: What do we learn from the conversation?7. M: I got some bad news today. The store where I work is laying off staff. W: Are they going to

5、let you go? Q: What does the woman want to know?8 W: John, you swim like a fish. I wish I knew how to swim.M: Why not sign up for the lessons offered by the physical education department? Q: What does the man mean?长对话Conversation 1W: Hi, Eric! How is your weekend?M: Great! I met Marias parents and w

6、e told them we want to be engaged. W: Eric, thats wonderful! Congratulations!M: Thanks, Alice. I really like her parents, too. They are very nice. Mrs. Comona speaks four languages and Mr. Comona is a diplomat. In fact, he gave us a speech at the law school on Saturday morning. W: Oh, that was Maria

7、s father? I heard the speech. M: You did?W: Well, I heard part of it and listened to it for ten minutes, and then I fell asleep. I thought that was in class. Anyway, tell me about your weekend.M: Saturday evening we saw a play. And Sunday afternoon we watched a soccer game. Then Sunday night we all

8、went out for dinner, Maria, her parents, and me. That was the first chance we had to talk. W: Were you nervous?M: At first I was. We didnt say much. Mr. Comona told some good stories about his experiences as a diplomat and he asked me about my hobbies. W: And what did you say?M: Well, I didnt tell h

9、im about my flying lessons. I told him about my chess playing and my classical music collection.W: Good idea! Her parents really approval of you, dont they?M: I guess so. Maria called this morning and said, “My father told me hed like you for a son-in-law right now.” W: Thats great.M: Not exactly. I

10、 want to get married after graduate school in about three years.Q09: What does Eric say about Marias father? Q10: What did Eric and Maria do last Sunday afternoon? Q11: What do we learn from Marias phone call this morning?Conversation 2M: Youre going to wear out the computers keyboard.W: Oh, hi!M: D

11、o you have any idea what time it is?W: About ten or ten thirty?M: Its nearly midnight.W: Really? I didnt know it was so late.M: Dont you have an early class to teach tomorrow morning?W: Yes, at seven oclock, my computer class, the students who go to work right after their lesson. M: Then you ought t

12、o go to bed. What are you writing anyway?W: An article I hope I can sell.M: Oh, another of your newspaper pieces. Whats this one about?W: Do you remember that trip I took last month?M: The one up to the Amazon?W: Well, thats what Im writing about, the new highway and the changes its making in the Am

13、azon valley. W: It should be interesting.W: It is. I guess thats why I forgot all about the time.M: How many articles have you sold now?W: About a dozen so far.M: What kinds of newspaper buy them?W: The papers that carry a lot of foreign news. They usually appear in the big Sunday editions where the

14、y need a lot background stories to help fill up the space between the ads.M: Is there any future in it?W: I hope so. Theres a chance I may sell this article to a news service.M: Then your story will be published in several papers, wont it?W: Thats the idea. And they might even be able to do other st

15、ories on a regular basis.M: That would be great.Q12: What is the womans occupation?Q13: What is the woman writing about?Q14: Where did the womans articles usually appear?Q15: What does the woman expect?【短文理解听力原文】Passage 1Body language, especially gestures, varies among cultures. For example, a nod o

16、f the head means “yes” tomostof us. But in Bulgaria and Greece a node means “no” and a shake of the head means “yes”. Likewise, a sign for OK, forming a circle with our forefinger and thumb, means zero in France and money in Japan. Waving or pointing to an Arab business person would be considered ru

17、de because that is how Arabs call their dogs over. Folded arms signal pride in Finland, but disrespect in Fiji. The number of bows that the Japanese exchange on greeting each other, as well as the length and the depth of the bows, signals the social status eachpartyfeels towards each other. Italians

18、 might think youre bored unless you use a lot of gestures during discussions. Many American men sit with their legs crossed with one ankle resting over the opposite knee. However, this would be considered an insult in Muslim countries, where one will never show the sole of the foot to a gust. Likewi

19、se, Americans consider eye contact very important, often not trusting someone who is afraid to look at you in the eye. But in Japan and many Latin American countries, keeping the eyes lowered is a sign of respect. To look a partner full in the eye is considered a sign of ill-breeding and is felt to

20、be annoying.Q16: What gesture do Bulgarians and Greeks use to express negative responses?Q17: What is likely to offend Arab business people?Q18: What is considered to be impolite in Muslim countries?Passage 2Three years ago, Pantcha Maya, her husband and five children lived in a shaky flat in southe

21、rn Nepal. Every morning the parents walked the dirt roads seeking work in the rice fields. After the harvest, the family went begging forfood. Today the Mayas own a small paper-bag-makingcompany. With the money theyve earned, the Mayas have purchased a small plot on which they grow vegetables and ra

22、ise goats for additional income. In fact, the family has save 68 dollars. This is remarkable in a country with an average annual income of 160 dollars.Grace Mumbka, her husband and eight children once lived hand-to-mouth in Cameroon. Today the Mumbkas run a clothing-manufacturing business and own a

23、home. They are able to send their children to school at a costly annual sum of 2,800 dollars.The idea of starting her own business seemed impossible to Pillar Mulyaa, a poor woman form Atahualpa, high in Ecuadors Andes Mountains. Today, however, shes one of the proud owners of a bakery specializing

24、in sweet cakes.These businesses are part of an economic revolution sweeping the developing world. The sponsor is the Trickle Up Program, a non-profit organization founded by New Yorkers Glen and Mildred Leet. This organization offers people like the Maya, the Mubkas and the Moyas modest 100-dollar g

25、rants (资助). Since 1979, the program has helped over 130,000 of the worlds neediest people in 90 countries win small life-saving victories over poverty. And it has turned conventional thinking about foreign aid on its head.Q 19. What do we learn about Pantcha Mayas family over three years ago?Q 20. W

26、hat is the Mumbkas able to do now?Q 21. What does the speaker mainly talk about?Passage 3Take care of your teeth and your teeth will take care of you. Your teeth are a living part of your body. They have nerves and blood vessels. Diseased teeth can cause pain, die and fall out. Plaque (牙斑) is the ma

27、in enemy of healthy teeth. Everyone has plaque. It is a sticky, colorless film that coats the teeth. Plaque is always forming on the teeth, especially at the gum (牙龈) line. If plaque is not removed, it builds up and gets under the gum line. Plaque that is left on the teeth for some time hardens. The

28、 result is tooth decay and gum disease. The bacteria in plaque live on sugar. They change sugar into acids, which break down the tooths harder outer covering. If left untreated, decay goes deeper and deeper into the tooth. After a while, the decay reaches the nerves and blood vessels of the inner to

29、oth. By the time this happens, the tooth has probably started to ache. In addition to tooth decay, therere also gum diseases to watch out for. The bacteria and plaque make poisons that attack the gums. Small pockets form around the teeth. The pockets trap more bacteria andfoodparticles. Finally, the

30、 bone supporting the teeth is attacked and starts to shrink. Teeth become loose and may fall out. Adults losemostteeth this way.Keep your mouth healthy. When you brush your teeth, do a good job.Q22. What does the speaker say about our teeth?Q 23. What does the speaker say about plaque?Q 24. Why is s

31、ugar harmful to teeth?Q 25. What causes adults to losemostof their teeth according to the speaker?【听力填空原文】DictationCompound DictationStunt people(替身演员) are not movie stars, but they are the hidden heroes of many movies.They were around long before films. Even Shakespeare may have used them in fight

32、scenes. To be good, a fight scene has to look real. Punches must (26)_ enemies jaws. Sword fights must be fought with (27)_ swords. Several actors are usually in a fight scene. Their moves must be set up so that no one gets hurt. It is almost like planning a dance performance.If a movie scene is dangerou

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