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1、充当句子成分的词性+特殊疑问句充当句子成分的词性+特殊疑问句、主语(Subject)()主语的定义主语是一个句子所叙述的主体。(二)主语的表现形式主语可由名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、名词化的形容词和 it作形式主语1.名词American music is verypopularp?pjul?.美国音乐很流行。Teacher Zhang is veryamousfeim ?s in our school.张老师在我们学校很出名。2代词We ofte n speak En glish in class我们经常在课堂上说英语。Who is the man in the classroom在教

2、室里的那个人是谁3.数词One-third of the students in this class are girls这个班1/3的学生是女生。Two times five is ten.2乘5等于10。4.动词不定式To swim in the Lijiang River is a veryoleasureple? thing.在漓江里游泳是非常愉快的事。Tomasterm? st? aforeignf?rin _languagel? g wid? necessarynesis?ri.掌握一门外语是必要的。5.动名词Smoking doesharmh a :mjo the health

3、hel 9吸烟对健康有害。Playing football in the street is dangerousdeind ?r?s.在街上踢足球是危险的。6.名词化的形容词The richrit? should help the poor.富人应该帮助穷人。In new China the old arelivinglivi? a happy life.在新中国老年人正过着幸福的生活。7.it作形式主语Ji is n ecessary to master a foreig n Ian guage掌握一门外语是有必要的。It is dan gerous play ing with fire.

4、玩火是危险的。It is a pity that he cannot swim.他不会游泳真遗憾。二、谓语(Predicate Verb)(一)谓语的定义谓语说明主语所做的动作或具有的特征和状态 主语之后。(二)谓语的构成1.简单谓语 由一个动词或动词短语构成。如:He_ practicespr? ktisis running every morning.他每天早晨练习跑步。Yesterday after noon he reachedri:t ?d Harbin h a :?b in. 昨天下午他到达哈尔滨。She takes good care of heisicksik mother.她

5、仔细照料她那生病的母亲。He has gotten rid rid of his bad habith? bit.他已经改掉了他的坏习惯。2.复合谓语(1)由情态动词或其他助动词加动词原形构成You maykeepki:p the book for two weeks .这本书你可以借两周。Youd better not take the English book to your home.你最好不要把这本英语书带回家。He hascaughtk?:t a bad cold. He has to go to see a doctor 他患了重感冒。他必须去看医生。She doesnt seem

6、si:m to like dancing.她似乎不喜欢跳舞。We are going to call on him tonight.我们打算今晚去拜访他。(2)由系动词加表语构成We are students-我们是学生。He looks very clever他看上去很聪明。三、表语(Predicative)(-)表语的定义表语用以说明主语的身份、特征和状态,它一般位于系动词(如 be, become, get, look,grow,turn,seem 等)之后。(二)表语的表现形式表语一般由名词、代词、形容词、分词、数词、不定式、动名词、介词短语、副 词及表语从句表示。1名词Our En

7、glish teacher isAmerica n? merik?n.我们的英语老师是美国人。He is anengineer,end?ini?.他是一位工程师。2代词Is it yours这是你的吗Thatal I want to tell you.我要告诉你的就是这些。3.形容词The weather hastur ned t ?:nd cold.天气变冷了。 Dalia n is beautiful.大连是美丽的。4.分词The speechpi:t? is exciting.这演讲激动人心。The teacher waspleasecpli:zd with my spoke nsp?u

8、k? n En glish.老师对我的英语口语很满意。5.数词Three times seve n is twen ty-one.3乘7等于21。He is always the first to en ter the office.他总是第一个进办公室。6.动词不定式His job is to teach En glish.他的工作是教英语。Their planpl? n is to finishfini? the homework in a weekwi:k.他们的计划是在一周内完成家庭作业。7.动名词His hobbyh?bi is playing football.他的爱好是踢足球。M

9、y wish is studying English in ajniversity,ju:niv?:s?ti.我的愿望是在大学学习英语。8.介词短语The computer must be out of order?:d?.电脑一定出毛病了。He isagainst? g einstour plan. 他反对我们的计划。9.副词Time is up. The class is over.时间到了,下课。 My father isnin. He is out. 我父亲不在家,他出去了。四、宾语(Object) ()宾语的定义 宾语表示动作的对象或承受者, 宾语。(二)宾语的表现形式1.名词The

10、y went to see their En glish teacheryesterdayjest?di. 他们昨天去看了他们的英语老师。He is going to buy_ad iction arydik?i?ri.他打算买本字典。2代词He will love me for two years.他将一直爱我两年。We should lear n from him.我们应该向他学习。3.数词 How many dicti on aries do you have你有几本字典I have five.我有5本。4.名词化的形容词They helped the old with their ho

11、usework yesterday.他们昨天帮助老年人做家务。We should help the old。我们应该帮助老人。5.动词不定式(短语)He does nt want me to help him.他不想要我帮助他。She doesntknow what to do next.她不知道下一步做什么。6.动名词(短语)I like listening to popularp?pjul? music.我喜欢听流行音乐。He practicespr? ktisis speaking English every day 他每天练习讲英语。五、宾语补足语(-)宾语补足语的定义英语中有些及物动

12、词,除有一个直接宾语以外,还要有一个宾语补语,才能使句 子的意义完整。这类常用的及物动词有: make (使),consider(认为),cause(引起),see (看见),find (发现),call (称为,叫做),get (让,使 得),have (让,使得),let(让)等。如:(二)宾语补足语的表现形式带有宾语补足语的一般句型为:某些及物动词(如 make等)十直接宾语(名词 或代词)十宾语补足语。宾语补足语在句中的8种表示法:1.用名词(包括名词性物主代词)表示His father n amed him Dongming.他父亲给他取名东明。We thi nk Mr. Zhang

13、 a good teacher.我们认为张先生是位优秀的老师。2.用形容词及其短语表示They pain tedpe in tid their boat black.他们把船漆成黑色。We believedbili:vd the report untrue .我们确认这个报告不真实。3.用不定式及其短语表示You should nt forcef?:s him to len dle nd his money to you.你不应该强迫他借钱给你。Nobody saw him en ter the room.没有人看到他进了屋子。注: see, have, let,make,watch,noti

14、ce, hear,observe等动词的宾语补足语用不定式表示时,不可加to。 help后的不定式可带也可不带to。4.用现在分词及其短语表示We saw her enteringent ?ri? the room .我们看见她正走进那个房间。I heardh?:d her singing an En glish song我听见她在唱英语歌曲。5.用过去分词及其短语表示They foun dfa und Harbi n .chan gedt ? in d?d.他们发现哈尔滨变化了。I saw you loved by him.我看见你被他爱着。注:过去分词作宾语补足语时,宾语和它的关系是被动关

15、系。6.用as引出宾语补足语We take English as arimportant imp?:t?nt _languagel? g wid?.我们把英语当作一门重要的语言。I take her as my good teacher我把她看成我的好老师。7.用介词短语表示We found everythi ng in the classroom in goodorder?:d? 我们发觉教室内每件东西都放得井井有条。You will find him at work all day.你将发现他整天都在工作。8.用副词表示Let the fresh air .in.让新鲜空气进来。I saw

16、 him out with his father.我看见他和他父亲外出了。六、定语(Attribute)()定语的定乂修饰名词或代词的词、短语或从句称为定语。(二)定语的表现形式定语一般可由形容词、分词(短语)、名词、 代词、数词、名词所有格、不定式、动名词、介词短语、副词和从句等表示。1.形容词Harbin is a beautiful city.哈尔滨是一座美丽的城市。There is a clever boy in the classroom教室里面有个聪明的男孩。2.分词(短语)China is adevelopingdivel?pi? country ; America is ade

17、velopeddivel?pt .country。 中国是一个发展中国家,美国是一个发达国家。Who is the man shak ing hands with our teacher和我们老师握手的那个人是谁3名词There are thirty women teachers in our school.我们学校有30名女教师。They are going to put up a wal In ewspapernju:s,peip? n ext week.他们打算下周出墙报。4代词His progresspr?u g resji English made ussurpriseds?prai

18、zd.他在英语方面的进步使我们很吃惊。Do you know the student whose English is the best in your class你知道你们班上英语最好的那个学生吗5.数词More tha n thirty stude nts in our class have read the book.我们班三十多个学生读过这本书。The teacher asked the students tocopyk?pi the third paragraphp? r? g a :fj)f the text.老师让学生抄写课文的第3段。6.名词所有格You shouldfollo

19、w f?l?u the doctor sadvice?dvaisa nd do more exercise$eks?saiz.你应该听从医生的建议,多运动。Mary spare nts have gon eabroad?br?:d.玛丽的父母出国了。7.不定式Our mon itor m ?nit? is always the first to en ter the classroom.我们的班长总是第一个走进教室。I can go with you . I till have a lot of work to do .我不能和你去。我仍有许多工作要做。8.动名词The teachi ng p

20、la n for n ext term has bee n worked out.下学期的教学计划已制定好。You mustnttake the magazine,m? g ?zi:nput of the reading room . 你不要把杂志带出阅览室。9.介词短语He is readi ng a book about how to lear n En glish他正在读一本有关如何学习英语的书。Who is the girl in red穿红衣服的那个姑娘是谁10.副词(多位于被修饰词之后)A no iseoutside,autsaid made him tur n around .外

21、面的喧闹声使他转过身来。The man in the room downstairsdaunst zsis friendly.楼下房间的那人很友好。七、状语(Adverbial)()状语的定义修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,说明动作或状态特征的句子成分,叫做 语。(二)状语的表现形式1.副词及副词性词组Light travelstr? v?lz most quickly .光传播得最快。Factories an dbuildi ngsbildi?z are see n here and there到处都能见到工厂和建筑物。2.介词短语He has lived in the city for

22、ten years他在那座城市住了 10年了。in_spitespait of the difficulties difik ?ltiz, we went on with our work . 尽管有困难,但是我们仍继续工作。3.不定式(短语)He is proud to have passed thenationaln? ?7i?l_collegek?lid?_entranceentr?ns exam in ati oni g ,z?mi nei? ?n.他因通过高考而感到自豪。The box is too heavy for me to lift.这个箱子太重,我抬不起。4.分词(短语)H

23、e is in the room making amodel m ?d?l pla ne.他在房间里做一架飞机模型。Not knowing what to do , he decided to ask the teacher for advice他不知道怎么办好,就去问老师。Encouragecink?rid?d by the teacher, I made up my mind to learn English well 在老师的鼓励下,我决心把英语学好。5.名词(短语)Wait a minute.等一下。Would you please come this way请这边走。The road

24、 is fifty kilometers kil?umi:t?z lo ng and ten metersmi:t?z widewaid.这条马路50公里长,10米宽。(三)状语的种类1.时间状语How about meet ing aga in at six6:00见面怎样When it rains, I usually go to school by bus下雨天,我通常乘公共汽车去上学。2原因状语Last ni ght she didntgo to the dance party because of the rain.由于下雨,她昨晚没有去参加舞会。Since you are very

25、 busy I won trouble you .既然你很忙,我就不打扰你了。3.条件状语I shall go thereif it doesn -1 rain如果不下雨,我将到那里去。As (So) long as you work hard, you can makeapidr? pid progresspr?u g resat En glish.只要你努力,你就可以在英语方面取得很快的进步。4地点状语Mr. Smith lives on the third floor.史密斯先生住在3楼。Where there is water,there is life.有水的地方,就有生命。5.方式

26、状语She put the eggs into the basket with great care她小心地把鸡蛋放在篮子里。He has greatlyimprovedimpru:vd his spoke n En glish by this means他用这种方式极大地改善了他的英语口语。6.伴随状语She came in with a diet ionary in her hand她进来时手里拿着一本字典。The teacher came in, followed by a group of students.老师走了进来,后面跟着一群学生。7目的状语In order to catch

27、up with the others, I must work harder .为了赶上其他人,我必须更努力学习。I went there to see a frie nd of mine .我去那里看我的一个朋友。Bring it closer so that I may see it better/clearly.把它拿近些,以便我看得更清楚些。8.结果状语He was so tired that he fell asleepimmediatelyimi:di ?tli.他累极了,立刻就睡着了。He is so good a teacher that the stude nts love

28、and respect him他是一位很好的老师,学生们都敬爱他。9.让步状语She works very hard though she is old虽然她年纪大了,但她仍然十分努力工作。No matter when you come,you are warmly welcome .不管你什么时候来,都欢迎。10.程度状语They were greatly moved to hear the herostory .听了英雄的故事,他们深受感动。I quite agree with you .我完全同意你的意见。11.比较状语I am taller than he is.我比他咼。The mo

29、re I speak En glish the better I be.我越多讲英语,就讲得越好。注:副词修饰动词时放在行为动词之后或动词的宾语之后, 修饰形容词或副词时放在被修饰的词之前。如:They study hard他们学习努力。(修饰动词)He was very sac他非常伤心。(修饰形容词)She speaks En glish quite we哋英语讲得很好。(修饰副词)We go to school on foot.我们步行上学。(修饰短语,修饰动词)特殊疑问句一、特殊疑问句:(一) 概念:特殊疑问句以疑问代词或疑问副词开头,提出疑问的句子。(二) 结构:它的基本结构是:特殊

30、疑问词+般疑问句语序。 但是如果疑问词 在句子中作主语或作主语的定语,就用特殊疑问词+陈述句语序。常用的疑问词 有: what, who(whom), whose,which, when, where, how, why 等,回答时针对问 句中的代词和副词来回答,不用 yes或no来回答。【重点】疑问词的选择:1 对指物名词或谓语动词提出疑问,疑问词用 what;关于what的其他疑问词:what color:例如: What is thatWhat are you doingWhat color is the shirt2 对修饰名词的定语提出疑问,疑问词应用 which,而且通常和名词连用。例如:Which book is yoursWhich umb

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