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1、四年级下M8M10教案Module 8 Unit 1 They sang beautifully.一、教学目标1、知识目标:(1)全体学生能理解和运用sang,beautifully,saw,game,last,fun,went,there,ate,drank,drinks,time,have a good time,busy.(2)全体学生能理解和运用:They sang beautifully.2、技能目标:(1)全体学生能听懂:They sang beautifully.(2)全体学生能说:They sang beautifully.(3)全体学生能认读:sang,beautifully

2、,saw,game, there,ate,drank, drinks,time, busy.(4)全体学生能拼写2-3个自选单词。(5)大部分学生能运用一般过去时谈论过去的事情。3、情感目标:乐于参与学习和感知英语,并积极尝试使用英语,从会用英语做事情中体验到学英语的快乐。二、教学重难点:不规则动词的过去式三、教学方法:情景教学法、小组合作法、任务型教学法四、教学准备:单词卡片、点读机、教学光盘、学生照片五、教学步骤I.Warming up复习动词或词组,教师快速出示词组卡片go by bus,see some birds,sing,eat some food,drink some juice

3、,have a picnic学生快速反应,脱口而出,教师将卡片贴在黑板上。II.Lead in当出示完最后一个词组have a picnic时,T:Do you like picnic? S:Yes,I do.T:Last Sunday,Amy and Sam had a picnic. 出示卡片并教读“Last Sunday”(贴黑板)。 On their picnic, they had a good time,Lets go and have a look,after class,you will say sth about your experience.III. Presentati

4、on1.Listen and answer(1)How did they go there?(2)What did they see? 听一遍录音,回答问题。(1)They went there by bus. 出示公交车图片,学习go的过去式went(2) They saw some birds出示小鸟唱歌图片,学习see的过去式saw,sing的过去式sang并将单词卡went,saw,sang分别贴在go,see,sing上,进行机械操练。2. Listen again and answer (3)What did they eat ?(4)What did they drink?再听一

5、遍课文录音,回答问题 They ate some food.They drank some drinks.(1)出示艾米和萨姆的野餐图片,学习eat的过去式ate ,drink的过去式drank, 并将单词卡ate, drank,分别贴在eat,drink上,进行机械操练。(2)屏幕分别出示各种饮料,学习单词drinks,并请学生列举还有哪些饮品可以用drinks来表达。(3)板书基本完成,带领学生边读边回顾艾米和萨姆的野餐经历,并用语言和身势语引导学生理解have a good time&busy3. Read Text(1)Listen and repeat(2)Read by thems

6、elves.(3) Role playIV. Practice1.Read and circle(1) My sister sang/sings beautifully last Sunday. (2) She went/goes to school by bike yesterday. (3) I see/saw a little monkey at the zoo last Saturday. (4) We eat/ate some fish and drink/drank some soup at home yesterday. 2.Guessing Game多媒体出示老师上周日一天的生

7、活图片,用图形遮住部分图画,学生猜测,把句子补充完整。V.Development.学生四人小组合作,用过去式说自己的照片经历,3分钟后展台演示。VI. Homework 1.跟读课文录音,读熟为止。2.课下继续和同学们分享自己的照片(记得要用英语哦。)教学反思Module 8 Unit2 I took some pictures.一、教学目标1、知识目标: 掌握重点词汇词组:took,tell,great,delicious,made,poster 学习重点句型:主语+动词的过去式+其他.2、技能目标: 协作学习;运用任务型教学法和情境教学法3、情感目标: 激发学生的英语学习兴趣和树立一定的文

8、化修养。2、教学重难点:特殊动词过去式的发音以及书写。 三、教学方法:情景教学法、小组合作法、任务型教学法四、教学准备:单词卡片、点读机、教学光盘、学生照片五、教学步骤Step 1、G reetings:2、RevisionTalk about the six pictures of Page46Step2 review and Lead-in1.Review the main knowledge of last lesson.Students answer the questions.2.Review the words: sing- sang go-went see-saw drink-d

9、rank have -had eat-ateStep 3: Presentation1.Activity 1(1) Listen, point and say.(2)Listen again and repeat.2.Activity2(1) Lets make a sentence with “ take”?如果你想表达上个周日我们照了一些照片。首先要知道take的过去式,take是特殊动词所以它的过去式是took.So we can say.Ss :We took some pictures last Sunday.(2)Look at this picture.There is some

10、 food in the picture.How delicious they are!(讲授delicious)(3) Listen, point and say the text. Listen again and repeat.Step4:Practice1.在PPT上呈现一些图片,让学生小组内合作练习。2.SB book Activity 3 Point and say.3. SB book Activity 5 and 6Step5:Listen and say.Then sing.Listen and say. Then sing and do.Step6 Summry一般过去时的

11、构成:主语+动词过去式+其他.特殊动词的过去式.如:take-tookmake-madeStep Step7 Homework1. Read the text.Copy the new words and new sentences.板书设计Module8 Unit2 I took some pictures.I took some pictures. Yesterday I 教学反思Module 9Unit 1 Did he live in New York?一、教学目标:知识目标:1.学习理解和掌握本模块的单词和短语:welcome postcard cousin, on holiday,

12、 travel, came, pop, concert, earth. 2.Did ?句型以及相应的回答。能力目标:1.能够在实践中熟练运用本模块的新单词和句型。2.能熟练运用重点句型的问答。情感目标:1.激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生养成勤于总结勤于对比的习惯。2.增进学生之间的交流,形成团结互助,共同进步,共同提高的课堂气氛。3.培养学生热情好客。积极乐观的生活态度。二、教学重难点:重点:询问某人过去是否做了某事:Did+主语+动词原形+过去的时间?及对应的回答Yes,主语+did. No,主语+didnt.难点:San Francisco ,Washington DC等地名的发音.三、教

13、学准备:课本CD-ROM,录音机,用于奖励学生的小贴画教学设计:四、教学课时:1课时五、教法预设:讲授法、演示法、练习巩固法、讲演结合法六、教学步骤:一、Warmer:1. Greetings.自我介绍,师生之间互相问候和自由谈话,引入新单词“welcome”。教师做出欢迎的手势,引导学生说出欢迎,将单词板书welcome, 并教读,总结短语:welcome +to + some place 欢迎来到某地Welcome to thisEnglish class.2.带领学一起唱上一模块的歌曲I WENT TO THE CONCERT.(激发孩子们的兴趣,复习了旧知识(concert, play

14、 the piano)3. Guess game.老师做一些动作,学生来说出短语,一同复习巩固以前学习过的短语。Watch TV, play football, play basketball, listen to music, sing songs, swim, read books, row a boat, dance, run,设计理念与意图:师生交流拉近师生关系,使学生快速进行学习状态。用多种方法复习旧知识,为新授学习打下基础。二Presentation:1.Look at the phrases on the blackboard, listen and answerT: Did y

15、ou watch TV yesterday? S1: Yes, I did. No, I didnt.T: Did you ?Look at the pictures, Did Daming live in New York?板书课题:Unit 1 Did he live in New York?2.Practice.Did he yesterday? Yes, he did. No, he didnt.3.学习新单词“postcard”“cousin”“dear”“on holiday”“travel”“came”“pop”“concert”4.背景资料。教授“自由女神”“San Franc

16、isco” “Washington DC”. Ill show you three famous things ,give you three minutes to look at it.三、Learn the text.活动一:吟诵歌谣1. Listen and chant.播放录音学生跟读,注意单词发音的技巧,如:重读,语气语调。2. 请学生说说歌谣的意思,进行拓展性讲解。By train by bike by car by boatBy plane by bus by subway by taxi3. 将学生分两组,分别诵读。设计理念与意图:注重学生的发音,提醒学生注意语音语调。知识拓展

17、让学生能够学以致用。活动二:对话学习1. 教师播放第二部分的录音,学生进行跟读。2. Listen and answer questions.Did Dalong live in New York last year?Did Dalong travel by plane?3. Listen third time,check the answer.4. 带领学生归纳出课文部分的短语和习惯表达:a postcard from 来自于 的明信片 last year 去 年 on holiday 度假 pop concert 流行音乐会go to a concert 去演唱会 play basketb

18、all 打篮球教师5趣味训练:分角色朗读课文。四Practise.Look at the Book52,Exe4五、拓展延伸。Homework:1. Write the new words three times.2. Make a dialogue with your classmates use” Did hesheyou?”板书设计:Unit 1 Did he live in New York?Did you watch TVDid he play footballplay football listen to music last year?sing songsswimread boo

19、krow a boatDance教学反思:Module 9 Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday ?教学目标1.掌握本课的重点单词: holiday people earth2.掌握本课的重点句子:Did you have a nice holiday?3.能运用一般疑问句询问过去的行为。【教学重难点】重点:单词holiday people earth these West Lake 难点:一般过去时的一般疑问句结构Did you .? 能运用一般疑问句询问过去的行为。【教学过程】 一、导入新课(一)导入新课,板书课题过渡语:Xiaoyong had a nic

20、e holiday.Lets have a look,OK? Today well learn Module 9 Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday? (二)出示学习目标过渡语:At first Lets see our learning aims. Read together.Boys and girls, are you clear? Please come on! 二、先学环节(一)学生自学单词 过渡语:Boys and girls, now lets see what we will do this class. Lets learn the new

21、words by yourselves. OK?单词自学指导:(1)听单词录音,跟读。第一次跟读一遍,第二次跟读三遍。(2)小组内自学单词。可以小组长领读,实行兵教兵,不会读的单词划出来,重点突破。(3)各组提交不会读的单词,先找学生回答,学生不会的老师再帮助解决。单词自学检测:过渡语:Boys and girls , have you finished? Hands up? Then Ill check you. 教师利用单词卡片,单个检查学生掌握单词的情况;运用PPT来检查新单词学生的掌握情况,学生根据PPT的图片,口头说出本节课学习的新单词。学生掌握不牢的单词,教师可以板书到黑板上。(二

22、)学生自学教材过渡语:Boys and girls, now lets learn the text together. First listen to the tape and circle the words and sentences that you dont understand. You can learn by yourself firstly then you can discuss with your partners .OK?课文自学指导:1.教师给学生播放课文录音,整体感知文章。学生勾画出不理解的单词和句子。 2.再听课文,学生跟读课文。课文自学检测:小组内谈论并判断正(

23、T)误(F):1.We went to the earth. ( ) 2.Xiaoyong went to Shanghai. ( )3.He visited the famous West Lake. ( )4.Xiaoyong saw his friend Lili ( )5.Lili was on holiday in Shanghai. ( )合作探究:1.小组内自学课文,解决不理解的单词和句子,弄清课文汉语意思。2.小组内合作,根据下列例子,讨论出怎样用英语来表示使用什么交通方式。Did you travel by train? ? I come here by plane? 我发现

24、: 我猜想:乘小汽车 乘公交车 乘自行车 乘船 乘出租车 乘地铁 步行 三、后教环节第一、教师讲解本课重难点。1.教师根据课本中乘火车by train 乘飞机by plane来进行拓展性讲解:使用某种交通方式一般表达方式为by + 交通工具,如: by train by bike by car by boat by plane by bus by subway by taxi 提醒学生表示步行应该用walk 或者on foot,不能用by 的结构2. 教师请学生来翻译课文内容,提醒学生注意课文中关于地名的表达,并带领学生复习第二模块中出现过的一些地名。 New York 纽约 Washingt

25、on DC华盛顿 San Francisco旧金山 Buckingham Palace白金汉宫 Big Ben 大本钟 Hyde Park海德公园 Tower Bridge 塔桥 the Queens house 女王的房子3.对桌合作,完成课本54页活动三。第二、展示交流,统一答案。Now have you finished? Please show us. OK? 学生和自己的搭档一起展示。第三、听录音跟读课文,模仿语音语调,理解在课文情境中如何运用本课所学的重点单词和句型。四、当堂训练(一)分角色朗读课文。学生小组内分角色朗读课文,练习几分钟后,在班内小组进行展示比赛。问一问,写一写,说

26、一说请根据课本56页活动6句型,调查同桌假期里去了哪里,然后填空完成下列短文,并准备好在班级内展示。 五、教学反思M10Unit 1 Did you fall off your bike?一、教学目标:(一)知识与技能:1、Words and phrases: happen ride thirsty bought watermelon carried bump 2、Sentences: Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday. And then.?Did you fall off your bike?3.Past form of the verbs:h

27、appen-happened bump-bumped carry-carriedgo-went are-were buy-bought fall-fell4.能描述过去一段时间发生的事件。(二)过程与方法:有趣的引导。(三)情感态度和价值观:通过有趣的课文内容让学生更理解过去式。二、教学重难点:重点:Words and phrases及动词过去式。难点:Sentences: Sam and I went for a bike. And then. Did you fall off your bike?三、教学准备:PPT四、教学过程:(一)Warming up.1.Greetings (分小组

28、) 2.Lets have a chant. Chant引出carry以及carried.3.Free talk:What did you do yesterday? (二).Presentation1. What was the weather like yesterday?Ss: It was hot.T: Yes, it was hot yesterday. I was thirsty. So I went to the supermarket. And I bought something.3.T: Can you guess what did I buy?Ss: You bought

29、.T: I bought a bottle of water and a big watermelon.T: The watermelon was so big and so heavy. Suddenly it fell off and bumped my toes.4.Play a game.(巩固新授单词)(三)Learn the text1.Listen and underline the past tense words.2.Listen and repeat.3.Read the passage by themselves.4.Role play(四)Practice1.Finis

30、h the exercise book.(P38 Activity1、5)2.Make a small story in past tense.(A group of 4)(五)Summary and chant.1.巩固新授单词现在式与过去式2.Chant clap clap clap clap our hands I say go I say went go go go went went went buy buy buy bought bought bought fall fall fall fell fell fell carry carry carry carried carried carried happen happen happen happened happened happened bump bump bump bumped bumped bumped(六)Homework1.Copy the new words.2.Read the text.3.Make a story in past tense by yourselves.板书设计Module10 unit1 Did you fall off your bike?And thenWhat happened?went for a bike ridebought a

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