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1、238银行招聘笔试英语部分知识点托业阅读考试常见百句短语汇总托业阅读考试常见百句短语汇总1. abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守。 2. be absent from. 缺席,不在 3. absence or mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉 4. absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引的注意力(被动语态):be absorbed in 全神贯注于近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focus

2、ed on ; be centered on 5. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有 6. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解 7. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地, 8. of ones own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地 9. in accord with 与一致 . out of one

3、s accord with 同.不一致 10. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地 11. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据 12. on ones own account 1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益 2)(=at ones own risk) 自行负责 3)(=by oneself)依靠自己 on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不;of account 有.重要性. 13. takeinto a

4、ccount(=consider)把.考虑进去 14. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释 (理由) 15. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明. 16. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为. 17. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装) 18. accuseof(=chargewith; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; com

5、plain about) 指控,控告 19. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于. 20. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉 21. act on 奉行,按照行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理 22. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于 23. adapt(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编,

6、 改写(以适应新的需要) 24. in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之 25. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除外 26. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循 27. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的 28. adjust.(to) (=change slight

7、ly)调节; 适应; 29. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) 的可能,留有的余地. 30. in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先. 31. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地. 32. have an advantage over 胜过. have the advantage of 由于处于有利条件 have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事 33. take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of,

8、 profit from, harness)利用. 34. agree with 赞同(某人意见) agree to 同意 35. in agreement (with) 同意, 一致 36. ahead of 在之前, 超过;. ahead of time 提前. 37. in the air 1)不肯定, 不具体. 2)在谣传中. 38. above all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是, 最重要的. 39. in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether) 总共, 总计 40.

9、after all 毕竟,到底; (not) at all 一点也不; all at once(=suddenly)突然; once and for all 只此一次; above all 最重要的; first of all 首先; all in all 大体上说; be all in 累极了; all but 几乎. 41. allow for (=take into consideration, take into account) 考虑到, 估计到. 42. amount to (=to be equal to) 总计, 等于. 43.answer for (undertake res

10、ponsibility for, be liable for, take charge for) 对负责. 44. answer to (=conform to) 适合,符合. 45. be anxious about 为焦急不安; 或anxious for 46. apologize to sb. for sth. 为向道歉 47. appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁. appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力 48. apply to sb. for sth. 为向申请 ; apply for申请; apply to 适用. 49. apply to 与有关;

11、适用 50. approve of (=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good, right) 赞成, approve vt. 批准51. arise from(=be caused by) 由引起. 52. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. 安排做 53. arrive on 到达; arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出; arrive in 到达某地(大地方); 54. be ashamed of (=feel shame, guilt or sorrow becaus

12、e of sth. done) 以为羞耻 55. assure sb. of sth. (=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.) 向保证, 使确信. 56. attach(to) (=to fix, fasten; join) 缚, 系 ,结 57. make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth.) 试图做 58. attend to (=give ones attention, care and thought)注意,照顾;attend on(upon)(=wait upon, serve, look afte

13、r) 侍候,照料 59. attitude to/ toward 对的态度.看法 60. attributeto(=to believe sth. to be the result of)把.归因于., 认为.是.的结果 61. on the average (=on average, on an average) 平均 62. (be) aware of (=be conscious of , having knowledge or consciousness)意识到,知道. 63. at the back of (=behind) 在后面 64. in the back of 在后部(里面

14、); on the back of 在后部(外面); be on ones back(=be ill in bed) 卧病不起. 65. at ones back(=supporting or favoring sb.) 支持,维护; have sb. at ones back 有支持, 有作后台 66. turn ones back on sb. (=turn away from sb. in an impolite way) 不理睬(某人),背弃,抛弃 67. behind ones back 背着某人(说坏话) 68. be based on / upon 基于 69. on the b

15、asis of 根据, 在基础上 70. beatat 在运动项目上打赢 71. begin with 以开始. to begin with (=first of all) 首先, 第一(经常用于开始语) 72. on behalf of (=as the representative of) 以名义 73. believe in(=have faith or trust in; consider sth./sb. to be true) 相信,依赖,信仰. 74. benefit (from) 受益,得到好处. 75. for the benefit of 为了的利益(好处) 76. for

16、 the better 好转 77. get the better of (=defeat sb.) 打败, 胜过. 78. by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统 at birth 在出生时; give birth to 出生 79. blame sb. for sth. 因责备某人 . blame sth. on sb. 把推在某人身上 80. in blossom开花(指树木) be in blossom开花(强调状态) come into blossom开花(强调动作) 81. on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机 82. boast of (or about) 吹嘘

17、 83. out of breath 喘不过气来 84. in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之 85. in bulk 成批地,不散装的 86. take the floor 起立发言 87. on business 出差办事. 88. be busy with sth.于某事 。 be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 89. last but one 倒数第二. 90. but for (=without) 要不是. 表示假设 91. buy sth. formoney 用多少钱买 92. be capable of 能够, 有能力

18、be capable of being +过去分词:是能够被的 93. in any case(=for love or money, at any rate, at any price, at any cost, whatever happens; anyhow)无论如何 94. in case (=for fear that) 万一; 95. in case of (=in the event of)如果发生万一 in the case of 至于, 就而言 96. in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句) 97. be cautious of 谨防 98. center on

19、es attention on(=focus ones attention on) 把某人的注意力集中在上 99. be certain of (=be sure of) 有把握, 一定. 100. for certain of (=for sure )肯定地,有把握地托业考试:托业阅读中的必备词汇adjust To change so as to match or fit; cause to correspond修改=alter To adjust (a garment) for a better fit修改adjoining Neighboring; contiguous接临的=neigh

20、boringadaptation Something, such as a device or mechanism, that ischanged or changes so as to become suitable to a new or specialapplication or situation改装=modificationacute Extremely sharp or severe; intense强烈的=intenseKeenly perceptive or discerning; penetrating聪明的=sharpaccustomed Being in the habi

21、t of习惯的=used toaccumulate To gather or pile up; amass收集,堆集;积累=collectaccompany To be or go with as a companion陪伴=travel withaccompaniment Something, such as a situation, thataccompanies something else; a concomitant伴随状况伴随发生的事物=attendant An accompanying thing or circumstance; a concomitant伴随物伴随的事物或情况

22、;伴随物accommodate To provide for; supply with提供住处;供应=lodge To provide with temporary quarters, especially for sleeping提供住处acclaimed To be praised enthusiastically and often publicly;applauded喝彩地,赞赏地=praisedaccelerate To cause to develop or progress more quickly使加快=increased 建议背诵的50句英语口语 1Great minds t

23、hink alike. 英雄所见略同。2 Get going! 赶快动身吧. (用在开始行动时)3 Weve got to hit the road.我们要快点了. (和上一句用法相同,hit the road表现出紧急,很形象) 4 I cant place his face。我想不起来他是谁。(碰见帅哥或者美眉给你打招呼而你不记得他她是谁,这时可以用这个句子) 5 Once bitten , twice shy(一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳) 6 look at the big picture(以大局为重,在发生分歧之时可以用这句话来让每个人都三思)7 Im exhausted.(筋疲力尽,对新

24、驴懒惰如偶很少锻炼的人来说这句肯定有用)8 Ive got my second wind.(短暂休息后精力得以恢复,此时可用这个句子,意思是我的体力恢复了)9 My stomach is growling.(对于偶这样可以把任何一次活动都变成野炊郊游的人来说,此行最重要的一部分当然是吃了,这句意思是我的肚子呱呱叫了,很饿)10 Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.(既然很饿,那就饥不择食了)11 is now in season.(正是吃的好季节,比如西瓜,草莓,苹果桃子什么的)12 Lets grab a bite to eat(让我们赶紧吃点东西吧,一般

25、指时间很紧)13 This food is out of the world(此食只应天上有,人间哪得几回吃)14 What a bummer!(太扫兴了,原以为会来很多帅哥,结果却坐了一车美女,这时可以偷偷用一下这句话)15 First things first (要紧的事情先做,很多场合可以用到)16 its just my cup of tea(正合偶的口味,指人,事等等)16 Does suit your taste(合你的口味吗)17 Take it easy. easy dose it.(老驴对新驴这样说,慢慢来,别着急)18 Do as i said(老驴对新驴说:照我说的做,有

26、的时候抢匪也爱用这句,嘿嘿)19 Lets roll up our sleeves.(大家一起干吧,卷起袖子不就是要大干一场吗)20 Put it in my hands.(对于一个懒惰的,笨笨的,象偶一样的新驴有的时候也可以帮帮忙嘛,比如盛饭这样的小事偶就可以说:交给好了)21 Its a short-cut.(这是条近路) 22 Ill keep my fingers crossed for you(偶将为你祈祷,比如爬山过河的时候)23 One boy is a boy; two boys half boy; three boys no boy.(一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚

27、没水吃,领队GG可以用这样的话教育偶们要团结,要互相帮助,嘿嘿) 24 Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.(不要杞人忧天,嘿嘿,偶最喜欢的一句话) 25 Did you get the picture(你明白了没有?老驴给新驴讲解完毕后可以用这句话) 26 Be back in 30 minutes!(还是为领队GG准备的,一定要在三十分钟内回来)27 One more hour to go.(新驴走啊走,看不到头,问老驴还要走多远,老驴可以用此句)28 Time is running out.(没时间了。)29 To the b

28、est of my knowledge(就偶所知,老驴传授经验的开场白)30 As far as i know, (同上)31 Dont let me down.(别让偶失望,新驴问老驴问题是可以用,老驴让新驴实践时可以用, 你饿了半天问别人要吃的时候也可以用)32 Youll get it soon.(老驴说:你也很快会的)33 Pick up the pace.(快点)34 You are really something.)(新驴对老驴的赞美:你真了不起)35 You are something else.(同上)36 How did you manage to do that(你是怎样

29、做到的?新驴对老驴的景仰)37 I cant believe my eyes.(简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,还有这样美丽的地方,或者还有这样美丽的新驴MM,嘿嘿)38 It was really neat!(太棒了)39 Im dying for a coke.(我真想喝杯可乐,想死了。当然你也可以把coke换成wife,bf,cigarette什么的)40 wine in, truth out.(尤其是在可以喝酒的时候,可以用到,酒后吐真言)41 I cant carry a tune.(偶五音不全,不过此次活动请大家慎用,因为你五音不全就意味着也许你要跳舞给大家看)42 If you can

30、make it here, you can make it anywhere.(你在这里做到了在一切地方就都能做到)43 My hands are sweaty.(我很紧张,手心都出汗了,比如让你第一次攀岩,或者是当众表演节目)44 Ive got a butterfly in my stomach.(同上,与汉语心头小鹿撞异曲同工)45 No way (没门)46 its a piece of cake。its a snap.(小菜一碟)47 Go for it.(试一试)48 is driving me up a wall.(偶快被逼疯了,比如蚊子和野外的骄阳,寒风等等)49 Anythi

31、ng you say.(偶听你的。很乖巧的一句话,新驴必背)50 Im already locked into something else.(说了这么多结果你有别的事没法去了?没关系,着句就给你的,我已经有别的是要做了)TOEIC辭彙總結 PART I (13類)一, 與市場,運營情況有關的形容詞小結形容市場活躍, 繁榮1 dynamic 有活力的,有生機的2 prosperous 繁榮的3 brisk 興隆的4 volatile 不穩定的, 活躍浮動的 形容市場蕭條,不景氣5 bleak 慘澹淒涼的6 declining 下滑的,衰退的7 slump 委靡的8 sluggish 不景氣,蕭條的9 stagnant 停滯不前的, 蕭條的二, 關於是“商品”的小結10 merchandise 商品(集合名詞)(單數)11 goods 貨物(複)12 commodity 商品, 期貨futures 13 product 產品 14 produce 農產品

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