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1、GAMIT软件Track模块使用帮助GAMIT软件Track模块使用帮助TrackRT : Realtime GPS kinematic processing programTrackRTB : Realtime GPS kinematic processing program for use with BNCTrackRTr : Rinex file emulator of trackRT for post-processing evaluationRunstring:% trackRT % trackRTB where options are -m Host name of system

2、with real-time data port (Normally BNC would be running on this system) (Default local host) -p Port number on host supplying the data stream (Mandatory input). -f trackRT command file (similar to track command file) -r 4-char code for reference site. -d list of sites to be processed. If not specifi

3、ed all sites in data stream will be processed (there is a limit on maximum number of sites that can be processed depending on max_site in track. The reference code should NOT be given here.) -n Specifies a root name to which output will be directed (.out is appended for stdout output). Use in the po

4、s_root, sum_file and csv_file names the will be replaced by this string.Command file name must be given.% trackRTr Same list of option although -m, -p have no effect -d list of rinex files (site names are generated from the first 4-characters of rinex file names)VERSIONS:- - Fixed time-equate iin Sa

5、veObsA so that a differnce of more than seconds in needed for a new epoch (trackRT only) Added reference relative humidity for GPT. (120103) - Handle bad PRN from BNC where G23 = 203. - Version to handle missing satellites in SP3 files (110505) - Version to handler BNC and greater that is now output

6、ing ascii rather than binary data (trackRTB handles (110501) - Initial version 100301 (2010 March 1)INTRODUCTION:-TrackRT/TrackRTB and trackRTr have many commands that allow it be controlled both when started and during runs. Below the detailed commands are given and here we give the minimum command

7、s needed.SP3_DIR : (unless sp3 files are in the current directory)SITE_POS: Site positions must be given for every site to be processed. SITE_STATS: To set the apriori sigma and process noise for the sites. NOTE: The reference site position should be set to zero for the apriori sigma and process noi

8、se. Typical site_stats would be where cit1 here is the reference site. site_stats all cit1 ATM_STATS: By default atmospheric delays are not estimated, and normally these should be. Normally the reference site is set to zero when site separations are less the 500-1000km. Typical atm_stats command wou

9、ld be atm_stats all ! Unit m/sqrt(sec) - = 0.03 m/sqrt(day) cit1 If mixed antenna and receiver types are used ANTE_OFF: To specify the antenna heights and types and receiver typesANTMOD_FILE: Must be given to get the antenna phase center modelsRCV_TYPE: Needed for mixed receiver types (entry can be

10、specified in ANTE_OFF also and this command would not be needed).DCB_FILE: Up to date, data code bias (DCB) file (part of GAMIT ftp area).IncludingUPDATE_FILE is useful so that trackRT can be controlled on the fly.TrackRTB should be used for older versions of BNC. If no files are createdby trackRT o

11、r trackRTB (list of files should be listed shortly after the program is started) then try using the other version. The program are identicalexcept trackRTB is expecting a binary data stream. COMMANDS-Input/Output commands- SP3_DIR - Directory where sp3 files are stored - Center for orbits (default i

12、gs, igr and igu also tested) POS_ROOT Set the root part of the name for the output files. Root part of name. When included in the , the is replaced with the -n string. Duration of data in each file. The designations of d, h, or m may be used to specify the units of days, hours, minutes. Default is d

13、.The position file names take the form: (see commands below).The resolution of the which is modulo the output intervaldepends on the output duration. For output durations greater than orequal to 1-day, the time is given as YYYYMMDD. For intervals shorterthan 1-day, it is YYYYMMDD:HHMN. Minium output

14、 interval is 1 minute. SUM_FILE Sets the root part of the summary file name. Using in the namewith be replaced by the -n string. (Default if command is not givenis trackRT or the -n string when -n used). File names are time taggedaccording to the pos_root output interval. CSV_ROOT Set the root part

15、of the name for comma separated values (CSV) outputfile. These files are used for AmCharts web plots. DCB_FILE Set the name of the data-code-bias (DCB) file. This file is part of the GAMIT tables directory and should be updated regularly. It is used toremove biases in the Melbourne-Wubbena widelanes

16、. The receiver type canbe specified with the RCV_TYPE or ANTE_OFF commands. ANTMOD_FILE Sets the name of a standard IGS antex file with phase center models forthe GPS ground antennas. Antenna types at specific sites are given withthe ANTE_OFF command. This command my be used multiple times for sites

17、pecific model with new models replacing previously read ones. UPDATE_FILE Allows new trackRT commands to be issued during a run. Once the file is read it needs to be deleted before the trackRT will re-read it. File is only read if it exists. NOTE: File should be removed before trackRT isrun or else

18、it will be read when the command file is read (ie., it willoverwrite the commands in the command file. OUT_TYPE Specifies types of output coordinates. All types can specified in a single string with no spaces. The types areNEU - North, East, Up differences from the reference site or from the coordin

19、ates given in the REF_NEU command. GEOD - Geodetic latitude, longitude and height (in the GEOD format, the total atmosheric delay is given, while in the other formats the adjustment to the apriori delay is given).XYZ - Cartersian XYZ coordinatesDHU - Delta horizontal and Up coordinates from the apri

20、ori coordinates of each site (default output type) OUT_SIG_LIMIT Sets the maximum sigma of a position estimate for it to be output.If pseudorange data types are used, the default value of 1 m needsto increased to 10-100 meters. Analysis commands- DATA_NOISE PRNAllows specificiation of the noise in t

21、he L1 phase, L2 phase,P1 range and P2 range, and the weight given to elevation angledepepence (at ver ; variance is scale by (1+(W/sin(el)2) where W is the . These values affect the sigmas printed forthe position determinations Optional: PRN may be added and noise assigned to that PRN (ifnon-PRN for

22、m is used, this will replace all PRN specific valuesso use the non-PRN first followed by specific PRN values DATA_TYPE Specifies type of data to process. Types supported are L1 L2 LC P1 P1 PCwhich can be combined in a contiguous string. Files names include thisstring at the end.Vers : Only LC, LCPC

23、and PC have been tested. Specifically L1 only datahave not been fully implemented yet. USE_GPTGMF Set the used of the GPT temperature pressure model and the GPT dry and wetmapping functions. Optional relative humity added vers ; default .Default is the older MTT atmospheric model.Site and Antenna in

24、formationSite information is entered by first giving the command and then theinformation by site on the subsequent lines SITE_POS Site Site is the four character name of the site (more characters can be included but only the first 4 are checked). Site names that do not appeat in the listof sites to

25、be processed are ignored). The remainder of the line contains positon and velocity and the epoch in deciminal years to which the position refers. ANTE_OFF Site Specifies the type of antenna and its position of antena reference point (ARP) at each site. The antenna name including radome should be spe

26、cified with theofficial IGS name for a standard ANTEX file or with a unique name that appearsin the ANTEX file for site specific calibrations. (Note: There is oneadditional character in the long antenna and this extra characterbefore the radome name must be removed. The antenna name and radome can b

27、e copied directly from the rinex file if present. One more ANTEX files must bespecified with the ANTMOD_FILE command for the antenna names to be useful. The receiver type DCB code can be optionally specified here as well (See RCV_TYPE command). RCV_TYPE Site Specifies the type of data-code-bias (DCB

28、) correction needed for the receiver. Code specifies the type of L1 and L2 ranges being measures. The choices areP - Pcode, C - C/A and N C/A with cross corelation for L2 range. The codescan be found in gamit/tables/. These codes can also be given in theante_off command. An up-to-date DCB_FILE comma

29、nd must be used to specify theDCB biases. The files are available from the MIT ftp site and update once permonth. SITE_STATS Site Gives statistics to assign to the kinematic station positions. The are the three sigmas in XYZ for the initial postion and are the three sigmas for the random walk in position. Unitsof the ransom walk are m/ssqrt(s).ALL can be used for the station name and the same statistic

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