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1、上海中考英语冲刺讲义1冠词介词教师版中考冲刺讲义 第1讲T1考纲重点单词梳理中考重点单词A单词音标意思单词音标意思ambitionmbn雄心;野心applypla申请;应用activityktvt活动argue:ju:争论, 争吵abilityblt能力,才能arrangerend安排;布置advantagedv:ntd有利条件attracttrkt吸引,引起attentiontenn注意,关心apologizepldaz道歉amountmant数量,总数appearp(r)出现assistantsstnt助手,助理attacktk进攻,袭击awardw:d奖品,奖励automatic:tmt


3、自动地B单词音标意思单词音标意思balanceblns平衡beatbi:t打败battlebtl斗争bitebat咬、叮blanketblkt毯子basicbesk基本的bottombtm底部blindbland失明的brainbren大脑boringb:r无聊的backgroundbkgrand背景bravebrev勇敢的breathbre呼吸belowbl在下面Britainbrtn英国besidebsad在旁边broadcastbr:dk:st广播besidesbsadz而且believebli:v相信belongbl属于Write at least 60 words about the

4、 topic “I enjoy (reading, traveling, doing sports.)” 请以“我喜欢做”为题目,写一篇不少于60个词的短文。要求内容贴切,意思连贯。 请在答题纸上补充完整题目 (注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分)Use the following as your reference: What do you enjoy doing? Why do you enjoy doing it? What can you get/learn from it? I enjoy travelingIt is important for us a

5、ll to have at least one or two hobbies in our daily life. Some enjoy reading or writing, others are favor of playing basketball or football. As for me, traveling is one of my favorite hobbies.First, surrounded with much endless work and pressure,we sometimes feel tired and desperate, so going somewh

6、ere different is necessary to relax and change the way of thinking. Second, traveling can not only widen our horizons but also enrich our knowledge in many fields. Besides, experiencing different kinds of cultures is essential for our future life. In short, as far as I am concerned, traveling all ar

7、ound the world sounds so wonderful that I cant helping thinking working harder to achieve my ambition.解析:1.It is important for us all to have at least one or two hobbies in our daily life. It is+adj+for/of sb+to do sth 句型,作文里很好用的句型,at least 至少2.are favor of+doing,表示喜欢,可用于替代like,love,enjoy等词汇3.As for

8、 me, traveling is one of my favorite hobbies,which benefit me a great deal. 动名词做主语的句型,谓语动词用单数形式,As for me,至于我,对于我来说。4.surrounded with much endless work and pressure,we sometimes feel tired and desperate. Be surrounded with 被.包围,这里是过去分词做状语。5.traveling can not only widen our horizons but also enrich o

9、ur knowledge in many fields. Not only.but also 句型,不仅.而且;widen our horizons拓宽视野,对于基础的学生也可用widen our eyes; In many fields ,在很多方面。6.experiencing different kinds of cultures is essential for our future life. Essential重要的,基础的,可用于替代important,key等词7.In short,总之,这一类的词还有in a word, therefor等。二 专题-冠词,介词冠词:基础常考

10、点:1. 指定冠词与不定冠词: a(泛指)第一次提到,表“一个” The(特指)表示特指“这个”,通常指代上文中有所提及的事物或人。2. 元音发音要用an: 1) 通常以a,e,i,o,u开头的可数名词单数要用an2) 26个字母里面有些字母单独列出,也需要用an.口诀 “Mr. Line has a fox” 中的字母前都用an,其余都用ae.g. There is an “m” and a “p” in the word “map”.3. 球类前不加the,乐器前要加the。4. the +形容词表一类人。5. 独一无二事物,形容词最高级,序数词,方位名词前要加the。6. “the”表特

11、指搭配需注意: e.g. go to hospital 去看病 go to the hospital 去看病人 go to church 做礼拜 go to the church去教堂做特定的某件事7. 固定搭配需注意: e.g. go on a diet, make a living, at the same time等。易错点: 1. 以a, e, i, o, u开头的可数名词单数不用an,要用a:归纳可得:U开头发 “u” 本音的要用a,e.g. a useful book, a uniform, a university. U开头不发本音的都用an, e.g. an umbrella,

12、 an unusual dayO 在中考唯一特例是one,e.g. a one-day tripE 在中考唯一特列是European,e.g. a European country.2. 虽然不以a, e, i, o, u开头,但是仍然要用an:An honest boy, an hour3. 职位,称谓前不加the:e.g. The man, father of Tom, is a good man.We chose David to be chairman of our country.4. 汉语拼音前不加the:e.g. Yangpu Bridge is one of the longe

13、st bridges in China. 介词:基础常考点:1. 表时间区别: (l)in, on, at in常同“上午、下午、晚上、年、月、周、四季、世纪”等连用; on表示在具体的某一天,或具体到某一天的上午、下午或晚上; at 一般表示一个时间点,指某一点时间或在岁时。 (2)after, in after+表示时间的名词短语,通常和过去时连用,in+表示时间的名词短语,通常和将来时连用。但如果是时间点的话,只能用after。2. 表示地点的介词 (l)on, in, at on表示在一个平面的上面,并和这个平面接触;m在空间的内部;at在某个位置点。 (2)above, over a

14、bove表示“在上方”,只高于某物,不是正上方,与below相反;over表示“正上方”,与under相反。 (3)between, among between表示在两者之间,among指在三者或三者以上之间。 (4)through,across through表示从空间位置的穿过,across表示从表面位置的经过。 (5)in, on, toin表示在范围之内,on表示两地方相邻或接壤,to表示在范围之外。3 表方式介词用法4 表方位介词用法 易错点:1. In front of/ in the front of 区别:In front of 表示在前面,in the front of 表示

15、在的前端2. besides,except,except for besides表示除了一部分还有另部分,表示附加;except表示“从总体中排除一部分”,表示排斥;except for表示整体中的一部分3. 固定搭配需注意巩固专项突破冠词:1. Do you know that street is _ one-way street?A. a B. an C. the D. /【解析】空格后one不发原因,属于特例,故选A,此题极易误选成B.【答案】A2. John is _ university student. He will be made _ monitor of his class.

16、A. an . the B. a. a C. a. / D. an. the【解析】本题第一空后的university发u本音,不是原因开头,故只能用a,第二空monitor班长是职位,前面不能加the.【答案】C3. People in the west generally go to _ church on Christmas Day.A) a B) an C) the D) /【解析】本题意为西方人通常在圣诞节去教堂做礼拜,固定词组go to church表示做礼拜,加了the就是其他意思了。【答案】D介词:1. The landslide (泥石流) in Zhouqu, Gansu

17、happened _. A. on August 7, 2019 B. in August 7, 2019 C. in 2019, August 7 D. on August 7, in 2019【解析】 本题考查的是介词表示时间的用法。2010年8月7日是具体的一天,故只能用on,排除了BC后,D选项中有两个介词【答案】A2. Fangfangs English composition is excellent _ a few spelling mistakes.A. except B. except for C. besides D. as well as【解析】本句意为芳芳的英语作文很好

18、除了一些拼写错误,拼写错误是英语作文的一部分。 【答案】B3. My aunt arrived in Shanghai _ the evening of October 20th, she wanted to visit the World Expo. A. on B. in C. to D. at【解析】本题也是具体到了10月20日的晚上,故只能选A,千万不能因为in the evening而选B。【答案】A三冲刺综合基础训练-II.Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)26. The weather report says it will be cl

19、oudy tomorrow, Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A) /klu:di/ B) /kb:di/ C) /klaudi/ D) /kludi/27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A) Online shopping is both cheap and convenient. B) Mary seemed to be very ple

20、ased with the beauty around her. C) Id like to have some bread for my breakfast tomorrow. D) Look! The children are playing on the beach with the ball.28. We should always offer our help to old when they need help in their life. A) an B) the C) / D) a29.1 know of the twins have been to Hainan Island

21、 before.A) neither B) either C) both D) none30. What happened the passengers on the Flight MH 730 on March 8?A) for B)on C) wife D) to【解析】sth happen to sb某人发生了某事31. Learning to do some team work with _ is important in our daily life. A) the others B) other C) another D) others31. Pet raisers should

22、look after their pets carefully, they wont be allowed to keep them any longer.A) so B)or C)and D)but33. There a football match between these two teams in Shanghai Indoor Stadium.A) will have B) will be have C) is going to be D) is going to have【解析】there be句型不用have连接,所以选C.34. 100,000 yuan is a large

23、amount of money, but its than we need for the new flat.A) far less B) much fewer C) far more D) much little【解析】此处钱表示不可数名词,比较级用less,选A.35. The new software can help us call a taxi immediately, so we wait too long.A) neednt to B) neednt C) dont need D) not need to36. Could you tell us we are going to

24、have the meeting this Friday afternoon?A) what B) where C) who D) which【解析】we are going to have the meeting this Friday afternoon句子完整,所以用where,why,when,how,选B.37. Every day students in our school will do outdoor activities there is a heavy haze(雾霾).A) unless B) while C) until D) since38. She shouted

25、 with friends and then stood up she could see the film stars clearly.A) in order B) as C) such as D) so that【解析】此处we could see the film stars clearly完整句子所以B或者D,站起来为了看清楚,所以用so that为了,以便。39. Im sorry that youve missed the last bus. It only five minutes ago. said the man.A) has left B) had left C) woul

26、d leave D) left【答案】ago一般过去式标志词40.1 didnt hear anyone knocking at the door because I to music in my room.A) was listening B) listened C) have listened D) am listening41. You had better with her about the colour and the size of the furniture.A) discussed B) discussing C) to discuss D).discuss【答案】had b

27、etter do sth最好做某事42. you have seen the film for three times, you must know something about the hero.A) Although B) Since C) Unless D)When【答案】since既然43. He told us that the insurance company _ him 500,000 yuan if his car was stolen. A) will pay B) paid C) has paid D) would pay【答案】宾语从句,主过从过,过去将来时。44.

28、I think this pair of shoes looks nicer than that one. . In my opinion, that white pair is better.A) Thats a good idea. B) I think so, too.C) I dont agree. D) No problem.45. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Shanghai Auto Museum? A) Yes, I could. B) Sorry, Im busy now.C) Im sorry Im new here, t

29、oo. D) You may ask the man over there.【答案】26-30 CCBCD 31-35 DBCAB 36-40 BADDA 41-45 DBDCCIII.Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box.Each can only be used once.A. either B. hundreds of C. since D. after E. possible Hundreds of years ago, news was carried from place to place by people on foot or by horse. It took days, weeks and sometimes months for people to receive news. Now, it

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