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五年级英语上学期综合检测卷四 人教新目标版.docx

1、五年级英语上学期综合检测卷四 人教新目标版2019年五年级英语上学期综合检测卷一、单项选择(20分)1(2分)t _ _ _ d (累的)A.rieB.ireC.ier2(2分)找出与其他三个不同类的一项。A.openB.closeC.boxD.play3(2分)选出不同类的一项。A.readB.dayC.go4(2分)选出下列单词画线部分读音不同的一项。(1)()A.orangeB.saladC.hamburger(2)()A.teaB.breadC.cream(3)()

2、nkC.ice5(2分)I can play _ piano.A./B.the6(2分)选出画线部分发音不同的一项。A.howB.yellowC.mouth7(2分)选出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的一项。(1)balloonA.footB.tooC.good(2)noseA.roseB.dogC.frog(3)cakeA.gladB.plateC.can(4)分)There _ a desk and four chairs in the room.A.isB.areC.am9(2分)_ Jack l

3、ike?一Hes nice.A.WhatB.WhatsC.How10(2分)选出下列每组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。(1)()A.creamB.breadC.healthy(2)()A.slowB.windowC.cow(3)()A.pearB.dearC.ear(4)()二、单词拼写(5分)11(1分)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。(1)We have computer class, music class, Chinese class and PE on F.(2)I have E, science

4、and art on Thursdays.(3)I have a hamburger and some milk for breakfast on M.(4)We have C on Tuesdays.(5)I have maths, art and music on W.12(1分)看图写短语或单词。(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)13(1分)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词,完成句子。(1)What is your sister l?She is quiet and friendly.(2)In England, Sunday is the first day of a week. T ist

5、he third day.(3)What would you like to eat?Id like some r and beef.(4)I like candy. It is s.14(1分)根据汉语提示,将打乱的字母组成相应的单词。b r o p e l m (问题)15(1分)按要求写单词。(1)children (单数)(2)lets (完整形式)(3)house (复数)(4)are not (缩写形式)(5)tall (近义词)三、补全对话(10分)16(10分)阅读对话,根据上下文选择合适的句子将对话补充完整,将其序号填在横线上。Tom:1, Mike.Mike: Good m

6、orning.Tom: What do you do on Saturdays and Sundays?Mike: I often 2Tom: 3Mike: I like carrots, because4Tom:5Mike:Youre welcome.A.they are fresh and healthy.B.Thank you, Mike.C.draw pictures and play ping-pong.D.Whats your favourite food?E.Good morning四、翻译(20分)17(10分)为下列句子选择正确的汉语翻译。A. 她什么样?B. 他很严厉,但有

7、时他很和蔼。C. 公园后面有一所大房子吗?D. 我想要一些果汁。E. 你想吃什么?F. 书桌上有一些书。G. 你最喜欢的食物是什么?H. 星期二你有什么课?(1)Whats your favourite food?(2)Whats she like?(3)What do you have on Tuesdays?(4)What would you like to eat?(5)Is there a big house behind the park?(6)Hes strict, but sometimes hes kind.(7)Id like some juice.(8)There are

8、some books on the desk.18(10分)英汉互译。(1)What do you do on the weekend?(2)我经常打乒乓球。(3)What do you do on Mondays?(4)我喜欢星期日。(5)I often play football.五、完形填空(10分)19(10分) Mr White works in a middle school. He 1 English. He is friendly to his 2 and they also like him. He spends 3 time on his work. He often do

9、es some reading and writing. When hes 4, he is also very busy with his work, so he cant help his wife to do any 5. His wife is always angry with him. Its Saturday. Their daughter Kate is 6 her homework in her bedroom. Mrs White finds her 7 is out. She hopes her daughter will say shes 8 than her husb

10、and. She gives an apple to Kate and asks, 9 is cleverer, your father or I? Can you guess what the girls 10 is? Im the cleverest in my family! Kate says without thinking.(1)A.teachesB.watchesC.studiesD.reads(2)A.friendsB.studentsC.workersD.drivers(3)A.manyB.littleC.muchD.any(4) t

11、he home(5)A.houseworkB.homeworkC.schoolworkD.lessons(6)A.makingB.doingC.lookingD.finding(7)A.motherB.brotherC.husbandD.teacher(8)A.goodB.bestC.betterD.bad(9)A.WhoseB.WhatC.WhyD.Who(10)A.answerB.playC.singD.think六、阅读理解(20分)20(10分)阅读书信,判断正误。Dear John, Im your friend Lily. I just moved in

12、to a house. The house is very dirty. There are some pictures in the room. There are some pencils, rulers and crayons on the floor. There are many books on the bed. Please help me.Lily(1)The house is not very dirty.(2)There are some pictures in the room.(3)There are some photos on the bed.(4)There ar

13、e some pencils on the floor.21(10分)阅读并判断对错。 It is a nice day. John and Jim go to a nature park. There is a big forest in the park. There is a beautiful lake near the forest and they can see some fishin it. There is a bridge over the river in front of the lake. They take some pictures on the bridge.

14、They want to climb the mountains, but they have no time.(1)There are many trees in the park.(2)There are some fishin the forest.(3)John and Jim can see a bridge in the park.(4)There are some mountains in the park.(5)John and Jim climb a mountain in the park.七、书面表达(15分)22(15分)连词成句。(1)is, but, Robin,

15、short, strong (.)(2)can, speak, he, Chinese, English, and (.)(3)is, very, he, at, helpful, home (.)(4)makes, finish, me, he, homework, my (!)(5)robots, have, I, two (.)答案一、单项选择1【答案】B【解析】考查形容词。tired 累的,故选B。2【答案】C【解析】考查词性。open 打开;close 关闭;box 盒子;play 玩。box 是名词,与其他动词不同类,故选C。3【答案】B【解析】考查词性。read 阅读;day 一

16、天;go 去。day 是名词,与其他动词不同类,故选B。4【答案】(1)A (2)B (3)C (4)C (5)B 【解析】1. 字母 a 在 salad,hamburger 中发/,在 orange 中发/。故选A。2. 字母组合 ea 在 tea,cream 中发/i:/,在 bread 中发/e/。故选B。3. 字母组合 ow 在 yellow,window 中发/,在 how 中发/a/。故选C。4. 字母组合 ow 在 cow,flower 中发/a/,在 snow 中发/。故选C。5. 字母 i 在 like,ice 中发/a/,在 drink 中发/。故选B。5【答案】B【解析】

17、考查定冠词。句意:我会弹钢琴。英语中,表示演奏乐器时,乐器前要加定冠词 the,故选B。6【答案】B【解析】考查常见字母组合的发音。字母组合 ow 在 how 中发/a/,在 yellow 中发/,字母组合 ou 在 mouth 中发/a/,故选B。7【答案】(1)B (2)A (3)B (4)B (5)B 【解析】1. 字母组合 oo 在 balloon,too 中发/u:/,在 foot,good 中发/。故选B。2. 字母 o 在 nose,rose 中发/,在 dog,frog 中发/。故选A。3. 字母 a 在 cake,plate 中发/e/,在 glad,can 中发/。故选B。

18、4. 字母组合 oo 在 look,book 中发/,在 zoo,food 中发/u:/。故选B。5. 字母 i 在 write,ride 中发/a/,在 pig,rid 中发/。故选B。8【答案】A【解析】考查主谓一致。句意:房间里有一张桌子和四把椅子。there be 结构遵循就近原则,离 be 动词最近的 a desk 是单数,be 动词要用 is,故选A。9【答案】B【解析】考查疑问代词和 be 动词。句意:杰克什么样?他很友好。根据答语可知问句问的是“他什么样”,询问他人的外貌特征或性格特点的句型为“What+be 动词+主语+like?”,主语 Jack 是第三人称单数,be 动词

19、要用 is,故选B。10【答案】(1)A (2)C (3)A (4)C (5)C 【解析】1. 字母组合 ea 在 bread,healthy 中发/e/,在 cream 中发/i:/。2. 字母组合 ow 在 slow,window 中发/,在 cow 中发/a/。3. 字母组合 ear 在 dear,ear 中发/,在 pear 中发/e/。4. 字母组合 ow 在 yellow,follow 中发/,在 wow 中发/a/。5. 字母组合 ee 在 beef,sweet 中发/i:/,字母 e 在 pen 中发/e/。二、单词拼写11【答案】(1)Friday(2)English(3)M

20、onday(4)Chinese(5)Wednesday【解析】【略】。12【答案】(1)do homework(2)watch TV(3)Saturday(4)read books(5)play computer games【解析】1. 根据图片可知是做作业,do homework 做作业,符合题意。2. 根据图片可知是看电视,watch TV 看电视,符合题意。3. 根据图片可知是星期六,Saturday 星期六,符合题意。4. 根据图片可知是看书,read books 看书,符合题意。5. 根据图片可知是玩电脑游戏,play computer games 玩电脑游戏,符合题意。13【答案】

21、(1)like(2)Tuesday(3)rice(4)sweet【解析】1. 句意:你的姐姐什么样?她很安静并且很友好。like 在这里是介词,意为“怎么样”。2. 句意:在英国,星期天是一周的第一天,星期二是第三天。Tuesday 星期二,符合语境。3. 句意:你想要吃什么?我想要一些米饭和牛肉。由句意和首字母提示可知,rice 米饭,符合语境。4. 句意:我喜欢糖果。它很甜。由句意和首字母提示可知,sweet 甜的,符合语境。14【答案】problem【解析】problem 问题。15【答案】(1)child(2)let us(3)houses(4)arent(5)high【解析】1. c

22、hildren 的单数形式是 child。2. lets 的完整形式是 let us。3. house 的复数形式是 houses。4. are not 的缩写形式是 arent。5. tall和 high 都表示“高的”。三、补全对话16【答案】(1)E (2)C (3)D (4)A (5)B 【解析】1. 根据下句“Mike: Good morning.”可知该空是在打招呼,故选E。2. 根据上句“Tom: What do you do on Saturdays and Sundays?”可知该空是在问做什么,根据“Mike: I often”可知该空是动作,故选C。3. 根据下句“Mik

23、e: I like carrots”可知该空是在问“你最喜欢的食物是什么”,故选D。4. 根据前句“Mike: I like carrots, because”可知该空缺少完整的句子,是由because 引导的原因句。故选A。5. 根据下句“Mike:Youre welcome.”可知该空是在表达感谢,故选B。四、翻译17【答案】(1)G(2)A(3)H(4)E(5)C(6)B(7)D(8)F【解析】1.Whats your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么?故选G。2.Whats she like?她什么样?故选A。3.What do you have on Tuesday

24、s?星期二你有什么课?故选H。4.What would you like to eat?你想吃什么?故选E。5.Is there a big house behind the park?公园后面有一所大房子吗?故选C。6.Hes strict, but sometimes hes kind.他很严厉,但有时他很和蔼。故选B。7.Id like some juice.我想要一些果汁。故选D。8.There are some books on the desk.书桌上有一些书。故选F。18【答案】(1)周末你都做什么?(2)I often play ping-pong.(3)星期一你都做什么?(4

25、)I like Sundays.(5)我经常踢足球。【解析】1.What do you do on the weekend?周末你都做什么?2. I often play ping-pong.我经常打乒乓球。3.What do you do on Mondays?星期一你都做什么?4. I like Sundays.我喜欢星期日。5.I often play football.我经常踢足球。五、完形填空19【答案】(1)A (2)B (3)C (4)D (5)A (6)B (7)C (8)C (9)D (10)A 【解析】1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他教英语。teach 教;watch 看;study 学习;read 读。根据“Mr White works in a middle school.”可知他应该是教英语,故选A。2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他对他的学生很友好,他们也喜欢他。friend朋友;student学生;worker工人;driver司机。根据文章第一、二句可知他是英语老师,所以应该是对学生们很好,故选B。3. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他在工作上花了很多时间。many 许多,修饰可数名词复数;little 不多的,修饰不可数名词;much 许多,修饰不可数名词;any 一些,

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