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1、奥鹏华中师范大学课程考试大学英语1考前练兵资料及答案doc单选题1.Having decided to rent a flat, we _ contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.A.set aboutB.set downC.set outD.set up答案: A2.If it quite _ to you, I will visit you next Tuesday.A.convenientB.fairC.easyD.comfortable答案: A3.He works too hard. That is _is wron

2、g with him.A.that whichB.that whatC.whatD.the thing what答案: C4.Jane said she _ sending e-mails _ letters.A.preferred ; to writingB.preferred ; to writeC.prefers ; writingD.prefers ; to writing答案: A5.Sally _ in an office in central workB.WorkC.works答案: C6.Please be careful when you are dr

3、inking coffee in case you _ the new carpet.A.crashB.polluteC.spotD.stain;答案: D7.Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular _.A.gapsB.rateC.lengthD.intervals答案: B8.The professor paused as if _ his students to ask question on the point he had just

4、 have expectedD.expected答案: B9.It has been over 350 years _ the first settlements in the United States were made by Europeans.A.afterB.beforeC.sinceD.for答案: C10.Jack _ a very promising young looked upon asB.looks upon looked on likeD.looks upon like

5、答案: A11.She had _ such a lot during her visit that all her colleagues(同事) admired her very much.A.accomplishedB.finishedC.completeD.fulfill答案: A12.If you _ to meet xiao liu, tell her to come at once.A.happenB.intendC.attemptD.expect答案: A13.She was, _ fame and fortune, basically an unhappy

6、spite spite ofC.spiteD.except答案: B14.Not that John doesnt want to help you, _ its beyond his thatB.but thatC.for thatD.and that答案: B15.If I have a good sleep Ill be _ to work out the problem.A.possibleB.ableC.capableD.reasonable答案: B16.The play ends with the heroine _ desperately a

7、s her lover resolutely walks away.A.soakingB.soaringC.sobbingD.sobering答案: C17.Fresh air, enough exercise and nutritious food _ to sound health.A.appealB.contributeC.addD.distribute答案: B18.If you _ the bottle and cigarettes, youll be much healthier.A.take offB.keep offC.get offD.set off答案: B19.Physi

8、cs is _ to the science which was called natural philosophy in history.A.alikeB.equivalentC.likelyD.uniform答案: B20.You neednt thank me . This is what I _ do.A.should be able toB.had betterC.ought toD.might答案: C21.My mother is a doctor. She is ( ) medicine.A.fromB.atC.in答案: C22.My wife said she _ a cl

9、assmate of hers in the street today.A.caught sight ofB.caught glance ofC.lost sight ofD.took a glance at答案: A23.They told the story as if it _ to them.A.has happenedB.happenedC.had happenedD.would happen答案: C24.This radio is _ than that one.A.more expensiveB.very expensiveD.much expens

10、ive答案: A25.If only the committee _ the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible.A.approveB.will approveC.can approveD.would approve答案: B26.My father told me to be an honest man on numerous _ .A.situationsB.occasionsC.chancesD.environments答案: A27.The train pulled and all the passenger

11、s got, offB.up, onC.down, outD.out, off答案: A28.To his mothers relief, the naughty boy emerged _ the crowd.A.amidstB.from amidstC.behindD.from behind答案: D29.People such as teachers, government officials and bank managers earn _.A.wagesB.incomeC.salariesD.pay答案: C30.We didnt know his telephone n

12、umber; otherwise we _ him.A.must have telephonedB.would have telephonedC.would telephoneD.had telephoned答案: B31.The new appointment of our president _ from the very beginning of next semester.A.takes effectB.takes partC.takes placeD.takes turns答案: A32. Jim, its so nice of you to help me. _.A.My plea

13、sureB.Youre rightC.No problemD.Its my turn答案: A33.Please out when the ship sails for Shanghai.A.lookB.findC.searchD.research答案: B34.I just _ at the office for most of the day, and I do no exercise.A.sit aroundB.sit inC.sit down答案: A35.When _ for London? she flyingB.she fliesC.she is going to fly

14、答案: A36.Do you mind my smoking here? _.A.No, thanks.B.Yes, I do.C.Yes. Id rather not.D.Good idea.答案: B37.The car accident_the drivers carelessness.A.resulted fromB.led toC.ended inD.tended to答案: A38.Not until the game had begun _ at the sports ground.A.should he have arrivedB.had he arrivedC.did he

15、arrivedD.would he have arrived答案: C39.Tomorrow is my birthday. _.A.Oh, I have a good idea.B.I am glad you like it.C.Many happy returns of the day!D.You must be very happy.答案: C40.There he _ his English, and learnt bookkeeping, accounting, shorthand and correspondence.A.enabledB.completedC.improvedD.

16、discovered答案: C41.If you _ to misunderstand your parents, youll make it difficult to decline the generation gap (代沟).A.thinkB.selectC.chooseD.ask答案: C42.Id rather read than watch television; the programs seem _ all the get be getting have got worseD.getting worse答案: C43

17、.The human _ is the center of higher nervous activity.A.brainB.mindC.headD.thought答案: A44.A: _ is the nearest chemists? B: On the corner.A.WhatB.WhereC.How答案: B45.His two-year-old daughter _ his research report _ pieces.A.toreintoB.tore inC.tore outD.toreoff答案: B46.The strong storm did a lot of dama

18、ge to the coastal villages: several fishing boats were _ and many houses collapseA.wreckedB.spoiledC.tornD.injured答案: D47.Jack has arrived already,A.had heB.has heC.hadnt heD.hasnt he答案: D48.His work suggests that he_ ready for more responsibility now.A.wasB.isC.may beD.should be答案: B49.This is the

19、_ piano on which the computer created some of this great works.A.actualB.genuineC.realD.original答案: A50.There is _ traffic on the streets after the rush hour.A.noneB.fewerC.lessD.few答案: C51.Now the _ between the rich and the poor countries has become even wider.A.differentB.differC.gapD.distinction答

20、案: C52.Sallys parents _ come and stay with her soon.A.are goingB.are going going to答案: B53.The school required that every student _ to his/her dormitory before 11:30 at night.A.returningB.returnsC.returnedD.return答案: C54.Hello, _ Franco Rossi speaking. Can I speak to Polly Williams?A.this isB

21、.he isC.I am答案: A55.The crowd suddenly burst into loud _.A.laughB.laughtersC.laughingD.laughter答案: D56.Rose is _ easy-going than Frank in the interview.A.muchB.manyC.much more答案: C57. You seem to show interest in cooking. What? _, Im getting tired of it.A.On the contraryB.To the contraryC.On the oth

22、er handD.To the other hand答案: A58.The president made a _ speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, which encouraged the sportsmen greatly.A.vigorousB.tediousC.flatD.harsh答案: A59.A: So, do you like the cinema near Hyde Park?B: Yes, I _ lovingC.loves答案: A60.They didnt guarant

23、ee to _ me a job when I asked them to help me.A.discoverB.inventC.find outD.find答案: D61.By next summer John in his factory for three years.A.have been workingB.will have been workingC.will be workingD.has worked答案: B62.Her parents were very _ because she was out so late that night.A.responsibleB.sor

24、ryC.worriedD.overcome答案: C63.Last year the advertising rate _ by 20 percent.A.raisedB.arousedC.aroseD.rose答案: B64.At first, she was talking about the problem of pollution, but suddenly she _to another subject.A.committedB.transformedC.shiftedD.favored答案: C65.I have a headache. Would you please _ the

25、 TV?A.turn upB.turn onC.turn offD.turn over答案: C66.Despite such a big difference in _towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special.A.pointB.ideaC.attitudeD.sight答案: C67.You had a shock when you heard the news, _ you?A.hadntB.didntC.woul

26、dntD.wont答案: B68.How do I _ the gym?A.get toB.arriveC.go答案: A69.You dont have to describe her. I _ her several times.A.had metB.have metC.metD.meet答案: B70.Both kindness and firmness are needed to _ domestic animals successfully.A.practiceB.trainC.educateD.tutor答案: B71.Its nearly seven oclock. Jack _

27、 be there at any moment.A.mustB.needC.should答案: C72.Harry was _ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.A.stungB.bittenC.strickenD.hit答案: A73.Their dialogue was so funny that we all _ laughterA.broke intoB.broke upC.broke awayD.broke out答案: A74.Most of the applicants have been admitted to the prog

28、ram. But that is not the _ with Peter.A.trueB.wayC.caseD.result答案: C75.Im bad at spelling, but Jane is _ me.A.bad withB.worse thanC.less than答案: B76.The students hurried to the classroom the bell soon that答案: B77.A: Im keen on football. B: So _ I.A.haveB.doC.am答案: C78.Building the railways from Beijing to Jiulong _ the construction of more than ten bridges.A.involvedB.evolvedC.revolvedD.violate答案: A79.A number of students _ provided with this opportunity to study abroad.A.have beenB.has beenC.haveD.is答案: A80.A:

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