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1、视听说58单元答案Unit 5Lesson A1 Vocabulary LinkB Answers:1. purchase, employs2. develops, ship, manage3. advertise, compete2 ListeningA. Track 4-5-1Answers:Richard Branson, Virgin Group (Ltd.)B. Track 4-5-2Answers:1,3,4,5,7,83 SpeakingBTrack 4-5-3Answers:about, a large number of, over, up to4 Communication

2、Track 4-5-4Answers:1. a hobby2. students3. Jerry and Davids Guide4. computers5. grew quickly6. Internet7. millions of8. information9. e-mail services10. profitOptional Listening 1ATrack 4-5-OL-1Answers: 1. for mountain climbing2. for trimming hair3. for relaxing4. for opening bottles5. for slicing f

3、ood6. for cleaning tonguesOptional Listening 2BTrack 4-5-OL-3Answers:1. April 4, 19752. Bill Gates and Paul Allen3. Redmond, Washington, United States4. Worldwide5. Microsoft Windows operating systems Microsoft Office suite computer hardware products home entertainment products6. nearly 90,000 in 10

4、5 countries by 2008Optional Listening 3ATrack 4-5-OL-4Answers: 1. department stores, shopping malls2. put up their Christmas window displays3. companies just want them to spend more money4. we can start thinking about what we really need in lifeBTrack 4-5-OL-5Answers:1. Buy Nothing Day2. They should

5、nt spend any money for 24 hours.3. In over 15 countries.4. Canada5. The start of the Christmas shopping season.6. People are forgetting the real meaning of the holidays.7. Peoples idea about shopping.Optional Listening 4AAnswers: 1. b 2. d 3. e 4. g 5. f 6. a 7. c 8. hBTrack 4-5-OL-6Answers:1. a 2.

6、bCTrack 4-5-OL-7Answers:Word-of-Mouth Advertising:Its free; Its much more believable;The company doesnt have to create a complex business plan to advertise products; etc.Paid Media Advertising:It can sound insincere or unconvincing; etc.Lesson BPart 1 Video Course 2 While You WatchAAnswers:2. e 3. a

7、 4. f 5. d 6. cBAnswers:1. executives2. brochures3. smoothie4. word of mouth5. flyers6. a janitorial servicePart 2 Video Course 1 PreviewBAnswers:1. f 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. d2 While You WatchAAnswers:Sentences 2, 4, 5 and 8 are True.1.False; commercial, not a film school project3.False; was sick, n

8、ot had to study6.False; satisfactory, not unsatisfactory7.False; make more tapes, not remake the tapeCAnswers:(1) that should do it.(2) Check!(3) Hello there!(4) The most successful(5) Excellent quality(6) Great design(7) Affordable prices(8) Why(9) Stylish(10) 100% genuine(11) Talk about(12) Folks(

9、13) The best product(14) The right price(15) Encore3 After You WatchA Group work.Answers:2. flowers3. skies4. news5. driving6. worldOptional Listening 5Track 4-5-OL-8Answers:1. shoot2. president3. starring4. founded5. show off6. describes7. lies down on it8. falls asleep9. when the phone rings10. so

10、 they have decided to hireUnit 6Lesson A1 Vocabulary LinkBAnswers:1. summer house2. limousine driver3. designer clothes4. private school5. personal trainer6. luxury suite7. credit card8. private jet9. spending money2 ListeningATrack 4-6-1Answers:The Burj Al Arab Hotel.Track 4-6-2Answers:1. P 2. P 3.

11、 R 4. R 5. B 6. B 7. P 8. P3 SpeakingBTrack 4-6-3Answers:The man bought the tickets. His friend won the prize.DPair workSuggested answers:1. She was in a car accident/crashed her car/drove her car into a tree.2. His girlfriend broke up with him/left him.3. His wallet was stolen./A thief stole his wa

12、llet.Optional Listening 1ATrack 4-6-OL-1Answers: bBTrack 4-6-OL-2Answers:1. D 2. D 3.JC 4. JC 5. D 6. D 7. J 8. JOptional Listening 2ATrack 4-6-OL-3Answers:1. a brand new, 20th2. Josephs friendBTrack 4-6-OL-4Answers:1. When she was a university student.2. Not at all. It was an old little red toyata.

13、3. She worked the whole summer vacation in a restaurant.4. Yes, she did. She took all her friends driving around every weekend.5. An accident destroyed the car.Optional Listening 3AAnswers:1. f 2. d 3. c 4. b 5.e 6. aBTrack 4-6-OL-5Answers:1. 60 hours.2. She was working so hard to pay for a big hous

14、e, expensive furniture, a new car, and all the other “important” things in life.3. Going out on her old houseboat.4. She hears ducks and birds.5. She can go fishing from her living room.6. On weekends, she goes along the river on her boat, exploring new places.CTrack 4-6-OL-6Answers: 2 4 6Optional L

15、istening 4BTrack 4-6-OL-7Answers:1. They will sell their knowledge about using plants as medicine.2. They will get jobs and education for their people to save their culture and language.3. The monks record and sell their music.4. They use the money for summer camps for teenagers.CTrack 4-6-OL-8Answe

16、rs:1. False 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False 6. TrueLesson BPart 1 2 While You WatchAAnswers:2.f 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.h 7.g 8.eBAnswers:2. Calum: take a holiday3. Natalie; buy a car or cars; buy a house; invest money for the future4. Dave: spend it (money) as fast as possible; buy a car or carsPart 2 Vide

17、o Course 1 PreviewBAnswers:1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. c2 While You WatchAnswers:2. False; everything, not nothing3. True4. False; land, not luck5. False; never, not always6. False; in Europe, not on a farm in Minnesota7. True8. False; doesnt have enough cashCAnswers:(1) apparently (2)Youre kidding! (3)

18、I never knew (4) or anything (5)and that was it (6) Wow! (7)could you not have known (8) Im telling you (9) And no one knew (10)In fact (11) No wonder (12) Who would have (13) Im a little short on (14) Im good for it3 After You WatchBAnswers:1. yes2. yes3. single4. as much as possible5. no6. discoun

19、t stores7. yes8. invest it9. 7-8 hours10. yes, alwaysOptional Listening 5Track 4-6-OL-9Answers:1. lawyer2. turns out3. has left everything to4. will5. well-off6. never spent any money7. investing in land8. treat them all to dinner9. short on cash10. borrow money to pay for dinnerUnit 7Lesson A2. Lis

20、teningTrack 4-7-1A. cTrack 4-7-2B. 1. a, b, d2. b, c3. SpeakingTrack 4-7-3Suggested answers:spraying words on wallsOptional listening 1A.Track 4-7-OL-1Answer: 1B. Track 4-7-OL-2Answers:Tyra: S, SMatt: C, SMercedes: C, CCTrack 4-7-OL-3Answers:1. Tyra 2. Matt 3. Mercedes 4. Matt 5. MattOptional Listen

21、ing 2Track 4-7-OL-4Answers:He is complaining about a broken traffic light in his community.B Track 4-7-OL-5Answers:1. traffic accidents2. in danger3. traffic control4. the Department of Traffic Control to solve the problem immediatelyOptional Listening 3ATrack 4-7-OL-6Answers:John: know our neighbor

22、s wellSusan: are not very frequentBTrack 4-7-OL-7Answers:John: 1. False; neighborhood watch, not patrolling 2. True 3. False; put signs in our window, not put up noticesSusan: 1. True 2. False; in cars, not by bike 3. True 4. False; on foot or on bicycle, not in carsOptional Listening 4ASuggested an

23、swers:1. Yes, because the human population has increased very quickly in the last few decades.2. Yes, because women should benefit from family planning programs and have more education and job opportunities.BTrack 4-7-OL-8Answers:1. d 2. c 3. a 4. bC. Track 4-7-OL-9Answers:1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. FLe

24、sson B8就Part 1 Video course2. While you watchA. 2. dont have 3. noise 4. fire 5. a lot 6. bothersB. 2. Nick: a 3. Melinda: e 4. Alejandra: e 5. Jennifer: c 6. Gian: bPart 2 Video course1. PreviewB. 1. c 2. f 3. b 4. c 5. d 6. a2. While you watchA. 2, 3, 6, 4, 5, 1C. 1. Do you have a couple of minute

25、s 2. Sure 3. Why not. 4. This wont tak8e long. 5. I agree. 6. Me too. 7. I totally agree. 8. I guess. 9. it goes the other way too 10. Yeah, but if youre really 11. Where do I start? 12. Theres not enough 13. there arent enough 14. I totally disagree!Optional Listening 5Track 4-7-OL-10Answers:1. sur

26、vey2. noise pollution3. what they like best4. points out5. affordable apartments6. rude people7. disagrees with8. too much to enjoy9. arguing about the issues10. she doesnt know addsUnit 8Lesson A1. Vocabulary linkB. 1. c 2. a 3. f 4. h 5. b 6. i 7. e 8. f 9. d2. ListeningA. Track 4-8-1Answers:1. so

27、metimes 2. neverB. 男男女女Answers:1. D 2. R 3. R 4. D 5. R 6. D3. SpeakingB. Track 4-8-3Answers:Mrs. Ward: chickenMr. Ward: steakHe wanted medium rare, but its well done.Optional listening 1ATrack 4-8-OL-1Answers: aBTrack 4-8-OL-2Answers:1. TV, newspaper 2. TV, onlineOptional listening 2ATrack 4-8-OL-3

28、Answers: (Telling the truth is always the best policy. But it would be too simplistic to say that telling lies is always bad.) Telling a white lie is sometimes acceptable or even necessary.BTrack 4-8-OL-4Answers:1. encourage people2. to comfort people3. to soothe4. to childrenOptional listening 3ATr

29、ack 4-8-OL-5Answers:1. work in the same office2. moving to another city3. lying about her work experienceBTrack 4-8-OL-6Answers:4. with her two co-workers5. Sally really has done6. might get a jobOptional listening 4BTrack 4-8-OL-7Answers:1. P and S 2. P and S 3. D 4. S 5. PCTrack 4-8-OL-8Answers:1. The man who got out of the other car was friendly.2. Philippe and Sophie climbed into the car.3. The man drove Philippe and Sophie to a nearby village.4. Philippe and Sophie had tea and local delicacies.Lesson BPart I Video course2. While you watchA. 1. T 2. T 3. F, never, not always 4. T 5. F,

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