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1、新九年级英语写作复习教材中考议论文教师版 第三次课 中考议论文文体概述:议论文是一种以议论为主要表达方式,采用说理与论证的方法来阐述作者观点的一种文体,常常通过陈述事实、讲道理、辨是非来阐明作者的观点和见解。中学英语书面表达所要求的议论文是一种限定性写作,其论点、论据和论证都比较明确,有的文章提出问题,如:为什么?怎么办?该采取什么措施?近几年上海中考考察的议论文和学生学习及生活息息相关,考生可以结合题目具体要求和生活经验,阐述相关观点。2017黄浦一模(顾文倩)In 60 to 120 words, write about the topic “It is important to” (以

2、“很重要 ”为题,写一篇60到120个词的短文,标点符号不占格)作为一名中学生,你的生活一定很忙碌。目前你觉得什么对你来说很重要?请你结合自己的经历谈谈你的想法,并说明理由。审题分析1. 此次黄浦区的作文以一个半命题的形式考察大家,做什么事情很重要?这类半命题作文自由度非常大,属于夹叙夹议类文章。2. 命题要求要联系自己的实际生活,这也是考点之一,在行文过程中稍微附加自己的真实经历即可。3. 拿到题目后思考:做什么事情很重要呢?话题和素材可以从我们平时常接触的话题中选,比如学英语、努力学习、凡事要制定计划、关爱老人、保护环境等选择非常多,因此在拟题的过程中一定要找到自己最擅长的话题。案例分析:

3、Its important to save trees. Trees are our best friends. We cant live without them. They provide food and shelters for human and animals. They produce oxygen for us and make our city more beautiful and less noisy. Trees are so important for us, but we dont take care of them. People cut down so many

4、trees every year that trees become fewer and fewer. So, we must save them. We should plant more trees and take care of them. We should cut fewer trees and waste less wood. In a word, trees are our best friends and very important for us. If we dont save them, we will die after all the trees cut down.

5、范文点评:It is important to keep a balance between study and play.From my point of view, keeping a balance between study and play does make a difference to us.It is known to all that study is important, but now and then, I find it hard to spare some free time to relax myself. Whats more, continuous exam

6、inations stress me a lot, which puts great pressure on my mind. Last but not least, there is a saying goes that All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Only by keeping a balance between study and play can we have an overall development.写作素材论点一 It is important to study English.论据素材 With the globa

7、lization of the whole world, English plays a more and more important role as an international language in our daily life.论据素材 English is a very useful tool to help us get access to the latest news and research papers because most of them are written in English.论点二 It is important to protect our envi

8、ronment.论据素材 Students cant enjoy their school life unless the sky is blue and the water is clean.论据素材 If we dont start to protect the environment now, it will become worse and worse. We need to create a better environment for the next generation.作文提纲:句子关键词/句个人观点(开门见山)就我而言(my point of view),保持学习和玩乐之间

9、的平衡很重要(does make a difference to) 分论点一大家都知道(It is known to all that)学习的重要性,但我有时(now and then)会觉得找时间放松自己变得越来越难了(find it hard)分论点二其次(Whats more),连续不断的考试对我施压(stress),让我心头感到压力山大(put great pressure on my mind) 分论点三最后(Last but not least),正如俚语(saying)所说,All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 总结(首位呼应)由

10、Only引导倒装句:只有通过平衡学习和玩乐,我们才能达到全面发展(have an overall development)语言进阶1. 形式宾语itI find it +adj.+ tofindit + adj. 这里的adj作为宾语it的宾语补足语,补充修饰宾语。词典例句:I find it hard to blow-dry my hair 我发现我的头发很难吹干。Will you change places with me? I find it too hot in the sun. 你能不能和我调换一下位置?我觉得呆在太阳下面太热。 Idontfind_possibletomastera

11、foreignlanguagewithoutmuchmemorywork. A.this B.that C.its D.it答案D. 这里it做形式宾语。翻译巩固:1、我觉得很难判断自己的工作如何。_2、他不是个能与他人沟通的人,所以我感觉和他交流起来很困难。_3、我发现,手边有几本词典大有好处,这样可以比较它们的选词用字。_1、I find it hard to judge of my own work. 2、He is unable to relate to other people, so I find it quite difficult to communicate with him

12、. 3、I find it helpful to keep several dictionaries by me so as to compare their wording.2. 形式主语itIt is known to all that众所周知It + be +分词(known)+从句,该句型表示“众所周知”,或“大家都知道”。 这样的分词还有有 said(据说), reported(据报道),believed(人们相信),known(众所周知),decided(已决定),proved(已证实),thought(认为),expected(期待),annouced(宣布)等。词典例句:Iti

13、sknowntoallthatShanghaihasamodernandfashionableatmosphere. 众所周知,上海拥有时尚和现代化的氛围。Itisknowntoallthatmancantlivewithoutairorwater.众所周知,人离开空气或水就不能生存。写作建议:常用于议论文中描述某个观点或客观事实。翻译巩固:1. 大家都知道锻炼有益于身体健康。_2.手机在我们日常生活中变得越来越必要,这已经是一个共识。_3. 众所周知,对生态环境和生物多样性的保护是环保工作的重点。_1. Itisknowntoallthatexercisesaregoodforhealth.

14、2. Itis alreadyknowntoallthat cell phones have become more and more necessary to in our daily life.3. It is known to all that protection of the ecological environment and biodiversity is the key point of environmental protection work.3. from my point of view= I think,我认为,在我看来In my opinion,to my way

15、of thinking,as far as I am concerned词典例句:From my point of view, health is the most valuable wealth.在我看来, 健康是最宝贵的财富。Try to look at this from my point of view.试着从我的角度来看这件事。翻译巩固:1. 我认为妇女应该拥有与男子同样的权利。_2. 我觉得支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理._3. 依我看来,允许学生换专业对学生有益,因为兴趣是最好的老师。_1. From my point of view, women should have

16、 equal rights with men.2. Frommypointofview,itismorereasonabletosupportthefirstopinionratherthan thesecond.3. Frommypointofview,Ithinkitisgoodforstudentstochangetheirmajorsbecause interestisthebestteacher.二次修改:_2017静安一模(姜傲)Write at least 60 words about the topic “To be a responsible student!”(请以“做一个

17、有担当的学生!”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)(注意:中文不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)Situation:新时代的学生都需要有责任意识,无论是在自己家中、在学校或者是在社会上都需要有担当。请你谈谈你的认识,并举例说明你的理解。审题分析:1. 根据题目要求,本文是一篇命题记叙文作文,要求讲述如何成为一名有责任的学生2. 本文开头应先引入有责任的人应该是什么样这一话题,然后过渡到个人应当如何去做。3. 在内容较多的部分要注意层次和连词。案例分析:To be a responsible studentIn the modern age, everyo

18、ne has a sense of responsibility. Although I am a student, I still should be responsible for a lot of things. I think the most major thing is our families. My parents are the people which I care and love. They give me a warm home and many other conditions. Its no doubt that I should responsible for

19、them. For example, I can help my mom with housework, I study harder at school. When I get a good mark, they will proud of me and have a big smile on their face. If not, they will be very disappointed. To be a responsible student, I should not only make myself successful but also make the family more

20、 united and more peaceful.范文点评:To be a responsible studentCan you be responsible for yourself? A sense of responsibility is valuablefor a good student.In my opinion, first, being a responsible student should be responsible for ourselves. In later life, no matter what difficulties we face, we should

21、never give up. Then, we should be responsible for our family and friends. It is our duty to love our family and friends. We should keep our loyalty and commitment in mind,At last, we should be responsible for the social. To be responsible for our social is meaning to make contributions to it. Show o

22、ur unselfish devotion to the community, smile and help others. 作文提纲:句子内容关键词/句开头引入Can you be responsible for yourself主题引入in my opinion 分论点引入responsible for ourselves论点1responsible for our family and friends.论点2responsible for our social语言进阶:1. 非谓语做主语being a responsible student should be responsible f

23、or ourselves1) 动名词做主语,可以表示经常性,习惯性的动作, 也可以表示具体的动作比如: painting is his hobby.2) 动名词做主语还可以指经验比如:Driving in the rush hour is tiring.3) It可以在句首做形式主语,动名词短语在后面做真正的主语在下面的句型中,it是形式主语,v-ing形式作真正的主语。It is no use/good/ point +doing例如:Its no use arguing with him.4) 动名词做主语,谓语动词用单数词典例句: Beingdeafanddumbmakescommuni

24、cationverydifficult.装聋作哑使谈话变得非常困难 Talkingmendsnoholes空谈无济于事。练习:-WhatdoyouthinkmadeLisa angry?-_her key.A. Asshelost B. Lost C. Losing D .Be lost解析:答案CLosing在此为动名词,与herkey构成动名词短语在句中作主语。该题可以理解为:LosingherkeymadeLisasoupset翻译巩固:翻译巩固:1. 丢了新的自行车使玛丽觉得非常沮丧_2. 在这里空等是浪费时间,不如早点回家吧。_3. 抽烟对身体有害,你最好相信医生的话早点戒掉。_1.

25、 Losing her new bicycle made Mary very upset.2.Its waste of time waiting here,you can go home earlier.3.Its no good smoking, youd better obey the doctors word and give it up early.2. no matter +疑问词的让步壮语从句no matter + what等引导的让步状语从句。No matter后面接关系代词或关系副词引导状语从句在句中作让步状语。No matter what (who/when etc.).分别

26、表示“无论何事”、“无论何人”、“无论何时”等,这个从句可以置主句之前,也可以置主句之后。词典例句: No matter what you do, you must be very careful.不管做什么事,你都必须非常细心。 No matter which you choose, you will be satisfied.不论你选择哪一个,你都会满意的。翻译巩固:1. 不管你如何努力,你都不会成功的。_2. 无论发生什么,我会一直在你身边_3. 无论如何,我都不会和他们那种人成为一丘之貉_1.No matter how hard you try (=However hard you try), you will never be successful.2.No matter what h

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