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1、新目标七下英语Unit12Whatdidyoudolastweekend学案Unit 12 What did you do last weekend ? 学案 学习目标1.掌握下列生词和短语:New words: camp, lake, beach, badminton Key phrase: go boating, go to the beach, by the lake, play badminton2.掌握重点句型:-What did you do last weekend? -Well, on Saturday morning, I played badminton.3.巩固一般过去时

2、态的各种句式,重点掌握其特殊疑问句句式。Step1预习导航单词闯关扎营 湖 海滩 羽毛球运动 绵羊(pl.) 作为 疲倦的 自然的 蝴蝶 游客 停留短语闯关 去划船 去海滩 在湖边 打羽毛球 在星期五上午 上个周末 在自然历史博物馆 生活习惯 熬夜 呆在家里 学习备考 作为工作句型闯关1.上个周末你干了什么? 2.星期六上午,我打了羽毛球。3.多有趣! 4. 谁去看望了他的祖母?他们有一个有200多种蝴蝶的蝴蝶馆。我的困惑展板请将预习中不会的问题写下来,课堂上解决。Step2 Presentation(一)预习筛查(小组合作,反馈结果)(二)展示交流、精讲点拨【交流疑问一】1.How inte

3、resting ! 是个感叹句。其结构是:How +形容词或副词+主语+谓语!,或What (a / an )+ 形容词 +名词 +主语+谓语!表示“多么!”eg 1.多漂亮的一只鸟!2. 多好的一个姑娘啊!【交流疑问二】work as “当,从事工作”后接职务名词例如:1.我叔叔是教师。 2.他的朋友是警察你还能写本节课的其他重点句型吗?分别是Step 达标检测翻译下列句子。1. 这些蝴蝶多么漂亮啊!2.我上周六呆在家里看电视3.你昨天划船了吗?4.差不多五个小时前我们才乘火车离开北京,可现在我们就要到上海了,多快啊!5.前天她在家为数学考试而学习。Step 6 Homework1.根据首字

4、母和句意完成单词1. Tom is going to work as a g_in Qingdao.2. Im very t_now. I only want to have a good rest.3. Dont s_up late. Its bad for your health.4. There are many people on the b_here in summer.5. Do you want to visit the N_History Museum?2.我是个小作家,现在就来分享我的上个周末吧!看看我度过了一个怎样的周末。I _(度过)a busy but interest

5、ing weekend. On Saturday morning, I_(呆在家里)and _ (看) a moive on the Internet. In the afternoon, I_(购物)with my mother. I_(买)lots of delicious food. At night, I_(学习备考). On Sunday morning, I_(去公园)to play badminton with my father. In the afternoon, I_(去图书馆)to _ (看一本有关的书) robots. It was really interesting

6、. On Sunday night, I_(玩电脑游戏) and went to bed at 9:00.Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?学案 第二课时Period 2(P69-P70)设计人:宋娟 审核人: 签字: 时间:一【学习目标】1.学习并掌握词汇:away run away (mouse mice) baby shout shout at language fly a kite 2.学习目标语言:掌握和what / where /who/when引导的特殊疑问句。 3.情感态度目标:通过询问同学间过去所做的事情,增进同学间的感情二【学习重点】

7、继续进一步学习和谈论过去事件并将所学知识学以致用。不定代词anything的用法三学习重点难点掌握一般过去时并在实际情景中自如运用。Step1预习导航1.单词短语闯关跑开_ shout at_mouse(复数)_ 语言_ 弹它_去图书馆_ 放风筝 _ 和朋友共进晚餐 _ swimming pool _备考 和朋友共进晚餐_ 放风筝 在游泳池里游泳 学会一门第二语言 有趣的事 待在家里2.句型闯关1.上周末你做了些什么事? 2.他去划船了. 3.谁看望了她的奶奶? 4.我在自然历史博物馆做导游。5.我想熬夜写作业。6.Lisa 告诉游客有关蝴蝶的生活习惯.三【教学过程:】Step2自主学习学习任

8、务一:合作交流I、时态大考验(写出下列动词的过去式)1. camp_ 2.work_ 3. feed_ 4. play _ 5.stay _ 6. study _7. tell _ 8. lose _ 9. hear_10. run _ 11.shout_ 12. answer_Step6达标检测1.你的假期过得怎么样?2.海滩怎么样?3.-那里的人怎么样? -他们很友好。 4.他们去了哪里? 他们去划船了.5.他和谁去的?他和他同学去的。 翻译下列句子Step7HomeworkI、 完美呈现1. The streets _ (be) crowded last weekend.2. Jim _

9、 (visit) his uncle the day before yesterday.3. Larrys MP4 was _(lose) yesterday.4. Maria _ (find) a girl crying when she went home.5. Jenny _ (stay) at home and _(study) f or the test last Saturday.II、最佳选择(用所给词适当形式填空)write, sleep, welcome, walk, rain1. Hello, Susan! _ to our school!2. Be quiet! Your

10、 father _ now.3. Toms house is near his school. He always _ to school.4. Last weekend, Tony _ a letter to h is pen friend in England.5. Can you tell me what you usually do on _ days? 用所给词的适当形式填空1. I _ (play) basketball yesterday afternoon . 2. _ _ you _ (clean) your room last weekend? 3.My mother _

11、(watch) TV last night . 4.My parents _ (go)to London two days ago . 5.What _ you_ (do) last weekend ? 6.It _ (be) rainy yesterday . 最佳选择(write, sleep, welcome, walk, rain) 1. Hello, Susan! _ to our school! 2. Be quiet! Your father _ now. 3. Toms house is near his school. He always _ to school.4. Las

12、t weekend, Tony _ a letter to his pen friend in England. 5. Can you tell me what you usually do on _ days? 用was 或 were 将下列句子补充完整 1) I _ twelve years old last year. 2) - _ you at school yesterday? -Yes, I _. 3) They _ on the soccer team last summer. 4) There _ five people in Li Leis family in 2004. 5

13、) The weather _ hot and humid yesterday. 6) Taylor and Royal _ classmates last term. 7) -How _the people? -They _ great. 四、 用所给词的适当形式完成短文。 Sally _(be) quite busy last weekend. She _(stay) at home on Saturday. Then she_(do) her homework and _(study) for a test. But on Sunday it _(not be) too bad. She

14、 _(go) to the library. Jim _(have) fun last weekend. He _(sing) and _(play)the guitar on Saturday morning. On Sunday afternoon, he _ (fly)a kite in the park. And on Sunday night, he_(have) dinner with his friends. He really _ (have) a relaxing tine. But he_(not do)his homework, so school this mornin

15、g_(not be)fun.Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?第三课时Period 3(P71-P72)主备人:梁丽丽 审批人: 日期:一、教学目标:1.知识目标:词汇high, ago, India, moon, surprise, snake, move, start, jump, wake, into, forest, ear terrible, shout to,wakeup, talk show, 2.能力目标:学会对自己的旅行进行描述. 3.情感目标:通过对周末的回忆来更加热爱生活二、预习导航 1、单词、短语闯关:中学_ 搭起_ 吃惊_ 上上

16、下下_一些有趣的事_shout to _ wakeup _ go camping _搭起,支起_点火_使暖和_如此以至于_叫醒_一个繁忙的周末_ 打扫房间 _ 有点难_ cook dinner _ talk show _毕业、离校_呆在家里_2、句型闯关1. 我们在印度的一个小村庄里露营。 2. 我吓坏了,以至于我不能移动了。3. 我是如此的累以至于早早就睡了。4. 我朝父母大喊,让他们知道危险的情况。5. 这对我来说是一堂非常有用的课。6我看了一个有趣的谈话节目。7下午我做作业,它有点难。8. 乘公共汽车去了印度的一个小村庄。三、小组合作 Read the article of 2b and

17、 answer the following questions.1. How was lisas weekend?2. What did they do on the first night ?3. What did they see when they looked out of their tent?4.How did her father make the snake go away? Read the passage again. Complete the chart in 2C(小组互查)利于学生进一步理解课文。四、交流展示以小组形式进行交流展示,并提出困惑与质疑。困惑展板:_五、释

18、疑精讲:(归纳提升)1、My sister finished high school two weeks ago.两周前我姐姐高中毕业了。Finish动词:完成、做完。其主要用法有finish sth.“完成某事”学以致用:你打算什么时候完成你的工作?finish doing sth 做完某事。学以致用:晚饭前他把这本书看完了。另外finish 还可以用作不及物动词,表示结束完成。He didnt finish in time.他没有及时完成。2、But I was so tired that I went to sleep early.但是我是如此的累以至于很早就睡觉了。So that 意为

19、“如此以至于”其中so是副词,常用来修饰形容词或者副词,that从句既可以是肯定句也可以是否定句。常用句型为:主语+谓语+so+形容词、副词+that从句。例如:他跑的如此快以至于我追不上他。He runs so fast that I cant catch him.The question is so easy that I can work it out.这个问题如此简单以至于我能做出来。3、The next morning ,my sister and I got a terrible surprise.第二天早上,我和我姐姐大吃一惊。Surprise名词,意为意想不到的事情,不同寻常的

20、事,为可数名词。What a surprise to see you here.真想不到在这里见到你。另外意为惊奇、惊讶。To my surprise ,Tom agreed.Surprise 还可以作动词,使惊奇、感到意外。The news surprised us all.常用词组:to ones surprise get a surprisebe surprised at.(1) What he did always _ _ (使我很惊讶) last year.(2) They found the TV over there _ _ (惊奇地).(3) _ _ _ (使我惊讶的是), t

21、heyre all afraid of him.(4) Im _ _ (惊讶) what he said.4、When we looked out of our tent ,we saw a big snake sleeping near the fire.当我向帐篷外看时,我们看到一条大蛇正睡在火堆边。Look out of 向外看表示动作或运动方向。See sbsth doing sth 看见某人某物正在做某事,强调动作正在发生。See sbsth do 看见某人做过某事,强调动作已经发生或经常发生,用于一般现在时。学以致用:我看到他正在打扫房间_我看到他打扫教室了。_五、达标检测 汉译英

22、:1在野营的第一天晚上我给彼此讲故事。_2. 我们向父母大喊,也让他们知道危险。_3在星期天的早上我读了一本关于历史的书。_.4. 在星期六下午我为数学考试而学习。_.5. 我渡过了一个忙碌的周末。_六、课后作业: 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. She _ (stay) at home and read a book.2. Who _ (visit) the museum with you ten minutes ago?3. He didnt know what _ (stay) in the meeting.4. The _ (fireman) from the fire statio

23、n try to save the people from the fire.5. Lets go _ (camp) on the foot of the mountain first.二、选择题( ) 1. The snake moved _ the forest slowly. A. into B. on C. for( ) 2. I saw a boy _ away when I passed the park.A. run B. ran C. for( ) 3. Is there _ in todays newspaper? A. something important B. anyt

24、hing important C. important anything( ) 4. We must keep our bodies _. A. heath B. healthy C. healthily( ) 5. I cant hear anything. Theres something wrong with my _. A. feet B. ears C. eyes.( )6 He likes camping _ the lake. A. by B. on C. in( ) 7 A _ works at the fire station. A. teacher B. fireman C

25、. postman( ) 8 Children know _ telephone when theyre in trouble. A. how use B. how for using C. how to use( ) 9 Gina _ a story about Edison an hour ago. A. is reading B. reads C. read( ) 10. We always camp _ Saturday night.A. at B. in C. on三、书面表达。请以My Busy Weekend 为题写一篇短文,介绍一下你的周末活动及感受。60词左右。 Unit 1

26、2 What did you do last weekend? 导学案第四课时self check备课人:张岩 审批人: 签字: 时间:一【学习目标】1)知识目标:1. A. What did you do over the week end? B. I played tennis on Saturday morning.A. How was your brothers weekend? B. It was great.2. A. What did he do over the weekend? B. He went to the movies. A. What about your friend, Anita? B. He had a party.3)情感目标合理安排自己周末的学习、运动、休息、娱乐等活动形式,过有意义的周末 预习导航1.单词、短语闯关:去海滩 go boating camp by the lake跑开 shout at 放风筝 和朋友共进晚餐 Not really. 把弄醒 learn from sothat 呆在家_ 脱口秀 3.句型闯关 上个周末你做了的什么事情? 我做了我的家庭作业。我们去划船了。 谁去探望了她的奶奶?上个周末她却了哪里?。她去了农场。 她和谁一起去的? 她和她的同学们一起去的。三【教学过程:】 Step1 Presentat

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