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英语人教版英语专题训练 中考英语完形填空1.docx

1、英语人教版英语专题训练 中考英语完形填空1【英语】人教版英语专题训练 中考英语完形填空1一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析)1完形填空 As a parent trainer I am now dealing with helicopter parents the ones who 1 all the difficulties and make it smooth sailing for their kids. Sometimes watching kids 2 without jumping in to fix it for them is the 3 thing parents can

2、do. I appreciate someone who knows when it is time to let kids struggle a little 4 thats real life and Mom (or Dad) wont always be there to give help. So, let kids 5 real life and grow up by failing, keeping on trying, never giving up and sometimes 6 learning from making mistakes. 7 other words, par

3、ents have to be comfortable with the idea of allowing kids to fail as part of the learning 8 .What matters in learning? It isnt about whether or not it is perfect or correct. It matters whether or not kids have 9 to go to places, to see things, to play, to inquire and so on. That is what I think 10

4、should do for kids: give them time to be kids: give them chances to grow up and experience life themselves.1. A. take awayB. bring inC. put offD. give out2. A. succeedB. studyC. failD. pray3. A. happiestB. hardestC. easiestD. luckiest4. A. becauseB. butC. soD. and5. A. knowB. learnC. getD. experienc

5、e6. A. actuallyB. simplyC. hardlyD. gradually7. A. FromB. WithC. ByD. In8. A. resultB. processC. goalD. cost9. A. abilitiesB. moneyC. chancesD. energy10. A. parent trainersB. adultsC. teachersD. parents【答案】 (1)A;(2)C;(3)B;(4)A;(5)D;(6)D;(7)D;(8)C;(9)C;(10)D; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章主要讲述了家长培训师通过培训家长该如何做才能够让家长

6、成为合格的父母。 (1)句意:作为一名家长培训师,我现在正在与直升机家长打交道那些困难重重的家长,让他们的孩子一帆风顺。take away带走, 摆脱, bring in带进来, put off脱下, give out用完, 结合后面make it smooth sailing for their kids可知:让孩子顺利航行。由此可以推断出这里指直升机父母就是克服所有的困难, 让孩子顺利航行的那些父母, 故答案是A。 (2)句意:有时,看着孩子们不插手解决问题就失败了,这是父母能做的最困难的事情。 succeed成功, study学习, fail失败, play玩耍, 根据后面 withou

7、t jumping in to fix it for them,可知父母不插手为他们解决问题, 故答案是C。 (3)句意:有时,看着孩子们不插手解决问题就失败了,这是父母能做的最困难的事情。 happiest最快乐的, hardest最难的, easiest最容易的, luckiest最幸运的, 根据上文As a parent trainer I am now dealing with helicopter parentsthe ones whotake away all the difficulties and make it smooth sailing for their kids. 可

8、知直升机父母就是克服所有的困难,让孩子顺利航行的那些父母,也就是说这些父母不顾一切让孩子远离伤害和失败,也不愿让孩子从错误中吸取经验教训,即使有时候是与孩子的意愿相违背的,由此可以推断出这里指:有时,看着孩子失败而不插手为他们解决问题是父母能做的最难的事情,故答案是B。 (4)句意:我很感激有人知道什么时候该让孩子们努力一点,因为这是现实生活,妈妈(或爸爸)不会总是在那里给予帮助。because因为, but但是,so因此。 and和, 又, 根据 I appreciate someone who knows when it is time to let kids struggle a lit

9、tle thats real life and Mom (or Dad) wont always be there to give help. 可知:我很感激有人知道什么时候该让孩子挣扎一点, 因为现实生活和妈妈(或爸爸)不可能总是在那里给予帮助。 这里表示因果关系, 故答案是A。 (5)句意:所以,让孩子们体验现实生活,通过失败、不断尝试、永不放弃、有时逐渐从犯错中吸取教训来成长。know知道, learn学习, get得到,experience体验, 经历, 根据后面grow up by failing, keeping on trying, never giving up and som

10、etimes gradually learning from making mistakes. 可知从失败中成长、不断尝试、永不放弃、有时逐渐从错误中吸取经验教训,由此可以推断出这里指让孩子体验现实生活,故答案是D。 (6)句意:所以,让孩子们体验现实生活,通过失败、不断尝试、永不放弃、有时逐渐从犯错中吸取教训来成长。actually实际上, simply简单地,hardly几乎不, gradually逐渐地, 根据So,let kids experience real life and grow up by failing,keeping on trying, never giving up

11、 and sometimes learning from making mistakes. 可知:让孩子体验现实生活, 并通过失败、不断尝试、永不放弃、有时逐渐从错误中吸取经验教训,故答案是D。 (7)句意:换言之,家长必须接受让孩子失败的想法,这是学习目标的一部分。in other words换句话说,,固定搭配,故答案是D。 (8)句意:换言之,家长必须接受让孩子失败的想法,这是学习目标的一部分。 result结果, process过程, goal目标,cost成本, 根据 In other words, parents have to be comfortable with the id

12、ea of allowing kids to fail as part of the learning 可知换言之,父母必须接受让孩子失败的想法, 这是学习目标的一部分, 故答案选C。 (9)句意:孩子们是否有机会去别的地方,看东西,玩,打听等等都很重要。 abilities能力, money钱, chances机会, energy精力, 根据It matters whether or not kids have to go to places, to see things, to play, to inquire and so on. 可知这都是体验生活的机会,故答案是C。 (10)句意:这

13、就是我认为父母应该为孩子做的:给他们时间做孩子:给他们成长的机会,让他们自己体验生活。 parent trainers家长培训师, adults成年人, teachers教师, parents父母, 根据下文 give them time to be kids: give them chances to grow up and experience life themselves. 可知给他们时间做孩子:给他们成长的机会, 体验自己的生活,由此可以推断出这里指这些是父母应该为孩子们做的事,故答案是D。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟

14、句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。2请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Sometimes choosing where to eat in Suzhou is something of a challenge. No matter how 1 the food tastes at a chosen restaurant, one may always wonder. Is there anything better on the next street? However, Ive found the 2 to

15、 this question. When Im asked to name my favourite place to eat in Suzhou, I will reply 3 . Song He Lou Restaurant. Why is Song He Lou so special 4 hundreds of restaurants? Well, for me it comes down to a perfect balance of delicious food, pleasant atmosphere(氛围)and a near perfect location. Before c

16、oming to Suzhou, I was 5 by my friends from other cities in China that the food could be too sweet. For the first few months I chose to eat in Sichuan or Hunan style restaurants instead of eating much 6 food. However, after falling in love with the city. I came to realize that the food is so closely

17、 7 with its local culture. 8 I asked a local friend to recommend the best place to try real local style food. She came up with the 9 of Song He Lou. For a first-time visitor, Song Shu Gui Yu and Xie Fen Tofu are excellent 10 . Suzhou has slow become my home and I have a lifetime to enjoy each and ev

18、ery dish on the menu.1. A. badB. hotC. goodD. cold2. A. attentionB. excuseC. answerD. distance3. A. right awayB. in surpriseC. at mostD. over there4. A. betweenB. againstC. amongD. beyond5. A. changedB. warnedC. encouragedD. supported6. A. freshB. localC. ChineseD. frozen7. A. connectedB. coveredC.

19、comparedD. charged8. A. OrB. ButC. YetD. So9. A. suggestionB. wayC. moneyD. design10. A. conditionsB. habitsC. challengesD. choices【答案】 (1)C;(2)C;(3)A;(4)C;(5)B;(6)B;(7)A;(8)D;(9)A;(10)D; 【解析】【分析】短文大意:文本以松鹤楼饭店为例说明了饮食与当地文化的关系。 (1)形容词辨析和语境理解。句意:无论选择的餐馆的食物味道多好,有人可能总想知道“临街还有更好的吗?”bad坏的;hot热的;good好的;cold

20、冷的。根据 Is there anything better on the next street? 可知此处指食物多好,故选C。 (2)名词辨析和语境理解。句意:然而,我已经发现了这个问题的答案。attention注意力;excuse措辞;answer答案;distance,根据this question可知此处指答案,the answer to the question问题的答案,故选C。 (3)短语辨析和语境理解。句意:当我被问道在苏州吃最好的地方时,我会马上回答“松鹤楼饭店。”right away立刻,马上;in surprise吃惊;at most最多;over there在那里,根

21、据答语 Song He Lou Restaurant此处指回答的速度快, 可知是马上回答的。故选A。 (4)介词辨析和语境理解。句意:为什么松鹤楼饭店在几百家饭店如此出众?between在两者之间;against反对;among在中,指三者或三者以上;beyond,超出,在范围外,根据 hundreds of restaurants,可知among符号题意,故选C。 (5)动词辨析和语境理解。句意:在来到苏州前,中国其它城市的朋友告诉我这里的食物可能太甜。change改变;warn警告;提醒;encourage鼓励;support支持,根据 the food could be too swee

22、t,可知警告我食物太甜。故选B。 (6)形容词辨析和语境理解。句意:前几个月我选择在四川或湖南风味的餐厅吃饭而不是吃太多的当地食物。fresh新鲜的;local当地的;Chinese中国的;frozen冰冻的,根据 I chose to eat in Sichuan or Hunan style restaurants ,可知没选择当地食物,故选B。 (7)动词辨析和语境理解。句意:我开始意识到食物和当地的文化紧密联系起来了。connect连接,联系;cover覆盖;compare比较;charge掌管,connect.with.把与联系起来,根据so closely可知是紧密联系在一起,故选

23、A。 (8)连词辨析和语境理解。句意:因此我让当地的朋友来推荐最好的地方来尝试真的当地风味食物。or或者;but但是;yet然而;so因此,根据 I came to realize that the food is so closely7with its local culture.可知这两句之间是因果关系,故选D。 (9)名词辨析和语境理解。句意:她想起了松鹤楼的建议。suggestion建议;way方式,方法;money钱;design设计,可知此处是提议去松鹤楼吃,故选A。 (10)名词辨析和语境理解。句意:作为第一次参观的游客,“松鼠桂鱼”和“蟹粉豆腐”是最好的选择。根据常识菜肴有很多

24、,可知这两道菜是他最好的选择,condition条件;habit习惯;challenge挑战;choice选择,故选D。 【点评】此题考查完形填空。 做完形填空题盲目性的重要步骤,对于解析命题中的逻辑推理、上下文及情景语境方面的内容起着决定性作用。每篇文章都有一个主题思想,段与段之间有承上启下、前呼后应的句子,段与段、句与句之间紧密相连从而形成一个有机整体 在通读全文,了解大意的基础上开始答题。答题时要根据短文的内容和要求,结合短文的主题思想,对空缺句子作合乎逻辑的推理。要弄清空缺词句的确切含义,并对每一个空白的四个选项进行认真分析,反复推敲。要综合运用学过的知识,从语法、词语固定搭配、词形变

25、化及逻辑推理和生活常识等角度考虑,有把握的答案一锤定音,把握性不大的可以先初定答案,做好符号,以便于下一步检查和推敲。 3完形填空 We sometimes call the lion the king of the forest, because it is stronger and more dangerous than other animals. It can 1 faster than many animals and hunt the best. It is the highest animal in the 2 food chain. In the sea, the shark

26、is one of the animals at the top of the food chain. It can swim faster than 3 other sea animals, and it can use its big teeth to eat them. What is at the top of the worlds food chain? People are! We are not the biggest or fastest, but we are the 4 . We could not run faster than cheetahs(猎豹), so we 5

27、 cars and now we can move the fastest. We could not fight better than lions, so we invented guns. Now we can hunt the best. Peoples inventions are clever, but they can be 6 , too. For example, people built 7 , and now they make the air and rivers dirty. This can make terrible changes. Dirty rivers k

28、ill fish. 8 bears cannot eat the fish. If we kill one part of the food chain, other parts also will die. Remember that we are a part of the food chain, 9 we are in danger, too! If we protect animals, we are protecting 10 ! We could and we should do something for the world!1. A. walkB. swimC. runD. j

29、ump2. A. seaB. landC. mountainD. desert3. A. mostB. anotherC. anyD. more4. A. strongestB. cleverestC. most specialD. most important5. A. usedB. hadC. inventedD. made6. A. interestingB. dangerousC. carefulD. helpful7. A. factoriesB. hotelsC. schoolsD. hospitals8. A. IfB. WhenC. WhileD. Then9. A. andB

30、. soC. butD. or10. A. ourselvesB. oneselfC. yourselvesD. themselves【答案】 (1)C;(2)B;(3)C;(4)B;(5)C;(6)B;(7)A;(8)D;(9)B;(10)A; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文通过介绍食物链上动物之间的关系,告诉我们要保护动物,保护食物链,从而保护生态平衡。 (1)句意:它能比许多动物跑得更快,而且捕猎得最好。 A.walk走; B.swim游泳; C.run跑步; D.jump 跳。根据 hunt the best 捕猎得最好,可知应该是跑,故选C。 (2)句意:是陆地食物链中最高的动物。

31、A. sea海洋 ; B. land 陆地; C. mountain 山; D. desert 沙漠。根据常识狮子生活在陆地上可知应该是陆地,故选B。 (3)句意:它游得比其他任何海洋动物都快。 A. most 大部分,后跟名词复数; B. another 另一个,后跟单数名词; C. any 一些,后跟名词或other; D. more 更多,后跟名词。根据句语法知识,故选C。 (4)句意:但是我们是最聪明的。 A. strongest 强壮的; B. cleverest 最聪明的; C. most special 最特别的; D. most important 最重要的。根据 so we invented guns. Now we can hunt the best. 可知我们发明枪,捕猎最好。应该是最聪明的,故选B。 (5)句意:所以我们发明了汽车现在我们可以跑得最快了。 A. used 用; B. had 有; C. invented 发明; D. made 制造。根据

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