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1、英文文献外文原文:Automatic control technology in aerospace, robotics control, missile manufacturing and other high-tech applications in the field more and more depth and extensive, automatic control theory and technology will further play a more important role. Because some systems can not directly experime

2、nt, it can only be simulation, MATLAB language appeared for the control system simulation and analysis tools bring new, MATLAB simulation of control systems has become an important application of analysis and design tools, using MATLAB software The simulation toolbox to achieve automatic control sys

3、tem in time domain and frequency domain analysis, state space analysis, intuitively, quickly analyze reach the correct evaluation of the system. With automatic control theory is human development and the development of, and increased productivity and technological progress and continuous improvement

4、. In 1868, Maxwell opened the way to study the control system using mathematical methods, laid the basis for time-domain analysis. In 1932, American physicist establish a stability criterion, laid the basis for frequency analysis. Then Byrd further development, the formation of the classical control

5、 theory frequency domain analysis. To the 1960s, the state equation for the system to a mathematical model, optimal control method to determine the core of control, resulting modern control theory, control theory is still to the deeper areas of development, scientific research in the control injecti

6、on the vigorous vitality. MATLAB is a scientific and engineering calculations for advanced software, which provides a rich set of functions and matrix processing capabilities, extremely easy to use, and thus the field of control theory soon attracted the attention of researchers. The MATLAB Simulink

7、 simulation of complex systems make it possible, MATLAB to general purpose applications and profound perfect combination of professional applications, as an international computing software. In modern society the production process, in order to improve product quality, production equipment and the n

8、eed for automatic control of the production process, so that the amount charged to the change in the desired law. These are controlled device called a control object, is controlled by the amount referred to the amount charged or output. Production equipment or production process, generally considere

9、d the greatest impact on the output quantities, these quantities is called input. Input can be divided into two types, one to ensure the required behavior of the object target, such amount is called the control input. Another object is to interfere with the behavior achieve the goal, this type of di

10、sturbance is called input. Automatic control systems are no direct involvement in the case of the production process can run in the desired operation of the control system to the law. System requirements and tasks to complete some combination. In the control process, when the disturbance is changed,

11、 through the effect of the feedback control, after a short transition, the amount charged and restored to the original stable value, or in accordance with a given amount of the new stabilized, then the system from the original equilibrium transition to a new equilibrium, we change the amount charged

12、 is called dynamic or transient state, and the amount charged in a relatively stable state known as static or steady. Performance of the control system has three requirements. 1, the stability Stability is defined as the system from external interference or internal disturbance after effects, to res

13、tore the original state or the formation of new equilibrium capacity. Stability is the prerequisite for proper system operation. 2, fast Automatic control system not only to meet the dynamic performance requirements, but also to meet the transient performance requirements. To meet the requirements o

14、f the production process, the system often requires not only a transient stability, and for the faster the better, the smaller the better degree of oscillation. 3, accuracy The system reaches steady-state error is stable, the output between the actual and expected values of errors. This performance

15、reflects the control accuracy of the system stable, steady-state error is smaller, the better the system performance. Given the steady state error is the role of the reference input signal, when the system has stabilized, the steady-state output and the reference input of the required difference bet

16、ween the desired output. MathWorks MATLAB programming language in the 1980s, the company introduced a high-performance numerical matrix calculation software. Its powerful, wide scope of application, provides a rich library functions, programming is simple, understandable, and high efficiency. MATLAB

17、 both as a tool for scientific and engineering computing, or as a teaching tool control system phalanx, are essential. Currently, MATLAB has become internationally recognized as the most popular academic scientific computing software. MATLAB mainly consists of three parts, the following were to be i

18、ntroduced. 1, MATLAB graphics processing system This is the basis of MATLAB graphics system, which includes the generation of two-dimensional data and three-dimensional data visualization, image processing, animation, and presentation graphics and create a complete graphical user interface commands.

19、 2, MATLAB Math Library MATLAB provides a very rich mathematical calculation function, you can perform simple and complex mathematical calculations, such as matrix inversion, summation, Bessel functions, and fast Fourier transform. 3, MATLAB Application Program Interface MATLAB users in the MATLAB e

20、nvironment to use other programs, you can also call other programs from MATLAB. In addition to providing MATLAB toolbox function of some special function commands available to the user, but also provides users with a modeling and simulation work platform Simulink. Simulink using the module combinati

21、on method to create a system of computer models, in this environment, users do not need a lot of the writing process, and just by simple mouse operation, select the desired library modules, you can construct a complex simulation system. Its main feature is fast and accurate. For complex nonlinear sy

22、stems, the effect is more obvious. In the Simulink block library, select the desired module, in accordance with the requirements of the selected module is connected, it can be simulation, the simulation process is divided into two stages. An initialization phase (1) of the model parameters for effec

23、tive assessment of their actual calculated value obtained. (2) to expand the various levels of the model. (3) According to the updated level of the model order. 2, the model execution phase (1) were calculated for each module in accordance with the order of the points. (2) According to the different

24、ial input to determine the state to obtain a differential vector, to calculate the next state vector of the sampling point. Time domain analysis method is based on differential equations, obtained directly using the Laplace transform of the time response of the system, and then follow the response c

25、urve to analyze system performance, is a direct system in the time domain analysis method, with intuitive and accurate advantages. Time domain analysis control system most commonly used in two ways: First, when the input is a unit step signal, the system response is obtained; Second, when the input

26、is the unit impulse signal, the system response is obtained. Stability is an important control system performance, but also the system to normal operation the first condition. The system is in a certain balance of the original state, if it is subject to a momentary disturbance of the balance from th

27、e original state when the disturbance after withdrawal, the system can return to the original equilibrium state, called the system is stable. Conversely, an unstable system. Stability of the system depends only on the linear system itself, independent of the outside world. If the system is a continu

28、ous time control system, the poles of the closed loop transfer function is strictly left-half plane of s, then the system is stable system. If the system is a discrete-time control system, closed-loop eigenvalues of the z plane inside the unit circle, that is, its closed-loop eigenvalues of modulus

29、less than 1. Of the automatic control system analysis, time domain analysis is a direct method, the transfer function for the system to its mathematical model to Laplace transform mathematical tools can be directly calculated system response. Although this method is straightforward, the dynamic perf

30、ormance of the control system is very useful. Frequency domain analysis is the automatic control applications in the field and the frequency characteristics of a mathematical tool to study the performance of the process control system, namely stability, rapid and stable precision approach. This meth

31、od can intuitively express the frequency characteristics of the system, and analysis method is simple, clear physical concept, the frequency characteristics of the system can be seen directly on the physical essence. Frequency domain analysis uses three kinds of curves in the main: Bode diagram, Nyq

32、uist plot, Nichols curve. Bode diagram analysis in the frequency domain occupies an important position. Frequency domain analysis is not only an open loop transfer function through the loop transfer function of the system performance of the analytical method, and when the mathematical model is unknown, the method can also be established by experiment. In addition, a large number of rich graphical approach allows frequency-domain analysis method, high-end systems, the analysis of the complexity does not increase with the order of a significant increase. Time domain analysis and frequ

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