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1、金版学案届高考英语二轮专题复习与测试高考模拟试题二高考二轮专题复习与测试英语班级:_姓名:_第五篇高考模拟试题高考模拟试题(二).语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。My daughter was much interested in cuisine.The other day she made her first attempt at_1_her greatgrandmothers Italian sauce.Unlike her father,she go

2、t it perfect the very fist time .Using my grandmothers family recipe (食谱),she carefully_2_just the right amount of tomato juice,olive oil,garlic,parsley,bay leaves,salt,pepper,and sugar together and set it to_3_simmer(炖) for hours and hours while the sweet Italian sausage cooked in it as well.When i

3、t was done she opened the_4_and the smell was heavenly.I slowly took a wooden spoon,dipped it in the sauce,_5_it to my lips,closed my eyes,and tasted her_6_It was delightful,_7_and a feast for my soul.With that first taste I was_8_transported back to my childhood with memories of love.I_9_grandmothe

4、rs food,felt her hugs,saw her smile,and heard her voice once again.For that one moment time stood_10_,love was forever,and Heaven and Earth were one.God loves us so much.God is love. And God wants us to pass on our_11_ to everybody we can and in every way we can.Lets have the time of our lives doing

5、 so then.Lets_12_our sauce,our stories and our smiles.Lets give hugs from the heart.Lets pass on family treasures,_13_memories,and letters written with love.Lets season our days with_14_compliments,and acts of kindness.Lets say“I love you”with our lives.Lets make each day a_15_of love and invite eve

6、ryone we can to the table.语篇解读:作者的女儿成功地做出了家族传承下来的意大利面酱汁,作者享受到美味的同时,也想起了自己的童年和祖母。爱是一代一代的传承,生命的意义在于分享爱。1A.frying Btasting Ccooking Dboiling解析:同源词复现。由第一段最后一句“Italian sausage cooked in it as well”可知选C。答案:C2A.mixed Btook Csliced Dfried解析:上下文语境。根据下文“tomato juice,olive oil.”可知是多种材料“混合”在一起。答案:A3A.lastly Bfi

7、rstly Cslowly Dquickly解析:常识理解。“炖”应该是“慢慢地”。答案:C4A.pot Bbottle Cplate Djar解析:常识理解。做好之后,打开的是“锅”。答案:A5A.threw Btasted Clifted Dtouched解析:上下文语境。lifted意为“举起”,在这里表示作者把汤勺举到嘴边。答案:C6A.creation Btasted Clifted Dwine解析:上下文语境。creation表示“作品”,此处是指女儿经过精心烹饪出来的酱汁。答案:A7A.smelly Bsweet Cprecious Ddelicious解析:上下文语境。根据空格

8、前后的表达可知,女儿做出来的食物“味道很好”。答案:D8A.enthusiastically Bimmediately Csteadily Dconveniently解析:上下文语境。句意:尝到女儿做的酱汁,我“立刻”感觉回到了小时候。答案:B9A.cooked Bgave Cforgot Dremembered解析:上下文语境。句意:我还“记得”奶奶的食物,感受到她的拥抱,看到了她的微笑,又听到了她的声音。答案:D10A.empty Bfirm Cstill Dalone解析:根据上下文可知,那一刻作者感觉时间好像“静止”了。still意为“静止不动”。答案 Bfaith

9、 Ccourage Dreligion解析:上下文语境。文章中心围绕“爱”展开,这里也应该是“爱”。答案:A12A.take Bdivide Cshare Dassign解析:上下文语境。此处表示要有“分享”精神。分享我们的美味,分享我们的故事及微笑。答案:C13A.precious Bkind Clovely Dchildish解析:上下文语境。句意:让我们传递我们的家族财富,“珍贵的”回忆以及充满爱的信件。答案:A14A.belief Bcare Cpeace Djoy解析:上下文语境。with care意为“小心,关心”,本句意为“让我们用关爱、赞美、爱心行动来调制我们的人生”。答案:B

10、 Bservice Chandful Dfeast解析:上下文语境。此处是比喻的说法,我们把爱做成人生的“盛宴”,邀请别人来分享。答案:D第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Michael Jackson is known as the“King of pop”He has been married twice and has three children.16._first wife was Lisa Marie Presley and his

11、second wife was Deborah Rowe,with 17._he has two children,Peince and Paris.Jackson divorced Rowe in 1999 and she gave up her parental rights in 2001.From 1988 to 2005,Michael Jackson lived in Neverland Ranch (农场) 18._(locate)in Santa Ynez,California.Jackson,19._huge Disney fan,named his ranch 20._th

12、e magical kingdom of Neverland from the childrens story “Peter Pan”He has built an 21._(amuse) park and a private zoo on the ranch,and 22._(frequent)welcomes sick and poor children there to visit and sponsors charity drives for children.He states that he likes to be surrounded by children 23._they h

13、ave a sense of innocence,which he feels he lost too soon.The young Micheal Jackson 24._(owe) his vocal technique in large part to his mother,Diana Ross.He told her,“I want to be just like you,Diana.”25._she just told him to be himself. 16解析:考查代词,此处填his指代Micheal Jacksons。答案:His17解析:考查定语从句。此处whom在从句中作

14、介词with的宾语,应用宾格。答案:whom18解析:考查非谓语动词。根据句意,此处用过去分词短语作定语后置。答案:located19解析:考查冠词。“一位迪士尼粉丝”。答案:a20解析:考查介词。name.after.意为“以命名”。答案:after21解析:考查词类转换。amusement park意为“游乐场”。答案:amusement22解析:考查词类转换。此处应用副词来修饰动词。答案:frequently23解析:考查连词。句意为“他说他喜欢被孩子们围绕在身边,因为孩子们所拥有的天真正是他自己觉得自己失去的太快的东西”。答案:because24解析:考查动词时态。根据句意及上下文,此

15、处应该用动词的一般过去时态。答案:owed25解析:考查连词。前后两句有明显的转折关系,因此用but。答案:But.阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。AA little boy stood right outside the entrance,in the freezing spring wind,collecting donations for cancer research.Nose red,hat deep over his ears,he warmed one hand in his

16、pocket and held a list with the other hand.I noticed he had no gloves.I checked my purse,but had no coins.It is a principle of mine to always give money to cancer researchI have lost dear friends and family members to the disease.“Ill bring you some money when I come back,”I promised the young boy.“

17、Thank you!”he smiled.I asked him to come inside the mall but he refused,explaining that the manager wouldnt allow anyone to gather money for charities in the mall.I did my shopping and had coins at least to give to him.I also bought a pair of gloves.As I stepped outside,he stood right where he had b

18、een.I asked him for the list with empty lines and the pen.A few signatures were there and I could see only a few coins.Nothing much,but at least he had collected some money.“In this cold weather,why would you want that?”I asked.“Because my best friend Peter has leukaemia and I want to help him,”he s

19、aid seriously.“Here,I got these for you,”I said and pushed the gloves into his hands.“Thank you!Thats very kind of you!”he said,and he actually bowed.“Now I can stand here a lot longer than I thought!”“Well,what do you get for yourself?”I asked.“Will the organization give you something to thank you

20、for doing this?”“Oh yes!”the boy said with joy.“I get a new empty list!”语篇解读:本文介绍了一位热心为患病朋友进行募捐的小男孩的故事。寒冷的冬天,他衣衫单薄,站在超市门外募捐,这深深打动了作者。26The little boy stood in the freezing wind to_Await for his friend PeterBcollect money for cancerCget his empty list filledDdo it as his parttime job解析:事实细节题。由第一段的“co

21、llecting donations for cancer research”可知答案。答案:B27The author gave money to cancer research because_Ahe was very richBhe took pity on the little boyChe was moved by the little boyDhe lost his his friends to cancer解析:事实细节题。由第二段“I have lost dear friends and family members to the disease”可知作者捐钱是因为他自己的一些

22、朋友和家人被癌症夺去了生命。答案:D28What can we know from Paragraph 5?AOnly a few people came to donate.BDonators didnt want to sign the list.CThe author doubted the boys list.DThe author felt sorry for the little donation.解析:事实细节题。由第五段“I asked him for the list with empty lines and the pen.A few signatures were the

23、re and I could see only a few coins.”可知答案。答案:D29With the authors donations what would the little boy most probably do?AHe would feel very grateful to the author.BHe would donate the gloves to his friend.CHe could hold the job for a shorter time.DHe could get a great deal from the donations.解析:推理判断题。

24、由倒数第二段的“Thank you!Thats very kind of you!he said,and he actually bowed.”可知此时男孩非常感激作者。答案:A30Which of the following best describes the little boy?APatient and talented.BLovely and greedy.CDetermined and optimistic.DPositive and popular.解析:推理判断题。由全文可知,小男孩在寒风中也不离开,说明他意志坚定;同时他为自己患病朋友在寒风中募捐,从不计较个人得失,从不抱怨,

25、说明他乐观。答案:CBMost people are ready to flee the moment they see a snake.But there are also those who actively seek out snakes.When ,for example,millions of snake skins were being sent abroad from India every year,some people became professional snakecatchers.They earned their living by catching snakes

26、and selling their skins.They mostly caught the large land snakes like the rat snake,cobra,Russells viper,python_and_sand_boaIn southern India,it was the Irula tribes of Tamil Nadu,who supplied most of the skins for export.We have worked with them for over ten years,and admire their magical talent fo

27、r finding snakes.Chockalingam and Rajendran,Raman and Vellai and our many other Irula friends know more about snakes than you or we could ever hope to.One of them has only to see a faint track in the sand,bend down to study it,and he can tell you that it was a small cobra which passed that way barel

28、y ten minutes ago.He follows the track,and hundred meters away,comes to a rat hole in a patch of scrub forest.Dig,dig,dig with a crowbar and yes!The cobra is at home:there is a smooth,very fresh track going into the hole.More digging as the hole bends this way and that,till finally a tail appears.A

29、mad cobra is pulled out hissing(发出嘶嘶声) angrily at having its afternoon rest so rudely disturbed.The export of snake skins is now banned,and some Irulas catch snakes for their poison instead.This is sold to the Serum Institute in Pune, the King Institute in Madras and other laboratories where antiven

30、om serum is made.The Irulas have formed a society called the Irula Snakecatchers Cooperative Society where snakes are brought and stored in cool mud pots.31Many people made professional snakecatchers mainly because_Athere are plenty of snakes in IndiaBit is easy to catch snakesCthere are not enough

31、jobs for everyoneDsnake skins would bring them money for a living解析:事实细节题。根据第一段第四句“They earned their living by catching snakes and selling their skins.”可知选D。答案:D32The underlined words“python and sand boa”in the first paragraph probably mean_Anames of different snake catchersBnames of different tribesCnames of different snakesDnames of different villages解析:推理判断题。根据前半句

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