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1、高中第二册上高中第二册(上)Unit 1Unit 2知识整合一、知识网络词汇单词castle ahead yard bear tower sign well-known garage mouse (pl.mice) unsuccessful operate strict beard imagine button heat cigarette permission typewriter tobacco smoker packet nation habit chance reduce compare therefore public drug dislike smelly non-smoker s

2、hare hardly club词组take along in the hope of lose heart day after day in this way bring on go ahead burn down compared to give up get into the habit of be used to comparewith语法宾语从句的用法名词性从句作宾语和表语的用法交际问路和应答请求、允许和应答二、词语辨析1.seem/appear/look(1)三者均为连系动词,其后均可接形容词、名词作表语,在很多情况下可互换:He looks/seems/appears hones

3、t.He looks/seems/appears an honest man.三者在词义上有细微区别:look指视觉印象;appear指外表给人的印象。这两者都可能是真象,也可能是假象,appear的不确定性更大一些。seem指判断有一定根据,也不一定是事实。(2)look,seem 之后可以接介词like(appear则不能)。(3)三者均可后接不定式,但look后一般只限于to be型。(4)三者均可用于it开头的句子,但look之后通常接as if/as though引导的从句,appear和seem之后则可接that和as if/as though引导的从句。(5)在there be开

4、头的句子里,可用seem,appear,一般不用look。(6)appear和seem后接that从句时,有时为避免重复可用so(用于肯定)和not(用于否定)代之,look一般不这样用。A:Is he ill?B:It appears/seems so.(7)appear和seem不用于进行时态,但look可用于进行时态。 known as/be known for/be known to(1)be known as“作为出名,其后通常接表示一个人身份或职业的名词。(2)be known for“因为出名,其后通常接表示人或事物特点、特长的词。(3)be known to“为所知,其

5、后通常接表示人的词语。这三个词都有“国家的意思,但用法各异。country“国家“国土是不含任何感情色彩或引申意义的普通名词,nation着重指彊土,国土,家园。nation着重指人民,可译作“民族“国民(总称)”。例:the Chinese nation(中华民族)。state着重指政权、国家机器。4.give up/give in/give back/give off/give outgive up 放弃,交出;give in 让步,投降;give back 归还,送回;give off 发出(光、热、声、味等);give out分发,用完,发出

6、(声音、信号等)。三、句型必背A.I called in the hope of finding her at home.People sent their sons and daughters abroad in hopes of giving them a good education.We went there in the hope that we could get some help from him.B.He walked as far as the post office.We didnt go so far as the others(did).So/As far as I

7、know he will be away for three months.C.He said he would come;he didnt,though.(He said he would come,but he didnt.)Though it was so cold,he went out without a coat.He will come back for supper,though I dont know where.Boy though/as he is,he knows a lot.(Although/Though he is a boy,he knows a lot.)D.

8、Compare this with that,and you will see which is better.Girls are often compared to flowers.Compared with/to many people,she was lucky.E.Who got you into the habit of smoking?He fell/got into the habit of telling lies.They havent yet formed the habit of thinking in English.Im in/I have the/a habit o

9、f brushing my teeth twice daily.He has broken off/got rid of the habit of drinking.I smoke only out of/from habit.四、灵活运用选用所给词语的适当形式填空1.seem/look/appear(1)The film star_beautiful.(2)They_well prepared,but they had a lot to do.(3)He_to have lost something.(4)There_to be something the matter with her.(

10、5)It_to be something the matter with her.(6)It_as if you are right.【答案】(1)looks (2)appeared (3)seems/appears (4)seems/appears (5)seems/appears (6)seems/appears/ king spoke on TV to the _.(2)They set up a_of their own where they would be free to keep Negroes as slaves

11、.(3)How many_are there in the world?【答案】(1)nation (2)state (3)countries3.give up/give in/give back/give off/give out(1)He_his seat to an old woman.(2)The gas_ an unpleasant smell.(3)Our money soon _ .(4)Have you _ him_the money yet?【答案】(1)gave up (2)gave off/gave out (3)gave out (4)given,back典例剖析例1(

12、2002上海)_ be sent to work there?A.Who do you suggestB.Who do you suggest that shouldC.Do you suggest who shouldD.Do you suggest whom should【解析】 本题考查句子结构知识。suggest后接宾语从句时,从句中的谓语动词多用(should)do的虚拟语气形式。分析题干及各选项可知,do you suggest应为句子的主句,而who be sent to work there 为suggest后的宾语从句。由于本句是特殊疑问句,因此将who提到句首。选项B多一个

13、that,选项C未把who置于句首,选项D与选项C类似,且whom是宾格,因此B、C、D都不对。【答案】 A例2(2002全国春季)I think its going to be a big problem.Yes,it could be.I wonder_ we can do about it.A.if C.what D.that【解析】 本题考查宾语从句知识。主句谓语动词wonder后接宾语从句。在宾语从句中,do为及物动词,后面需跟宾语,在所给的四个选项中,只有what是连接代词,可作宾语,而that和if都是连词,不能作宾语,how是连接副词,也不能作宾语,因此选项C为正确

14、答案。【答案】 C例3(2001上海春)His daughter is always shy in_and she never dares to make a speech to_.A.the public;the publicB.public;the publicC.the public;publicD.public;public【解析】 本题从冠词的角度测试public的用法。public当“公众讲时,应使用the pubic;当“公共场合讲时,应为in public。【答案】 B补充:例1(2001上海春)What the doctors really doubt is_my mothe

15、r will recover from the serious disease soon.A.when C.whether D.why【解析】 doubt表达的是肯定意义,若表语从句是肯定形式,则应选whether引导表语从句,A、B、D三项语义欠妥。【答案】 C例2(2000上海)Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?_.A.Id rather you didnt,actuallyB.Of course not,its not allowed hereC.Great! I love petsD.No,you cant【解析】 此题

16、应注意答话者委婉的表达,实际上他很介意。【答案】 A反馈练习选择填空1.(2003北京,34)He did it_it took a time timeC.the one-third time D. one-third the time【解析】 本题检测考生对英语中分数和倍数的表达方式的掌握情况。本题纯属形式判断,与语意并无必然联系,属于高考中的低档题。本题倍数表达方式:倍数+名词,例:one-third the time 该时间的三分之一;one-tenth the size of= one tenth as big as某物大小的十分之

17、一。【答案】 D2.Mary will go with you_the next bus long as far long as far as【解析】 as/so long as可作连词,意为“只要”。as far as 意为“和一样远”。否定句中可用so far as,此外。as/so far as还有“就,据之意,因此正确答案为B。【答案】 B3.Sometimes we are asked_the likely result of an action will be.A.that we thinkB.what we thinkC.wh

18、at do we thinkD.that what we think【解析】 本题考查宾语从句。we think为插入语,连接代词what在宾语从句中作be的表语。【答案】 B4.Excuse me,where is the nearest mens room?_ . Thank you all the same.A.Sorry,Im new here,tooB.Please ask the man over thereC.Just look at the sign thereD.Its none of my business【解析】 由Thank you all the same(我还是要感

19、谢你)可知,被问话者是一个生人,不认识路。【答案】 A5.That kind of computer is very expensive.Ill buy one,_.A.though D.instead【解析】 though此处用作副词,意为“然而“不过“可是,有逗号和前面的句子隔开。【答案】 A6.The man has something wrong with his nose and has to have it_.A.operate B.being operatedC.operated on D.operated【解析】 operate 此处为不及物动词,意

20、为“动手术,如果说“给做手术应该说operate on sb.。本题考查的是have sth. done结构,此结构中,过去分词作宾补,表示被动,应用及物动词。【答案】 C7.I think that he must be looking up the information in the library,_?A.isnt he B.dont you D.mustnt he【解析】 在I think后接宾语从句,变为反意疑问句时,应根据从句确定简短问句形式,从句中must为表示推测的情态动词,意为“想必“一定,只用于肯定句中,应根据must 后be looking up来确定谓语动

21、词形式,因主语为he,所以be动词应为is。【答案】 A8.(2003上海,25)I earn 10 dollars_hour as_supermarket cashier on Saturday.A.a;an B.the;;a;the【解析】 本题检测考生在特定语境中正确使用冠词的能力。选择冠词关键是根据语境判断该名词是特指还是泛指,还应熟记固定词组中的冠词的使用。本题中10 dollars an hour是常用结构,意为“每小时十美元”。又如:4 yuan a kilo一公斤四元;20 pounds a dozen每打二十英镑。超市中不止一名收款员,“我只是其中一员。故

22、应用不定冠词。全句译作:“我在一家超市当收款员,每小时十美元。”【答案】 C9.I can hardly imagine Peter_across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.A.sail sail have failed【解析】 此题考查imagine 一词的用法。该词后跟动名词而不跟不定式。【答案】 B10.Air pollution often_disease.A.brings on B.brings upC.brings out D.brings down【解析】 bring on意为“引起“促使,bring u

23、p意为“教育“培养“呕吐;bring out意为“拿出来,bring down意为“降低(价格等)”。【答案】 A11.My father is used to smoking and drinking.And there is no chance_I am able to persuade him to_.A.which;stop themB.that;give them upC.that;give up themD.whether;get rid of them【解析】 chance后面所跟的是同位语从句,在此从句中that是一连词,只起连接作用,不作任何成分,也没有意义。而give up

24、的宾语是代词时,只能放在give和up之间。【答案】 B12.The population of this city,forty percent of which_,_20% in the last three years.A.are Germans;has risen byB.are Germens;has fallen Germans;have increased Germans;have been reduced by【解析】 German 的复数为Germans。population作主语,强调人口多少时,谓语动词用单数,若强调人口的身份或特征,后面作表语的

25、名词是复数,谓语动词则用复数。如:About twenty percent of the population in this town are workers。【答案】 A13.The house was built over 100 years ago.But_fire_last night.A.a;burnt it outB.a;burnt it downC./;burnt it outD./;burnt it down【解析】 在指“火灾“炉火时,fire是可数名词。burndown意为“烧毁“焚毁“烧光“烧尽,burn out意为“减熄“烧完”。【答案】 B14.When you g

26、o abroad,youll find its difficult to get used to other countrys_.A.customs B.habitsC.practice D.instructions【解析】 habit指不断重复的一种行为,一时难以改变的个人习惯;custom 指长期形成的风俗,包括社会风尚、礼仪、习惯(habit),多指社会或群体的风俗、习惯。【答案】 A15.Ice in the past used to_used to_the air in a;cool B.being;;cooling D.being;cooli

27、ng【解析】 used to do sth.意为“过去常常做某事;be/get used to(doing)sth.意为“习惯于(做)某事;be used to do sth.意为“被用来做某事”。从句意分析可知,第一个空表示“过去常常做某事,第二个空表示“被用来做,to为不定式符号,而不是介词。此句意思为“在过去冰曾经被用来冷却屋里的空气。”【答案】 A16.Does Hellen live on this street?No.This is_Leon lives.A.what B.thatC.when D.where【解析】 此题考查表语从句中连结词的用法。表语从句中主谓成分已有,而谓语动

28、词live为不及物动词,因而题中空白处应为状语。C、D两项可作状语,但根据上文可知应是地点状语。【答案】 D17._ our house,yours is a little bit larger.A.Comparing withB.Compared withC.Comparing toD.Compared to【解析】 此题考查分词在句中作状语,根据句意应该用过去分词,表示被动。句意为:“(你的房子)同我们的房子比较起来,你的房子要大一点。”【答案】 B18.This is a problem which_very careful thought.A.calls on B.calls forC

29、.calls in D.calls up【解析】 call on“拜访“号召”。call for“要求“需要”。call in“召来“召集”。call up“打电话”。句意为:“这是需要深思熟虑的一个问题”。【答案】 B19.She went to a party and_she didnt study her lessons.A.though B.thereforeC.otherwise D.however【解析】 本题并列连词and连接两个简单句,因此句中不可再使用连词。 though(虽然),otherwise(否则),however(然而)均与题意不符。 therefore(因此,所以)与句意相符。上面句子也可变为:She went to a party;therefore she didnt study her

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