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1、最新学校作文之你打算向学校申请创立一个社团请你给校长写一封申请信英语作文学校作文之你打算向学校申请创立一个社团.请你给校长写一封申请信英语作文你打算向学校申请创立一个社团.请你给校长写一封申请信英语作文【篇一:你打算向学校申请创立一个社团.请你给校长写一封申请信,英语作文】 篇一:高考英语作文申请信 加入 你是我校高三学生李华,在学校看到如下通知,请根据内容和写作要点写一封申请信。 host families wanted teachers and students from central high school will visit our school two weeks later,

2、host families requirements: if interested, please send your application in english to the office of the principal before thursday. please consults us for any further information. 写作要点: 1 你对参与该活动 的认识 2 你的优势 3 作为接待家庭的打算 注意: 可根据内容 适当增加细节,以使行文连贯,次数100字左右。 dear sir or madam, after seeing your notice in r

3、elation to the believe that such an opportunity will offer me a chance to improve my language skills and know about their culture, which, definitely, can broaden our horizons. what matters most is that it conveys the information to the world that chinese people are friendly and hospitable. i really

4、think my family can meet all of your requirements. first, i am skilled in english and can in my house. in addition, our family/private car is at their service if they need it. when they settle down, id like to show them around the interesting places in our lovely city. furthermore t, afirstly, i am

5、fond of sports, such as playing basketball, table tennis and so on. in addition, i am more, i will be free after taking the nmet examination in june, which allows me enough time to serve as a volunteer. above all, being a volunteer of the olympics will be a valuable experience in my life and it will

6、 be a good chance for me to make new friends and broaden my horizons. so i do hope you can take me into account. looking forward to your early reply. yours truly. li hua 篇二:高三英语作文练习及范文 作为 一个高三学生,你学业繁重,而你的父母工作都很忙,一家人少有时间进行沟通,你觉得这 样的家庭是不快乐的,所以决定写一封信给你的父母,内容包括: 1、现状; 2、你对现状的感受; 3、你的建议 dear mum and dad,

7、 what makes me upset is not only plenty of homework but also our poor relationship. i think it s time that some measures were taken to solve the problem. now, its obvious that homework always makes me tired out, so it is of great importance to keep myself in high spirits to get along well with you.

8、in addition, whether our relationship can be improved depends to some extent on your efforts. yours sincerely, ? 2. it is a long time since we talked with each other last time. 3. it is no doubtnot good for our relationship and some measures should be taken to change the circumstance. 4. so lonely a

9、nd sad did i feel when i found such serious problems between us. 5. there is no denying that i am under the pressure of study while you devote most of your time to your work. 6. it is with your help that i can get over a lot of problems. 8. i have some good ideas to share with you. 9. taking all the

10、se factors into account, i think our family should spend some time talking with each other. 10. going on a picnic or seeing a film at weekends might be a good idea. 11. under no circumstances should we ignore each other. 请以“童年的回忆”为主题,叙述发生在你的童年的一件事,谈谈这件事情对你的影响或启 示 i grew up in my grandmothers home in

11、 a small village. it was in that period of time that i enjoyed my beautiful childhood. it is such an unforgettable experience for a child that i still can recall it. ? ? from my point of view, ones childhood memory is a big fortune in his life time. so i will bear it in my mind as a precious present

12、. to ? deal with it well. talent waiting for us to discover. ?, but what i get from it will stay in my mind forever. 8. i treasure this experience in my childhood because i took a big step in my life. 看图作文 下图是小学新生的 课堂一角,对照你当时的上课情况,作出比较并谈谈你的感受。你的作文必须包括: 描述图片里学生 上课的场景比较你同时期的 上课情况 简单谈谈你的感

13、受 as is shown in the picture, a group of foreign students are raising their hands to give answers to the question in a joyful and active way. from what has been outlined above, there is no doubt that chinese and foreign students are different from each other in the way of study and we should learn f

14、rom each other to improve our study. 1. if ?, chances are that ? 如果?,很可能 会?。 2. im not among the majority who tend to ? 我不属于大部分倾 向于?的人。 3. more emphasis should be put on ? 应该更加重视?。 4. they couldnt be satisfied with them more. 他们对这个结果非 常满意。 5 it is our warm hearts and kindness that make the city bett

15、er and add a brilliant touch to ? 是 我们的热心肠和友善使城市更美丽,为城市的形象添上绚丽的一笔。 6. in a word, we have every reason to believe that the internet shopping plays an important role in our daily life and we benefit a lot from it. 我们完全有理由相 信,网上购物对我们的日常生活起着重要的作用,并且使我们受益许多。 7. in spite of the different opinions, i still

16、 hold the view that ? 尽管各种不同意见, 我仍认为?。 8. its not clear if these measures will be enough to ?but its clear that people must be encouraged to ? 9. its no wonder that ?难怪?。 图表作文: 58%;自己独立解决33%;向老师家长说9% 最近学校在高中学 生中做了一次“有烦恼向谁说”(to whom do you go when in trouble) 的调查活动,调查 结果如图所示。请你简要描述调查结果,并结合自己的选择,谈谈想法和

17、理由。 a survey on “to whom do you go when in trouble” has been conducted in many high schools recently. as is shown in the chart, the students who choose to turn to their friends when meeting with trouble account for 58%, followed by 38% students who regard solving problems on their own as the best ch

18、oice. for my part, i am among the minority of students who tend to ask a favor of parents and teachers. and the reasons can be listed as follows. in addition, it is our parents and teachers that have a clear idea of our characters and problems, which can ensure effective and timely help and advice.

19、neglect to enhance the relationship with them. taking all these factors into account, i am firmly convinced that it is a better choice to ask parents and teachers for help. think cultivate students creativity. 6. the traditional teaching methods, this one is more helpful for students to

20、improve their english. creativity. “ life is not easy for any of us. we must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves. we must believe that each one of us is able to do something well, and that, when we discover what this something is, we must work until we succeed.” -madame curie 读了居里夫人的这 段

21、话,你有何感想?请结合生活中的具体事例对你的观点加以说明 from what madame curie said, it is evident that not only must we work to do something well, but we must also believe ourselves. as we all know, the more diligent you are, the sooner you will succeed. for example, edison had a large number of inventions. there is no doubt

22、 that he was more hardworking than others. it is hard to imagine how edison managed【篇二:高考英语作文申请信】 加入你是我校高三学生李华,在学校看到如下通知,请根据内容和写作要点写一封申请信。 host families wanted teachers and students from central high school will visit our school two weeks later, host families are wanted to accommodate our friends. r

23、equirements: 1 can communicate in english2 a separate room is a must 3 a private car is preferred if interested, please send your application in english to the office of the principal before thursday. please consults us for any further information. 写作要点: 1 你对参与该活动的认识 2 你的优势 3 作为接待家庭的打算 注意: 可根据内容适当增加

24、细节,以使行文连贯,次数100字左右。 dear sir or madam, after seeing your notice in relation to the accommodation activity, i am eager to be one of the host families. as far as i am concerned, i believe that such an opportunity will offer me a chance to improve my language skills and know about their culture, which,

25、 definitely, can broaden our horizons. what matters most is that it conveys the information to the world that chinese people are friendly and hospitable. i really think my family can meet all of your requirements. first, i am skilled in english and can communicate with foreigners freely and smoothly

26、. of course, some separate rooms are available in my house. in addition, our family/private car is at their service if they need it. when they settle down, id like to show them around the interesting places in our lovely city. furthermore t, a necessary part of my job is to treat the foreign friends

27、 to various and delicious chinese foods. in brief, i am prepared to accommodate our friends. i do hope you can take my application into account. thanks a lot. yours sincerely li hua 第30届夏季奥运会将于2021年7月27日在英国伦敦举行。伦敦奥组委现在面向世界招 募志愿者。假设你是李华,一名高三学生,你有意参加此项活动。请你给奥组委写封信,根 据以下要点简要陈述你应聘的理由。1 你的爱好:喜欢体育活动;2你的特长

28、:擅 长英语;3你的有利条件:高考(nmet)结束后,你有足够的时间;4其他理由: 注意:1词数120150; 2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 dear sir, i am glad to learn that the london olympic organizing committee is recruiting volunteers from all over the world. i really expect to be one of them. im li hua, a senior three student from no.1 middle school of chong q

29、ing. i believe i am fit for the volunteering work. firstly, i am fond of sports, such as playing basketball, table tennis and so on. in addition, i am good at spoken english, which makes it possible for me to communicate well with others. whats more, i will be free after taking the nmet examination

30、in june, which allows me enough time to serve as a volunteer. above all, being a volunteer of the olympics will be a valuable experience in my life and it will be a good chance for me to make new friends and broaden my horizons. so i do hope you can take me into account. looking forward to your earl

31、y reply. yours truly. li hua【篇三:how to write an application letter 申请信写作公开课学案】 how to write an application letter by liu guang march 28,2021 teaching aims 1. master the expressions, main structures used in writing an application. 2.write an application letter. step 1. observe and conclude 2021年高考英语作文真题:全国卷1 假定你是李华,从互联网(the internet)上得知一个国际中学生组织将在新加坡(singapore) 举办夏令营,欢迎各国学生参加。请写一封电子邮件申请参加。 内容主要包括: 1.自我介绍(包括英语能力); 2.参加意图(介绍中国、了解其他国家); 3.希望获准。 注意: 1

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