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中考命题研究冀教专版中考英语 基础知识梳理 八上 Units 56.docx

1、中考命题研究冀教专版中考英语 基础知识梳理 八上 Units 56八年级(上) Units 56河北中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求词汇拓展1.high(名词)_2choose(名词)_3creative(动词)_(名词)_4.invent(名词)_5imagination(动词)_6grow(过去分词)_7presentation(动词)名词)_(形容词)_9probable(副词)_10manage(名词)_短语互译1.give a talk_2be nice to _3_长大;成长4stop(from) doing_5take steps to_6run a bus

2、iness_7no matter what _8_步行;徒步9_蒸汽机10_出生;产生;形成11._上/下(车、船等)12_能;能够13_熬夜14_打开(电脑、收音机、电视等)15all the time _16from now on _17_想起;记起18_跳下19_超过;多于句型温故1.长大后,你可能会成为一名科学家。You _ a scientist when you _2你应该好好休息一下,吃点药。You should _ and _3我恐高,但是那并不能阻止我成为一名飞行员。I have _,but that wont _ a pilot.4我可以采取一些小措施来克服我的恐惧感。I

3、can _ overcome my fear.5我喜欢打篮球,而且我今年长高了很多。I _ basketball,and Im _ this year.6.但无论如何,我都是你的朋友!But _,I will always be your friend!7当然,但从加拿大到英国会花费很长的时间。_,but it _ a long time to go from Canada to Britain.8这样对我的健康和环境都有好处。Its _ my health and for the environment.9丹尼已经想出了一种新的交通工具。Danny _ a new kind of trans

4、portation.10在这些节目中,人们一直使用新型的交通工具。In these shows,people use new forms of transportation _.语法总览1.情态动词:might,would。2形容词的比较级和最高级。3.动词不定式。话题再现1.My Future(我的未来)2.Go with Transportation(交通出行)河北五年中考真题演练词汇类1(2011年82题)They have invited a _(science) to give them a speech on space.( )2.(2010年29题)The Internet is

5、 very useful for us.We can _ find information. Aeasy Beasily Chard Dhardly语法类 情态动词( )3.(2013年34题)_ I see your ID card,sir?We have to check your information.AMay BMustCShould DNeed非谓语动词( )4.(2013年39题)The children decide _ their school yard this Friday afternoon.Aclean Bto cleanCcleaning Dcleaned( )5.

6、(2012年37题)_ a book in the library,enter a key word into the computer.ATo find BFindCTo write DWrite( )6.(2011年32题)Whenever you have a chance _ English,you should take it.Aspeak Bto speakCspoke Dspeaks( )7.(2010年33题)Id like you _ for a picnic with us.Ago Bto go Cgoing Dwent形容词比较等级( )8.(2014年41题)Water

7、 is the cheapest drink.And its also _.AhealthierBhealthiestCthe healthierDthe healthiest( )9.(2013年34题)Of all the subjects,chemistry seems to be _ for me.Adifficult Btoo difficultCmore difficult Dthe most difficult( )10.(2012年31题) You are doing great!Ive never had _ answer before.Abetter BbestCa bet

8、ter Dthe best( )11.(2010年34题) Sometimes walking is even _ than driving during the busy traffic time.Afast BfasterCslow Dslower河北中考重难点突破 advice的用法【考点抢测】( )(2016中考预测)My teacher gave me much _ on how to study English well when I had some trouble.Aadvice BquestionCsuggestion Dproblem【考点剖析】advice n劝告;建议搭

9、配(1)give advice to sb.意为“给某人提建议”。如:He gave us some good advice on how to learn English.他就怎样学习英语给了我们一些好建议。(2)ask for sb.s advice意为“征求某人的意见”。(3)take/follow the advice意为“采纳建议;接受忠告”。如:Please follow the doctors advice.请遵医嘱。注意:在指某方面的建议时,advice常与介词on连用。如:I asked the teacher for some advice on grammar.我向老师询

10、问了一些语法方面的建议。辨析advice与suggestion二者都是名词,都表示“建议;劝告”的意思。其中advice是不可数名词,suggestion是可数名词。若表示“一条建议”,可说a piece of advice或a suggestion;表示“一些建议”应用some advice或some suggestions。【考点拓展】advice的动词形式为advise,意为“劝告,忠告;提出建议”,常用搭配:advise sb.(not) to do sth.建议某人(不要)做某事。如:The doctor advised me to give up smoking.医生建议我戒烟。

11、辨析can和be able to【考点抢测】(2016中考预测)也许你会为他们不能找到解决空气污染问题的方法而担心。Maybe you fear that they wont _ _ _ find the solutions to the problem of air pollution.【考点剖析】be able to,can二者都可搭配动词原形,表示“能力”。(1)can无人称和数的变化,主要用于现在时(can)和过去时(could);而be able to有人称、时态及数的变化,可用于各种时态,也可用于助动词、情态动词和不定式之后。当表示“现在或过去的能力”时,两者可以互换。如:Kate

12、 could ride a horse at the age of 6.Kate was able to ride a horse at the age of 6.凯特六岁时就会骑马。Frank is ill.He hasnt been able to go to school for one week.弗兰克病了,他已经一周没去上学了。(2)can可以表示请求、许可,也可以表推测;而be able to则不能。如:My father cant be at home now.我爸爸现在不可能在家。 stop doing/to do与stopfrom用法【考点抢测】1那两个女孩见到李老师就停止了

13、讲话。The two girls stopped _ when they saw Mr.Li.2那两个女孩看到李老师就停下来和他讲话。When they saw Mr.Li,the two girls stopped _ to him.3The parents should stop their children from _(吃) too much junk food.【考点剖析】stopfrom doing sth.的用法stop sb.(from) doing sth.prevent sb.(from) doing sth.keep sb.from doing sth.,意为“阻止某人做

14、某事”。如:Nothing will stop/prevent us(from) reaching our aims.Nothing will keep us from reaching our aims.什么也不能阻挡我们实现目标。【考点拓展】stop doing sth.停止做某事指停下手中正在做的事stop to do sth.停下来去做某事指停下手中做的事,去做另一件事 think相关短语【考点抢测】1Lei Feng was always _(着想) others.2Think _(考虑),and youll find a way.( )3._(想想) what we should

15、do tomorrow.AThink of BThink overCThink about DThink again4请仔细考虑我说的话。Please think _ what I have said.5最后,我们想出了一个好主意。At last,we thought _ a good idea.【考点剖析】think组成的短语think of动介短语认为;想起;记起think about动介短语考虑think over动副短语仔细考虑;想think out动副短语想出 如:What do you think of this dress?你认为这件裙子怎么样?I cant think of h

16、er name at this moment.这刻我想不起她的名字。 allow的用法【考点抢测】1I wonder why you _(允许) her to do such a thing.2My boss doesnt allow me _(用) the telephone.( )3._ me to ask several questions.AAllow BGet CGive DHave( )4.I was allowed _ whatever I wanted with my life.Ado Bdoing Cto do Ddoes【考点剖析】allow用作动词,意为“允许,让(做某事

17、)。”主要用法如下:(1)allow名词/代词。如:We can not stand by and allow such a thing.对这样的事我们不能袖手旁观。(2)allow sb. to do sth.“允许某人做某事”;没有“allow to do sth.”的搭配。如:My mother allowed me to play for only 30 minutes.我妈妈只允许我玩30分钟。(3)be allowed to do sth.为被动结构,意为“被允许做某事”。如:May I be allowed to use this typewriter?我能用一用这台打字机吗?(

18、4)allow doing sth.“允许做某事”。如:He allows smoking here.他允许别人在这儿吸烟。 辨析be good for,be good at,be good to和be good with【考点抢测】1我擅长下象棋。Im _ _ playing chess.2我生病时我的朋友对我关怀备至。My friend was _ _ me when I was ill.3他与这些孩子们处得很好。He is very _ _ the children.【考点剖析】be good for表示“对是有好处的”。如:The Olympics will be good for b

19、usiness.奥运会对商业发展有好处。Doing exercise every day is good for you.每天做运动对你有好处。辨析be good for/at/to/withbe good for意为“对有好处”。be good at意为“擅长”,后接名词、代词或动名词形式。be good to意为“对友好”。be good with意为“灵巧的;与相处得好”。Eating more vegetables is good for your health.多吃蔬菜对你的健康有好处。【考点拓展】be good for的反义词组为be bad for,意为“对有害”。 辨析too

20、many,too much和much too【考点抢测】1你书桌上的东西太多了。请把它们整理好。There are _ things on your desk.Please put them away.2最近下雨太多了。There was _ rain lately.3布莱克先生太胖了,因为他吃了太多的肉。Mr.Black is _ fat because he has had _ meat.【考点剖析】too many太多修饰可数名词too much太多修饰不可名词much too太修饰形容词或副词 河北中考考点精练.单项选择。( )1.(2015保定8中模拟)What do you _ m

21、y shirt?It is made of cotton.It looks nice on you.Athink of Bthink aboutCthink over Dthink again( )2.As you _ know,Im going to change jobs soon.Amaybe BpossibleCprobably Dprobable( )3.(2015邯郸11中模拟)_ hard it was,he would never give up.ANot matter whatBNot matter howCNo matter whatDNo matter how( )4.(

22、2015石家庄28中模拟)Our teacher is strict _ us _ our study.Ain;with Bon;withCwith;on Dwith;in( )5.(2015石家庄42中模拟)If you have any problems,you can ask your parents for _.Aan advice Bsome adviceCsome advices Dsome suggestion( )6.Jim jumped up and down like a monkey and made the baby stopped _ at last.Ato cry

23、BcryingCcries Dcried( )7.Not only he but also I _ able to answer the question.Acan BamCare Dcan be( )8.I havent _ sleep recently.I regret not _ help you in time.Abeen able to;canBcan;canCbeen able to;being able toDcan;being able to( )9.Lets see what it is and think _ how you would answer the questio

24、n.Aof BaboutCfrom Dbefore( )10.His parents wont _ him to stay out late.Ahelp BreadCallow Dknow.(2015石家庄43中模拟)完形填空People may have many different types of hobbies during their lifetime. When we are very young, most of our time is _1_ playing with toys. When we get _2_, we start to pursue(追求) our first

25、 hobbies. Some kids go out for a sport like football or skating. Some may get _3_ in less active activities like reading, painting, or stamp collecting. Some others may enjoy playing an _4_ like the piano or the guitar. As we get older, our _5_ might change or not. Some people who collected stamps a

26、s a child may still be collecting stamps when they are 80._6_ people might change their interests every year _7_ fashion. Some people are lucky that they have found _8_ that are close to their hobbies, like the kid who loves computers and becomes a programmer._9_ do people have hobbies? A hobby is mainly to give yourself a rest from your _10_ work or school. It is something you should do for yourself. ( )1. Atook Bpaid Cspent Dcost( )2. Ataller Byounger Cstronger Dolder( )3. Ainterested Bhappy Cbored Dweak( )4. Ainvitation Bexhibition Cachievement Dinstrument( )5. Ahabits Bho

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